


I've got one for you guys. I just had an ambush flee while doing one of the Imperial City Praetoria missions. We didn't have any defense bonuses up, no chance to target them with debuffs (they didn't even get into range). They entered the room (one of the big sewer ones) and turned around and fled back far enough that they de-aggroed and returned to the spawning point.

Global: @mythicfox
Servers: Virtue, primarily
Published Arcs: The Lost Scion of the Vane Consortium (#410978)
Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
No AT/powerset, AFAIC, is "undesirable." Give me a halfway competent player - or at least one willing to listen and go with the rest of the team - and we're good.



Originally Posted by Comicsluvr View Post
I have to say after having been gone for a while that I am NOT comforted by the fact that this thread, and thus the problem, continues TWO AND A HALF YEARS LATER.
I've been here the last two and a half years (and more) and I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've seen any significant issues of random flaky enemies running whether I'm fighting solo or in a group, duo up to 8 players, melee(taunter or non-taunter), ranged or debuffer.

In fact, the only time I ever really see enemies run more than just once in a while are soloing on my DEF-based characters or my Illusion Controller who relies heavily on Phantom Army. Both of those instances involve an enemy who cannot hit its target which is a trigger for them to flee.

Sometimes my Broadsword Scrapper gets a Built-up Headsplitter cone lined up just right that one-shots 2 or 3 targets and the others say "Oh crap!" and hightail it, but actually, I love it when that happens. It's good to be feared.



AI that runs away is quite the fail. They say they fixed Burn, yea for a day.
Seemed like only a week later or so and they started running again.
Oh well, that's what Immobs are for.



Originally Posted by Airman_America View Post
Anyone notice that mobs seem to run away... ALOT. Been playing my crab since I12 launch and it seems like just about everything runs and its quite annoying.
EDIT--- This happened when I was fighting scrapyarder as well... Basically he ran instantly.

[/ QUOTE ]

Long ago, like I6 or I7 time frame, I posted a suggestion about high level players who come near low level spawns. The core of my suggestion was:

High level players come near low level spawns and the spawns simply sit there with no reaction. This makes it overly easy for, example, 50s to score badges.

I suggested the following AI (numbers 1 - 5 below would vary - you never would know how they would react):

1. Spawns automatically surrender.
2. Spawns cower in fear.
3. Spawns automatically run away, in fear, to the nearest door/tunnel they can find.
4. Spawns attempt to fight you as best they can.
5. Another possibility is that ALL spawns under your level con as 'whites" in difficulty, with no xp/influence awarded however.

OF COURSE... it was flamed by several as:

1. "it would grief low levels hunting for spawns".
2. "a fleeing spawn would grief a low level team if they bumped into each other".
3. "It is unfair".

You get the general replys. Basically the suggestion area is one where you put in an idea and several wait to pounce on it, no matter what, and say NO!

Well, my idea was to make them react more "lifelike". Of course, and the reactions never considered, that the fleeing spawns CAN be programmed to simply run for doors and not react to any low levels they run across. They never considered that once you leave the immediate vicinity that spawns "respawn". Spawns can also be programmed to not react if a low level is engaging them and a high level player comes in close after engagement.

Honestly, I look at the more selfish reasons for negative reactions to suggestions:

1. People like things as they are. They like the idea of something they can exploit.
2. People are so worried that closing a door to an exploit can lead to another and another.

Actually, it is an exploit. A high level toon simply dropping in on a low level spawn and instantly defeating them because they are programmed not to react is a no brainer way to get a badge - for an Accolade even and that can lead to a win in PvP.
Yeah I've stopped posting on the forums completely because of this pouncing crap you mentioned. This is my first post in 6 months.

I stick with gaming forums that are heavily moderated. The trolls can have this one. Hope they choke on it.

"The bird of Hermes is my name. Eating my wings to make me tame." -The Ripley Scroll

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Here's a good one from today:

Was blasterlocking and not paying attention to my life bar and engaged a group with 10% health. I think you can guess what happened.

I'm on the ground surrounded by baddies, and my inspiration tray has an awaken, break free, and some lucks/heals/ends. I'm thinking "Sure I can get out of this". So I start quaff the awaken and stand up, but for whatever reason my mouse starts wigging out and I fail to hit the break free in a reasonable amount of time. SCREWED! I AM SO DEAD!

But instead of finishing me off, they all ran away. lol

The Bacon Compels You.



Well, what would you do if dead corpses started rising?

"It's not the Lost's fault, but they're gonna soothe your savage beast with their faces." Sometimes you wonder what the game designers were thinking...



Aah yes, this happens to me all the time.

For me though, it's a huge problem when you're soloing Arch-Enemies(Arch-Villains/Heroes) and Giant Monsters.

Now, I can understand if a mob flees for, say like health reasons, they're low health, close to dying, or even simply moving away from a fire patch. Hell, I'd program them to do the same thing.

However, something as powerful as an Arch-Enemy and (especially) Giant Monsters, should have no reason to run in fear. Take for example, Jurassik, there should be no reason it would fear me, Jurassik is something that is so monstrous, so terrifying, it would have no concept of death, and especially, fear. So when it runs just because I stand near it, then there's a serious problem.

Also, many basic types of enemies will run as well, and not for health reasons which is also a serious problem.

Some people may even argue: "Tactical Retreat" However, there's nothing even remotely tactical about them running away like that. They don't even attack.

I hope one day the Development Team at least considers looking into this problem (and I do say "problem" with good merit), or at least giving us some sort of feedback.

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Here's an interesting one.

I was doing a 2-person Lady Grey Task Force, and of course, as expected, all the AVs would run from me every time we tried to fight them. But fortunately, was able to get to the very end and fight the last AVs. But, of course, Hro'dtohz, the "Lord of War" (who flees like a "Pansy of War"), ran like I've never seen, which makes me believe he has ADHD and I'm just not mentaly stimulating enough to keep his focus on attacking me. After killing Hro'dtohz, it was then on to Honoree, all goes well. However, what struck me as interesting, is that he didn't run at all. Everytime, AVs/GMs/Normal Mobs will tend to run if they can't hit their target. However, Honoree insisted on fighting me (finally an AV that will), he was unable to hit me very much at all, was getting his rear handed to him pretty well. So it just strikes me as odd as he's the only AV, or enemy in general, that won't run from you just because they can't hit you, or just for no reason at all.

Though, I don't know if this information is helpful in anyway, just thought I'd share it with you guys to see what you think. Different AI perhaps? He just didn't feel like it?

Have any questions in game? Just want to team? Send a tell to my global or current character you see
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Had a nice "RUN RUN RUN" experience in the Cap SF today. Our team of 6 (Thugs/FF, Bots/FF, Mercs/Poison, Rad/EM blaster, Widow, Crab) had Bat'Zul running from basically the first bit of damage. We still managed to get him down to about 1/3rd HP before he ran out of range of the area we had cleared, and down a tunnel he went, only have to the slow walk back behavior kick in. We tried having just one person attack to draw him back to us, and again he went running. We finally waited for him to fully walk back (and regen his health back to around 80%), and attacked again. He went running but because we had repositioned where we engaged, we were able to get him down before he ran out of range again.



FCM and I keep running in this problem when we're duoing... EBs seem to be particularly prone to taking off on us, though bosses occasionally run for the hills to.

It's not fun having to chase an EB from one end of the map to the other. Really, it isn't. <_<

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Mob AI seem to be even more prone to running away recently, I have found. Debuffs as well as DoTs are causing mobs to fly off instantly and go off on long journeys around mission maps. This is really frustrating when it comes to rescuing hostages or boss defeats, as you are required to defeat all of the surrounding group. Running all over a map just to kill off the last of the group is not much fun at all, especially for melee characters.



Originally Posted by AresCrusader View Post
Well, what would you do if dead corpses started rising?
Kill more of them to spawn EBs maybe

I've only really seen this broken once. Was playing a tank and threw a taunt at a nearby Freak mob which promptly fled. Repeated this multiple times before /bugging it

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant



I haven't read the whole thread, so don't know if this was already mentioned:

One of my recent "run away!" incidents involved a mission where one objective was to rescue a hostage. I found the hostage, and he was being guarded by two enemies. As soon as I attacked one enemy, the second one took off running. This was in one of the side rooms in an office building and by the time I finished off the first enemy, the runner was out the door, down the corridor, and had taken several corners. The problem with this was that "rescuing" the hostage required defeating both of his guards. So he just stayed there, kneeling on the floor with his hands behind his head and wouldn't even talk to me until I chased that other guy halfway across the map. Then, of course, I had to actually find my way back to where the hostage was.

If that kind of running away is intentional behavior, then chasing the enemy off like that should count for the purpose of rescuing the hostage - hey, you took one guard down and made the other run away. The hostage is safe now. Of course, I realize that would probably be a trick to code. But in pencil & paper RPGs, making an enemy run away is as good as killing him, at least for the purpose of defeating the encounter.



I ran into this with Master Midnight in the First Ward arcs in the graveyard fight. He just... took off running until I actually lost him as a target.

I had two choices: chase him down and leave DeVore to fight off the wave after wave of zombies, EB's included, or stand my ground and hope the waves would stop at some point so I could chase Midnight down.

Since I lost him as a target, the only choice it seemed I had was to fight where I was. DeVore's health was plummeting fast and my poor blaster was getting destroyed as well. My helper fell and I had to flee.

Finally, Master Chicken decided to come back to taunt me some more, attacked once, then fled again. This time, I just went after him and ignored the rest.

Doesn't make a whole lotta sense for a big bad leader to bring in an army to back him up if he's just gonna run like a pansy.

The whole First Ward quest chain contained quite a few instances of mobs running for the hills, literally, some of which actually *HID* from me and it was majorly a pain to find them especially with the over-abundance of "waves of mobs spawning in" type quests that are now found in the game.

Mobs that flee/hide when they're a combined quest objective with mob wave spawns is not a terribly good combo.



What I'd REALLY like a redname to explain to me is why, oh WHY don't Gauntlet and Taunt auras counteract this? I just spent an hour in Talos fighting +1 and +2 Tsoos with my tanker and even when I hit them within the radius of my aura they still decided that hightailing it was safer. What's the point of an inherent that does flat out NOTHING?



Originally Posted by Netphenix5 View Post
What I'd REALLY like a redname to explain to me is why, oh WHY don't Gauntlet and Taunt auras counteract this? I just spent an hour in Talos fighting +1 and +2 Tsoos with my tanker and even when I hit them within the radius of my aura they still decided that hightailing it was safer. What's the point of an inherent that does flat out NOTHING?
Because taunt/gauntlet only increase your position on the aggro list. That's it. The fleeing is unrelated to your aggro position.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



I had a time with this one Rogue morality mish, beating down Silent Blade and all. Me playing Traps/Ice, making enemies run around like idiots is practically the point, but Silent Blade's a special lady.

As soon as knew she was coming at the end, I dumped all my traps (some extra untripped trip mines in there, too) into one area, expecting her to at least TRY to walk into it. Hilariously, I iced her once out of trap range to make sure I had aggro, and she pretty much turned tail and ran.

Never even touched the killzone, maybe she saw the land mines.

...Did I mention she trundled around the docks like an idiot, aggroing every Tsoo on the map, and was subsequently slaughtered by them? (Actually, that must be a factioning bug on top of all this. If I hadn't talked to her once she blue'd and they killed her completely, I might have glitched the mission beyond repair.)



Wow, three and a half years later and people are still having the same old problems... doesn't look like this one is getting fixed in the lifetime of the game.



Ya, when I unleash hot lead with my SoAeverything runs before I can even get my first volley off, that is unless my wide area web grenade doesn't stop them (DAMN you Cim's). But ya, I can get the scrapyard badge (Killing the scrapyarders around/near the ghost of scrapyard...ummm...sory I know thats not the name d the badge, but I just woke up and cant get in game to look the silly thing up right now since the game is down) just by once in a while shooting scrapyard with single shot, he runs instantly so I can clear out the scrapyarders. Its easy to get that badge because of the wonderful mob AI run away.

I hate all this terrorist business. I used to love the days when you could look at an unattended bag on a train or bus and think to yourself.... I'm going to take that.



Hi I am having the following problem could help me?, I enter the game and says please wait for it to finish downloading stage 2 Before Entering the game



Originally Posted by eliaszapata View Post
Hi I am having the following problem could help me?, I enter the game and says please wait for it to finish downloading stage 2 Before Entering the game
The game is just downloading all the parts. There are four stages total.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



all the ia npc enemies run afraid of my char :P



That's one of the most annoying aspects of this game, especially when I'm playing my traps toons. I've been on missions where you only need to defeat a particular mob and one of them ran and either got stuck somewhere or plain old refused to come back.

It's slightly less annoying when I'm playing my Spines/DA Scrapper though.

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Something has been screwy for the past couple of days. I've run ITF three times recently, and all three times Romulus cried party foul and attempted to run a triathalon. The bosses in tip missions are doing the same thing; running away and then never coming back.

TPN trial guide video / MoM trial guide video / DD trial guide video / BAF trial guide video
/ Lambda trial guide video / Keyes trial guide video / Magisterium trial guide video / Underground trial guide



I played the sixth part of the SSA last night and bosses were running away after two hits on them. Even the elite boss at the end ran after three hits. It was especially annoying because the NPC helping in the mission kept following the runners and aggroing as many as 2 or 3 spawns at once.