


Flying enemies have been running away a lot lately, without taking damage even. Longbow Eagles or Wing Raiders will fly far away, then come back, only to fly far away again.



I've had that issue with Longbow Eagles ever since I started encountering them, which was long before Freedom. Their attack AI seems to involve shooting you from afar, coming close for an attack or two, then darting away again, then coming close again, and so on.

They're really annoying for my Brutes, because not even Taunting them makes them stay close.



Longbow Eagles have a power called [Positioning] specifically designed to keep them fighting at a distance. It pops a 100 mag fear on them when they get within melee range of an enemy. A few other critters have it as well, like many members of The Cabal.

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I fought, all alone, Diabolique ( Archvillain level 52 ) yesterday and after a couple of hit she toke fly and flee, this happened duiring the whole fight, she was constantly of the run ( fly and speed boost ), usually hiding too somewhere on top of the map.
100% boring



OK this is really frustrating. On the 2nd mission of the final or 6th DA arc, I am required to fight Tub Ci. He is surrounded by 5 or 6 Ancestor Spirits. He cannot be harmed till these spirits are defeted.

Problem is that this is the 2nd time I started to fight when all the Ancestor Spirits take off. The room is so dark its hard to find them. I search the whole map and can't find the last one so I am required to drop the mission and restart the arc.

I really don't have a problem with running mobs if they at least return to their spawn point. But I don't think it's right to search the whole map just to complete a mission because of a running then hidden mob.



Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post
Anyone notice that mobs seem to run away... ALOT. Been playing my crab since I12 launch and it seems like just about everything runs and its quite annoying.
EDIT--- This happened when I was fighting scrapyarder as well... Basically he ran instantly.

I know what you are saying and it can be annoying but I honestly think its by design. At one point I can recall certain enemy groups never ran.. Freakshow would stand and fight till they dropped while we are all aware that COT will turn and run .. so will Longbow. At some point they changed the AI and now all groups will run if their hit points drop below a certan level or whatever factors they use.

Yeah its annoying but its also realistic. You the last guy standing, all your buddies are out cold on the floor, and your in bad shape. Would you stand there and be a punching bag or run off and hope to get away? One thing I have noticed is the runners in many cases head straight to the closest friendly mob and if you are following you just walked right into an ambush probably at less than 100% health and/or endurance. Tricky little %^%^$%^$%^ are they?

Like I said I honestly think it was an idea they thought out and did on purpose. Your a lowly minon in a gang and a hero is beating you senseless... At some point your going to say. "The heck with this" and RUN. Or your that crafty minon that takes a beating and then pretends to run away so the hero follows and walks straight into a trap!

HOLY LITTLE BIG HORN BATMAN! We just ran straight into an ambush! hehehe

Now there are instances where this goes from being realistic to being a total pain in the A--. If a mission requires me to rescue Mr. X and during a heated battle one of Mr. X's gaurds takes off and disappears and I now spend 10 minutes or more trying to FIND that guard we have gone from adding realism to ticking me off completely. And it gets worse when we search everywhere and simply can't locate our missing guard and find ourselves either contacting a GM or startng the mission over completely.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
Now there are instances where this goes from being realistic to being a total pain in the A--. If a mission requires me to rescue Mr. X and during a heated battle one of Mr. X's gaurds takes off and disappears and I now spend 10 minutes or more trying to FIND that guard we have gone from adding realism to ticking me off completely. And it gets worse when we search everywhere and simply can't locate our missing guard and find ourselves either contacting a GM or startng the mission over completely.
It would be nice if they could adjust it so that special enemies will never run, like the guards in your example or named bosses, and especially giant monsters. It's just plain silly when I try to solo scrapyard with my level 30 corruptor and he runs away.



On the last few ITFs I've run, the AVs are all running around relatively quickly.

Today, I pulled Requiem and Rom with a Stalker, using melee attacks. I jumped up on the platform and hit them both, and hopped down to the computer. They followed me. I managed to land an AS on Requiem, and he immediately tried to flee. The initial hit and the AS were the only attacks on him. Likewise with Romulus. The initial hit to pull him, and then a Crushing Uppercut when we were on lower ground.

The same happened with the Nictus version. After only a few hits from my Stalker, and our Scrapper, he began running. He quickly did an about-face and got pummeled by the team, but after his first rez, he began running away all over the platform after the initial 2-3 hits.

I noticed the same behaviour two days ago on another ITF, except the first instance of Romulus didn't attempt to flee, but Requiem ran like he was on fire. My attacks were the only ones that landed, as the rest of the team was fighting the computer at the time. Nictus-Rom also tried to run. On this TF, it was the same issue... running away almost immediately.

In the other few runs I've done in the last week, they did run, but did so when their health was much lower. In the incidents where they fled immediately, the team lacked Tankers/Brutes, which led a teammate to theorize that there was no taunting mechanism keeping them reined in. In the incidents where they fled after much more damage had been dealt, we had a Tanker or a Brute... so I am wondering if the teammate was correct.

Anecdotal as it may be, I had seldom seen these particular AVs attempt to flee, even when the teams had no taunt, or damaged them far more quickly.

Thank you, Champion.



Originally Posted by Zaloopa View Post
It would be nice if they could adjust it so that special enemies will never run, like the guards in your example or named bosses, and especially giant monsters. It's just plain silly when I try to solo scrapyard with my level 30 corruptor and he runs away.

Most of the Giant Monsters stay and fight but there have always been a few that would move around...

Deathsurge has actually calmed down from the way he was when i first started. We used to have to chase him all over to finally defeat him

Kraken doesn't move around a lot but I can still recall one instance where he decided to head into the trees in Perez. No I don't mean down one of the pathways.. He climbed on top of the tree cover and that's where we finally defeated him.

Lusca has always been a moving target. Defeat one tentacle and she submerges and you get to start hunting for where she is next.

Babbage likes to run around and even hop from street level to the top of warehouses in Skyway.

I don't really recall Adamastor, at least when we still found him in what is now the Echo of DA, moving around too much but I did battle him one time and at some point he hopped up onto the ledge of the War Wall and we defeated him there.

Most of them will move around at least some during a fight especially if you have a tank or brute with good taunt and they follow where ever that character goes.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Bramphousian View Post
On the last few ITFs I've run, the AVs are all running around relatively quickly.

Today, I pulled Requiem and Rom with a Stalker, using melee attacks. I jumped up on the platform and hit them both, and hopped down to the computer. They followed me. I managed to land an AS on Requiem, and he immediately tried to flee. The initial hit and the AS were the only attacks on him. Likewise with Romulus. The initial hit to pull him, and then a Crushing Uppercut when we were on lower ground.

The same happened with the Nictus version. After only a few hits from my Stalker, and our Scrapper, he began running. He quickly did an about-face and got pummeled by the team, but after his first rez, he began running away all over the platform after the initial 2-3 hits.

I noticed the same behaviour two days ago on another ITF, except the first instance of Romulus didn't attempt to flee, but Requiem ran like he was on fire. My attacks were the only ones that landed, as the rest of the team was fighting the computer at the time. Nictus-Rom also tried to run. On this TF, it was the same issue... running away almost immediately.

In the other few runs I've done in the last week, they did run, but did so when their health was much lower. In the incidents where they fled immediately, the team lacked Tankers/Brutes, which led a teammate to theorize that there was no taunting mechanism keeping them reined in. In the incidents where they fled after much more damage had been dealt, we had a Tanker or a Brute... so I am wondering if the teammate was correct.

Anecdotal as it may be, I had seldom seen these particular AVs attempt to flee, even when the teams had no taunt, or damaged them far more quickly.

I'm curious did your team have a tank or brute to taunt? I've seen this same thing in the final mission of the ITF before and it was on a team with no dedicated aggro controller. Aside from chasing Romi all over the place we really had no difficulty in defeating him and since then I have told numerous people... You don't really need a tank to win on the ITF but it does make life easier since Romulus doesn't run away every five seconds.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



This is perhaps the one thing stopping me from playing a rad/rad and the second from playing rad/sonic (sonic noises make me queasy). Oh look, my anchor decided to just up and run away and I have no means to slow him down right now or even at all.

I'm actually looking forward to getting my VEAT up to crab and mace mastery just for some aoe immobs that will ground the target. Even Web Grenade from */Dev or */Traps is supremely useful because of these shennanigans.

Global - @Proton Sentinel
Jack Devon Crab Spider VEAT; Virtue
Mordigen Earth/Storm on Liberty and Virtue
Technological Terror Bots/FF; Liberty.
50s: Zul Vakirol Thugs/Poison; Virtue. Kiyujin Katana/SR



Quite frankly I'm getting sick of the enemy AI. Often times without damaging enemies or using any kind of power on them, they will take off running as soon as I aggro them. And there are times when an ambush will spawn, get halfway to me from their spawn point, then suddenly turn and run in the opposite direction back to their spawn point.

And it's really annoying when an enemy takes off like a bat out of hell super fast and keeps on running. Such as villain Mu enemies, longbow eagles, and others.



Originally Posted by monkeyslap View Post
Quite frankly I'm getting sick of the enemy AI. Often times without damaging enemies or using any kind of power on them, they will take off running as soon as I aggro them. And there are times when an ambush will spawn, get halfway to me from their spawn point, then suddenly turn and run in the opposite direction back to their spawn point.

And it's really annoying when an enemy takes off like a bat out of hell super fast and keeps on running. Such as villain Mu enemies, longbow eagles, and others.

I hear ya. I may retire my Trapper as soon as she hits 50. Soft targets, LTs and Minions are no problem ever, and they don't usually run. The tough Bosses, EBs, etc, they require a little work. Like actually using Acid Mortar, maybe. But as soon as that's out, or the PGT, the Boss/EB/AV heads for the hills. Web Grenade is nice and all, but keeping it stacked enough to stop these kinda folks really takes lot of time away from actual damaging attacks...
It's got to me one of the most static sets, locationwise, and it makes every target that actually warrants the big guns run like mad... Perhaps if, like the gun drones the Acid Mortar was mobile, that might help. It would help a bit more of web grenade was mag 8 in PVE.
I can see so much potential in the set, but unless I embrace the mine and lure, rinse, repeat over and over for every spawn with a boss or better in it, or always team with someone with a taunt of some sort, this just isn't fun at all. FAR less fun that Rad/Dark/Time whose debuff toggles seem to attract the mobs.



Further frustration: Mastermind bots. Gets so friggen annoying when enemies take off running upon aggro and my bots go chasing after them being pulled into other enemy groups and having too much aggro. And of course, the pet AI stinks as well. I can tell them to "follow me" but they insist on chasing them halfway through the map. Even sometimes when I tell them to "heel" they continue to chase.

Considering this thread was started 4 years ago and it hasn't been fixed yet, I doubt it ever will.



So is there fix in the works or something? It is really starting to take the joy out of the game. I mean, it's been over two years at least. I wouldnt mind so much if it was here and there, for a purpose or something but mobs at higher con level, nowhere near death taking off, sometimes two at a time, kind of take the honor out of killing them. Not to mention having to chase at least one mob across the map, or wait 3-5 min per group(no exaggeration I timed it and sometimes it's longer as somethimes they go so far that they just take their sweet time strolling back.) for that one to return is a bit annoying and unneedingly tedious.
I'm talking about mainly on mission maps but I've noticed this behavior on the streets as well. What's the point of even spawning three mobs if one is all but guranteed to flee? Might as well spawn just two.

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Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
So is there fix in the works or something? It is really starting to take the joy out of the game. I mean, it's been over two years at least. I wouldnt mind so much if it was here and there, for a purpose or something but mobs at higher con level, nowhere near death taking off, sometimes two at a time, kind of take the honor out of killing them. Not to mention having to chase at least one mob across the map, or wait 3-5 min per group(no exaggeration I timed it and sometimes it's longer as somethimes they go so far that they just take their sweet time strolling back.) for that one to return is a bit annoying and unneedingly tedious.
I'm talking about mainly on mission maps but I've noticed this behavior on the streets as well. What's the point of even spawning three mobs if one is all but guranteed to flee? Might as well spawn just two.
Been going on a lot longer than two years by my understanding.

Global - @Proton Sentinel
Jack Devon Crab Spider VEAT; Virtue
Mordigen Earth/Storm on Liberty and Virtue
Technological Terror Bots/FF; Liberty.
50s: Zul Vakirol Thugs/Poison; Virtue. Kiyujin Katana/SR



I seem to remember this was a change that happened way back in i8 or i9 as a result of players wanting the mob AI to be a bit more dynamic and not just stand there being hit. I've always thought it was a bit cheap, and far more irritating than challenging. In fact it seems to have been made a whole lot worse between when I left in i13 and when I came back to the game a couple of weeks ago.

An alternative mechanic to this needs to be implemented, because right now it's just not Fun(tm)

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"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



Mobs running away is cool because you won't have as much damage cause hes running away



Originally Posted by Imapiccolo View Post
Mobs running away is cool because you won't have as much damage cause hes running away
Yeah. Until you have to go looking all over the map to defeat that last enemy that ran like hell so you can free the hostage and finish the mission. Sometimes they don't come back and it can take a while to track down the punk who took off.



Originally Posted by monkeyslap View Post
Yeah. Until you have to go looking all over the map to defeat that last enemy that ran like hell so you can free the hostage and finish the mission. Sometimes they don't come back and it can take a while to track down the punk who took off.
Well I have ice arrow and glue arrow so I can stop em so...



Was anything changed, maybe by mistake, during the last patch?

Yesterday I was part of a Summer Event team and the AVs would not stop running, they barely even stopped running to attack. It came to the point where they were jumping on the boxes to the supporting beams by the ceiling and we had to follow them.

Then, I joined a different team (of 4 as well, including me) to fight the Kraken in Perez Park... same thing. Started running all over the place, got on top of the trees and had to follow it all over the place.

I believe I understand what this mechanic is for... if there's a bunch of minions, someone nukes the group and one of them is left standing, then by all means... run away!

But when a team of 4 (lvl 29 for the event, and lvl 44 for the Kraken) are fighting AVs and Monsters, they shouldn't start running all over the place when have barely even put some damage on them.

@Alpha XBS ~ Victory
Thunder Light - Peacebringer * Displaced Calibre - Dual Pistols/Time Corruptor * Defendatron WS - Warshade
Madame Distress - Ill/Rad Controller * Madame Infernus - Fire/Thermal Corruptor



Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post
Anyone notice that mobs seem to run away... ALOT. Been playing my crab since I12 launch and it seems like just about everything runs and its quite annoying.
EDIT--- This happened when I was fighting scrapyarder as well... Basically he ran instantly.
I haven't played a lot lately, so perception comparison grain of salt up front.

Played this weekend, on a teens Dark/Fire Dom. I was often leading with my ST confuse... and the mob hit would frequently just immediately turn and run for the hills. It struck me as odd, and not at all something I remembered.

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Happened again last night.

Logged in to Sharkhead to find 3 other players engaging the Ghost of Scrapyard. I figured I'd jump in and help.

He started running all over the place, jumping from the docks onto ships.

I was on my Dual Pistols/Time Corruptor, and kept wasting Distortion Field because after the cast time was over, he was already too far away for it to have any effect on him.

@Alpha XBS ~ Victory
Thunder Light - Peacebringer * Displaced Calibre - Dual Pistols/Time Corruptor * Defendatron WS - Warshade
Madame Distress - Ill/Rad Controller * Madame Infernus - Fire/Thermal Corruptor



Originally Posted by Alpha_XBS View Post
Happened again last night.

Logged in to Sharkhead to find 3 other players engaging the Ghost of Scrapyard. I figured I'd jump in and help.

He started running all over the place, jumping from the docks onto ships.

I was on my Dual Pistols/Time Corruptor, and kept wasting Distortion Field because after the cast time was over, he was already too far away for it to have any effect on him.
This is nothing new -- Scrappy's always done that, and he has always especially loved running over and getting himself droned.

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