Powerset Proliferation FAQ





Subdual – Subdual deals moderate Psionic damage and may leave the targeted foe Immobilized for a brief time. Immobilized foes cannot move but can still attack. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Moderate

Mind Probe -- Grip the minds of your foe with a Mind Probe. You must be in close proximity to pull off this attack that wrecks havoc on your foes synapses, dealing moderate Psionic Damage while reducing his attack speed. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Moderate

Telekinetic Thrust – A focused attack or intense mental power that violently sends a nearby foe flying. Deals minimal damage, but can be very effective. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Moderate

Psychic Scream -- This howl of Psionic energy resonates in the minds of all foes within its conical area of effect, inflicting moderate damage. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow

Build Up – Greatly boosts your attacks for a few seconds. Slightly increases Accuracy. Recharge: Long

Drain Psyche – You Drain the Psyche of you nearby foes, thus weakening their Hit Point Regeneration and Endurance Recovery and boosting your own. Recharge: Very Long

World of Confusion – This toggle powers allows you to cause psionic damage and cause confusion within a group of foes, creating chaos. The chance of confusing an enemy is lower than then chance of damaging them, and it may take multiple hits to affect stronger opponents. All affected foes within the area will turn and attack each other, ignoring all heroes. You will not receive any Experience Points for foes defeated by Confused enemies. Recharge: Moderate

Scare – You entwine a single foe within his deepest fears and cause him to helplessly tremble for a brief while. Recharge: Medium

Psychic Shockwave – Psychic Shockwave is a devastating Psionic attack that wracks the minds of all nearby foes. Affected foes may have a reduced attack rate and may be left Disoriented. Damage: High Recharge: Slow

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ok i'll say it, how in the hell is this balanced to villains?
Wasn't aware I was paying a fee so only one side of game gets major work. Villains get dumped with whatevers left, VEATS better rock or I'm out. Tired of this one sided game the devs are playing



- If they were porting the "quick wins" first, and avoiding sets that might cause "debate," why port something as controversial as PSI over to Blasters? Seems pretty contradictory, to me.

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Dark has good AoE (and single target, but the AoE is most problematic I imagine) to hit debuffs, an AoE disorient and immobilize, and a heal. Those factors require balance work, trading out powers, and testing time.

Rad has stunning AoE (and single target, but the AoE is most problematic I imagine) defense debuffs. It also has no thematic secondary powers that can be stolen and cobbled together into a set.

Psi is not really all that great of a set in PvE, not bad, but no weird issues like Dark and Rad will have.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.




How can there possibly be only two options: overpowered, and trivially weak? There should be some values between those two. Even Goldilocks figured that one out.

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Because only extremes exist. Either the devs OMFG LOVE HEROES, or OMFG DEVS HATE VILLIANS. Either, THE DEVS ARE AWESOME or THE DEVS R FN STOOPID.

Honestly, this is all a tempest in a teapot and people need to get over their persecution complexes.

To me, that secondary looks like it'll be acceptable in PVE but horrible in PVP, or at least not surpassing EM any time soon.

Drain Psyche is an awesome PVE power, but the radius is far too small to be that great in PVP. Likewise for PSW. It'll be alright damage, but there are better uses of your time.

I play heroes about once a week right now, the rest is villians. I don't see any villian hate in this issue.



All I can say if this is the new Blaster secondary, I can't WAIT to see what villains are getting for VEAT's........fingers crossed.

My level 50 Dominators:
Madame Mindbender 50 Mind/Energy
Fly Agaric 50 Plant/Thorn
Nate Nitro 50 Fire/Psi



Empathy is an emotion and the empathy set is about compassion and caring and even with one power, giving of oneself for your fellow man/woman/huge.

[/ QUOTE ]

Empathy is merely the ability to sense and understand emotion. Sympathy indicates compassion and caring.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Empathy is an emotion and the empathy set is about compassion and caring and even with one power, giving of oneself for your fellow man/woman/huge.

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Empathy is merely the ability to sense and understand emotion. Sympathy indicates compassion and caring.

[/ QUOTE ]

In other words: Empathy is knowing, sympathy is caring?

Anyway, Empathy on a Corruptor would be like Thermal Radiation, but less useful. And villains get enough Corruptors identifying themselves as "healers" as it is. Makes me want to ask 'em what the rest of their powers do.

As for Empathy or (worse yet) Thermal Masterminds? They'd be invulnerable, due to having Bodyguard and a PBAoE heal that doesn't require a successful to-hit check. Making that sort of thing work would require more dev time than was available for this round of Powerset Proliferation, on account of those VEATs people keep skipping over.

BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.



can we get spines for brutes and tanks plz, i wanna do a ice/spine tank real real bad.



“I would like to see a red name explain why heros get cold and therm and villains get double storm.” – jeffg316

Originally, Castle only wanted to allow 9 powersets to be shifted around, while others wanted to open things up much more completely. After much debate, and back and forth discussion, we came to a compromise on which sets were proliferated and which would be delayed to future updates. The sets that were chosen, ultimately, were easy to port across, and tried to fill thematic holes where appropriate. “Balance” was mainly a factor in which sets NOT to port immediately – things like Kinetics for Masterminds would be extremely dangerous to port directly; many changes would need to be done to make that one work. The same can be said with moving Illusions to Masterminds as a Primary powerset.

[/ QUOTE ]

You may state this but if you look at it from a player’s perspective, no matter how you word it Villains are getting the shaft. Now I do not even think I speak for most of us forum goers, but when you see the same response from many posters you get the gist of the issue thrown in your face, the number one reason I think a lot of us who play mostly redside are not happy with this issue other then VEATS, which we have been due since CoV launch much like the Cathedral of Pain, is that the sets that people wanted at the top of most peoples lists did not even begin to make the redside list at all.

Sure as you stated it is easy to port storm, but you know what? It is not easy to port /Cold to Defenders, heck its not even easy to port Plant to Controllers since Plant was designed from the ground up to be a dom set and as such is balanced as a Dom set in that’s its controls take into account the target cap on a dom vs a troller and the lowered duration of dom controls. Psi for blasters is not an easy port either, as Psi damage is ridiculously under or overly resisted throughout the whole game. It looks so lopsided in the fact that you are willing to watch some sets and not others and I quote “the developers will be keeping a VERY close eye on this powerset to make sure that it is not overpowered in the hands of Blasters” ( gamezone.com article on Psi Blast for blasters ). Why is it that this powerset can be so closely watched yet you can’t do the same exact thing for /kin on MM’s or Illusion on doms ( I am willing and hoping that Illusion for MM’s as quoted is a typo, Illusion is a control set, please do not even consider it as a pet set! ) heck even /sonic would be an improvement over /storm twice, and /sonic as is can be a direct port to MM’s with little to no modification the same as /FF. I hate jumping on the “Devs want heroes to always win” bandwagon, but it becomes much easier to join that crowd when I can’t even come up with one thing that Villains get in I12 that will be worth it on any level ( As stated above VEATS are not part of this list, every time you ding 50 on a villain you get the message that you unlocked Epics, thus in my eyes this is so long overdue and should have been there since launch of CoV ).

So I am sorry but I do not buy the X or Y set that Villains really want would have been too dangerous or too hard to modify when you are more then willing to do all the careful watching and modifying of the same possible issues for sets being ported to heroes. It is a copout, nothing more nothing less. All I, and probably many like me, want is equal willingness to devote the same effort to what is being added to heroes to villains as well. I won’t demand empathy for villains even if I think it makes just as much sense on a villain as on a hero, since as was stated by BaBs that as a collective group you view it as un-thematic for villains, however I do feel it is within my right to request you rethink just what you are doing with passing sets both ways. Perceived imbalances by your player base need addressing just as much as actual data traceable imbalances if you do not want to alienate more and more of your player base.


Vixens of Violence:
Psionic Scion - LvL 50 - Mind / Psi / Mu Dom ( Perma w/ 77.5% global currently )

Current Project: Isabella il Veleno

I am an Alt-o-holic =)



can we get spines for brutes and tanks plz, i wanna do a ice/spine tank real real bad.

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Yes sir! Your order will be here shortly sir!



“I would like to see a red name explain why heros get cold and therm and villains get double storm.” – jeffg316

Originally, Castle only wanted to allow 9 powersets to be shifted around, while others wanted to open things up much more completely. After much debate, and back and forth discussion, we came to a compromise on which sets were proliferated and which would be delayed to future updates. The sets that were chosen, ultimately, were easy to port across, and tried to fill thematic holes where appropriate. “Balance” was mainly a factor in which sets NOT to port immediately – things like Kinetics for Masterminds would be extremely dangerous to port directly; many changes would need to be done to make that one work. The same can be said with moving Illusions to Masterminds as a Primary powerset.

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You may state this but if you look at it from a player’s perspective, no matter how you word it Villains are getting the shaft. Now I do not even think I speak for most of us forum goers, but when you see the same response from many posters you get the gist of the issue thrown in your face, the number one reason I think a lot of us who play mostly redside are not happy with this issue other then VEATS, which we have been due since CoV launch much like the Cathedral of Pain, is that the sets that people wanted at the top of most peoples lists did not even begin to make the redside list at all.

Sure as you stated it is easy to port storm, but you know what? It is not easy to port /Cold to Defenders, heck its not even easy to port Plant to Controllers since Plant was designed from the ground up to be a dom set and as such is balanced as a Dom set in that’s its controls take into account the target cap on a dom vs a troller and the lowered duration of dom controls. Psi for blasters is not an easy port either, as Psi damage is ridiculously under or overly resisted throughout the whole game. It looks so lopsided in the fact that you are willing to watch some sets and not others and I quote “the developers will be keeping a VERY close eye on this powerset to make sure that it is not overpowered in the hands of Blasters” ( gamezone.com article on Psi Blast for blasters ). Why is it that this powerset can be so closely watched yet you can’t do the same exact thing for /kin on MM’s or Illusion on doms ( I am willing and hoping that Illusion for MM’s as quoted is a typo, Illusion is a control set, please do not even consider it as a pet set! ) heck even /sonic would be an improvement over /storm twice, and /sonic as is can be a direct port to MM’s with little to no modification the same as /FF. I hate jumping on the “Devs want heroes to always win” bandwagon, but it becomes much easier to join that crowd when I can’t even come up with one thing that Villains get in I12 that will be worth it on any level ( As stated above VEATS are not part of this list, every time you ding 50 on a villain you get the message that you unlocked Epics, thus in my eyes this is so long overdue and should have been there since launch of CoV ).

So I am sorry but I do not buy the X or Y set that Villains really want would have been too dangerous or too hard to modify when you are more then willing to do all the careful watching and modifying of the same possible issues for sets being ported to heroes. It is a copout, nothing more nothing less. All I, and probably many like me, want is equal willingness to devote the same effort to what is being added to heroes to villains as well. I won’t demand empathy for villains even if I think it makes just as much sense on a villain as on a hero, since as was stated by BaBs that as a collective group you view it as un-thematic for villains, however I do feel it is within my right to request you rethink just what you are doing with passing sets both ways. Perceived imbalances by your player base need addressing just as much as actual data traceable imbalances if you do not want to alienate more and more of your player base.


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I agree. I think the idea was a good one. However, the wrong sets were moved around. Psy is PERFECT where it is now. If it is incredibly powerful in the hands of dominators, what in the world would make them think that it will be reasonable in the hands of Blasters, who themselves just improved in Defiance. Leave blasters alone, they do not need attention. I think some choices were great, i agree with the Storm choice. Maybe one day villains will get their own set of healing support or illusion/trickery (not something to complain about now though because new powers are not being made for current release). I do trust though that they will make the proper changes when closed beta starts. I really can't wait to try everything out as usual and follow the numbers, even though i may not agree 100 percent . Cheers




Empathy isn’t a villainous trait, generally speaking. From a fiction standpoint, it will likely never be given to Villains as a set.

Back to thematics – Empathy isn’t really a villainous trait. From a fiction standpoint, it wasn’t our first choice to port over and the reason corruptors didn’t receive it in the first place as part of the release of City of Villains. If we were to add an “Empathy Like” set, it would need to be all new and not a port of it, to make it fit into the Villainous theme. As such, that fell out of the scope of Issue 12’s powerset proliferation and is why it wasn’t included.

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I keep seeing this argument thrown around and this is at least the third or fourth thread where I have to say it's wrong, wrong, wrong. The quality of empathy is in itself not morally weighted. Empathy in itself is merely the act of being in synch with another's feelings, either by happenstance or through intuition. Empathy is a very important trait to have for a con artist, door to door salesman or telemarketer for example. All of which could be considered rather villainous careers.

As such, hinging this decision on the label 'Empathy' is plain wrong. Sorry. It's not a villainous trait, granted. Neither is it a heroic trait, though.

[censored], it was Jack Emmert I believe who pointed to Raven of the Titans as an example of an Empath (and probably the best-known one in comics). Incidentally, this is a character who's spent half of her lifetime in comics as a good guy, and the other half as a bad guy.

Now, Samuel_Tow made a good argument that for example the self-sacrificing nature of Absorb Pain for example is more of a heroic trait, and I'll agree with that. I'm just sick and tired of an incomplete understanding of the term 'Empathy' being touted as the main detractor here.

“Any Red name wanna come out and let us know if Elec/Elec tank is going to be added?” – Lady_Dee

Castle said, “No, never!” and Positron said, “Yes, do it!” In the end, the decision of which sets to give everyone bounced back and forth multiple times. The next question is, “Why did Castle say no?!” At the time, he wanted each AT to keep certain sets so they were only found on that AT – Ninjitsu for Stalkers, Elec/Elec for Brutes, Ice/Ice for Tankers, etc. Ultimately, that concept was set aside later in the process, but some aspects of it remained in the initial pass of Proliferation.

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Good thing this didn't happen or I'd have had to come around and key the Castlemobile. As of my last counting, Defenders had no Primaries they didn't already share, either with Controllers or Corruptors (and/or MMs), leaving a single Secondary Set unshared.

While I'll greatly enjoy making Storm Corrs, I could have lived without Power Proliferation. But no matter what shape it will finally take, I'd expect you guys to incept it fairly across the board. If there are exceptions, then they too would need to be applied fairly across the board. 'Saving' Primary/Secondary combinations for some sets and the less AT-defining Secondaries only for other ATs would not have been fair in this regard.

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
Winston Churchill



“I would like to see a red name explain why heros get cold and therm and villains get double storm.” – jeffg316

Originally, Castle only wanted to allow 9 powersets to be shifted around, while others wanted to open things up much more completely. After much debate, and back and forth discussion, we came to a compromise on which sets were proliferated and which would be delayed to future updates. The sets that were chosen, ultimately, were easy to port across, and tried to fill thematic holes where appropriate. “Balance” was mainly a factor in which sets NOT to port immediately – things like Kinetics for Masterminds would be extremely dangerous to port directly; many changes would need to be done to make that one work. The same can be said with moving Illusions to Masterminds as a Primary powerset.

[/ QUOTE ]

You may state this but if you look at it from a player’s perspective, no matter how you word it Villains are getting the shaft. Now I do not even think I speak for most of us forum goers, but when you see the same response from many posters you get the gist of the issue thrown in your face, the number one reason I think a lot of us who play mostly redside are not happy with this issue other then VEATS, which we have been due since CoV launch much like the Cathedral of Pain, is that the sets that people wanted at the top of most peoples lists did not even begin to make the redside list at all.

Sure as you stated it is easy to port storm, but you know what? It is not easy to port /Cold to Defenders, heck its not even easy to port Plant to Controllers since Plant was designed from the ground up to be a dom set and as such is balanced as a Dom set in that’s its controls take into account the target cap on a dom vs a troller and the lowered duration of dom controls. Psi for blasters is not an easy port either, as Psi damage is ridiculously under or overly resisted throughout the whole game. It looks so lopsided in the fact that you are willing to watch some sets and not others and I quote “the developers will be keeping a VERY close eye on this powerset to make sure that it is not overpowered in the hands of Blasters” ( gamezone.com article on Psi Blast for blasters ). Why is it that this powerset can be so closely watched yet you can’t do the same exact thing for /kin on MM’s or Illusion on doms ( I am willing and hoping that Illusion for MM’s as quoted is a typo, Illusion is a control set, please do not even consider it as a pet set! ) heck even /sonic would be an improvement over /storm twice, and /sonic as is can be a direct port to MM’s with little to no modification the same as /FF. I hate jumping on the “Devs want heroes to always win” bandwagon, but it becomes much easier to join that crowd when I can’t even come up with one thing that Villains get in I12 that will be worth it on any level ( As stated above VEATS are not part of this list, every time you ding 50 on a villain you get the message that you unlocked Epics, thus in my eyes this is so long overdue and should have been there since launch of CoV ).

So I am sorry but I do not buy the X or Y set that Villains really want would have been too dangerous or too hard to modify when you are more then willing to do all the careful watching and modifying of the same possible issues for sets being ported to heroes. It is a copout, nothing more nothing less. All I, and probably many like me, want is equal willingness to devote the same effort to what is being added to heroes to villains as well. I won’t demand empathy for villains even if I think it makes just as much sense on a villain as on a hero, since as was stated by BaBs that as a collective group you view it as un-thematic for villains, however I do feel it is within my right to request you rethink just what you are doing with passing sets both ways. Perceived imbalances by your player base need addressing just as much as actual data traceable imbalances if you do not want to alienate more and more of your player base.


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All to true.



can we get spines for brutes and tanks plz, i wanna do a ice/spine tank real real bad.

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Dude totally, I want a dark/spines or a fire/spines tank so bad. I love AoE tanks, may not be as deadly as a spines/dark scrapper, but will last forever



So... is fire melee for scrappers going to be the tanker version or the brute version?



Empathy is an emotion and the empathy set is about compassion and caring and even with one power, giving of oneself for your fellow man/woman/huge.

[/ QUOTE ]

Empathy is merely the ability to sense and understand emotion. Sympathy indicates compassion and caring.

[/ QUOTE ]

In other words: Empathy is knowing, sympathy is caring?

Anyway, Empathy on a Corruptor would be like Thermal Radiation, but less useful. And villains get enough Corruptors identifying themselves as "healers" as it is. Makes me want to ask 'em what the rest of their powers do.

As for Empathy or (worse yet) Thermal Masterminds? They'd be invulnerable, due to having Bodyguard and a PBAoE heal that doesn't require a successful to-hit check. Making that sort of thing work would require more dev time than was available for this round of Powerset Proliferation, on account of those VEATs people keep skipping over.

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Lol you can't be serious?
Claiming that thermal and empathy are the same and that if villains do get empathy it will practically be the same and that empathy will be less useful just brings me alot of lolz...



Empathy is an emotion and the empathy set is about compassion and caring and even with one power, giving of oneself for your fellow man/woman/huge.

[/ QUOTE ]

Empathy is merely the ability to sense and understand emotion. Sympathy indicates compassion and caring.

[/ QUOTE ]

In other words: Empathy is knowing, sympathy is caring?

Anyway, Empathy on a Corruptor would be like Thermal Radiation, but less useful. And villains get enough Corruptors identifying themselves as "healers" as it is. Makes me want to ask 'em what the rest of their powers do.

As for Empathy or (worse yet) Thermal Masterminds? They'd be invulnerable, due to having Bodyguard and a PBAoE heal that doesn't require a successful to-hit check. Making that sort of thing work would require more dev time than was available for this round of Powerset Proliferation, on account of those VEATs people keep skipping over.

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Lol you can't be serious?
Claiming that thermal and empathy are the same and that if villains do get empathy it will practically be the same and that empathy will be less useful just brings me alot of lolz...

[/ QUOTE ]

recovery aura > the entire thermal set



I'm really looking forward to this and much more so to the day when the powers are spread out much more (With all the inherent AT differences and tweaks, of course).

Power Proliferation is nothing but goodness and I can't believe how negative so many posters have been ever since the list was announced for the first wave coming in I12.

I understand what Psi damage means and I understand the wary perception for PvP, but the negativity is just so ridiculous.
If you think the Devs are blind, I'd suggest just leaving.
If you think they're smart and good at doing their jobs (I know that I do)... stop assuming they're going to mess everything up.

All this nonsense over who gets what right now... Eventually it'll be spread out.

I don't think any defense is needed at all, but just to point something out...
Both Red and Blue sides are getting stuff that I know many people are going to enjoy.
I love the whole, "Besides the VEAT's Villains aren't getting anything".

Yeah, and besides the 10 ton anvil in my suitcase, there's nothing really heavy in it.

"Lighten up, Francis!"

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



I honestly don't want to believe for a minute that the Devs intentionally Gimp villains on every decision that concerns them, but plz tell me how this possibly makes ANY sense:
Hmm, Our 'Redside' doesnt' retain enough players. I know, Let's give them a bunch more powersets that won't make them anymore powerful in any conceivable fashion! ...And while we're at it, we'll give Blasters MOTHER [censored] /GODMODE! YEAH!!"
It's really simple:
Powercreep for a Faction which is behind another faction by-design would be a GOOD Thing.
Powercreep for the first Faction when it totally dominates the second already, is a BAD THING.
And it doesn't take a microscope to see which of those is going on here...
If a buncha Hero-Only gamers are just flat-out Horrible players (and a lot of them ARE), then using global Datamining to drive these decisions makes even less sense than blindly throwing darts at a corkboard!



I'm really looking forward to this and much more so to the day when the powers are spread out much more (With all the inherent AT differences and tweaks, of course).

Power Proliferation is nothing but goodness and I can't believe how negative so many posters have been ever since the list was announced for the first wave coming in I12.

I understand what Psi damage means and I understand the wary perception for PvP, but the negativity is just so ridiculous.
If you think the Devs are blind, I'd suggest just leaving.
If you think they're smart and good at doing their jobs (I know that I do)... stop assuming they're going to mess everything up.

All this nonsense over who gets what right now... Eventually it'll be spread out.

I don't think any defense is needed at all, but just to point something out...
Both Red and Blue sides are getting stuff that I know many people are going to enjoy.
I love the whole, "Besides the VEAT's Villains aren't getting anything".

Yeah, and besides the 10 ton anvil in my suitcase, there's nothing really heavy in it.

"Lighten up, Francis!"

[/ QUOTE ]

This player's perspective: "Hey, I get more cool things to use! Thanks!"

Mental note: reserve name for AR/Mental Blaster. It's gonna be just as fun as I'd hoped!

(...unless that name's already taken. Considering how every server has a Rogue Wave, my NinB/EA Stalker had to be named "Freak Wave"... )

Hmm, Our 'Redside' doesnt' retain enough players. I know, Let's give them a bunch more powersets that won't make them anymore powerful in any conceivable fashion! ...And while we're at it, we'll give Blasters MOTHER [censored] /GODMODE! YEAH!!"

[/ QUOTE ]


Um...you know Dominators are getting Earth, Corruptors and Masterminds are getting Storm Summoning, and Brutes are getting Super Reflexes, right?



Empathy is an emotion and the empathy set is about compassion and caring and even with one power, giving of oneself for your fellow man/woman/huge.

[/ QUOTE ]

Empathy is merely the ability to sense and understand emotion. Sympathy indicates compassion and caring.

[/ QUOTE ]

In other words: Empathy is knowing, sympathy is caring?

Anyway, Empathy on a Corruptor would be like Thermal Radiation, but less useful. And villains get enough Corruptors identifying themselves as "healers" as it is. Makes me want to ask 'em what the rest of their powers do.

As for Empathy or (worse yet) Thermal Masterminds? They'd be invulnerable, due to having Bodyguard and a PBAoE heal that doesn't require a successful to-hit check. Making that sort of thing work would require more dev time than was available for this round of Powerset Proliferation, on account of those VEATs people keep skipping over.

[/ QUOTE ]
Lol you can't be serious?
Claiming that thermal and empathy are the same and that if villains do get empathy it will practically be the same and that empathy will be less useful just brings me alot of lolz...

[/ QUOTE ]

recovery aura > the entire thermal set

[/ QUOTE ]

for standard PvE...

Empathy > Thermal (just because of the fx)

for other PvE like LRSF...

Thermal > Empathy

if I can have both on a LGTF, I'm good



for other PvE like LRSF...

Thermal > Empathy

[/ QUOTE ]



Um...you know Dominators are getting Earth, Corruptors and Masterminds are getting Storm Summoning, and Brutes are getting Super Reflexes, right?

[/ QUOTE ]

Those are only cool for those of us playing the majority part of the game - PvE. Apparently what's important here is the minority PvP and how its balance is thrown completely out of whack (well, moreso anyway).

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



i thought ice didnt go to villians cause of fury not working with the -recharge

here it says cause castle says its the "tank only' set?

isnt that a contradiction ?..besides it doesnt really say why dark couldnt have been the "brute only" powerset and not electric which was i think wanted more from the tanker section

castle?..any comments on that?

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Both are correct. The decision to keep Ice/Ice as a tanker only set was something I came to when we first started talking Powerset Proliferation, long after the COV beta. Ultimately, the concept was not adopted anyway, so the point is extremely moot.

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I disagree. Currently there are sets that villains have both primary and secondary that would work against Fury. For example, Cloak of Fear, fears those in PBAoE range of the brute. What's worse, being Fear and not being able to attack at all or just having your recharge slowed so you can't attack as often?
Does that mean, Cloak of fear is going to be nerfed or removed because it works against Fury? What about powers such as Foot Stomp, Tremor, Seismic smash, or Knockout blow? They mez NPC(s) and without recharge from IOs and buff you could in essence perma foot stomp a mob, and keep them from attacking you. I fail to see how -recharge is simply automatically deemed "Anti Fury" when other powers could also work against building Fury. If I'm a Stone melee brute, I could one could just Tremor and Fault back to back and keep the NPCs on their backs and not get fury built from them attacking you.

Another example, EM. EM brutes, cannot build fury as quickly, sure it's great at single target attacking, but I could hit one NPC with TF, stun him, ET another, stun him, another with Bone smasher, stun him, and I've stunned 3 NPCs and I've caused myself to not build fury because they're stunned instead of attacking me. Just seems to me people are sweeping this under the rug instead of giving a reason why Ice armor wouldn't work. It appears that the consensus is "oh it's -recharge so it breaks fury" and no one thinks anything beyond that.

If one is going to say "Ice/Ice isn't for Villains" I would like a more in depth explanation simply other than "Because I looked into it and it's -recharge" Cause from my perspective, you're saying something but not really saying anything.

Hope I didn't come across as abrasive or adamanent, just curious as to why all this talk about ice armor wouldn't be ported to villains and everyone just says "oh it's anti-fury". But when I think about it, there are plenty of powers brutes have that can and do work as anti-fury.



recovery aura > the entire thermal set

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All the endurance in the universe won't debuff that AV the way Heat Exhaustion and Melt Armor can. Just sayin'.

[/ QUOTE ]

thermal isn't needed to debuff. Rad, cold, dark, poison, traps, and sonic can debuff more effectively than thermals can. People don't invite thermals for debuffs, they invite them for shields/forge/mez protection and heals

I'm pretty sure while thermal will thematically be cool for controllers, it will still get dwarfed by empathy as far as overall effectiveness.