Powerset Proliferation FAQ





Empathy isn’t a villainous trait, generally speaking. From a fiction standpoint, it will likely never be given to Villains as a set.

Back to thematics – Empathy isn’t really a villainous trait. From a fiction standpoint, it wasn’t our first choice to port over and the reason corruptors didn’t receive it in the first place as part of the release of City of Villains. If we were to add an “Empathy Like” set, it would need to be all new and not a port of it, to make it fit into the Villainous theme. As such, that fell out of the scope of Issue 12’s powerset proliferation and is why it wasn’t included.

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Defenders have dark, not very hero like.

Scrappers have dark melee, not very hero like.

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That is consistently and intentionally overlooked. They just don't want to give empathy to villains.

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lol, wut?
And this dude.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. --- Thomas Jefferson
Formerly known as YFNDBA



Well 1-20 will be a snap farming clockwork.



I agree with Castle in that certain sets should remain with certain ATs. I also agree Empathy is conceptually difficult for Villains (though examples of empathetic villains can be found in the genre, CoX is better served giving Villains a unique version of Empathy). The power where you take another's wounds onto yourself is one of the most heroic powers in the game.

The Blaster Psi Secondary looks pretty potent. A Blaster with Confuse and Fear? And I'm shocked they get Drain Psyche. That power gives so much survivability, it's incredible. I'll have to roll one (just like everyone else lol) just to see it first hand. And PvP Blasters may take something other than /Energy now (Drain Psyche and the Fear will be very potent in PvP). Just might be the most survivable Blaster in PvE outside of /Devices.

The best comics are still 10�!
My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!
WARNING: I bold names.



“Is the Corruptor version of Electric Blasts going to be colored red to match the theme of villain electricity?” – Blackavaar

Of course! They even get their own version of Voltaic Sentinal.

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You heard it here first. Villains get a Cap Gremlin!

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



Holy freaking crap Batman.


Also, "!!!!!!!!!!"



I'm trying to figure out what the point of playing any villain AT outside of a stalker is now in PvP.

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Silly stasis. You can have a pocket corr on 2nd account sit in hosp to buff your stalker!



Neat. And first post after a mad scientist

Edit: Uh. Holy [censored]? PSYCHIC SHOCKWAVE? Are you kidding?

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Yeah. Now I'm torn between Psi/Nrg and Psi/Psi. Maybe I'll make one of each!

Sign It : http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes



Neat. And first post after a mad scientist

Edit: Uh. Holy [censored]? PSYCHIC SHOCKWAVE? Are you kidding?

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even worse, note Psychic Scream is in the secondary not the primary, which means Psychic Blast gets Aim as well,

Build Up and Psychic Shockwave...along with Drain Psyche for lots of +regen and +recovery. And what looks to be a %-for-Confusion damage toggle. With about 20% more hit points than a Dominator and higher damage.

Yeah, I'm not seeing any balance problems with this set if the powers are directly ported.

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Rolling a Sonic/Psi and saying lol to PvE the second I12 hits.

And people didnt think Psi would be overpowered in PvE...

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Yeah, I checked but Drain Bamage was already taken.

I figured it would be, but still...

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I've locked down Non Compus Mentis on my regular server......

This'll be my first Blaster, for sure.



Sigh. This is just ridiculous, of course, the h to v balance wasn't even remotely addressed in the post. Villains are really screwed now.

Storm, and even Empathy for villains wouldn't save them for the disaster that is looming anyway. I'm trying to figure out what the point of playing any villain AT outside of a stalker is now in PvP.

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To learn to some how be as good as you can on the hard AT/sets I suppose.




What in the world was the argument FOR this? [psy blaster sets]



Neat. And first post after a mad scientist

Edit: Uh. Holy [censored]? PSYCHIC SHOCKWAVE? Are you kidding?

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Yeah. Now I'm torn between Psi/Nrg and Psi/Psi. Maybe I'll make one of each!

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Castle did tell us not to assume that Energy Manipulation would be the very best Secondary for Psychic Blast...

BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.



*Looks at Mental Manipulation*


Also, are tanks getting Shadow Dweller instead of Shadow Cloak. Because I, for one, firmly believe that they should. Who needs a stealthed tanker?







ah well, I havn't seen the details, so maybe some of the powers are a little different

The cake is a lie! The cake is a lie!



I'm not going to touch that Psi Manipulation portion of the post with a 10' pole.

But I wanted to comment that Illusion Control belongs on Dominators, whether it's retinted for Villains or just a straight port. If Masterminds get their own version as well, that's fine. But if Masterminds get it instead of Dominators I'll be *extremely* upset.

Gothika (Grav/Kin) Marionette (Ill/Rad) Terra Firma (Earth/Storm) Alana Dale (Arch/Nrg)
Iceblink (Ice/Dark) Fantasia (Mind/Fire) Shadow Minx (Claws/Nin)



I'm very confused as to why Psychic Scream is in Mental Manipulation.

My only guess is that they just swapped it out for Aim.

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That's not a big slap in the face to Assault Rifle blasters or anything, no. How nice that the new kid gets powers shuffled around so HE can get Aim and Buildup. Seriously, I was thinking that the absence of Aim or Build-up might be the balancing factor, but that seems not to be the case.

As is, I'm rolling up a something /Psi blaster as soon as I can on test because holy cow. Drain Psyche is going to need some serious looking at - that just cannot be ported as is from the dominator set. It's functionally a full heal/full endurance power on demand. That's... not a balanced blaster power. Power Sink eat your heart out.

Giving the set fear and confusion may be taking things over the top. Both of those are mez effects that frequently bypass existing mez protections, even in PvE. The confusion power seems unreliable enough, but a /Psi blaster with Presence and Scare is going to fearsome indeed.

Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball




The same can be said with moving Illusions to Masterminds as a Primary powerset.

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Can I just say, please, please just give Illusion to Dominators... Please? I don't care if MMs get it too, that would actually be pretty rad, BUT I really want to play it on a Dom.

Illusion powers in comic books are something that can work very differently depending on who is wielding them. It would be cool to have 2 different Illusion sets that work so differently between ATs. One are old favourite Illusion Control, an Two, our new favourite, Illusion for Masterminds, which would have controllable pets and hopefully some nifty Psi attacks.

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Remove PA and give me some hard control power and I would be for it but there isn't enough control. A Ill/* Dom would only really be a second hand MM. Even replacing PA with a AoE Immob would be more "helpful."



hey doc now that you defined what Mental Manipulation will look like, what will Electric Assault look like?



Thanks for answering these questions!


"So, Lighthouse, any chance of us finding out what-all powers are in Mental Manipulation?” – Bitt Player

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I'm, uh, interested to see how all those powers might be toned down, because if they haven't been, that sounds like the best Blaster secondary ever created, by a factor of 5.



Empathy isn’t a villainous trait, generally speaking.

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I'd like to introduce you to a Marvel villain named Empath.

Sure, his powers don't work the same as Empathy in City of Heroes, so perhaps Linderman is a better example.

You may argue "oh, but those are only two villains among many". My response would be, "and how many 'healer' heroes are there in superhero fiction?" I don't think there are all that many more than there are villains.

I love you guys, but powers do not a villain make. Villainy is about how you use your powers (if you have any), not about what powers you have. Healing other villains specifically so that they can continue committing crimes and atrocities is evil.

It's great that you plan to give a similar set to villains with a different theme, so I'm not exactly complaining, here. I'm just not buying the "Empathy isn't for villains" line, and I think it's really weird for a group of people that I know are superhero fans and read comics to be saying something like this. Empathy, as the human trait, may not be a villainous trait, but I don't think that's what the powerset represents unless I missed that somewhere in the set's description.

Castle said, “No, never!” and Positron said, “Yes, do it!” In the end, the decision of which sets to give everyone bounced back and forth multiple times. The next question is, “Why did Castle say no?!” At the time, he wanted each AT to keep certain sets so they were only found on that AT – Ninjitsu for Stalkers, Elec/Elec for Brutes, Ice/Ice for Tankers, etc. Ultimately, that concept was set aside later in the process, but some aspects of it remained in the initial pass of Proliferation.

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I hope that concept is abandoned completely. I will never understand why you'd want to restrict character concepts like that. What's so wrong about allowing someone to play a hero (Tanker or Scrapper) with melee electric powers?

EDIT: I misread that as "that concept was set aside for later". If you have already set it aside, please ignore my comment, and replace it with "hurrah!"

Sorry that I'm only elaborating in the negative, the rest of the answers were great!

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



eww on aoe immobs....



Am I the only one that doesn't think Mind Probe's name doesn't fit it's effects? The power itself is pretty sweet, even for a low level power, don't get me wrong. But... the name just seems off.




Remove PA and give me some hard control power and I would be for it but there isn't enough control. A Ill/* Dom would only really be a second hand MM. Even replacing PA with a AoE Immob would be more "helpful."

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Maybe for you there isn't enough control, but I've never had any problems at all controlling with my Illusion Controller. Illusion Dominator would fit the playstyle I use for my Illusionist even better. Illusion without PA is next to pointless.

Gothika (Grav/Kin) Marionette (Ill/Rad) Terra Firma (Earth/Storm) Alana Dale (Arch/Nrg)
Iceblink (Ice/Dark) Fantasia (Mind/Fire) Shadow Minx (Claws/Nin)



I'm very confused as to why Psychic Scream is in Mental Manipulation.

My only guess is that they just swapped it out for Aim.

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For blasters, Aim is always in the ranged powerset and buildup always in the support. This Mental Manipulation is very close to Psionic Assault, the changes are merely that the psionic snipe and the tier 1 tiny damage blast were removed, build up and the new toggle confuse added, and subdue was dropped to tier 1 making it consistent with all other blaster secondaries that start with a damaging ranged immobilize.



OK, normally I'm pretty laid back and willing to cut the devs some slack, but in all honesty I think you're out of your minds here. Psy Shockwave? On a Blaster? Especially when combined with an AoE toggle confuse so that critters don't even fight back while you simply melt them?

I'll wait and see as this goes to beta, but I can't possibly see this ending up anywhere vaguely resembling balanced