Draft: PvP Community Wish List




Heh... if you need a tiebreak between OAS issues and villain lack of perception, I'll gladly change one of my votes to help the villains out

...Nah, just kidding. Glad to see we got so many people voting though.



Thanks again NotPutzing, I appreciate the effort you put in for doing this.



+1 for Stalker Placate fix



Villian/Hero Teams in Warburg
Cross Server PvP
Better Rewards for PvP zones
IoPs and CoP trial
PvP tutorial Zone
Selectable Arena Maps
Normalize the Respawn time in arena
Buff to make fly a viable travel power
More PvP options (Capture the flag etc.)
Paid PvP extention (auto 50's on a PvP server)



Selectable maps
Hero-Villain Balance
PvP and PvE Builds
Villain Lack of +per
Instanced PvP Missions
Paid PvP Expansion
OAS Timer Issues



Cross server PvP
Meaningful Rewards
More +perc for vills
Allowing vills to change patrons
Paid PvP expansion



1. The only affecting self timer is unreliable. Testing had it varying between 3 and 17 seconds: a world of difference in an arena match. Please normalize the timer.

2. You are often able to hold, stun and damage players who are only affecting self. See this video for a demonstration.

3. A player can zone into an arena match dead and his teammates may stack veng off the body by putting it on auto and selecting the fallen teammate.

4. Observers have trouble following the action in PvP matches. Greatly increase the flight speed of the arena bots. Consider adding an option to grant them +perception.

5. People often have to reset matches multiple times to get an acceptable map. Add selectable maps, as well as the ability to eliminate maps from the selection while still having a random pick.

6. There’s no way of policing the tier of inspiration used even though tier 1s are the only thing sold at the arena store. Add an option to limit the tier of inspirations used.

7. Since team size on non-SG matches caps at 8 people, new people who want to play are often shut out of matches. Allow non-SG matches to be greater than 8v8.

8.People who put a lot into PvP feel under recognized, and information can be hard to get in game and on the main CoH site. List the PvP SG/VG and Individual Ladder Rankings on the main CoH/CoV site and to the Kiosk Stats.



Looks like we can scratch one off the list:

4. Not being able to use accolades while exemping favors power gamers at the expense of casual players who got their accolades later. Let accolades be used in PvP zones regardless of what level they're earned at.

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Per Lighthouse Patch Notes:

• Accolades should now be available even when exemplared to lower levels.

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P.S. Where do we go from here? Do we just point the devs to this thread? Digest this and start a new one with the top 10?

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



I think NotPutzing was going to draw up a document and send it off to Ex Libris.



Just to update, my finals week has ended up being slightly more hellish than I anticipated. I've made progress on clean up and introduction, but it's not done yet. Hopefully I'll be able to put up a fully cleaned introduction and list for final revisions and edits tonight or tomorrow.



school first, game later!

back to the books putz!


good luck



The difficulty of leveling and equipping toons decreases the number of people who can get involved in competitive PvP. Make a paid PvP expansion where you can auto level to 50 and get unlimited loot for a toon, but can only play in the arena and PvP zones

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AMEN to this, in know people including myself who have done the grind several times and am not interested in pve for more than half an hour per toon per day. We like PvP, its the only logical place for CoXers to go. Some people i know have quit the game entirely because of that god-awful 1-50 PvE grind. Now while we realise you need to make money, we also realize taht we have been playing the game for over 2 year or more. As a result reward veterans who want to PvP and have more than one level 50. Or impliment the above idea. Please that 1-50 grind is so dang brutal, especiall 30-50, its a nightmare. You are still going to get your monthly fee out of me, if anything im gonna stick around longer knowing that i dont have to dread that grind!



OMG! finally some 1 from the villains side tells it like it is,,you are 100% right on the mark ,its useless for me lvl 50 assault rifle/fire manipulation,to go into PVP,but every couple of months i do anyways and as always the stalkers are layin in wait,i'll get stunned then AS'd,if i'm still standing placated even tho i have tactics 4 slotted w/tohits unable to target then i'll try to get away,only to get stunned again then even w/ a tray full of breakfree's unable to target or if i do get off a shot its dodged or does about as much damage as brawl in pve,by that time placate has recharged already,and on the rare occaisions i can target him w/snipe + buildup and actually hit him my "unresistable damage"does about as much harm as my burst shot does in pve,so whats the use of me going into harms way if i don't stand a chance of winning? its very unbalanced as far i can see,even w/ full teams vs 1-2 stalkers the kill ratio always goes to the villains,stalkers resist every thing we have to throw at them i can stun AV's w/bean bag st times for up to 5 full seconds but stun a stalker? or hold or immobalize? not likely,and when it does happen they shake it off before i can get off another shot,,for my to even have half a chance to do any kind of major damage to a stalker ,my damage should be atleast 3/4ths as much as theirs if not equal example my snipe should do just as much damage as assasins strike,but its barely scratches them,,so if the devs want more heroes in on PVP then do somthing about stalkers placate,and a stalkers abillity to resist everything,,,thanks



OMG! finally some 1 from the villains side tells it like it is,,you are 100% right on the mark ,its useless for me lvl 50 assault rifle/fire manipulation,to go into PVP,but every couple of months i do anyways and as always the stalkers are layin in wait,i'll get stunned then AS'd,if i'm still standing placated even tho i have tactics 4 slotted w/tohits unable to target then i'll try to get away,only to get stunned again then even w/ a tray full of breakfree's unable to target or if i do get off a shot its dodged or does about as much damage as brawl in pve,by that time placate has recharged already,and on the rare occaisions i can target him w/snipe + buildup and actually hit him my "unresistable damage"does about as much harm as my burst shot does in pve,so whats the use of me going into harms way if i don't stand a chance of winning? its very unbalanced as far i can see,even w/ full teams vs 1-2 stalkers the kill ratio always goes to the villains,stalkers resist every thing we have to throw at them i can stun AV's w/bean bag st times for up to 5 full seconds but stun a stalker? or hold or immobalize? not likely,and when it does happen they shake it off before i can get off another shot,,for my to even have half a chance to do any kind of major damage to a stalker ,my damage should be atleast 3/4ths as much as theirs if not equal example my snipe should do just as much damage as assasins strike,but its barely scratches them,,so if the devs want more heroes in on PVP then do somthing about stalkers placate,and a stalkers abillity to resist everything,,,thanks

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Great, that was so bad that now I'm sterile

Here you come with a stupid name like Fixer - brutalkillz_



I was told that if a dominator builds domination and goes into the arena with the bard up they can have domination up right away, can anyone confirm that? I'm sure it's a bug, would be useful to fix.



OMG! finally some 1 from the villains side tells it like it is,,you are 100% right on the mark ,its useless for me lvl 50 assault rifle/fire manipulation,to go into PVP,but every couple of months i do anyways and as always the stalkers are layin in wait,i'll get stunned then AS'd,if i'm still standing placated even tho i have tactics 4 slotted w/tohits unable to target then i'll try to get away,only to get stunned again then even w/ a tray full of breakfree's unable to target or if i do get off a shot its dodged or does about as much damage as brawl in pve,by that time placate has recharged already,and on the rare occaisions i can target him w/snipe + buildup and actually hit him my "unresistable damage"does about as much harm as my burst shot does in pve,so whats the use of me going into harms way if i don't stand a chance of winning? its very unbalanced as far i can see,even w/ full teams vs 1-2 stalkers the kill ratio always goes to the villains,stalkers resist every thing we have to throw at them i can stun AV's w/bean bag st times for up to 5 full seconds but stun a stalker? or hold or immobalize? not likely,and when it does happen they shake it off before i can get off another shot,,for my to even have half a chance to do any kind of major damage to a stalker ,my damage should be atleast 3/4ths as much as theirs if not equal example my snipe should do just as much damage as assasins strike,but its barely scratches them,,so if the devs want more heroes in on PVP then do somthing about stalkers placate,and a stalkers abillity to resist everything,,,thanks

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wow. i can't even stand to look at that. but #1 it's not really heroes v.s. villains that is the problem there that you're obviously not moving enough compounded by the fact that you're playing a less than optimally built (lol AR snipe) gimped build.



I was told that if a dominator builds domination and goes into the arena with the bard up they can have domination up right away, can anyone confirm that? I'm sure it's a bug, would be useful to fix.

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Oh, interesting, I'll check that.

Also I did check the domination while teamed in duels thing after Lacuna said he thought it didn't work. It does. The deal is, domination from your secondary always builds at "zomg uber pvp bonus" rate independent of whether or not your teamed. Domination from your primary builds faster when teamed.



Great work!

I'm most interested in developments such as:

*) Make Accolades work in all zones, for all toons, OR no Accolade bonuses in ANY PvP area. All for all or none for none, imho.

*) Add Arena kiosks in Base locations of PvP zones to reduce zone problems and allows "Let's settle this in the arena now - LISTED!"

*) Arena:
...* Make each team identifiable - to observers at least - by coding them - red, green, blue reticles, etc.
...* Observer bots to be MUCH faster with "perfect" +Per - if noobs can't watch or see what's happening, it'll be a maelstrom of confusion.
...* Selectable maps. Like, so, so overdue.
...* Blasters are a staple in high end PvP - but they're getting buffed? What's up with dat? If some sets are underperforming or not even taken, buff 'em up. Suggestions in original post are good examples.
...* Scenarios. OK - Beat 'em all up. Has all the variety of "Oh gee! Another Warehouse? Who'd ever think they'd hide in THERE?" Look at Paintball scenarios - not necessarily the humongous multi-day ones, but the old ones, or similar to some laser tag places, and pull from there.

I guess this one is too easy but...

*) PvP Server. All accounts auto level to L50. Start in Pocket D, Trainers and Stores inside there. NO OTHER MAPS. No stores. Allows "straight up" L50 Arena choices.



*) Make Accolades work in all zones, for all toons, OR no Accolade bonuses in ANY PvP area. All for all or none for none, imho.

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Just an FYI, this is already on Test, from the Dec 4th patch notes:

"• Accolades should now be available even when exemplared to lower levels. "


Lords of the Dead
Old School Legends



Good to know, Thorizidin, thanks!






One other - Contribute bounty for partial work in Siren's. As a Controller, or as a Brute, doing all the hard work and having a Blaster/Stalker get 100% of the credit for doing 5% of the work is rewarding Controllers/Brutes... how? If someone wants to tap on the last 5%, give them say... 5% of the credit. That being said, a Slowed, Rad infected, Enervating Field dude is debuffed - but not damaged. Not sure how I'd handle that, but putting some partial credit in there for sure.



I like this post a lot.

I will add my two cents here of what should be changed as well.

Nerf the stealth cap for stalkers. Being buffed with all sorts of perception and still not being able to see a stalker at farther than 10 ft who has the ability to do massive burst damg is just wrong. Or do not nerf the stealth cap but increase the perception cap. A team of 3-4 spines/em scrappers is just as deadly, if not more, than any group of 3-4 blasters. THey will Impale for criticals and do a hit and run tactic again and again and again at stealth cap which is great since Impale is outside of anyone's perception range. (come to freedom SC and you might see this awesome tactic sometimes, if you have not seen it already).

An illusion/ running SI... you dont even need perception to see him from close. If a toon has one single perception+ (clarity is available to villains at SC lvls) power on him, SI is a bit meh, at best.

I would like to see corruptors have access to some better APP powers AND I would like to see defenders have a better inherent than defenders now have. Scourge is AWESOME for PvP.

I would not mind trading heroe APP for controllers for an inherent like Domination either.

MM's being able to control their pets with no real difficulties while they and their pets are confused (tested at any zone and arena). What sense does that make? LOL

I absolutely want an expansion or another server where we may have toons equipped with any IO's or HO's or any other abilities and equipment for PvP. Something similar to Guild Wars (that is an awesome idea indeed). An IO'd out toon is as good as G.ODlike in pvp.

Repeat Offenders forever !

Make all IO's available in Paragon Market! NCSoft, the chinese are making BIG money selling influence and other stuff in the game. Best way to stop them = make the paragon market a place to buy all IO's and perhaps other things as well.



I like this post a lot, but mainly because it screams "hi, I've never bothered to see what the villains have to deal with in pvp, so I'll act like they're overpowered because I get owned in siren's call on freedumb"

I will add my two cents here of what should be changed as well.

Nerf the stealth cap for stalkers. Being buffed with all sorts of perception and still not being able to see a stalker at farther than 10 ft who has the ability to do massive burst damg is just wrong. Or do not nerf the stealth cap but increase the perception cap. A team of 3-4 spines/em scrappers is just as deadly, if not more, than any group of 3-4 blasters. THey will Impale for criticals and do a hit and run tactic again and again and again at stealth cap which is great since Impale is outside of anyone's perception range. (come to freedom SC and you might see this awesome tactic sometimes, if you have not seen it already).

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You want stalkers to be lower damage, lower health scrappers. no.

An illusion/ running SI... you dont even need perception to see him from close. If a toon has one single perception+ (clarity is available to villains at SC lvls) power on him, SI is a bit meh, at best.

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What game do you play? SI is the reason people make ill/emp trollers, and no, you need perception to see them, since it puts a controller at their stealth cap with a single application, and since when do villains get clarity in siren's call? Do you even play a villain, ever?

I would like to see corruptors have access to some better APP powers AND I would like to see defenders have a better inherent than defenders now have. Scourge is AWESOME for PvP.

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Sure, when it works, which is like when someone's down to about 25% health, which you have to get to first. hi, empath?

I would not mind trading heroe APP for controllers for an inherent like Domination either.

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Because controllers with the ability to mez AND buff/debuff isn't enough apparently, so we should rip off domination and give it to controllers. ... please.
MM's being able to control their pets with no real difficulties while they and their pets are confused (tested at any zone and arena). What sense does that make? LOL

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Confuse murders masterminds, it totally screws up their pet controls and if anything, they should get a small buff to resist it a bit since its so crippling for so long (confuse lasts ages)

I absolutely want an expansion or another server where we may have toons equipped with any IO's or HO's or any other abilities and equipment for PvP. Something similar to Guild Wars (that is an awesome idea indeed). An IO'd out toon is as good as G.ODlike in pvp.

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We're trying to make suggestions that the devs have even the slightest chance in considering, not ones that are off the wall like this, as nice as it may sound.



I would like to see corruptors have access to some better APP powers AND I would like to see defenders have a better inherent than defenders now have. Scourge is AWESOME for PvP.

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Sure, when it works, which is like when someone's down to about 25% health, which you have to get to first. hi, empath?

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Would be nice if Corrs could start scourging earlier to keeping up with blaster damage

And DareCommando I'd recommend actually going out and pvping somewhere before you start talking
Good game dude, srsly