Draft: PvP Community Wish List




The paid expansion.Why would we go from rewarding power gamers, to rewarding the rich!?

[/ QUOTE ]
Hyperbole much? We're not talking about buying a Rolls Royce here, we're talking about a $20-$30 purchase. And that has nothing to do with the cost of maintaining multiple accounts.

Rewarding the rich? That's one hell of a stretch you're making. The assertion is laughable, at best.

[/ QUOTE ]

As amusing as this may seem to my current financial situation, I am POOR.I can't even afford new clothes, much less a paid expansion.My boyfriend and I made a choice to spend 30 bucks a month so that we can enjoy this game together, even though we are flat broke, and I don't think WE should have to suffer in pvp because we lack funds.
Plus as I mentioned, there would be people with multiple of these accounts, because hey, some people have that much money to blow on trying to kill somebody in a game world.



As amusing as this may seem to my current financial situation, I am POOR.I can't even afford new clothes, much less a paid expansion.My boyfriend and I made a choice to spend 30 bucks a month so that we can enjoy this game together, even though we are flat broke, and I don't think WE should have to suffer in pvp because we lack funds.

[/ QUOTE ]
Nobody is taking anything away from you. If you can't, or don't want to, pay for a PvP expansion, then don't. You can still level the regular way. As I've said before, the expansion just gives options to those of us who are in the opposite situation as you...we have some extra money, but not the time to grind hundreds of hours worth of PvE content to enjoy PvP. Believe me when I tell you, my *time* is worth just as much as your *money*. With the current game structure, you have options and people like me don't.

Plus as I mentioned, there would be people with multiple of these accounts, because hey, some people have that much money to blow on trying to kill somebody in a game world.

[/ QUOTE ]
What do you mean "multiple of these accounts"? They're the same $15/mo accounts that they already have. Paying for an expansion in no way affects whether someone will, or will not, maintain multiple accounts with a monthly fee attached. One has nothing to do with the other. It's a red herring argument.

Regarding your financial situation, I know what it's like to be in your shoes, and I wish you all the best in whatever you do to overcome it.



The idea for a paid PvP expansion (from what I understood) would be that folks who didn't want to spend 3 months grinding away in a portion of the game they used to like 3 years ago -- when it was new -- and get to the part they enjoy most... PvP'ing.

I'm sure if you are feeling sufficiently sadistic to make people have to endure the monotonous, "open newspaper, run to door, kill minions, kill boss, get power-up, exit mission. Repeat... 100,000 times.".. then yes, you would be against the chance to jump straight to 50 and have only access to 5 zones ONLY.



1.Fix Placate
2.PvE/PvP Builds
3./PvPcount (awesome idea - include hidden people [numbers only])
4.Hero/Villain Balance
5.No debt in PvP zones
6.PPP Overhaul
7.PvP tutorial
8.Hero/Villain teaming in WB
9.PvP Expansion
10.Remove system generated matches

From the above discussion about the Paid expansion - you could always link it to accounts and could only be bought by someone who already has a lvl 50 on that account. Make it an upgrade to existing accounts - "The deluxe account"...or "The leet kila account"
GOD bless,



Please remove the stealth and perception caps. Or at least raise them so that people with Grant invis can be of benefit to Stalkers, and people with Tactics could help thier team SEE stalkers at a range greater than 10 feet.

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

All your gonna do is just farm behemoths anyways.

My thoughts on November 30.



My two pence

Heroes and Villains NEED to be able to switch sides in the game which would allow for total balancing against each other PvP.

give villains real epics as patrons are pure excrement

Fly is fine, any kind of anti-antifly would break the game and result in swarms of flying /energy blasters with boost range. There is no situation where a flyer shouldnt be brought down with a web nade or snowstorm ever.

There should be a reward system in PvP

Theres a crapload of arena pvp badges already in the game going unused.

Lack of villain perception buff in BB and SC is a joke in the age of stealth IOs



remove all Player Names when in Zone PVP.

not all AT combinations are viable for Solo-PVP. this is where Walkraft kicks the snot out of Cities. sorry, but it's true.



another vote for arena map selection. Would like to also have ability to add in NPC foes and with that the ability to select number, strength, type (much like the FPS battlefield series) and that could range from minions to EB and AVs all which could be unlocked like gladiators.

Would also like to see mission objectives thrown in there with that (clicking glowie, hostage rescue, etc) and starting spawn point selection.

Would be great for RP situations with a player controlled Baddie at the end of what would be a standard mission.




I already posted this in Colonel Jasmine's thread, but it's getting a bit lost out there. Better combine it with the rest.


There's a lot of things I discussed with guildmates that would make pvp more fun. Some of them relatively easy to implement, others demanding a lot of development time.

1) Fix the balance between villains and heroes, specifically the 40+ powers (EPP/PPP) and the powers that are broken in PVP, as Jasmine already indicated.

2) This would have to be open pvp in all zones. This is a VERY hard one, and might need a specific PVP server, if anti-PVP sentiments ran up too high in the non-PVP playerbase. It would be allowed only for players level 40+, and only if there were a system in place for people to declare themselves combattant / non-combattant. There would have to be some restrictions:
- Simple system for changing status, preferably in the menu.
- A 5 minute warm-up / cool-down after changing combattant status
- Non-combattants would have to be unable to heal/buff/debuff combattants OUTSIDE OF MISSIONS
- If open world pvp were in place, guild wars could be introduced. There's ample precedent for it in the literature, even for hero-hero and villain-villain. Participation in a guild war could be set in a menu. Leaving the war should be possible, but would result in a black mark for the SG. A point system could be used to keep score (leaving war -100, someone being killed -10, killing another +10), all in proportion to the number of participants on each side, so an outnumbered group would get a bonus, resulting in a war ranking for SGs.

3) Change Recluse's Victory. Most of this could be applied in other zones too, by the way.
- Make RV a level 35+ zone. A lot of people do not like free-for-all PVP, and it would give those people more options.
- Do away with the silly turrets and Heavies, put those somewhere in PVE zones. Give Longbow a nice little base in Grandville, and give Arachnos a base in Peregrine Island. Let the PVE players have fun taking over PVE bases.
- Expand the Hero and Villain bases. Make the outlying areas of those bases attackable and conquerable for a limited amount of time and give a PVP reward doing so, for instance a random bonus to certain powers, a random buff, or somthing else that can be kept zone specific and doesn't bring farmers. Really conquering a base should take a combination of skills. One possibility is spawning non-glowing click objects in random places in the zone (only if x number of both sides are in the zone), that would be needed to open doors. The inner area of the base, with the exits and the base hospital, should be sacrosanct.
- Place a hospital in the middle of the zone where both sides can CHOOSE to rez at full health, at the risk of being attacked within seconds of rezzing there (thinking a 10 second timer, so you can get shields up). Choice would be rez at full health, but be at risk, or rez at 1 hitpoint in the safety of the base, and have to wait till back at workable health/end.
- The random exits are already in place. Maybe add a few more to avoid camping, which WOULD be a possibility in this setup.

One of the main problems I see is a totally wrong conception of how PVP works in a mixed player base. Given 100 random players, 10-15 of them will PVP with some regularity. Of that amount, not even half will PVP hardcore. Most of the others don't EVER want to be bothered with it. Forcing people to go into PVP zones to obtain certain objectives (badges, accolades) does NOT make them want to PVP, rather the reverse. Luring people into the PVP zones with the promise of phat loot only makes the relation between farmers and PVPers in the zone go VERY ugly VERY fast.

4) Change Warburg. Make it so that villains and heroes can team up. It's free-for-all, after all.

5) Do away with the police drones. The storyline already establishes that there is forcefield technology, so use it. Make defensive shields around the PVP zone entrances, that disable all offensive powers while inside it and are impenetrable for attacks of any type from the outside. In both cases, including TP foe. One less reason to whine. Taking down the base shield would, incidentally, be a fun first task in taking over a base.

6) Moderate chat in PVP zones and Arena channel a bit more. The occasional smacktalk is just entertainment, but some people go WAY too far, including detailed descriptions of anatomy, sexual preferences and positions, racial slurs, and gender-based harassment. The occasional live mod-smack would be both entertaining and useful.

7a) Let each player store one build per toon per PVP zone, to be activated only on entering the relevant zone. It would enable people to have a PVP build for PVP, while still having a PVE build for levelling and other PVE things.

7b) Introduce a new type of subscription for PVP only, with 3 character slots per PVP zone, that can be instantly levelled to the zone's maximum. These players would only have access to the PVP zones and the Arena (yes, this would mean Arena terminals in the PVP zones). They would be able to earn enhancements by doing a mix of PVE missions for regular enhancements (already there, in most PVP zones) and achieving PVP targets for the really good stuff (like the bounty system, which I incidentally enjoy VERY much, and would love to see implemented in all other zones). Please notes this would keep the instant-gratification types in the PVP crowd out of the hair of those who prefer PVE, while still giving both types of player the opportunity to gank each other if they so desire. Special bonusses like accolades should only be available to those who actually do the PVE grind. PVE players entering the zone should have the content of the enhancement tray 'put in storage' to prevent trade with the PVP sub players.

I am very serious about this. I know a LOT of PVPers who quit COV/COH because they simply couldn't stomach the PVE grind, even though they loved the speed of the PVP and the powers available. A guildwars-like system has the potential of drawing in PVPers without upsetting the anti-PVP people in the PVE playerbase.

8) Enable limited player camping, both in zone PVP and in any open world PVP. Admit it, we all like to do it /evil grin. Maybe make a rare temp power that can be earned through PVP or that is issued (one per participant) during guild wars, and that can used to cage a player for a limited amount of time - definitely no longer than 30 minutes, after which the player can escape by tp to base - forcing SG mates or the other side in general to come free them.

9) Change the communication options, make seeing the other side's chat on by default. Apart from the fact that the current setting makes it impossible to use the Help channel to help out a player on the other side, communication also prevents a lot of misunderstandings and hard feelings. It also helps build a community that transcends factions. Identification with your own side in Star Wars Galaxies was fierce, but the fact both sides could talk meant you could develop respect for a good opponent, and even agree to a cease-fire on occasion. Sometimes, like during the Winter Event, working together to gank the snow monster is a MUCH better idea than trying to ignore it (somehow, it doesn't go away).

Just some ideas...



Matt Miller: The Patron Powers are stronger and more powerful than the �equivalent� powers in City of Heroes (the Ancillary Power Pools), because there is less diversification and the fact that Patron choices are permanent alterations to your character.



EDIT: Didn't realize it was a top 10 kind of thing. I've narrowed down my picks to the top 10 I want (in no particular order).

1. Fury does not build as intended.

I suggest giving attacks a fury bonus if they hit, similar to dom domination secondary powers.

2. Not being able to use accolades while exemping favors power gamers at the expense of casual players who got their accolades later. Let accolades be used in PvP zones regardless of what level they're earned at.

3. Brutes, tanks, and scrappers are entirely absent from high end team PvP. Consider adding resistance or protection to Cage to some of the sets that aren’t as good in PvP (invuln, stone, ea) and make taunt less easy to shake.

4. There aren’t any meaningful rewards to encourage participation in PvP. Add zone rewards that are for PvPing, not for doing PvE activities in PvP zones.

5. The difficulty of leveling and equipping toons decreases the number of people who can get involved in competitive PvP. Make a paid PvP expansion where you can auto level to 50 and get unlimited loot for a toon, but can only play in the arena and PvP zones.

6. A good PvP build can be very different from a good PvE build. Allow players to toggle between build so they can use the same toon to be good at both PvE and PvP.

7. There are no options in arena matches that aren’t just “kill the most people on the other team.” Add objective based instanced PvP like capture the flag and king of the hill.

8. Observers have trouble following the action in PvP matches. Greatly increase the flight speed of the arena bots. Consider adding an option to grant them +perception.

9. People often have to reset matches multiple times to get an acceptable map. Add selectable maps, as well as the ability to eliminate maps from the selection while still having a random pick.

10. Current level ranges are clunky, and put lower level players at a disadvantage. Allow players to set matches to a specific level and allow players to get auto sk’d to that level as well as auto expemlared.



Two movement-related items; the first falls somewhere between bug and "unintended design consequence", the second is absolutely a bug.

1) Make speed debuffs proportional rather than absolute. That is, the reason jump is so effective in PvP is that Superjump grants something like +30000% to jumpspeed whereas comparable fly and run powers add only a couple hundred %. A "slow movement" debuff that subtracts 100-200% from movement thus works very effectively vs. fly and run, but has almost no effect vs. jump. If Snare powers were tweaked so that the magnitude was proportional to the total movement buff granted by travel powers (20% of non-enhanced base?), Jump would instantly fall into line with run and fly.

2) Fix "ground detection". A number of powers (patches and some holds) only take effect when the target is "on the ground". Fine. But perma-bunnyhopping currently prevents the game from registering "on the ground", which is beyond silly. How did you jump into the air? By pushing off the ground, sheesh.



No particular order...

No loss of Accolades/Set Bonuses for Exemping
Cross-server PvP/Global Arena
Villain Lack of +per
Rage fix
Terminal's in PvP Zones
Observer Drones
Bounty System in All Zones
PvP Tutorial/Training Wheels
Hero EPP's for Vills



My top ten.....

1) Map selection for pvp arena matches.

2) Add +perception to lower level villains

3) Paid PVP expansion

4) Add or modify the Patron/Epic choices. Villains need better epics

5) Make base raids mean something, get in some Items Of Power so people have something to fight for.

6) I would love to see a Hero vs Villain mayhem mission, with a reward for the winners. Some objectives need to be reached for reward to be granted. Maybe a tier system.

7) Make some changes to Melee type toons so they have a place in sg or large team pvp. Need to break away from cookie cutter teams and get more diverse. I liked the idea of taunt being harder to break. Maybe something like that for tanks, and a toned down version for scrappers?

8) (copied) Not being able to use accolades while exemping favors power gamers at the expense of casual players who got their accolades later. Let accolades be used in PvP zones regardless of what level they're earned at.

9) (copied) Many people dislike that deaths aren’t shown on the scoreboard. List deaths and kills for all matches, as it’s shown in base raids.

10) Nerf bodyguard. A MM should not have the hps of a tanker while his troops are guarding him, this needs to be toned down. I don't understand how a stalker lands an AS on a MM, yet a dozen pets split the damage. If it was a cone, or an aoe OK there is an argument. But if the attacker is hidden, it should be a % of the pets see it in time, and if it is a single, the % should be even lower for the number of pets that absorb some of the damage.




Thanks for the hard work putzing /signed to all



d00d you're supposed to vote for the ones you want, your top 10 favorite or most important (up to 10, fewer is OK)



1. People often have to reset matches multiple times to get an acceptable map. Add selectable maps, as well as the ability to eliminate maps from the selection while still having a random pick.

2. Not being able to use accolades while exemping favors power gamers at the expense of casual players who got their accolades later. Let accolades be used in PvP zones regardless of what level they're earned at.

3. A good PvP build can be very different from a good PvE build. Allow players to toggle between build so they can use the same toon to be good at both PvE and PvP.

4. The difficulty of leveling and equipping toons decreases the number of people who can get involved in competitive PvP. Make a paid PvP expansion where you can auto level to 50 and get unlimited loot for a toon, but can only play in the arena and PvP zones.

5. The only affecting self timer is unreliable. Testing had it varying between 3 and 17 seconds: a world of difference in an arena match. Please normalize the timer.

6. You are often able to hold, stun and damage players who are only affecting self. See this video for a demonstration.

7. Occasionally some players will be able to move and use toggles and buffs before the timer at the beginning of the match is over.

8. People who lag when entering arena matches will sometimes have a different time in their navigation screen than the actual match timer.

9. Observers have trouble following the action in PvP matches. Greatly increase the flight speed of the arena bots. Consider adding an option to grant them +perception.

10. Defeat list only shows people who've defeated you, not those you have defeated.



People often have to reset matches multiple times to get an acceptable map. Add selectable maps, as well as the ability to eliminate maps from the selection while still having a random pick.

Not being able to use accolades while exemping favors power gamers at the expense of casual players who got their accolades later. Let accolades be used in PvP zones regardless of what level they're earned at.

A good PvP build can be very different from a good PvE build. Allow players to toggle between build so they can use the same toon to be good at both PvE and PvP.

The difficulty of leveling and equipping toons decreases the number of people who can get involved in competitive PvP. Make a paid PvP expansion where you can auto level to 50 and get unlimited loot for a toon, but can only play in the arena and PvP zones.

The only affecting self timer is unreliable. Testing had it varying between 3 and 17 seconds: a world of difference in an arena match. Please normalize the timer.

You are often able to hold, stun and damage players who are only affecting self. See this video for a demonstration.

Occasionally some players will be able to move and use toggles and buffs before the timer at the beginning of the match is over.

People who lag when entering arena matches will sometimes have a different time in their navigation screen than the actual match timer.

Observers have trouble following the action in PvP matches. Greatly increase the flight speed of the arena bots. Consider adding an option to grant them +perception.



10 changes I'd like to see in PvP:

1. Balance, Balance, Balance. When I first made my main character in I3, there *was* no PvP. Furthermore, he's more of a concept build anyway. So because he isn't /EM, he doesn't have FoN or PFF and has the seemingly negligible ability to perceive anything, he's completely unviable as a PvP character.

2. Remove the badges from PvP, or make them obtainable by other means. I collect badges on my characters. I have been put off completely by PvP because I refuse to rework my concept-built character to conform to PvP survivability standards. But the draw of the badges themselves, regardless of the idiotic crap I have to go through to get them, is enough to make me risk being frustrated and annoyed to earn them. Lotsa tension between badgers and PvPers exists for a reason; fix *that*.

3. Risk vs. Reward. There's little to no reward for PvPing besides bragging rights over other people... in a rock/paper/scissors situation. That being the case, make the rewards more tangible. Siren's Call is a step in the right direction, but the Bounty system is easily broken by hospital campers or other such nonsense.

4. Base Raiding is broken, has been since its inception, and shows no sign of being fixed at any time in the near future. I've never been on a real base raid. I've heard they're fun... when they're not broken or otherwise screwed up. On that note...

5. CoP trial. You [censored] devs. You made it available for 2 days. Not 7, like you said you would. 2. My SG was gearing up to run it on day 3. We had collected Warburg Nukes, Shivans, the works. Hell, we even had coalitionmates switching to our SG for the day just to they could help us. It was *supposed* to be one of the most fun and interesting new experiences that would reward our SG with an IoP and the opportunity to earn a badge. But you [censored] devs yanked it the night before we were going to run it. Other SGs did it, got and enjoyed their IoPs, traded base raids for the badge... and we got left out. Can you tell I'm still pissed about it?

6. Gangrape squads. Not much the devs can do about this, I admit, but it's one of the things that absolutely turned me off from PvP. The devs make missions with extra little xp bonuses inside the PvP zones to draw me in, and in between missions, I get 8 [censored] jumping me from out of nowhere.

7. Ever get jumped by one of your own teammates in Warburg after he just spontaneously decides to quit team? Yeah, fix that [censored].

8. Recluse's Victory Heavies are so broken, it's not even funny. I used to go there to work on my pillbox badge on slow nights when very few people were in the zone. I made deals with other PvPers to trade pillbox captures to actually cooperate and, therefore, both of us would profit by the collaboration. It was kinda cool. Then you nerfed the ever-loving crap out of Heavies. My main and badge collector is a blaster. I have no armor. I have no teammate buffs. So instead of having the equivalent of a tank able to take the hits from the pillboxes while I assist and kill the turrets, I now have an overgrown Tonka toy that gets killed between the second and third turrets on the first pillbox. Meanwhile, I see tankers and brutes running in the zone all the time, still farming the hell out of the turrets for cash because they take the hits for their Heavies. You only discouraged anyone who didn't have armor from farming. Well done.

9. Since base raids don't friggin' work, how about giving us the option of making unraidable bases? Allow me to design and implement a base design on a special unraidable plot that would negate all the blocking issues that raidable base plots give me. "Can't block path to raidable item?" Since we're not going to raid any time in the immediate future, how's about letting me do what the hell I want to do with my base, eh?

10. Never, ever, EVER AGAIN make a change to the mechanics of a power, archetype, enhancement or inspiration with ONLY PvP in mind! If you change something to balance it for PvP, then make it applicable to PvP ONLY. If you nerf something that's perfectly viable in PvE for the sake of some aspect of PvP play, you're [censored] over the entire population of the game for the sake of a small percentage of players.

GL; HF. YMMV. GG. You know, all that crap.




Stealing top 3 from Spectoral:

My top ten.....
1) Map selection for pvp arena matches.
2) Add +perception to lower level villains
3) Paid PVP expansion

[/ QUOTE ]

My #4: Accolades made available at all levels.




Base raids really AREN'T broken. Yes, there are many things that could make them BETTER (random spawn points, pre-entry loading rooms, IOPs in the game, etc) but the instaraids *work. I do them all the time.

But getting back on the subject, my 10 in no particular order:

1. Fix field items in bases. They're broken.
2. IOP/COP back in the game
3. PvP expansion pack (I like this idea but I think it should grant you access to an exclusive PvP SERVER. There's no reason a sub par newbie should get crushed by your super uber build in Siren's Call)
4. OAS timer
5. Get rid of system events. Make events in the system that actually reflect what people like to do, be it kickball, LLs, tourneys etc
6. tier one inspiration only setting
7. an option to create a pvp build AND a pve build
8. purpose/objective pvp
9. buff the observer bot, give it +perc (which can be turned off by the event lister)
10. PPPs really *do suck and villains need to be looked at in as far as balance goes.

Arc 185502: Who Killed Snow Globe? a mini mystery Put together the clues to solve the case!

Arc 22832: And Hell Hath No Fury (extreme)
Will you be the key to the Knives of Artemis' survival? or the instrument of their destruction?



I PvP very casually. Unfortunately, only one other person in my sg does, which makes it less fun (prefer to play with my friends).

That said, I think it could/should be much better. I left off anything I deemed to be a bug fixes, since bugs should be fixed, period. We shouldn't need a wishlist for those. I left off balance related, since balance is in the eye of the beholder.

A comment on the notion that Test server is such a "hotbed of pvp activity." Sure, this is partially a result of the best/most interested from each server concentrating play, but I also believe that it is significantly related to the PvE vs PvP builds. People can dupe a character and tweak for PvP without impacting their PvE play. They can also uber loot them by dupin rares, which makes them more optimal builds. Fun for the serious players, less fun for someone who doesn't have help or access to HOs and IOs or a friend/second account to help with duping.

Here's mine in general preference order.

Item Number of Requests
No Meaningful Reward (yet must not be exploitable or gamebreaking)
Bounty System in All Zones (bounty can be saved up, not gone as soon as you leave zone...like vanguard credits)
CoP and IoPs
Better Base Raids Incentives, lower disincentives
Selectable maps
Cross-server PvP
Instanced PvP Missions
PvP and PvE Builds
Flight Not Viable (tp is only meh without a second travel power)
PvP Tutorial/Training Wheels - Not sure a tutorial can do this



/signed to EVERYTHING.

My top 8:

1. Selectable maps (Can you say one map for each team and one random for leagues?)
2. PvP ONLY expansion
3. Cross-server PvP
4. PvP and PvE Builds
5. Rewards for PvP (5000 for each kill with rep?)
6. OAS Issues
7. Selectable maps
8. Bounty System in All Zones

5 Golden stars, Putz. Now get to DAAAAAAH KIIIIIIITCHEEEEEN!



I have long wanted pvp in CoX to be something that is done by more than just a couple of people. Its understandable that there are people who just do not want to pvp at all, but I believe that the majority of Cox players would pvp regularily if it wasn't so absolutely easy to be sent to the hospital.

1) Reduce the effectiveness of buffs in pvp.

2) PvE does not require a group to be effective, why does PvP have to differ?

3) Split bounty. Playing a villain, little is more irritating than the KSing stalkers.

4) 2-shot kills are not fun. PvP would be more fun for me if I actually had to engage in a battle with a target rather then catching them when they aren't looking (or they catch me when I'm not looking).

5) People who consistently use tp foe to drone people should get a boot from the zone they do it in. When someone gets droned, it is checked to see if someone recently used tp foe on them. If they did, a check is placed next to the person who used the power. After meeting a certain condition (i.e. number of times or time period), the person would then be forcibly booted from the zone for a period of time.



Okay, closing up voting. Here's the list of things with 10 votes or more.

Item Number of Requests
Selectable maps 68
Hero-Villain Balance 63
Cross-server PvP 45
Paid PvP Expansion 42
No Meaningful Rewards 41
PvP and PvE Builds 39
OAS Timer Issues 38
Villain Lack of +per 38
Instanced PvP Missions 31
Observer Bot Issues 29
Flight Not Viable 27
Inspiration Tier 26
PvP Tutorial/Training Wheels 21
Fury Bug 20
/pvpcount 19
Bounty System in All Zones 19
Non-SG Arena Match Caps 18
Accolades while Exemping 14
Arena Organized Tournies 14
Remove System Matches 13
CoP and IoPs 11

Off of these we're going to construct a priority list/introduction. Items that don't make it into the priority list but still got more than 10 votes will get noted as honorable mentions in the general list.