Discussion: Dec. 10th Prestige Grant & Debt Wipe




Does anyone know what time the debt wipe takes effect? Do I have time to get killed some more before bed?

"No boom *today*. Boom tomorrow. There's always boom tomorrow."
--Lt. Commander Susan Ivanova



The way they are doing it now is still making the big SGs richer and the smaller SGs are going to fall because who wants to be a member of a SG with ONE teleporter, when they can be a member of an SG with a teleporter to every zone?

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With proper planning, you can stick in a Secure Teleport Bay with room for four teleporters and beacons for a total of eight zones. Sure, it's not a teleporter to every zone, but you can make it pretty convenient to travel to any point in Paragon if you pick the right zones to TP to.

And SGs aren't just about teleporters, either. There are a lot of other very convenient resources that can easily be offered through a small base. Res facilities which, coupled with the base portal, can drop you right back into a mission when you're healed up, instead of making you schlep back from the hospital. Enhancement and Inspiration storage. All kinds of stuff. Even if roleplaying is taken entirely out of the question (it very rarely is, for me), this will help a lot of small SGs get to a point where they have a lot more going for them. It's hardly a pittance.

Full-Time Virtue Resident and Amazon Princess
Primaries: Infinite Morning (50), Mageshadow (47), Grammaire (33) Victorygirl (32), Themiscyra (30)
Do not go gently into that good night - save Paragon City!



I think the unintended consequences are unpleasant and bad for NCSoft though.

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May I ask what "unintended consequences" you are referring to? And just exactly how you feel they are bad for NCSoft?

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Sorry I didn't respond for so long,...I forgot about my post in this thread.

I listed the consequences in my post. I think that people creating trial accounts for themselves instead of giving the trial codes to new people was an unintended consequence.

I also thought that creating these new accounts, storing the new characters, and all that is involved with that would cost NCSoft something.

I realize I could be wrong. If NCSoft is happy, I don't really care.




Plus there is almost no downside to the prestige grant. The SGs who are exploiting this handout are bad SGs to begin with and will probably not last, and the smaller SGs that can benefit from any help will use it to become greater SGs.

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I just wanted add that the Lethal Ladies coalition on Pinnacle already had 4 branches plus a villain branch, bases with all the teleporters and an active network...but suddenly because we've padded to 150 (an addition of perhaps 30-40 alts in some cases) we're doooooooomed?

Likewise, my sg on Champion has 4-5 active people at anytime but we padded the heck out of that baby to get more prestige and increase base size.


This grant will help those who need it, and will only hinder the ones who seek to exploit it... sure they'll get bigger bases... but they'll learn the hard way that a bigger base can lead to the downfall to an SG. Luckily we grabbed ours right before the brink.

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Except you can just wait until rent is past due and shave a part of the next rent that way...and you CAN just turn influence into prestige at the drop of a hat. With the ease with which influence is gained, even the onerous exchange rate is manageable.

And how is it an exploit when Lighthouse himself said we could pad with alts or have new people join our supergroup?

That said, THANK YOU for the prestige bump devs!!!

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



According to ParagonWiki, rent is now based on plot size, not an assessment of the items in the base. So I expect that a lot of smaller SGs will do what I'm planning on doing and build a base heavy on resources but still sitting on the smallest plot size -- which doesn't incur any rent.

Just pointing that out. Those of you who have smaller SGs like mine are definitely advised to do what you can on the default plot rather than upgrading. Larger plots are going to get you into trouble unless you have a lot of very active members who don't mind running in SG mode a LOT, as Shayrd said.

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Yeah, a few issues ago, if you had a 3mil value base and 5 million unspent, your total net worth was 8 million so you were paying prestige based on being a 8million value base. Every month. Now, they've changed it so only the vaule of plot matters to rent.

The way they are doing it now is still making the big SGs richer and the smaller SGs are going to fall because who wants to be a member of a SG with ONE teleporter, when they can be a member of an SG with a teleporter to every zone?

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Because it's not the teleporters and doohickys it's the company! I'm in some sgs with small bases with virtually nothing but we have FUN and enjoy the game. My own supergroun on Champion, Drreameam...got to a base big enough for all the teleporters and storage with FOUR active people over two and a half years. I LOVE it because we didn't blind invite people and pad (outside of this grant) so it's the result of us four.

Bases are just window dressing for the game anyway, seeing as their 'intended purpose' is never going to happen.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes




The way they are doing it now is still making the big SGs richer and the smaller SGs are going to fall because who wants to be a member of a SG with ONE teleporter, when they can be a member of an SG with a teleporter to every zone?

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You could not be farther from the truth. A big SG who already has a upgraded plot and plenty of prestige stored does not need the 3 million that much. They already have a good base and will probably USE the 3 million but do not need it.

I have a ONE-man (two account) SG for many months. 24 characters and the second account wasnt even active most of the time due to finances. My second 50 made it from low 30's to 50 in SG mode BEFORE inventions made influence valuabe again. With the 300k free prestige from the first 15 people and several hundred thousand prestige earned over the months, I have a base with full control and energy rooms (not the combo unit thing) and a room with vault and workbench and a transporter room with 4 zones. With padding, this 2.5 million (I only got up to 124 people with pads) will probably let me get a medbay and 3 more transporter rooms. with a bigger computer to control it all. This greatly rewards me.

A one account SG, with a little help from padding, can have a base with a few transporters and some storage capacity (and if your one-man SG you dont have to worry about people stealing from them.) This GREATLY helps the small SG's if your willing to put in a little work.

I cant wait to get home and build me a kicking base. I may be able to afford some actual decorations now as well. I went for pure function before since I did not have alot of prestige to play with.



Not sure why people are complaining about something given to them, but w/e. I will use my extra 3,000,000 prestige to put most of all of the available Teleport pads in my personal SG. Storage and transport FTW! Thanks for the bonus devs.



The Island of Misfit Heroes is moving steadily up the ranks on Virtue, currently at #34 after breaking into the top 100 in late spring. Any "dead" SG's above us will not capture the full 3 million, allowing us to gain ground on them and slide up a little higher in the ranks. In this way, a large SG can benefit from the 3 mil bonus. Otherwise I don't see a purpose for it because we have absolutely nothing to spend it on.



Please use the following thread to discuss the below announcement:

As was included in the recent communication, A New Age, announcing the acquisition of the City of Heroes franchise from Cryptic Studios by NCsoft, there is an upcoming character Debt Wipe and Supergroup Prestige Grant.

When: December 10th, 2007

Prestige Grant
Supergroups will receive an additional 20,000 Prestige per Supergroup member on Dec. 10th! This means SGs could acquire up to 3 million Prestige based upon their Supergroup membership roster! This is a one time grant, based strictly on the number of people in the Supergroup at the time the grant is done.

Debt Wipe
It’s time to get crazy! We will be clearing out any accrued debt that characters have on Dec. 10th! So, get out and find some spectacular ways to take a faceplant! Organize some chaos events and generally have some fun, knowing that any debt you have will disappear on Dec. 10th!

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Just wondering has everyone lost thier debt? I seem to still have debt on the current char that I just logd into Or have misunderstood something

My Supergroup is Ghost Legion, Insane Crusaders of Ghost Legion, Ghost Legion of Liberty, My Villiangroup is Shadow Wraiths.
My Global is @Darklite and @DazzlerDarklite



Yeah I still had mine and almost everyone I talked to on pinnacle still has theirs.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



Please use the following thread to discuss the below announcement:

As was included in the recent communication, A New Age, announcing the acquisition of the City of Heroes franchise from Cryptic Studios by NCsoft, there is an upcoming character Debt Wipe and Supergroup Prestige Grant.

When: December 10th, 2007

Prestige Grant
Supergroups will receive an additional 20,000 Prestige per Supergroup member on Dec. 10th! This means SGs could acquire up to 3 million Prestige based upon their Supergroup membership roster! This is a one time grant, based strictly on the number of people in the Supergroup at the time the grant is done.

Debt Wipe
It’s time to get crazy! We will be clearing out any accrued debt that characters have on Dec. 10th! So, get out and find some spectacular ways to take a faceplant! Organize some chaos events and generally have some fun, knowing that any debt you have will disappear on Dec. 10th!

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Just wondering has everyone lost thier debt? I seem to still have debt on the current char that I just logd into Or have misunderstood something

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changes probably happen after daily server maintenance



WTF, still holding 139k debt! My only toon with debt....did anyone loose any debt on any of their toons?
Freedom server



Hmm ok the other question than is did people get the Prestige bonus? or was that flawed too? I can't tell if we got the bonus or not but I think we may have just wasn't much lol Guess I shoulda done some SG padding but I wanted folks who wanted to play instead.

My Supergroup is Ghost Legion, Insane Crusaders of Ghost Legion, Ghost Legion of Liberty, My Villiangroup is Shadow Wraiths.
My Global is @Darklite and @DazzlerDarklite



I still have debt on both of my Pinnacle accounts
Got the Prestiege in the SG however

The Ready or Not's on Pinnacle



Please use the following thread to discuss the below announcement:

As was included in the recent communication, A New Age, announcing the acquisition of the City of Heroes franchise from Cryptic Studios by NCsoft, there is an upcoming character Debt Wipe and Supergroup Prestige Grant.

When: December 10th, 2007

Prestige Grant
Supergroups will receive an additional 20,000 Prestige per Supergroup member on Dec. 10th! This means SGs could acquire up to 3 million Prestige based upon their Supergroup membership roster! This is a one time grant, based strictly on the number of people in the Supergroup at the time the grant is done.

Debt Wipe
It’s time to get crazy! We will be clearing out any accrued debt that characters have on Dec. 10th! So, get out and find some spectacular ways to take a faceplant! Organize some chaos events and generally have some fun, knowing that any debt you have will disappear on Dec. 10th!

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Just wondering has everyone lost thier debt? I seem to still have debt on the current char that I just logd into Or have misunderstood something

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changes probably happen after daily server maintenance

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If i'm not mistaken maintence happend at 9am eatern this morning and came back up aprox 30mins ago... so woudlnt that mean should have happend now since maintence happend?

My Supergroup is Ghost Legion, Insane Crusaders of Ghost Legion, Ghost Legion of Liberty, My Villiangroup is Shadow Wraiths.
My Global is @Darklite and @DazzlerDarklite



I still have debt on both of my Pinnacle accounts
Got the Prestiege in the SG however

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Was there a prestige gift on Test today as well?

Goldbrick 50 inv/ss tank
Other 50s: Power Beam, Rocky Mantle, STORMIE Agent, Matchless, Major Will, Knightmayor, Femstone, Space Maureen, Crimebuster Ako, Dr. Twilight, Doc Champion, American Gold Eagle



Just checked my characters that have debt, and both still have it.
Looks like the debt wipe didn't happen with todays maintenance.



Confirmed. Debt is still there. Prestige bonus went through.



Yep. I purposely played "stoopidly" last night since I knew that the Debt would be gone in the morning. Now my main toon, who I wanted to advance this morning, has a ton of Debt.



"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." -- Dr. Seuss



Debt still there for me too...55K on my 50 Scrapper among other heroes/villains. :/

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Thank you NCSoft, and Development team for the 3 million Prestige you gave the SG I belong to!
You folks are the grooviest!!

"The one thing that can stop a full team of MasterMinds dead in its tracks... a doorway!" --Frogfather



Freedom server - as of 12:40pm EST, debt still there from last night. Anyone know what time the wipe is to occur?




I note receipt (on Triumph) of the Prestige Bonus, however, no debt wipe as yet.


Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm ...



Yeah - doesn't appear that any of my characters who have supergroups on ANY server got any prestige.



We got prestige but we didn't get the debt wipe...Can a Red Name please comment, and only for the previous reason that all my toons have debt and I don't want to start working it off if we are gonna get the debt wipe today as promised.