Discussion: Coming Issue 10 Announced




Bah! I say bring on da baddie aliens...Been lookin' fer sum trophies ta decorate da base. A few Rikti heads an' legs would be nice look me thinks /e bitesdonut



Hot, but where's the 5th?

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Ya know, I was hoping for the 5th Column to rise again as well, but this is just as good, if not better, since I still have the last day of COH Beta in an old memory file in my head, twinging over wanting to see the Mothership in the sky again... XD

Man up, everyone! Rikti BBQ at Turg's place for the End of the World Party!



Rikti drop tech stuff right?

Please consider changing this to magical..

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How are Rikti magical in any way? Just curious what would be the basis for this suggestion?

They are a tech based enemy, therefore they should drop tech based salvage/recipes.



I am so looking forward to this!

It looks like the Devs may have really outdone themselves with this Issue.

You realize of course, this means... WAR!!!!!



New Threats
UXBs, “unexploded bombs” that arm, power up, and detonate if not stopped in time, provide a constant threat. Rikti destroyers zip through zones dropping troops, UXB’s, and Rikti Assault Suits.

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This has got me pretty jazzed. I'm imagining this will be like the fires in SC, but everywhere, and random. Can you picture the scramble when a bomb drops right next to Ms. Liberty on a busy night? Awesome.

Plus, the occasional destroyer whizzing over your head and dropping a herd of baddies around you is sure going to add a little excitement to those fedex missions....



Warzones like these keep me in game?

Wait... co-op task force? *drool*



I have to say it... the Co-Op TF pictures in the preview are very lame... for all I can tell its just a couple screen shots of two heroes!

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What makes you think those are pictures of the Co-Op TF?

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A little birdy told me



Da...Dark....Dark Watcher!?!!?

I knew it!!!

I knew he wasn't dead!!

(for those of you who didn't know, Dark Watcher was an original founder of the Freedom Phalanx, along with Elementar(died in battle), Vambrace (two man team, the hero died of old age, and the tech guy behind him is the grandfather or father, forgot which, of the science origin contact in Atlas), Maiden Justice (old age and wife of Statesman), and of course, States himself. If you didn't know this.... go buy the CoH books you slackers, they're like 8 bucks and you can read them in a night if you went at it. Plus, you can learn more about the backstory, which will help you appreciate the work the devs have put into this game to give it such a full, rich storyline.)
*possible brown-nosing off*

To right the countless wrongs of our day, we shine the light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise. What a wonderful world such would be....

I'm sorry what was that, I couldn't hear you over my TRAGIC PAST!!



I have to say it... the Co-Op TF pictures in the preview are very lame... for all I can tell its just a couple screen shots of two heroes!

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What makes you think those are pictures of the Co-Op TF?

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Well .. as in old cartoons the villain is the one in black and red , the hero is the one in blue.
And thats makes him think that the picture is from the Co-Op Task force becouse ther is a "Co-Op Task Force" under the picture

To Dominate .. the power ! Till someone pops a break free .. no matter .. ewww clear mind , we r doomed !



And thats makes him think that the picture is from the Co-Op Task force becouse ther is a "Co-Op Task Force" under the picture

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So there is. That'll do, thankyou.



Sweet! A cooperative TF sounds fun. Now a whole new set of ATs to ignore Stalkers for teams

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That is way too funny ... and yet so sad

To Dominate .. the power ! Till someone pops a break free .. no matter .. ewww clear mind , we r doomed !



does this mean villain/hero trading??? i hope so lol, for the winter events and holiday events with the co-op stuff theres no trading, but i hope there is now



Looks very cool!

Some kind of rough ETA would be appreciated.

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This may be (and probably is) just wishful thinking on my part, but...

There's nothing in the issue that's particularly revolutionary. (Not to say that the issue doesn't look like it's going to completely rock; I'm drooling already...) I7 and I9 took a long time because they added stuff we'd never seen before. I8, on the other hand, came out fast on the heels of I7, since it basically re-used stuff that was in existence. We've seen co-op zones before (Pocket D) and co-op missions (the holiday events.) The crafting stuff hopefully just builds on what's already there in I9.

If that's the case, then I'm really hopeful that we'll see I10 a lot sooner than we might think.... (and I believe LH and Posi both hinted something like that not too long ago.)





A joint hero/villain TF! 1 Brute, 1 Stalker (think about it) and 6 Defenders. That will be total and complete pwnage. Teams of mix 'n matched Dominators and Controllers with stacking mezzes and pets everywhere. The "pets and pets" team of Masterminds and Scrappers.

This is going to be good!



Rikti drop tech stuff right?

Please consider changing this to magical..

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How are Rikti magical in any way? Just curious what would be the basis for this suggestion?

They are a tech based enemy, therefore they should drop tech based salvage/recipes.

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In fact the Rikti's lack of magic was their weekness in the Rikti War. Their world didn't have a Mu bloodline, and so all of their equipment was susceptible to magic, hence the reason magic heroes were sent to seal off the Rikti world and why the Rikti trapped in Primal Earth have tried to get magic into their ranks.

That said, if the Rikti are now able to break through to Primal Earth again, then they must have found a way to over come the magic barrier that sealed off their world. There should be magic among them somehow, perhaps with special magic troops.



Da...Dark....Dark Watcher!?!!?

I knew it!!!

I knew he wasn't dead!!

(for those of you who didn't know, Dark Watcher was an original founder of the Freedom Phalanx, along with Elementar(died in battle), Vambrace (two man team, the hero died of old age, and the tech guy behind him is the grandfather or father, forgot which, of the science origin contact in Atlas), Maiden Justice (old age and wife of Statesman), and of course, States himself. If you didn't know this.... go buy the CoH books you slackers, they're like 8 bucks and you can read them in a night if you went at it. Plus, you can learn more about the backstory, which will help you appreciate the work the devs have put into this game to give it such a full, rich storyline.)
*possible brown-nosing off*

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hehe, wait until Issue 19 of the comic is available for download. Or you could go pick it up at a comic book store

[url="http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/User:SaintNicster"]ParagonWiki User Page[/url]

[url="http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/214#list"]City Info Tracker[/url]



Looks very cool!

Some kind of rough ETA would be appreciated.

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One thing is this is a preliminary announcement. We don't know yet what else they might add to the issue other than the Rikti activities. Patience.



Hot, but where's the 5th?

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Their fire has gone out in the universe. You my friend are all that's left of their religion

The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!



Issue 10: Invasion, the tenth upcoming free expansion since the launch of City of Heroes® in -->April 2004<--

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Okay, either Issue 10 is officially over 3 YEARS late ...

... or ...

... somebody let Statesman "do the math" again ...

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



I'm very excited about I10. I think the global event and the high level content is just what we're hungry for.

Now if only I can play a Rikti in a 3rd game expansion called something like "Planet of Aliens".

There could be good (hero) and evil (villain) aliens, or they could be a third party altogether. The latter seems what I10 is about.


-Playing since COH beta and still love the game!




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I think you're asking too much. I'll give you semi-restrained enthusiasm, and that's about all.




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I think you're asking too much. I'll give you semi-restrained enthusiasm, and that's about all.

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I have to agree. We may see a few very small things, but this is all that will be in there. If they make it too big, then they will definitely not be able to deliver a 3rd issue this year.



Rikti drop tech stuff right?

Please consider changing this to magical..

[/ QUOTE ]Something needs to be done, the last thing we need at this point is more worthless tech salvage, we can get this on any freak farm or tv farm. From here on out devs you need to make at least 1 magic faction for every tech you add in a level range or it is going to be some severe imbalances on the market.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!