"Toons"... are we playing Loony Toons?




I wonder now, if I should start a thread discussing at length the terms, "training", "kiting" citing the many ways the gamer usage deviates from the literal definition. I wonder if I can then affix certain traits to those who use the words and hold fast to my point of view as though it were cosmic law?

Would posters identify it as trivia and let it fall to page 2, or would they apply increasingly complex layers of emotional logic in the attempt to prove the merit of their arbitray opinion?



Dammit, once again someone replies to me and pokes fun at a generic nameless poster who is arbitrary and ridiculous ... this time I'm going to assume that I'm not the actual target ... stupid Quick Reply ...




Ok, let's schedule an Arena Battle Royale to determine this issue. All those in favor of "Character" vs. all those in favor of "Toon". At least we can then get back to playing the game instead of arguing over why TOON is wrong and Character is right. Geez. That's like arguing over the world being Flat or Round.................................



That's like arguing over the world being Flat or Round.

[/ QUOTE ]

More than you know!



My cosmic law is better.

Actually, I'm poking fun at his thread and others of the type. They're really quite pointless. Ptently ludicrous is the dictionary-fu that always crops up in these; "well this is what the word means" which if carried to its logical conclusion in an environment such as this (an MMO and gamer-centric specifically) would render us all buffoons with no grasp of the language whatever. "Because everyone else is doing it" isn't a brilliant justification either, but the overarching point is that it just doesn't matter. It's a videogame and none of us need any real documented justification for making up and using arbitrary slang in an environment that is rife with it anyway.



Hooray for Doodles!!!

This is the first thread I've bothered to read on the topic, but I tend to agree (again) with Torak's statement waaay back towards the front. It implied there was no winning the debate on the word use. I'll continue to call things as I desire. The friends I've made in-game more than adequately back my abilities of cognative reasoning and good humor. The random exception won't break my heart, especially when they refuse to accept that no one's out to steal their lunch money.

"What in tarnation's a Rofflemow!!!?" -Priesteater on ROFLMAO

Real Objections Of Genius



Meh, toon is fine, it all means the same. I'll use whatever word I feel like using. /shrug

[/ QUOTE ]
Amen. There's so much flat-out snobbery in this thread I keep wondering when Thurston Howell is going to wander in.



Actually, I'm poking fun at his thread and others of the type. They're really quite pointless.

[/ QUOTE ]
Welllll, I like to think that they're not totally pointless. No, there's not much hope of one side or another "winning the debate" and establishing a universal standard. But it is interesting to find out what the arguments on both sides are ... if any. For example, I wouldn't have guessed a week ago that there are people who actually think of comic book superheroes as "cartoons". I don't agree with that, but it does give me some insight into where some of these people are coming from. I actually didn't know about the term's history from old old games, either - I thought its MMO genesis occurred in ToonTown. Hopefully a few of the "toon" advocates have likewise learned a little bit about why some people (like me) feel the term insults their intelligence.



Meh, toon is fine, it all means the same. I'll use whatever word I feel like using. /shrug

[/ QUOTE ]
Amen. There's so much flat-out snobbery in this thread I keep wondering when Thurston Howell is going to wander in.

[/ QUOTE ]

/em chuckles and fights the urge to start a thread titled "My TOON is a H34LZ0R!!!!one!!eleventyone!"

OH the chaos that'd ensue! <insert evil grin here>



i seriously cant believe this is a multi page thread .



Ok, let's schedule an Arena Battle Royale to determine this issue. All those in favor of "Character" vs. all those in favor of "Toon". At least we can then get back to playing the game instead of arguing over why TOON is wrong and Character is right. Geez. That's like arguing over the world being Flat or Round.................................

[/ QUOTE ]

Of course that argument is silly... everyone knows the world is shaped like a giant D20!



i seriously cant believe this is a multi page thread .

[/ QUOTE ]

Just wait till I start the latest iteration of "punctuation in name" threads.



How about this:

We all promise to let this thread die if the dev's post a complete listing of the first 10 Veteran's rewards, in order, with descriptions, and afterwards to live in peace and Harmony, toons and chars, hand in hand in brotherhood?

(Although with this group it'd be more like Cain and Abel.)



CoX is technically designed for a younger crowd. us grown-ups were not the real target market to start with.

[/ QUOTE ]

I disagree there. Are kids going to enjoy the game? Sure, but not as much as the audience that I feel it was designed for. Adults who grew up in the 70s, 80s and even early 90s reading superhero comics... back before superheros became so mainstream that your average mother knows who Wolverine is. I'm sure the majority of those people truly "geeked out" when they found out there was a customizable superhero MMO out there.

Bob: So this is City of Heroes... *Showing him his screen* I thought you might think it was cool.

Ed: *Dumb grin plastered across his face* Sweet! Um, I feel like I'm getting ill... eh, I think I have some sick leave accrued... yes, I think I'll be using it all... to Wally World, Robin!



This is stolen from the "Slow Turn" thread but I found it rather apropos.

Quoting ZadkielSalubri who is Quoting Ethereal_Savior:

I see many people who seem to think people who find characters from the SNES era "hot" are losers or stupid. That always gets me because it shows the people criticizing don't understand the very simple notion of a character concept as enticing. They may be "just pixels," but they're accompanied by personality and backstory along with enough visual cues to form your own mental image. When we get down to it, it's the mental concept that captivates the person, not the little dots of color on the screen. And if that's somehow "wrong," prose fiction wouldn't even exist.

[/ QUOTE ]

Here here! They're also just from a generation where they can't fathom the concept of video games in anything less than 3D rendered amazing detail. I've had kids complain about the "lame" graphics of PS1 games, for gawd's sake!

Me, I can recall when I first beat Metroid for NES and saw that SAMUS was a woman and rushing to get close to the screen when she took off her armor at the end, to admire those 8 bit curves. Back then, a female leading character in a video game was nigh unheard of!

[/ QUOTE ]

You know what occured to me here too? This could be at my root for my feelings about the term "toon" as well. I come from an era when my "toon" was a green box and "->" was a sword. Nothing "cartoony" about any of that.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have... crossed threads... woooooo is this what's known as a forum out of body experience?



Meh, toon is fine, it all means the same. I'll use whatever word I feel like using. /shrug

[/ QUOTE ]
Amen. There's so much flat-out snobbery in this thread I keep wondering when Thurston Howell is going to wander in.

[/ QUOTE ]

/em chuckles and fights the urge to start a thread titled "My TOON is a H34LZ0R!!!!one!!eleventyone!"

OH the chaos that'd ensue! <insert evil grin here>

[/ QUOTE ]

If you need me I'll be behind this adamantium shield.



i seriously cant believe this is a multi page thread .

[/ QUOTE ]

Just wait till I start the latest iteration of "punctuation in name" threads.

[/ QUOTE ]

/e shakes fist
/e grief



i seriously cant believe this is a multi page thread .

[/ QUOTE ]

Just wait till I start the latest iteration of "punctuation in name" threads.

[/ QUOTE ]

/e shakes fist
/e grief

[/ QUOTE ]

ITYM "/e curseyou".




Bob: So this is City of Heroes... *Showing him his screen* I thought you might think it was cool.

Ed: *Dumb grin plastered across his face* Sweet! Um, I feel like I'm getting ill... eh, I think I have some sick leave accrued... yes, I think I'll be using it all... to Wally World, Robin!

[/ QUOTE ]

Nail... Head... Kapow!!

I got goosebumps remembering that moment. Yup... I'll cop to my geek-y Kryptonite.

"What in tarnation's a Rofflemow!!!?" -Priesteater on ROFLMAO

Real Objections Of Genius



Meh, toon is fine, it all means the same. I'll use whatever word I feel like using. /shrug

[/ QUOTE ]
Amen. There's so much flat-out snobbery in this thread I keep wondering when Thurston Howell is going to wander in.

[/ QUOTE ]
One man's snobbery is another's rational justification.



... Of course that argument is silly... everyone knows the world is shaped like a giant D20!

[/ QUOTE ]

I thought we all know the Earth to be banana shaped.



Meh, toon is fine, it all means the same. I'll use whatever word I feel like using. /shrug

[/ QUOTE ]
Amen. There's so much flat-out snobbery in this thread I keep wondering when Thurston Howell is going to wander in.

[/ QUOTE ]One man's snobbery is another's rational justification.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, Thurston is my homie. Anybody remember the "Jim Backus & Friend" track called Delicious? I love that guy.

If you want to bash on the rich and sophisticated, I recommend heading over to the Wal*Mart/Progressive Taxation/Health Care System Comparison/How to Make Money thread.



*not directed at anyone in paticular*

I use the word toon. I like the word toon. Why? Cause I feel it fits with CoH. I use it to differentiate between CoH characters and PnP characters and other MMO characters. It has nothing to do with beig lazy. I just like it. I could not care less what other people use to describe their creations. I like my creations and am proud of them. Even if they are deli products, it leads to some very entertaining RP moments. (Important Rule: No devouring of team members, regardless of how hungry the battle made you)

Ironicly, much of the argument AGAINST useing the word toon just makes me want to use it more. People getting offended at inconsiquential habbits of another is rather funny. Much like the steriotypical old lady getting offended about someone shaveing their head (or doing anything else "not proper").

You can't have moral justification for an amoral act. Attempting to do so is moot. And makes me laugh



Ok, let's schedule an Arena Battle Royale to determine this issue. All those in favor of "Character" vs. all those in favor of "Toon". At least we can then get back to playing the game instead of arguing over why TOON is wrong and Character is right. Geez. That's like arguing over the world being Flat or Round.................................

[/ QUOTE ]

Of course that argument is silly... everyone knows the world is shaped like a giant D20!

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually a valid projection called the Dymaxion map, or the Fuller projection. If I'm remembering correctly Buckminster Fuller came up with the idea, but needed help with the math. You can check it out here.

@Payamma Gurl
I'm sorry that your crew was stupid enough to fire on a station filled with a quarter million civilians, including your own people. And I'm sorry I waited as long as I did before I blew them all straight to hell. ~Sheridan, The Fall of Night



I can easily believe this is a multipage thread. I think the debate my have once again brushed against two competing game world views. I think it is important to remember that people have different goals and thoughts on things.

The way I wish to play may not be the way someone else wishes to play. Does that make me right and them wrong? No. Does it mean we might have problems if we played together? I would doubt it. I would be far more inclined to just leave than to argue, or try to change someone.

That said, I also want what I want from the game. I want my time in game to be enjoyable to me. Is that wrong? Does it make me a snob? Better than others? No, I do not think so.

Does it make me different from those who freely use gamer terms in game? Different from those who think of this as nothing more than a game? Yes.

When I play I perform a mental trick. It is one I first started useing when I joined an amature theater group in Junior High. I seperate from myself. When I am playing I am watching the story of my heroes and villians unfold. For me the game is not just a game, I don't approach it in that way.

I am fully aware that not everyone does approach it that way. I know there are those who will not enjoy playing with me when I play in such manner. The words we choose to use tell others a great deal about ourselves. I think it also says something about how we like to play.

"She's like some kind of fast octopus, that you can't hit." (Stalker mortified that his AS kept missing.)
Not enough characters to list characters. Alt-aholic and proud of it.