"Toons"... are we playing Loony Toons?




All kidding aside, it baffles me every time I see someone refer to their character as their "toon"... Maybe it's because I'm a P&P RPGer and not a video gamer, but where in the heck did that originate? I think it sounds pretty silly.




I guess "toon" is quicker to type than "character", this is internet after all.

QFT easier than Quoted for Truth and LOL quicker than Laughing Out Loud.

And since C alone for Character would be very...cryptic, I guess Toon fits n the internet world.



I call my characters...characters.

I never got the "toon" thing either. To me it's a bit too frivolous a term to be applying to any of MY characters, but what the heck, if other people think of it that way, I can't stop 'em.



I always felt "toon" was the dumbest thing ever.

I use "hero" or "villian" seeing as how that is exactly what they are...

@Jeffery Duke
Meanwhile...On The Internet...



All kidding aside, it baffles me every time I see someone refer to their character as their "toon"... Maybe it's because I'm a P&P RPGer and not a video gamer, but where in the heck did that originate? I think it sounds pretty silly.


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I'm a PnP RPGer and MMORPGer...

The only time I've referred to a character as a "Toon" was while playing the PnP RPG by Steve Jackson that is Toon.

Typically I refer to my characters as "my gals".



It is two fold.

Toon.. refers to Cartoon. What is a cartoon?

A series of pictures with adjusted movements shown usually by frames.

So Static information, shown in a row to display movement.

Deffinition of plenty of grahical animations right?

The combonation of the above and that cartoons are usually vibrant in color and wild in effect.

THUS. COH characters can reasonably be considered a cartoon character = "toon"



Simple, they're animated characters.
Cartoon -> Toon.

If this seems frivolous, consider that perhaps your exposure to mature animation is more limited than your exposure to gaming or comics.

I would not call, for instance, "Graveyard of the Fireflies" frivolous or childish. It is a fairly straightforward drama and one of the few movies that can make me cry sober.

On the American side, consider something like "Cool World" which was certainly frivolous in its own way, but was definitely not a 'kiddie' show. Still, many of the lead characters in that were animated.

For me, toon is a reference to an animated character not directly derived from real life imagery. Your 'character' happens to be animated in real time by a computer, but is no less animated than Bugs Bunny.

My 2 influence of course.



I've heard people call them that. I just dismiss it. I say "characters". If people are too bloody lazy to type "characters" rather than "toons", say "chars", for goodness sake!



This is really doom.



Honestly, I use 'toon', 'char', 'character', etc. pretty much interchangably. Why does anyone care so much?



I always felt "toon" was the dumbest thing ever.

I use "hero" or "villian" seeing as how that is exactly what they are...

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I agree. Whenever I hear or see "toon", I think of this.



Age old debate. The two sides will never meet. Regardless of how wrong the "toon"ers are.



I said "toon" yesterday... in the Forum Cartel channel!




im not tryingto be rude.. but why does this matter again ?



You can call your Hero a toon, but you can't toon a fish!

I swear, I oughta charge for this [censored]!



I've heard people call them that. I just dismiss it. I say "characters". If people are too bloody lazy to type "characters" rather than "toons", say "chars", for goodness sake!

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Agreed. To me, "toons" has always felt derogatory and disrespectful. My characters are not cartoons, they are more than that. They are extensions of me, my imagination, and thus very personal. I look upon the characters of other people the same way. So I avoid the word "toon" when "char" is just as easy to type, and feels far more respectful.



I said "toon" yesterday... in the Forum Cartel channel!


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Where's my Ban Stick....



All kidding aside, it baffles me every time I see someone refer to their character as their "toon"... Maybe it's because I'm a P&P RPGer and not a video gamer, but where in the heck did that originate? I think it sounds pretty silly.


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The first place I heard 'Toon' used was on The Realm many years back, where it was common. Apparently, the 'toon' vs. 'character' thing largely depends on what your introduction to online gaming culture was. There isn't really much of a difference.



i use toon, nothing wrong with it at all, after all, all my 'toons' are personal to me.



I use "alt". It's easier then spelling out "Spare personality I keep in a box in the back room"
YMMV, no warrenty given or implied, etc.

Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page



i call mine charactoons. ba-dum-bump



I don't know, I can't bring myself to call them toons. It makes me cringe a little every time someone else does.



Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



I don't know, I can't bring myself to call them toons. It makes me cringe a little every time someone else does.

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I would hate to be around you when someone says something really offensive.



I say toons cause alot of people that word.



I use toon, simply because my "characters" exist in the pen and paper rpg world. The ones I've created here simply don't have the same feel or intensity.

@Payamma Gurl
I'm sorry that your crew was stupid enough to fire on a station filled with a quarter million civilians, including your own people. And I'm sorry I waited as long as I did before I blew them all straight to hell. ~Sheridan, The Fall of Night



Toon is easier to spell than character. Char is a power/spell in many games including this one and is much less commonly used so isn't as readable.

Given the spelling level of some posters I encourage them to use words they can spell.

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.