"Toons"... are we playing Loony Toons?




*not directed at anyone in paticular*

I use the word toon. I like the word toon. Why? Cause I feel it fits with CoH. I use it to differentiate between CoH characters and PnP characters and other MMO characters. It has nothing to do with beig lazy. I just like it. I could not care less what other people use to describe their creations. I like my creations and am proud of them. Even if they are deli products, it leads to some very entertaining RP moments. (Important Rule: No devouring of team members, regardless of how hungry the battle made you)

Ironicly, much of the argument AGAINST useing the word toon just makes me want to use it more. People getting offended at inconsiquential habbits of another is rather funny. Much like the steriotypical old lady getting offended about someone shaveing their head (or doing anything else "not proper").

You can't have moral justification for an amoral act. Attempting to do so is moot. And makes me laugh

[/ QUOTE ]
You know, I haven't seen anyone make it a *moral* argument.

Mind you, the fact that knowing people find it annoying makes you want to do it more makes doing it, in your case, at the very least a selfish, disruptive act, and at most a moral one (if you believe being maliciously selfish to be immoral).



lol, thats alot of words.



Ok, let's schedule an Arena Battle Royale to determine this issue. All those in favor of "Character" vs. all those in favor of "Toon". At least we can then get back to playing the game instead of arguing over why TOON is wrong and Character is right. Geez. That's like arguing over the world being Flat or Round.................................

[/ QUOTE ]

Of course that argument is silly... everyone knows the world is shaped like a giant D20!

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually a valid projection called the Dymaxion map, or the Fuller projection. If I'm remembering correctly Buckminster Fuller came up with the idea, but needed help with the math. You can check it out here.

[/ QUOTE ]

I thought the dimaxion was a revolutionary car of which only 3 were ever produced?

Zeus - god of wondery



Ok, let's schedule an Arena Battle Royale to determine this issue. All those in favor of "Character" vs. all those in favor of "Toon". At least we can then get back to playing the game instead of arguing over why TOON is wrong and Character is right. Geez. That's like arguing over the world being Flat or Round.................................

[/ QUOTE ]

Of course that argument is silly... everyone knows the world is shaped like a giant D20!

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually a valid projection called the Dymaxion map, or the Fuller projection. If I'm remembering correctly Buckminster Fuller came up with the idea, but needed help with the math. You can check it out here.

[/ QUOTE ]

I thought the dimaxion was a revolutionary car of which only 3 were ever produced?

Zeus - god of wondery

[/ QUOTE ]

Same guy, a really fascinating man.

@Payamma Gurl
I'm sorry that your crew was stupid enough to fire on a station filled with a quarter million civilians, including your own people. And I'm sorry I waited as long as I did before I blew them all straight to hell. ~Sheridan, The Fall of Night



*not directed at anyone in paticular*

I use the word toon. I like the word toon. Why? Cause I feel it fits with CoH. I use it to differentiate between CoH characters and PnP characters and other MMO characters. It has nothing to do with beig lazy. I just like it. I could not care less what other people use to describe their creations. I like my creations and am proud of them. Even if they are deli products, it leads to some very entertaining RP moments. (Important Rule: No devouring of team members, regardless of how hungry the battle made you)

Ironicly, much of the argument AGAINST useing the word toon just makes me want to use it more. People getting offended at inconsiquential habbits of another is rather funny. Much like the steriotypical old lady getting offended about someone shaveing their head (or doing anything else "not proper").

You can't have moral justification for an amoral act. Attempting to do so is moot. And makes me laugh

[/ QUOTE ]
You know, I haven't seen anyone make it a *moral* argument.

Mind you, the fact that knowing people find it annoying makes you want to do it more makes doing it, in your case, at the very least a selfish, disruptive act, and at most a moral one (if you believe being maliciously selfish to be immoral).

[/ QUOTE ]

There you have it: If you use the word "toon", you will go to that place that I can't post here because it'll get censored.

Suffice to say it's very hot and you have to watch Hitler and J Edgar Hoover make out while naked.



Well of course, his name was "buckminster". That's just ASKING to be a cool guy.

Do you know anyone named buckminster? Didn't think so.

Seriously though, I"m afraid the days of howard huges, buckminster fuller and nicola tesla are long dead. The world was hard on these people... as the world is always hard on an eccentric genuis. But currently.. the world is not JUST hard, but unwelcoming as well. I suppose it always has been... but I fear it's gotten worse. The days of the eccentric genius are over.

Zeus - god of not being named buckminster.



Ok, let's schedule an Arena Battle Royale to determine this issue. All those in favor of "Character" vs. all those in favor of "Toon". At least we can then get back to playing the game instead of arguing over why TOON is wrong and Character is right. Geez. That's like arguing over the world being Flat or Round.................................

[/ QUOTE ]

Of course that argument is silly... everyone knows the world is shaped like a giant D20!

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually a valid projection called the Dymaxion map, or the Fuller projection. If I'm remembering correctly Buckminster Fuller came up with the idea, but needed help with the math. You can check it out here.

[/ QUOTE ]

Either I'm really smart, or just a nerd... *dies*



Does it make me different from those who freely use gamer terms in game?

[/ QUOTE ]

The crux of the matter isn't "using gamer terms" it is using a term which (in one parties eyes) does not properly represent the object it is referring to.



Does it make me different from those who freely use gamer terms in game?

[/ QUOTE ]

The crux of the matter isn't "using gamer terms" it is using a term which (in one parties eyes) does not properly represent the object it is referring to.

[/ QUOTE ]

Gamer terms? What exactly are you referring to?

Bob: "Oh man! Did you see them fly? I love nova, I DECIMATED them!"

Ed: "Hehe yeah they totally failed their Reflex saves"



I believe by "gamer terms" Primrose was referring to the colloquial use of "toon". I was simply pointing out it's not the addition of such terms to the vernacular, but rather it's inaccuracy that bothers people.



I was simply pointing out it's not the addition of such terms to the vernacular, but rather it's inaccuracy that bothers people.

[/ QUOTE ]
People call Blizzard a "nuke", but I don't hear anyone jumping on the glaring technical inaccuracy of calling a snowstorm an atomic explosion, since we all know what the word means locally...



Ok, let's schedule an Arena Battle Royale to determine this issue. All those in favor of "Character" vs. all those in favor of "Toon". At least we can then get back to playing the game instead of arguing over why TOON is wrong and Character is right. Geez. That's like arguing over the world being Flat or Round.................................

[/ QUOTE ]

Of course that argument is silly... everyone knows the world is shaped like a giant D20!

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually a valid projection called the Dymaxion map, or the Fuller projection. If I'm remembering correctly Buckminster Fuller came up with the idea, but needed help with the math. You can check it out here.

[/ QUOTE ]

Either I'm really smart, or just a nerd... *dies*

[/ QUOTE ]

Heh, I get crap at work for using that projection on things, from everybody but my boss, who invited me to his Ars Magica campaign.

@Payamma Gurl
I'm sorry that your crew was stupid enough to fire on a station filled with a quarter million civilians, including your own people. And I'm sorry I waited as long as I did before I blew them all straight to hell. ~Sheridan, The Fall of Night



I was simply pointing out it's not the addition of such terms to the vernacular, but rather it's inaccuracy that bothers people.

[/ QUOTE ]
People call Blizzard a "nuke", but I don't hear anyone jumping on the glaring technical inaccuracy of calling a snowstorm an atomic explosion, since we all know what the word means locally...

[/ QUOTE ]

Run it up the flagpole, see if anyone salutes.



I believe by "gamer terms" Primrose was referring to the colloquial use of "toon". I was simply pointing out it's not the addition of such terms to the vernacular, but rather it's inaccuracy that bothers people.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ahh... I gotcha.

Still, I think I'd laugh if I saw something similar to my example.



I was simply pointing out it's not the addition of such terms to the vernacular, but rather it's inaccuracy that bothers people.

[/ QUOTE ]
People call Blizzard a "nuke", but I don't hear anyone jumping on the glaring technical inaccuracy of calling a snowstorm an atomic explosion, since we all know what the word means locally...

[/ QUOTE ]

Not familiar with the power Blizzard, but then again I don't have any characters with Ice powers either. I could see calling Nova a nuke, though



I have an Ice/Storm Controller "char-toon" and ICE ROCKS!!

Oh god, even using it in hyphenated form makes me nauseuos.



Well most of the posts I saw in defense of the pro-toon stance that gave any sort of history on it came with refrences to the games where they first saw it's use. It is true I may have drifted from the core of the debate while giving my own thoughts on this matter.

The issue for me is not whether or not "toon" is an term that is appropriate for our heroes and villians. It irks some people and that is more than enough of a clue for me not to use it at all, not that I normally would anyway. I do not seek out to offend people for kicks. I have never seen the point of that sort of behavior, or attitude.

Thinking about my views, perhaps "free use of gamer terms" does not really express my ideas. It is those who never take on the role, that I was refering to. My friend Kyra refers to such as "roll" players, as they are more concerned with mechanics than flavor. After all any word can be used for roleplay. It is just the manner in which it is presented, if it is "in character" or not.

"She's like some kind of fast octopus, that you can't hit." (Stalker mortified that his AS kept missing.)
Not enough characters to list characters. Alt-aholic and proud of it.



Not familiar with the power Blizzard, but then again I don't have any characters with Ice powers either. I could see calling Nova a nuke, though

[/ QUOTE ]
Bah, if any of them should rightly be called a nuke, it would be this one.



I was simply pointing out it's not the addition of such terms to the vernacular, but rather it's inaccuracy that bothers people.

[/ QUOTE ]
People call Blizzard a "nuke", but I don't hear anyone jumping on the glaring technical inaccuracy of calling a snowstorm an atomic explosion, since we all know what the word means locally...

[/ QUOTE ]

Run it up the flagpole, see if anyone salutes.

[/ QUOTE ]
/em salute

Yes, that would be an example of what I was calling and thinking of as a gamer term for something that is very out of character.

I would take the same offense over someone calling a Shivan a pet, but Kyra brought that one back to the base and... *sigh* at least she cleans up after it.

"She's like some kind of fast octopus, that you can't hit." (Stalker mortified that his AS kept missing.)
Not enough characters to list characters. Alt-aholic and proud of it.



Shivans! How do you get the slime out of the carpet?



All kidding aside, it baffles me every time I see someone refer to their character as their "toon"... Maybe it's because I'm a P&P RPGer and not a video gamer, but where in the heck did that originate? I think it sounds pretty silly.

[/ QUOTE ]

I loath the usage of the word toon. I wonder do those who use that term refer to comic book characters as comic book toons? Perhaps they only read Disney comics.



All kidding aside, it baffles me every time I see someone refer to their character as their "toon"... Maybe it's because I'm a P&P RPGer and not a video gamer, but where in the heck did that originate? I think it sounds pretty silly.

[/ QUOTE ]

I loath the usage of the word toon. I wonder do those who use that term refer to comic book characters as comic book toons? Perhaps they only read Disney comics.

[/ QUOTE ]
That's an interesting question. Or "videogame toons"? As in "Mario is a classic videogame toon".

Sadly, I bet any number of people chime in now to say that do so, or will start to, now.

Darn wordhumpers.



I was simply pointing out it's not the addition of such terms to the vernacular, but rather it's inaccuracy that bothers people.

[/ QUOTE ]
People call Blizzard a "nuke", but I don't hear anyone jumping on the glaring technical inaccuracy of calling a snowstorm an atomic explosion, since we all know what the word means locally...

[/ QUOTE ]

Run it up the flagpole, see if anyone salutes.

[/ QUOTE ]
/em salute

Yes, that would be an example of what I was calling and thinking of as a gamer term for something that is very out of character.

I would take the same offense over someone calling a Shivan a pet, but Kyra brought that one back to the base and... *sigh* at least she cleans up after it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ahhhhh so by gamer, they meant video gamer, not the type of gamer I'm used to (one who plays P&P games like D&D)... my bad.



Not familiar with the power Blizzard, but then again I don't have any characters with Ice powers either. I could see calling Nova a nuke, though

[/ QUOTE ]
Bah, if any of them should rightly be called a nuke, it would be this one.

[/ QUOTE ]

hehe if it did the amount of damage Inferno or Nova did (Be cool if they made Rad a blaster primary) I'd agree more

But I still see where you're coming from.



The only thing more annoying than someone calling their video game characters "toons" is a big, giant, multi-hundred post argument about the word.