"Toons"... are we playing Loony Toons?




[/ QUOTE ]
So I don't judge people based on the use of the word toon. I judge them by their overall typing capacity (hay u like my toon vs Hey, do you like my toon?) and in my experience, (which, fair enough, may be skewed) there is a higher usage of toon amongst otherwise lazy typists simply because it is shorter.

[/ QUOTE ]

I will concede that I would type character more often if I wasn't using the ol' hunt and peck method. After that, I prefer toon to char, because to me toon has a more upbeat demeanor.

Note: In-game I would compliment you by typing out "Nice character/bio/concept, etc... I would not refer to your character as a toon. Though I may say "I enjoy this toon." in reference to myself, were you to inquire.

Is that more acceptable to folks? I believe referring to my concepts as such shouldn't be a problem to anyone.

"What in tarnation's a Rofflemow!!!?" -Priesteater on ROFLMAO

Real Objections Of Genius




That all good now?

[/ QUOTE ]
<removing all the quoting as it was getting long and not necessary to keep repeating>

I see, seems you are lobbing the usage of the term toon in with leet speak and I have never considered toon to be a leet speak term. Like I said a few pages back, I use toon and char interchangeably. I never stop to intentionally use or 'not' use one or the other. I rarely type out the entire word character because I consider typed game chat and it's forums to be a casual environment; one in which, after a day of work, I do not have to pick and choose my words so carefully.



Do we even have a word that conveys the feeling of "extremely mild annoyance, so very mild that it only barely registers as such before it's gone"? Hmm. I can't offhand think of a term. Anyone else?

[/ QUOTE ]





So I don't judge people based on the use of the word toon. I judge them by their overall typing capacity (hay u like my toon vs Hey, do you like my toon?) and in my experience, (which, fair enough, may be skewed) there is a higher usage of toon amongst otherwise lazy typists simply because it is shorter.

[/ QUOTE ]

I will concede that I would type character more often if I wasn't using the ol' hunt and peck method. After that, I prefer toon to char, because to me toon has a more upbeat demeanor.

Note: In-game I would compliment you by typing out "Nice character/bio/concept, etc... I would not refer to your character as a toon. Though I may say "I enjoy this toon." in reference to myself, were you to inquire.

Is that more acceptable to folks? I believe referring to my concepts as such shouldn't be a problem to anyone.

[/ QUOTE ]

Okay, well, really I don't think I'd be terribly offended if someone were to call my character a toon, I was playing the devil's advocate to a degree. My above exposition isn't really connected to this topic, I just went a bit off topic defending myself. My overall stance is that I agree with Photon just said; for example, I'm also dead set against nicknames. I just like people to call things by the most fitting/correct name (or my idea of what that is).



What a foolhardy assumption to make... "People who use the word "toon" are probably immature."

[/ QUOTE ]

For the record, that isn't my assumption, it's somebody else's from further up.

Mine isn't an assumption, but a conclusion: "People who use the word 'toon' - and, in general, call things by goofy slang terms instead of their right names - irritate me by doing so."

I'm just annoyed by things like that: gamer slang, AIM shorthand, TXT MSG abbreviations. When I see someone who makes a habit of typing like that, I don't draw any deeper conclusions about him - I just find his conversational style irritating and uninformative enough that I have to decide whether it's worth the trouble of trying to understand what the hell he's talking about. It's certainly a forgivable offense, but it's not a way to make a good first impression on anyone who cares about precision of speech.

[/ QUOTE ]

And what's sad is that many people who post like that may well be intelligent, likable people in real life... but we'll never know it because the first thing they make us think is "Uh oh... this is some freakin kid." It's no one's fault, really. It's just the way some of us are instinctually wired. *shrugs* I've even tried on occasion to look past the stereotypes and give people the benefit of the doubt, but time after time they prove to me that my first impression of them was right on the nose. Not always, but 90% of the time. Some of them are even really nice for kids, but no less irritating due to immaturity. So I gave up on giving folks that benefit of the doubt; which I regret because of the cool people I might have met, but don't regret because that stance lets me avoid headaches.

On a side note, the tone of the thread seems to be getting slightly hostile... maybe I'm reading too much into things, but I liked it better when it was just a friendly debate. Let's play nice.



Do we even have a word that conveys the feeling of "extremely mild annoyance, so very mild that it only barely registers as such before it's gone"? Hmm. I can't offhand think of a term. Anyone else?

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]

Irksome is good. Perturbed? Pithy?



I stabbed a man to death for calling my character a toon.

I'm gonna miss my dad.



Do we even have a word that conveys the feeling of "extremely mild annoyance, so very mild that it only barely registers as such before it's gone"? Hmm. I can't offhand think of a term. Anyone else?

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]

Irksome is good. Perturbed? Pithy?

[/ QUOTE ]

I still like "tooned".



Aha!!!! I have it. Is there a new character buzzword we might be able to agree on? Char, alt, and toon, I wouldn't mind junking if there was another 4-letter alternative.

1) Toon is just not percieved as pleasant to many folks, no matter how well-intended.

2) Char doesn't work for me. Less than half my characters are burn victims.

3) Alt is a key on your keyboard.

So, to heck with them. I may enjoy that piece of slang, but perhaps if there was another more condusive. I would say there's the old fallback of PC (Player Character), but in a game run on a pc that's apt to get confusing. I heard someone say av (short for avatar) but... uh... Archvillains cornered that market. Beyond that, I'm open for suggestions if it fits my own verve.

"What in tarnation's a Rofflemow!!!?" -Priesteater on ROFLMAO

Real Objections Of Genius



I just think it's hilarious that some people keep refering to 'right' or 'correct', when there is no right or wrong in using the terms char and toon. I think it's a tad silly to try and infer that your way is the right way. They are just terms used to refer to pixelated in-game persona. It really comes off as snobby that someone thinks their way is the 'right' way.



Aha!!!! I have it. Is there a new character buzzword we might be able to agree on? Char, alt, and toon, I wouldn't mind junking if there was another 4-letter alternative.

1) Toon is just not percieved as pleasant to many folks, no matter how well-intended.

2) Char doesn't work for me. Less than half my characters are burn victims.

3) Alt is a key on your keyboard.

So, to heck with them. I may enjoy that piece of slang, but perhaps if there was another more condusive. I would say there's the old fallback of PC (Player Character), but in a game run on a pc that's apt to get confusing. I heard someone say av (short for avatar) but... uh... Archvillains cornered that market. Beyond that, I'm open for suggestions if it fits my own verve.

[/ QUOTE ]

PiP, yes it currently means Picture-in-Picture, but now it can also be an acronym for "Pixelated In-game Persona". Just like POS means Point-Of-Sale and Piece of Sh**.



I just think it's hilarious that some people keep refering to 'right' or 'correct', when there is no right or wrong in using the terms char and toon. I think it's a tad silly to try and infer that your way is the right way. They are just terms used to refer to pixelated in-game persona. It really comes off as snobby that someone thinks their way is the 'right' way.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hogwash. I am always correct and others should obey my opinions at all times.

Nethertheless, I do still believe that toon is a slight mislabelling as Co* is based more on comics than cartoons.



I just think it's hilarious that some people keep refering to 'right' or 'correct', when there is no right or wrong in using the terms char and toon. I think it's a tad silly to try and infer that your way is the right way. They are just terms used to refer to pixelated in-game persona. It really comes off as snobby that someone thinks their way is the 'right' way.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hogwash. I am always correct and others should obey my opinions at all times.

Nethertheless, I do still believe that toon is a slight mislabelling as Co* is based more on comics than cartoons.

[/ QUOTE ]

You know, I think I just figured out why I use both terms. Most usually when I think of/refer to my character's personality, I will use the term 'character or char'. When I am refering to their looks or physical attributes I use the term toon.



Aha!!!! I have it. Is there a new character buzzword we might be able to agree on? Char, alt, and toon, I wouldn't mind junking if there was another 4-letter alternative.

1) Toon is just not percieved as pleasant to many folks, no matter how well-intended.

2) Char doesn't work for me. Less than half my characters are burn victims.

3) Alt is a key on your keyboard.

So, to heck with them. I may enjoy that piece of slang, but perhaps if there was another more condusive. I would say there's the old fallback of PC (Player Character), but in a game run on a pc that's apt to get confusing. I heard someone say av (short for avatar) but... uh... Archvillains cornered that market. Beyond that, I'm open for suggestions if it fits my own verve.

[/ QUOTE ]

PiP, yes it currently means Picture-in-Picture, but now it can also be an acronym for "Pixelated In-game Persona". Just like POS means Point-Of-Sale and Piece of Sh**.

[/ QUOTE ]

Double-Aha!!! I like PiP. Reminds me of the pipboy in Fallout. A right fine rpg that was. I'm taking notes here.

Ooooo- If it stands for pixelated in-game persona, could ya call it PigP? Pig pee is infinitely more whimsical to me than "toon". "Hey there! Nice PigP!!" I kid.

*Edited for ha-ha*

"What in tarnation's a Rofflemow!!!?" -Priesteater on ROFLMAO

Real Objections Of Genius



Hehe, I'm sure we can spend countless hours ingame explaining the meaning of PiP and why it came about. I can see it now! We'll be famous! ... or at least 20 years from now someone on a game message board somewhere will ask ... "How did the term PiP get started any how?"



Since the execution of both the character and the story are paramount and execution of said story is evoked through the medium of internet gameplay as a sort of virtual performance art, I've decided to call mine a "thespian's ongoing online novella".

Since that's so long, I'll just abbreviate it to T.O.O.N. and assume everyone who's anyone knows what I mean.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'll allow this if you continue to use the punctuation to denote it as an acronym.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'll do that if you promise to put periods into "radar" and "laser" and so on.



Since the execution of both the character and the story are paramount and execution of said story is evoked through the medium of internet gameplay as a sort of virtual performance art, I've decided to call mine a "thespian's ongoing online novella".

Since that's so long, I'll just abbreviate it to T.O.O.N. and assume everyone who's anyone knows what I mean.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'll allow this if you continue to use the punctuation to denote it as an acronym.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'll do that if you promise to put periods into "radar" and "laser" and so on.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh wait, I like that better, justification for toon.



Since the execution of both the character and the story are paramount and execution of said story is evoked through the medium of internet gameplay as a sort of virtual performance art, I've decided to call mine a "thespian's ongoing online novella".

Since that's so long, I'll just abbreviate it to T.O.O.N. and assume everyone who's anyone knows what I mean.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'll allow this if you continue to use the punctuation to denote it as an acronym.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'll do that if you promise to put periods into "radar" and "laser" and so on.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh wait, I like that better, justification for toon.

[/ QUOTE ]

Click_Beetle was at least the second person in the thread to make that joke. Don't inflate his ego any MORE.



I think people who say "oh" instead of "zero" should go back to math class. But I gave up chasing that windmill when I called infromation and the computerized voice said. " The number you are looking for is five five five oh one oh oh"




Click_Beetle was at least the second person in the thread to make that joke. Don't inflate his ego any MORE.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ah, damn click beetles! Still like it though.



Oh wait, I like that better, justification for toon.

[/ QUOTE ]

If something is correct, it needs no justification.



Maybe we could just call our in-game fictional representations "guys" like various people have suggested. And I do like "pip" - both have the advantage of being only 3 letters long instead of 4.

Another possibility is, in a similar way to how Forum Names have become "Cuppas" in the honor of CuppaJo, our dearly departed forum liaison (departed to Tabula Rasa) - we could call our charatoonvatarains "Jos"

I made a new Jo today
How many Jos do you have on this server?

And only two letters, for the ease of the typing impaired!



Click_Beetle was at least the second person in the thread to make that joke. Don't inflate his ego any MORE.

[/ QUOTE ]
Don't worry. It's not possible.



Oh wait, I like that better, justification for toon.

[/ QUOTE ]

If something is correct, it needs no justification.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sure it does. It needs justified to all the incorrect people in the world