"Toons"... are we playing Loony Toons?




Indeed, it is unlike that this thread will convince either side to change their minds.

[/ QUOTE ]

Do forum threads EVER succeed in that?



Though I'm pro-"toon" I will say that I've seen enough opinions on the matter to be a tad more sensitive in my word use around strangers. I expect my buddies to roll with it.

Heh... the new political parties... Pro and Anti-"toon".

"What in tarnation's a Rofflemow!!!?" -Priesteater on ROFLMAO

Real Objections Of Genius



I mean, if you're offended by someone calling your character a 'toon' cause you think it demeans it, think you're taking the game a bit too seriously. Kinda like a street corner getting mad cause you called her a 'ho'

I can see you taking pride in your character, but you shouldn't let a harmless word like 'toon' bother you...



Words change and evolve.

While some here may claim their characters are not toons, that makes as much sense as claiming that no one "Dials a Number" on their phone. Yes technically and technologically it may be true. But "Dial a Number" is a term used within our society that everyone understands.

Note for those of you to young to remember, Telephones use to have a weird round disks on top with 10 holes in it. A dial. You would rotate the disk with your finger to call someone. NO I AM NOT MAKEING THIS UP! STOP LAUGHING AT ME!

Just Google it and you will see millions of hits including usage by Major Telco Companies. They of all people know that there phones no longer our dialed.

Toon is the same way. It has evolved to include the online characters. While some can stand here and shout "NO IT DOESN'T INCLUDE MINE!" It does. Those around you know exactly what I mean when I say "I saw your toon." The word has evolved to include all the toons in this game weather you like it or not, and yelling that a toon is actually defined as "blah, blah, blah" is about as useful as trying to redefine "Dialing a Number" as "blah blah blah". The public doesn't care and will continue to use the term.

Toon is not being used as a derogatory term and in most cases the user of the term has no way of knowing that a few people might view it as such. But if you wish to try to fight the common usage, complain about those who use it, refuse to team with those who do and try to be an "English Nazi" feel free. It's your time but frankly I feel there's a lot more in life to enjoy, and a lot better things to judge people on.


[/ QUOTE ]
From now on, I'm going to use the term wordhumper to refer to you. It's not derogatory, so you can't object. It means, "Person who loves words".



I find it funny that people can get annoyed by such trivial things

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, pretty petty really. I can't believe someone posted that they think 'you' aren't the type of person they want to group with if you refer to your game character as 'toon'. LOL Petty petty petty.

[/ QUOTE ]
Calling people petty: petty or not?



I prefer char. myself but will use toon with those that use it so it's not confusing. IMHO toon just shows lack of experience with MMO and PnP RPGs.



Indeed, it is unlike that this thread will convince either side to change their minds.

[/ QUOTE ]

Do forum threads EVER succeed in that?

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, yes. It convinced me to try the PvP zones out. I tried it and enjoyed it...as long as there weren't other players there.




From now on, I'm going to use the term wordhumper to refer to you. It's not derogatory, so you can't object. It means, "Person who loves words".

[/ QUOTE ]

I can object. It is impolite in most conversations to call someone by other then their normal name. No one calls me that so you are trying to rename me. That is rude and can be argued even derogatory.

In comparison the word "Toon" to the general public is considered not derogatory and not rude. It is a word commonly used even by the die hard fans of the very group who it applies to.




I can object. It is impolite in most conversations to call someone by other then their normal name. No one calls me that so you are trying to rename me. That is rude and can be argued even derogatory.

[/ QUOTE ]

OK, Denrokryu...errr...Denkoryu...errr....Denyroki, oh, I give up. Alright, Fred.




From now on, I'm going to use the term wordhumper to refer to you. It's not derogatory, so you can't object. It means, "Person who loves words".

[/ QUOTE ]

I can object. It is impolite in most conversations to call someone by other then their normal name. No one calls me that so you are trying to rename me. That is rude and can be argued even derogatory.

In comparison the word "Toon" to the general public is considered not derogatory and not rude. It is a word commonly used even by the die hard fans of the very group who it applies to.


[/ QUOTE ]

But if you relabel my character a toon, that devalues my hard work.




From now on, I'm going to use the term wordhumper to refer to you. It's not derogatory, so you can't object. It means, "Person who loves words".

[/ QUOTE ]

I can object. It is impolite in most conversations to call someone by other then their normal name. No one calls me that so you are trying to rename me. That is rude and can be argued even derogatory.

In comparison the word "Toon" to the general public is considered not derogatory and not rude. It is a word commonly used even by the die hard fans of the very group who it applies to.


[/ QUOTE ]
Fine, you're ALL wordhumpers. It's not specifically you.



It doesn't devalue anything, at least not in normal conversation. "Toon" is a perfectly fine and acceptable word that is used by many in this game including the Devs.

Belldandy "Wordhumper"



And who are you to decide what does and doesn't affect others? Do you say, "Oh, quit whining, it didn't hurt" if you accidentally step on someone's foot and they complain of it?



And who are you to decide what does and doesn't affect others? Do you say, "Oh, quit whining, it didn't hurt" if you accidentally step on someone's foot and they complain of it?

[/ QUOTE ]

I never said it "doesn't" affect others. I said it doesn't "devalue" in the normal everyday useage.

It is used all the time on these forums in a neutral, nonderogatory manner. If you think in everyday useage it devalues them then please have a word with the Devs who use the term.





EDIT: Shautru; I wouldn't refuse to team with someone if they were an otherwise intelligent sounding person who used the word toon. However, (I'm not trying to insult anyone here) in my experience, more mature players are less likely to use the word toon. Obviously that varies and I'm not saying that using the term makes you immature, but that is the trend (or stereotype, if you will) that I have noticed.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have no idea who posted it, I just saw it a few pages back and laughed. Using the word toon instead of 'whatever' is a gauge of maturity? I disagree completely and think the notion is pure poppycock. Of course that's just my experience with those types of statements and I mean poppycock in the nicest of ways and intend no insult.



Using the word toon instead of 'whatever' is a gauge of maturity?

[/ QUOTE ]

Maturity, no.

Being able to call things by their right names, probably.



Using the word toon instead of 'whatever' is a gauge of maturity?

[/ QUOTE ]

Maturity, no.

Being able to call things by their right names, probably.

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL, right? ROFLMAO!

Why don't you just stomp your foot down and say "I'm right, you're wrong, so there! neener neener!" ... 'cause that's how I'm taking you with that hoity little attitude you got there.



Using the word toon instead of 'whatever' is a gauge of maturity?

[/ QUOTE ]

Maturity, no.

Being able to call things by their right names, probably.

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL, right? ROFLMAO!

[/ QUOTE ]

... speaking of language use a gauge of maturity...



Using the word toon instead of 'whatever' is a gauge of maturity?

[/ QUOTE ]

Maturity, no.

Being able to call things by their right names, probably.

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL, right? ROFLMAO!

Why don't you just stomp your foot down and say "I'm right, you're wrong, so there! neener neener!" ... 'cause that's how I'm taking you with that hoity little attitude you got there.

[/ QUOTE ]

... speaking of language use a gauge of maturity...

[/ QUOTE ]

/laughs some more

<edit as forgot to quote my ENTIRE statement to you>




EDIT: Shautru; I wouldn't refuse to team with someone if they were an otherwise intelligent sounding person who used the word toon. However, (I'm not trying to insult anyone here) in my experience, more mature players are less likely to use the word toon. Obviously that varies and I'm not saying that using the term makes you immature, but that is the trend (or stereotype, if you will) that I have noticed.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have no idea who posted it, I just saw it a few pages back and laughed. Using the word toon instead of 'whatever' is a gauge of maturity? I disagree completely and think the notion is pure poppycock. Of course that's just my experience with those types of statements and I mean poppycock in the nicest of ways and intend no insult.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't think you fully understood what you quoted. Read it again. I didn't saw that toon indicates the maturity of someone. I said that most of the time I don't team with people who say toon because they are usually otherwise immature, bad typists or do not understand the game very well. E.g. If someone says "hay how u like my toon" my impression is going to be that they're not the most desireable teammate. If somebody says "Hey, how do you like my toon?" the use of toon doesn't really bother me.

My point was that I see far more of the former than the latter, compared to the use of the word 'character.' In retrospect, this is probably because people who are otherwise lazy would use the word toon instead of character (again, doesn't mean someone who says toon is lazy) because it is shorter to type. As as far as I've noticed poor typists *tend to be* less mature as team mates.

Sorry to go into a rant, but I felt that you were completely misunderstanding my statement even though I put a little mini-disclaimer in there specifically to prevent people comprehending it the way you did.




From now on, I'm going to use the term wordhumper to refer to you. It's not derogatory, so you can't object. It means, "Person who loves words".

[/ QUOTE ]

I can object. It is impolite in most conversations to call someone by other then their normal name. No one calls me that so you are trying to rename me. That is rude and can be argued even derogatory.

In comparison the word "Toon" to the general public is considered not derogatory and not rude. It is a word commonly used even by the die hard fans of the very group who it applies to.


[/ QUOTE ]

But if you relabel my character a toon, that devalues my hard work.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not sure about that. If they referred to their "hero" or "villian" as a character and your's as a toon, then yeah there may be something to it, but, if the other person used toon in respect to both your's and theirs, then there would be no devalument. Your character would be at the same level as their own in their view. Any devaluement would be in your eyes.

ok, now is devaluement a word? If not, I want credit for it.

@Payamma Gurl
I'm sorry that your crew was stupid enough to fire on a station filled with a quarter million civilians, including your own people. And I'm sorry I waited as long as I did before I blew them all straight to hell. ~Sheridan, The Fall of Night




I don't think you fully understood what you quoted. Read it again.

[/ QUOTE ]

You said:
...more mature players are less likely to use the word toon..

..and that's what I replied to. Uhm, I read it the first time, and I'm reading it again. It clearly reads as if you were using the word toon as a gauge to maturity. I don't know how anyone else would read it even with your disclaimer.

So, now not only is a person immature, but lazy or poor typist? Okay, so what am I if I type char instead of character or toon? Am I lazy or poor typist but mature? Just curious.

Do you still not see why I think this is all so petty?



People who make assumptions about another's use of legitimate verbiage in a conversation are more suspect of a lack of maturity than those who use an established term. I agree with the whole "neener-neener" description there. Trying to assault another's maturity for lack of a good argument is also suspect. What a foolhardy assumption to make... "People who use the word "toon" are probably immature." People who don't and label people who do "immature" are premature. You rush to judge. You know nothing about people because you have a silly tick that causes you a deep lack of respect for others. Unfortunate.

"What in tarnation's a Rofflemow!!!?" -Priesteater on ROFLMAO

Real Objections Of Genius




I don't think you fully understood what you quoted. Read it again.

[/ QUOTE ]

You said:
...more mature players are less likely to use the word toon..

..and that's what I replied to. Uhm, I read it the first time, and I'm reading it again. It clearly reads as if you were using the word toon as a gauge to maturity. I don't know how anyone else would read it even with your disclaimer.

So, now not only is a person immature, but lazy or poor typist? Okay, so what am I if I type char instead of character or toon? Am I lazy or poor typist but mature? Just curious.

Do you still not see why I think this is all so petty?

[/ QUOTE ]

Online, I usually gauge someone's maturity/game skills by their typing skills; its the easiest readily available way. Sure, someone could be very mature and 'skilled' and just a poor typist, but I find it unusual. And and in my experience, toon tends to be used more by worse typists and character more by better typists. I do not gauge someone's maturity or typing skills simply by the use of the word. But it would be rare for someone to just say "toon" all on its own; it is likely it would be used in a sentence. So I don't judge people based on the use of the word toon. I judge them by their overall typing capacity (hay u like my toon vs Hey, do you like my toon?) and in my experience, (which, fair enough, may be skewed) there is a higher usage of toon amongst otherwise lazy typists simply because it is shorter.

People who make assumptions about another's use of legitimate verbiage in a conversation are more suspect of a lack of maturity than those who use an established term. I agree with the whole "neener-neener" description there. Trying to assault another's maturity for lack of a good argument is also suspect. What a foolhardy assumption to make... "People who use the word "toon" are probably immature." People who don't and label people who do "immature" are premature. You rush to judge. You know nothing about people because you have a silly tick that causes you a deep lack of respect for others. Unfortunate.

[/ QUOTE ]

You have both misunderstood my words, as I hoped I just explained above. I do not assume someone is immature by the use of the word toon. Online, where I have little to judge people by (and judging people in this context is valid because I don't want to waste my play time dying over and over on a poor team) I judge people by typing capacity. Not by use or lack of use of the term toon. After the fact, I notice a correlation between poor typing capacity and the use of the word toon because those with poor typing capacity are more likely to use the shorter word.

But perhaps it would make more sense if I changed maturity to gameplay ability. I guess I associate the two in an online world, but maturity probably isn't the best word for it.

So, in essence, lots of different people use toon or character. But poor typists favour toon over character. Poor typists are likely to have poor gameplay ability. I really wasn't trying to call people who use the word toon immature.

That all good now?

EDIT: Also, I find it a tad insulting and also slightly ironic that you just rushed to judge me and denounced me as immature. But I'm not looking to start a fight about that; rather we should all be a bit more careful when choosing our words. Perhaps if this language didn't always change we wouldn't have these problems.



What a foolhardy assumption to make... "People who use the word "toon" are probably immature."

[/ QUOTE ]

For the record, that isn't my assumption, it's somebody else's from further up.

Mine isn't an assumption, but a conclusion: "People who use the word 'toon' - and, in general, call things by goofy slang terms instead of their right names - irritate me by doing so."

I'm just annoyed by things like that: gamer slang, AIM shorthand, TXT MSG abbreviations. When I see someone who makes a habit of typing like that, I don't draw any deeper conclusions about him - I just find his conversational style irritating and uninformative enough that I have to decide whether it's worth the trouble of trying to understand what the hell he's talking about. It's certainly a forgivable offense, but it's not a way to make a good first impression on anyone who cares about precision of speech.