UnOfficial Cathedral of Pain Feedback




They are mostly a shortcut between zones.
I love having that shortcut.
Also the base leader does not get your money the people with base construction rights do.
What they need now is something that peaks the SG bases above certain zones.
I would like to see a terminal or something where you can auction stuff straight from base.
You could store/buy/invent in one room and if you have good members you can swap salvage and recipies easier since when you want to do that most of you would be in the same spot.






We just bought a radioactive toilet for our base.



Go radioactive toilit...all we need now is Dr.Toiliot and our base will be completed by my sad standards!!!

on the other note.....ive always apreciated the time and effort into building a good/awesome looking base.
Yes to some points its not the Doomstat/nor the Watchtower..but its a place you can cal home for the 10mins you actually spend in there over a period of 30days..or is it the fact that all the members of the SG's contribute into building sometimg that was not there.

Its our part to fix this play in sg mode and stop being greedy...if ya need Io's so much pray to the IO Gods and hope you get a Miracle so you can sell/or use...
Other than that LEAVE MY BASE ALONE!!!



Whatever the exact nature of the exploit it seems incredible that the Devs couldn't have figured out -some- kind of fix or workaround to that by now. Even if they had to do a major redesign or scale back of functionality it seems that could have been done by now.

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Can't they just rework the damn thing to be an 8-man TF/Trial and be done with it? With all the IO set bonuses nowadays, the IOPs have pretty much lost their appeal. I don't know anyone willing to risk their base being blown up in a "real" raid just because of an extra 5% damage or somesuch.

Base raids can still happen and be fun, but the whole "destroy my base to steal my IOP" mechanic should be forgotten. Ditch scheduled raids. Make the COP an 8-man trial that awards a non-tradable RECIPE for an IOP, which requires salvage drops only available in the trial. Then your SG can run it as many times as needed, and then craft the IOP they want for their base. Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



I'd love to have the COP as a TF. I would, however, destroy any IOP we get as long as our base was at stake. Too much time went into getting all that stuff. We gave up on the mock base raids ages ago: all too clearly those who've been around longest and/or have farmed the most, automatically win. Combined with the bugs, that sucks out all the fun.


Matt Miller: The Patron Powers are stronger and more powerful than the �equivalent� powers in City of Heroes (the Ancillary Power Pools), because there is less diversification and the fact that Patron choices are permanent alterations to your character.




Can't they just rework the damn thing to be an 8-man TF/Trial and be done with it? With all the IO set bonuses nowadays, the IOPs have pretty much lost their appeal. I don't know anyone willing to risk their base being blown up in a "real" raid just because of an extra 5% damage or somesuch.

Base raids can still happen and be fun, but the whole "destroy my base to steal my IOP" mechanic should be forgotten. Ditch scheduled raids. Make the COP an 8-man trial that awards a non-tradable RECIPE for an IOP, which requires salvage drops only available in the trial. Then your SG can run it as many times as needed, and then craft the IOP they want for their base.

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I think that's exactly the point. The "destroy your stuff" aspect of the raid system just didn't work and wasn't in any way in line with the current systems within the game. It's a strange, grief happy system that feels like it belongs in another MMO. I think the devs realize they need to redesign this stuff from square one and make it actually fun.

I don't think they want to lose the multi-team aspect of the cathedral though. That's a unique, and potentially very exciting system to add to the game. Excellent ideas on salvage and recipies though, I could see those working quite well. I think the real hold up is simply priorities. The devs can't quick fix it at this point, as the IOPs, base raids, and such are all coded into the system. They need to scrap it, redesign, and rebuild it into something fun and functional, but right now, there's just more important things on their mind.



Why not just have the SG base missions run in the manner of scanner missions? Have them announced or scheduled with random missions you can get from the mission computer that are formulated similarly to the scanner/newspaper missions. When you go on the mission, have the mobs arranged using the giant monster code so they are a challenge to everyone present so supergroups can actually team up regardless of level. Once you have done enough of the smaller missions (collectively) you can prepare for a larger "Pain" mission where you will win the recipe for an item of power and you can use the salvage you earned in the previous smaller mission computer missions to build the thing.

As far as base raids go, have destroyed base items contribute points (prestige whatever) to the raiding team but have them rebuilt with a 100% success rate, or maybe just come back damaged and be automatically rebuilt over time for no prestige cost to reduce griefing and help promote use of the system. Hell even the RP groups would raid at that point I think.

For raids you could also make defense items cheaper and easier to place, or perhaps allow the hiring of staff with "supergroup defense badges" that allow you to "purchase" some longbow troops or the odd arachnos guy. You lose your (relatively inexpensive but limited in number) support staff and those must be replaced by rebuying as well as your (easier to get and place) defenses but the rest of the items just get damaged during the raid and repaired relatively soon after.

Since the SG base system seems to be leaning much more heavily toward the whole Avengers West Coast style superbase, do it all the way and make SG bases a real gathering point for supergroups- I personally think it would add a huge element to the game.



I'd love to have the COP as a TF. I would, however, destroy any IOP we get as long as our base was at stake. Too much time went into getting all that stuff. We gave up on the mock base raids ages ago: all too clearly those who've been around longest and/or have farmed the most, automatically win. Combined with the bugs, that sucks out all the fun.


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For once I disagree with you Linna.

There are a lot of ways to take ridiculous bases down. The most potent defense is a team of excellent players (imho).



I'd love to have the COP as a TF. I would, however, destroy any IOP we get as long as our base was at stake. Too much time went into getting all that stuff. We gave up on the mock base raids ages ago: all too clearly those who've been around longest and/or have farmed the most, automatically win. Combined with the bugs, that sucks out all the fun.


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For once I disagree with you Linna.

There are a lot of ways to take ridiculous bases down. The most potent defense is a team of excellent players (imho).

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I beg to differ. I am (or used to be) a pretty hardcore PVPer, as were most others in Fated and Rival. We did a few mock raids, and found we couldn't compete AT ALL with other PVPers, because we simply didn't have the prestige (9 million on each side) to build the trap areas or even install much in the way of defensive and offensive measures. We didn't farm for prestige, like most of the other raiding SGs, and we found we were at a VERY severe disadvantage, material wise. To me, that solidly indicates that latecomers WILL be at a disadvantage.


Matt Miller: The Patron Powers are stronger and more powerful than the �equivalent� powers in City of Heroes (the Ancillary Power Pools), because there is less diversification and the fact that Patron choices are permanent alterations to your character.



They are mostly a shortcut between zones.
I love having that shortcut.
Also the base leader does not get your money the people with base construction rights do.
What they need now is something that peaks the SG bases above certain zones.
I would like to see a terminal or something where you can auction stuff straight from base.
You could store/buy/invent in one room and if you have good members you can swap salvage and recipies easier since when you want to do that most of you would be in the same spot.

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The ability to station a Trainer (Level Up Guy) terminal, robot or whatever would be super freakin cool to have in the SG base.



Has there been any official word from the Devs on this within the last year? has anyone sent a PM? and if so have you recieved an answer? If yes please TELL/SHOW us, if no please keep trying..i want my base raiding to be FOR something....replacing some of the stuff that gets destroyed is costly and theres as of yet no reason why it should be..what with no beneficial IoPs to offset it.

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



Some of those SGs should have the advantage. If they are one of the first SGs to complete the CoP trial and get an IoP then they will be constantly raided by other SGs trying to get that IoP. Sooner or later they will fall due to not enough peeps showing up to defend or whatever. If they get an IoP, they will have to earn the right to keep it!



No one can even prove to me they are working on this stuff or bases at all for that matter.

Please post links to the last constructive post a red name made about CoP, IoPs, or bases in general.



I agree..i cant think of the last time a redname said even the tiniest thing concerning bases, IoPs, or the CoP.

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



I thought that IoPs were temporary and would dissipate after a certain amount of time?

If this isn't the case is there any SGs willing to work with others to help people get the Power Liberator : Master Thief badge?

Bonnie and her bunny
Arc ID: 59406

The Trash Came Back
Arc ID: 350303



you cant get that badge..there are NO IoPs to steal.

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



you cant get that badge..there are NO IoPs to steal.

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Incorrect. I played with someone just a day or two ago whose SG still had an IOP giving a bonus to the said character. They still exist. Some have gone undeleted. Therefore, theoretically, you could organize a raid for the least on Pinnacle.

@Skye McCloud



you cant get that badge..there are NO IoPs to steal.

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Incorrect. I played with someone just a day or two ago whose SG still had an IOP giving a bonus to the said character. They still exist. Some have gone undeleted. Therefore, theoretically, you could organize a raid for the least on Pinnacle.

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The plot thickens... are you sure about this... it seems sort of off. I thought they all were removed and deactivated the trail. Its sort of in no-mans land.



My VG still had an item of power several weeks after they were supposedly removed from the game. Then one day it just disappeared. I had mentioned it on Justice forums and I would not be surprised if someone petitioned my group to get it removed.

I guess it's possible for someone to still have theirs.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



I and most of my SG have petitioned to get ours out. Still no luck on that.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



I agree..i cant think of the last time a redname said even the tiniest thing concerning bases, IoPs, or the CoP.

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nope, no one wants to have their name attached to that poisoned chalice, its the only PM subject i have never got a reply back on.



Which dev would one PM about the CoP and bases? <_< >_> I AM GONNA GET A RESPONSE IF IT KILLS ME!!

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



It would be nice to hear *SOMETHING* about the CoP, it was supposed to be a feature of CoV and now they don't even talk about it.



Seriously, the CoP , base raids and Items of Powers have been one of the biggest failure from the Dev team in this game. Just thinking that these features were showing on the CoV box when it first came in store makes me laugh alot.

I wonder if it will ever be fixed. With IOs available nowadays , Items of Powers seem pretty powerless. Theyd need to give a way better bonus so that players be willing to raid to get them.

I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
