UnOfficial Cathedral of Pain Feedback




How much longer before its up and running?

Simple Question, just needs a simple response from a Dev.

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Because IoPs are tied into bases and raids, and because both of these systems are currently fsck'd, IoPs can't properly come back until the other systems are fixed. And fixing bases and raids might be a nightmare for balance reasons; the original calculations seem have assumed that raidable bases would have large (40+ reasonably active /accounts/), but with base rent reductions, tiny SGs can have raidable bases.

I'm pretty sure the devs don't want 40 toons descending on a base with only 10 defenders, so ...



Honestly most of the large SGs that can beat a smaller one will have gotten thier IoPs. If the smaller one is smart they will have set up with another friendly group to "raid" them so they can keep thier IoP.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



How much longer before its up and running?

Simple Question, just needs a simple response from a Dev.

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I would also like to know.



I'd love it on test, even without the IoP, to test it out. Because, dammit, this thing looks like it's going to ROCK!



I vote they reactivate it on test so we can get back to testing it and assist the devs with what we find...after all isnt that what the test server is for?

and I also noticed that all of those responses were either one or two years knew info on the CoP or IoPs or Scheduled raiding withing the past 8 months or so. (no info on those topics SPECIFICALLY)

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



Blame the bug that allowed for infinite fedex type mish completions while the trial was in progress. Many Sg/Vgs exploited it, and since the devs couldnt tell everyone who had exploited they couldnt touch those peoples accumulated prestige/inf/exp or there would have been a huge public outcry, so they simply took the trial offline siting a major bug (which it was) and then kinda shelved it...

I for one never got to play the trial, I wish I had, and I really really want it back. If I knew how to code, and had the experience i would work for Cryptic for free on this one issue, just so that it could go back in the game.

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Gunna cry newb on this, what did this bug do?

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For some reason, unlike a normal TF, the Cathedral of Pain didn't blank out your other missions while you were on it. However, it ALSO didn't let you clear any other missions. So if you had a "click this person" mission, like a delivery to Azuria, you could join a CoP trial, then go to Azuria, click, get the reward, but the mission wouldn't clear. So you click her again. And again. Repeat until clicky mission is outlevelled.




I dont see how it could be that hard to fix something as simple as that. I mean they have so many other trials and TFs that don't do that, how hard is it to isolate the code they need to change or add and get it done. I've busted my butt to get my SG this far and found out it wasn't possible. It took my SG a year to get this far and in my opinion the Devs should have had it fixed by now.



I agree, i'm tired of the devs bringing out new material saying that's what the people want, what we want is consolidation of what we have so far! sort the stability issues but most of all...SORT OUT THE CATHEDRAL OF PAIN!!!



I'm surprised that no one has updated this thread yet. Positron stated on the I11 Beta Boards:
We're not sure when or if it will happen.

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There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



I hope they bring it back and what not, but I am not holding my breath

Does not always detect CoH



realistically if they dont bring it back there isnt much use for bases at all other then being a glorified storage shed for our stuff



realistically if they dont bring it back there isnt much use for bases at all other then being a glorified storage shed for our stuff

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SG Bases is problably the devs greatest blunder. The bases never did much andd with the CoP not working I beleive they would jsut as soon get rid of Bases than try and do anything with them. Raiding is buggy and pointless. PvP never hit it off the way they expected it to and the entire nature of PvP seems to have eluded them when they coded the whole thing. Heck I recall Statsman once saying he never would expected people to go around blowing stuff up in a raid just so people would lose the prestige and salvage they earned. That is just Naive to the extreme.

PvEers have little use fo rthe base. a shortcut is all it is anymore. The CoP would be a big deal to a PvEer but they, for whatever reason, don't want to fix it. It's problably the PvP element that goes along with getting an IoP. Most people don't want to worry over that. Small SG's that only have like 10-15 people. Enough to do the Trial but nowhere near enough to try and defend their base constantly. It isnt for casual players or even dedicated PvE players.



I agree 100%. If I had my choice, I would rather HAVE SG bases with the IoP, or any significant incentive for PvE-ers to join.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



*shrugs* I find bases add something for those of us who roleplay.

Where do we go from here?



*shrugs* I find bases add something for those of us who roleplay.

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It a good place to get your group together, that is if the base doesnt kick you out randomly.



*shrugs* I find bases add something for those of us who roleplay.

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Those actors guild fees (see: Prestige) are something ehe?

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Bases are also the only place where you get empowerment stations. I'm surprised people aren't using those more.



Bases are also the only place where you get empowerment stations. I'm surprised people aren't using those more.

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It's just not convenieant. I have one in our base. I'll grab teh knockback protection one once and again but its just to much of a hassle to try and work with when your plpaying more than solo.

Also I do RP Quite a bit. Again the Base turns out to be too much of a hassle. The base kick bug is problably the biggest problem. Also people tend to want to go out and play the game so we will RP before, during, and after missions.



RP styles vary, and I respect that. Still, I find that a base with a city-wide TP grid, full storage lockers, and crafting areas is a nice asset. I don't disagree that it could do more, but after two years (right?) of no CoP, it's harder to see bases WITH IoP stuff, than WITHOUT.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



RP styles vary, and I respect that. Still, I find that a base with a city-wide TP grid, full storage lockers, and crafting areas is a nice asset. I don't disagree that it could do more, but after two years (right?) of no CoP, it's harder to see bases WITH IoP stuff, than WITHOUT.

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I personally am not hung up on IoPs, but for the amount of Prestige (granted less for larger SGs) there needs to be some tangible incentive to players that a.) Dont have enough friends to join a SG. and b.) Are not really into RP.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



People like to throw out the 10% number when they talk about PvP. I'd throw out a 10% number when it comes to the hardcore RPer. The large majority of the playerbase is either uninterested or very casual aboth both styles of play. Right now Bases only really attract those two niche groups and the PvP side of it is so broken, especially concidering the insane cost, that it just isn't worth messing with.



I use my base for inspiration/enhancement/salvage strorage, as well as having my own personal invention table and a telepad grid that covers 12 zones including the RWZ.

My sg would never have enough presitge to build a CoP ready base anyway, I'm happy with my base, so I'm quite happy with bases as they are.

The Case Against Hardcase- arc id: 438272

Clowning Around- arc id: 408447

Down the Rabbit Hole- arc id: 193055



It really doesn't need to even be the CoP. Imagine how many members you could get if you had a Shiva meteor that gave bases members a shivan temp power or a Heavy mech launch pad? Or even a temp weapons rack with special models that only bases can get? There are lots of options to the CoP trial IoPs.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



They should just make the CoP a normal TF that you get from the base computer like Silver Mantis SF on the villian side. No need to have the entire SG in one TF. It would have been cool, but if there are too many problems getting it to work that way then go back to what we know works.

I like to do the CoP trial sometime in my lifetime :-)



I really hope that CoP comes back. If it does come back I do think that there should be two types of IoP. A pvp type of IoP, and a non-pvp type IoP. I'm not talking about making two different IoPs but have a scaler. Have the SG be able to determine if it wants to be a PVP or a PVE SG. If you choose to be a PVP SG then you get the IoP as they are now. If you are a PVE SG and choose to stay that way so your base can't be raided you get half the value for your IoP. This I think would balance the risk vs. reward issue that always comes up and would allow non-pvp sgs to see content and get benefits without worry about their sg being invaded and being trashed.

Icey-Hott - Lvl 50 Ice/Fire Tank-Champion
Icey Hott - Lvl 50 Ice/Fire Blaster-Liberty
Dream-Weaver - Lvl 50 Ill/Kin Controller-Liberty
Star of the Show - Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank-Champion
William Tell Lvl 50 Arch/MM Blst-Champion