Issue 7: New Base Features!




I'm just as much part of the player base as you are. And I think you're fretting.

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I'm not fretting. I am the leader of the #1 prestige earning SG on Guardian. What ever they throw into the game we will be able to afford. I'm just looking at the Devs history and being logical about the whole situation. I hope they do actually make something affordable that is also useful to small groups. Maybe it will curve some of the threads from the members of small groups.

I'm willing to bet there will be extreme complaints once these things hit test server.



Positron has said, over and over, that these additions are going to be for small SGs. It's just ludicrous to come up with something like 'so the station is cheap but OMG what if you have to buy a big room to put it in!!!! Then small SGs won't be able to afford it!!!!'

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I'm kind of surprised at this attitude.

It's entirely possible for a design to fail in implementation, and this is one of the potential failures we might see show up in play. If the empowerment stations are really only useful if you have minimal travel time (ie, a fully set up base w/ telepads), then it's entirely on topic to wonder if maybe they're not really such a big buff for small SGs after all. That's before you even get into the question of fitting everything on the basic plot.

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I have to disagree here, I am fairly sure that the devs thought about plot size and cost when they came up with this idea. The whole debate over base prices is just amazing to me since a four person vg has managed to put together a complete pve base (telepads, workshop, medlab, power, control) from launch till now. I used to think the base stuff was overpriced till I realized how much we got done just by playing a few hours a week. Anyway thats a debate for another thread. I suspect outside of a workshop or a medical lab would be needed for any of these buff stations. Theme wise both would be ideal locations of such a device.

"I think I'm cute. I've got gold medals.
I've got the moves that make them all tap out.
The Angle Slam, the Ankle Lock.
Marty Jannetty...still can't walk.
I'm just the sexy Kurt.
I'll make your ankle hurt.
I'm just the sexy Kurt.
I'll make your ankle hurt."
Kurt Angle



Nooo lets not oh I dunno SCALE IT to the number of people in your SG. </end rant>[/b]

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Scale prices to the number of people in the SG? Hell, what a great idea. I'll have everyone drop out of the SG, sell everything back that we had before, buy it back for very low prices cause I'm an SG of 1, then invite everyone back to the SG.



So, my SG which consists of myself and a friend and a couple of our ALTs

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These devices were created with groups like yours in mind.

They give some sort of function to the base of a group who will need a fair amount of time to come up with the 625k prestige needed to put in power, control and the rooms for them.

Although if I were you, I'd really consider seeing how much these new things cost. It may be that you could put them in without deleting your control and power.



I'm just as much part of the player base as you are. And I think you're fretting.

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I'm not fretting. I am the leader of the #1 prestige earning SG on Guardian.

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Doesn't stop you fretting. Legitimate concern is one thing, but this is silly. Posi keeps saying that this is entirely built around small groups, but people keep trying to come up with reasons why small groups MIGHT not be able to afford it. And that's daft.

I hope they do actually make something affordable that is also useful to small groups.

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I think they know how to do that, don't you?

I'm willing to bet there will be extreme complaints once these things hit test server.

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When did something being good ever mean that people didn't complain?

Oh good grief, I'm turning into Friggin' Taser...



I wonder how much salvage a small group brings in on average.



I wonder how much salvage a small group brings in on average.

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A lot more than it uses for crafting, that's for sure.

And since the salvage bins don't need power or control, they can store it up for whoever needs it.



A lot more than it uses for crafting, that's for sure.

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That's definitely going to be a good thing. Yeah cause we know those small groups have it coming out their ears and need that storage space.



This argument is plain stupid anyway. You don't have a clue of how things will be and I don't have a clue either. Let's just sit back and enjoy the show.




Would you mind answering a few more quetions about the storage items if you have time?

Will the Salvage storage be connected to the Workstation in terms of (this item requires this much and you have this much available in storage) and will we be able to create items directly that way?


Will we have to go look at how much salvage something will cost, then go to our storage unit and collect that, then go back to the workstation again?

2) Also, how much Power and Control will the Enhancement and Inspiration Storage units require?

3) Will these Storage units require their own rooms or will we be able to place them in rooms that are already likely to be in our base (i.e. workshop, control room, generator room)?



*cries as any long thought out posts are buried by tons of short psuedo-flame wars*

I'm kinda new here but I'm guessing this always happens? People get bickering about this and that, alot of times not even about something on topic, and any useful discussion is lost in some peoples need to post back and forth, arguing with each other a couple sentences at a time.

I see the PM option, haven't used it but I doubt its hard. Maybe instead of talking to each other in a thread discussing the buffs/storage coming in I7, you could PM each other. Or you could make a thread about base cost, how much stuff you get, or what you think about the base design... I dunno thats just me and my logic, I've been told its strange sometimes :P

EDIT: GammaEmission- what I'm talking about is stuff like what you and sakado just did (no it wasnt just you two). It's making it hard for not just people like me to see the thoughtful posts, but more importantly the Devs. If someone posts something that takes alot of time in response to what was originally posted, its kinda annoying that something like that can be totally missed by the devs because of some argument that you just admitted was stupid(yet defended two posts later *sigh*). And no thanks, I won't get drawn into another argument for your amusement, despite you insulting me. Yeah i'm off topic, but I'm asking for it to stop. You however, are acting like you rule the board. A third of this page is your posts, and the majority of them are two sentences or less. When you look at the content of all this, and how much of it matters in this forum, well I don't know why you're even here. Go stir up crap somewhere else, all you've been doing here for who knows how long is arguing with and/or passively insulting others.



My vote?

Get rid of Empowerment Stations entirely. Just dump them, and say, "You know, not a good idea after all. Never mind. Wait for the Invention System."

Of course, I'm looking forward to seeing them on Test anyway.

But first: Base-based Empowerment is not Comic-Booky. Running to your Base to get a buff to take down an AV is not something I recall seeing often. On the other hand, running to your base to get a gadget (temp power) that can target an AV's weakness happens ALL THE TIME.

Besides, If you said, "Thanks to the feedback of the loyal fans in this thread, we have decided to remove Empowerment from I7 and incorporate it into Invention", I'd love to see the looks on everybody's 'faces'.

Of course, then I'd have to go share the small hole that Galactiman is probably hiding in about now

Besides, if the Empowerment stations give you Temp Powers, you can simply have the powers 'confiscated' (with the appropriate text warning...please remember immersion) by PvP Zone guards (or have the devices work differently in a PvP zone due to radiation, enemy interference, etc).

Being able to Craft a one-use, powerful spell with a 3 minute duration that I can activate once I'm back in front of the AV thatI want to take down? Cool. Crafting a 15-minute buff that is useless if I don't have a good travel power and so uber it's going to be nerfed if I have allies with teleport friend stationed and waiting? Not as cool.

Whoa! Anybody check out the mouth on this gift horse?

On th subject of costs and requirements for these items, here's another way of looking at it: How long should it take YOUR SG (whoever you are ) to afford one?

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



*cries as any long thought out posts are buried by tons of short psuedo-flame wars*

I'm kinda new here but I'm guessing this always happens? People get bickering about this and that, alot of times not even about something on topic, and any useful discussion is lost in some peoples need to post back and forth, arguing with each other a couple sentences at a time.

I see the PM option, haven't used it but I doubt its hard. Maybe instead of talking to each other in a thread discussing the buffs coming in I7, you could PM each other. Or you could make a thread about base cost, how much stuff you get, or what you think about the base design... I dunno thats just me and my logic, I've been told its strange sometimes :P

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If you need useful stuff, then click here

anything else is just theory and debate so don't worry yourself over what others are doing. And why be a hypocrite and post off topic when that is what you are complaining about? Maybe you should have taken your own advice and made a thread about people who post off topic instead of bringing it here?



I was wrong... So I'm removing what I said to avoid confustion.



None, 0, zip, nada... Posi answered this via a PM already.

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Look at that PM again. He said the salvage storage wouldn't cost power or control but the enhancement and inspiration storages would.



He said the salvage storage wouldn't cost power or control but the enhancement and inspiration storages would.

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Ooops your right, my bad.



Sure, all this stuff is great for small SG's, because now you don't need power or control to just gets started. But what about those SGs who have achieved power and control, equipted rooms, but are now encountering a price wall because space is limited and plot values are very high. These things only address the very bottom rung, and do nothing about the rest of the ladder. You could buy an entire basic SG and fully equip it for the cost of anything over the most basic and starting equipment.



Empowerment stations are instant buffs. You are bathed in radiation/magic/etc. on the spot and get a bonus to your travel speed/lethal resistance/attack speed/endurance recovery/knockback protection/whatever you need at the time, right then and there.

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God help us... is it possible that we can get mez protection beyond knockback from these stations? Dare I dream?


Marut, 50 FF/Rad/Power Defender - Champion
Leader of The Earthguard
Leader of The Galactic Empire



Heh, let me start by saying that Gamma is usually in control of what he's saying. Now, saying that, he just responded to his own post, he is now arguing with himself. I'm a member of his #1 SG on Guardian, I love the guy, but please dude, get some help! stop responding to your own posts!

And far as all this buffing business goes, lets just sit back and see how it goes... Sheesh, all this ranting and nobody even knows for sure how it's going to work out...



I think I'm beginning to understand why Issues are moving further and further apart. The devs probably have to go through a few months in a mental ward before they're ready to tackle these sorts of things again!



But what about those SGs who have achieved power and control, equipted rooms, but are now encountering a price wall because space is limited and plot values are very high.

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We have no idea if such a thing will be an issue or not. I could see how it could be, perhaps... If your base is fairly full, and these new items require their own rooms... Then there could be an issue.

But we don't know that they do require their own rooms or not, so until we do we can do little more then speculate.

If they don't require their own rooms however, there is simply no reason you couldn't fit all of them into a base on the 8x8 plot. It may require some redecorating... But that would be about it.




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I for one would like to live in a world where design intentions and functional implementation were one and the same. It would be a better place, I think.

However, we do not live in such a place, and pointing out potential flaws in an idea, especially flaws which can be extrapolated from how similar features were implemented in the past, is entirely valid criticism.

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The devs accept they make mistakes, why can't everyone?

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



New Issue 7 base features will allow you to spruce up, buff up, and share gear all in the comfort of your own base! Read more about these new features in our latest update.

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Meh, that's nice and all but when are we getting our own apartments/homes where we can store our stuff?



Cos everything is sooooo reasonably priced for SGs that don't have 75 members now...

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You don't need 75 members to have a nice PvE base as is. In fact many SG's consisting of 2-3 active players, and their alts have a nice PvE base.

Posts like yours do nothing but confuse the issue by throwing out statements that are completely false. They fill the actual discussion with whitenoise that makes it even harder to get anything acomplished.

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That all depends on your definition of "nice" -- I have an RP-based SG with about 18-20 members in it, and it takes months to get the prestige for the next room in the base, and then months just to add stuff to that room. Tell me that's fair.

What the hell are these 2-3 man groups with "nice bases" doing, robbing banks of prestige?



The devs accept they make mistakes, why can't everyone?

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Making mistakes is one thing; accidentally failing to design something around small SGs when that's what you've set out to do is another thing altogether. I believe the Devs are fallible, but I don't believe they're idiots.