Who influenced you the most...?




Someone tell Black Scourge to read this, as this prolly won't happen again soon:

The other day, an SG friend and I were chatting about the "hooplah" on the boards, and Scourge's name came up. In particular, his scrapper, N'arloth (please forgive the spelling). At any rate, he and I both remembered teaming with him on a number of occasions, and we remember those times quite fondly, as he was, and I imagine still is, one hell of a scrapper. So, I learned a lot about scrapping, and a few TFs, from Black Scourge.

The rest of my list is lumped, as really, everyone I play with on any sort of consistant basis is in Team Awesome. I love you guys, and I think you all know it. Yes, we have our problems within TA and outside, but in the end, we're still friends, and we work through whatever it is which needs worked through. In short, you folks rock, and I am sincerely fortunate to know the lot of you.

Even Hellfire. Even though he left for a while and never wrote me AT ALL UNTIL I WROTE HIM FIRST. You [censored].


"I see your words..." ~The most menacing thing a forumite could say



Someone tell Black Scourge to read this, as this prolly won't happen again soon:

The other day, an SG friend and I were chatting about the "hooplah" on the boards, and Scourge's name came up. In particular, his scrapper, N'arloth (please forgive the spelling). At any rate, he and I both remembered teaming with him on a number of occasions, and we remember those times quite fondly, as he was, and I imagine still is, one hell of a scrapper. So, I learned a lot about scrapping, and a few TFs, from Black Scourge.

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Thank for the compliment LJ, that was unexpected. You keep talking about me like that, your gonna soften me up on the boards. Guess your not such a bad guy after all.



A lot of the people I first played with aren't around anymore. And some of the people who influenced me are people I never even knew. But here are some of the ones I remember:

Various Defenders, among them one I think named Linda Creighton: My first hero was an electric/electric Blaster named Xypher. I think she maybe made it to level 9. While she was running around for a few days, I ran into many Defenders who helped me out with heals and buffs and took the time to explain some things to me. It was because of them that I scrapped my Blaster and rolled Miss Informed, my empathy Defender. Sometimes I spend time in The Hollows or other difficult zones and help people out because it makes me feel like I'm giving something back in memory of the people who helped me out.

Blackfire, Namoi Walker, and Jade Scorpion: for inviting me the a Supergroup that stuck and introducing me to some wonderful people, including Jack Zodiac, Tayuya, and Kauket.

Pragon and PolarStorm: for being so patient with me when I could never find my way anywhere inside some missions. They would actually backtrack, find me, and hold my hand until I got to the right place. Many months later Pragon's video card went kablooey and he had to replace it with a lower quality card - the same kind I had. He told me he could hardly see anything and I, with my updated video card, had to come lead him through the mazes. He also introduced me to SynapseOverload, his brother. Someone I still play with today.

PhantasmalForce and Dark-Soul: for always making me laugh and teaching me a lot about online games.

Frau Pain: For being a true friend and never hitting on me, even when he learned I was a real girl and not a fake one.

Jack Zodiac and Tayuya: For dressing up with me when I was an elf for Christmas and passing out enhancements and money all over CoH. On my own I wouldn't have accomplished nearly as much or had such a good time. I also wouldn't have most of my accolades or history badges without Jack, who was also the one who helped me get to 50 when everyone else had hit it while I was away on vacation.

Miri: for proving that you can meet people from the internet and NOT be murdered, never to be heard from again.

Alecktra: I've seen her be wild and silly and I've seen her be insightful and remarkable. I love her crazy stories and the thread about boats. And I value the quiet conversations we've had, too. They've been among some of my best talks in this game.

Jack Zodiac, LivingHellfire, Markus V8.0 and Feral Kat: for believing I'm a good Defender, even when they're lying face down in the dirt.

Stampy, Dbomb, and Scythe: for giving me hope that the next generation isn't made up entirely of wingnuts and people who can't dress themselves.

Team Awesome: You have killed me more times than you know because of your chatty antics. I always feel stupid after those deaths. But they're also the most fun.

I trust that the people I care about know how I feel. This may be just a game, but you're all so very much more than that. Thank you for being such a wonderufl part of my life and for honoring me by letting me be a part of yours.



Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



I don't remember his name because he was the first person I ran into in Atlas. He was a lvl 5 Peacebringer. He took me under his wing for a good three hours and taught me to live and love....wait, no...to play the game. Great mentor. I like to pay it forward sometimes and offer to tutor nOObs when they arrive in Atlis for the first time. Good Karma.



Abrams- Taught me alot about tanking, and helped me with zookeeper, as did xealot...that was the longest funniest night ever.

Everyone at my first hami raid. They were all nice, and helpful to me the n00blet, I believe Kat and BSG stood out the most.

Defeal-Was a drone for a long while, and had lots of fun teaming, learned alot.

Team Awesome-You guys are great. Funniest [censored] ever.

Police Drone A1- Took me into a lvl 40 DE mission when I wal lvl 16..and got me killed-thanks buddy-

So many people helped and gave me advice, hard to remember them all, thanks all for making my first MMO a great one



Hellfire...I'll have to ask, but I believe that Capt. Liberty is in my Sg/VG. Weird.

*grins* Scourge, while I don't know when or how you and I got to such bad terms, I -do- remember playing with you, and having a blast. I honestly wish those times happened more, ya know?

"I see your words..." ~The most menacing thing a forumite could say



Hellfire...I'll have to ask, but I believe that Capt. Liberty is in my Sg/VG. Weird.

*grins* Scourge, while I don't know when or how you and I got to such bad terms, I -do- remember playing with you, and having a blast. I honestly wish those times happened more, ya know?

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everyone now..cmon you know the words.....whats after memories.....




Mammories...they are naked before me, pair of fine knockers, I love the jub-bubble-ies.

"I see your words..." ~The most menacing thing a forumite could say



Mammories...they are naked before me, pair of fine knockers, I love the jub-bubble-ies.

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yeah, those too.



Stampy, Dbomb, and Scythe: for giving me hope that the next generation isn't made up entirely of wingnuts and people who can't dress themselves.

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I won't be a part of your system!



Wow... sooooooo many people to remember, and so many memories.. good and bad.. where to start, considering i have met some amazingly cool people in this game. I myself being not exactly the most popular guy under the sun, mostly because of PvP, am glad i have met these people.

Lil Scrappy

The first person that truely inspired me back in Issue 2, when i was still a wee little nooblet. He took me into redemption and gave me my first (and still mostly missed) home on Justice. He gave me so much advice, and helped me with so many things, i can't ever forget those moments.


Truely my first friend that i met online on this game. He has shown me that people are trustworthy, and that online friends can be just as good as RL friends. Teaching me that to forgive and forget, is the best thing you can do when you get into a grudge with someone.

Big Sista Girl

There are few times in life, that on a video game, someone can make you smile even when you feel down. BSG is one of those people that will care about your feelings and opinions unconditionally, and i thank her for that. She was able to show me, that all ages can truely play together, and have a blast.


Back in the old Redemption days, Posi was one of the few people that i talked with on a regular basis. Showing me that competition can be fun and exciting, regardless of all of the smack talkers out there.

Mike Killa

Being known as a youngster that talks trash, has kind of ruined his rep in the PvP community, but i know the real Mike Killa. He really is a kind and considerate person, that has always had my back, whether it be some sort of arguement, or a giant PvP match. True Loyalty in this friendship, both ways. Never have i had such a great partner in a game.


Where to start with this guy...Hmm..Back in Issue 2 and 3, i randomly played with this scrapper, watching him tear things apart, and having a great attitude even when death was nye. This is the guy that beat me by 2 levels on being the first Dark Armor scrapper on justice , hehe. Countless hours, leveling, laughing, owning, and first time experiences have been played through with this man. Even though he has the appearance of a cold and bitter person, in reality, he isn't like that at all. Sure, it may sound silly, because most people probably think "no way, he isnt nice!", but if you are his friend, you will realize that you have one hell of a player as a friend, partner, and leader. Picking me up from Redemption, he helped turn me into the elite pvp machine that i am today, and i thank you N'arlolth, for helping me with more than you can imagine.

These are the people that have truely impacted me IN game, my RL friends that play have also been a huge part of time here. Thank you.

P.S. BTW, everyone should really just get along



Everyone who was ever a part of Redemption as that is why i stayed in this game for as long as i did I met a lot of cool people through it everyone from the original members to the newest that came along you all were truly inspirational to me I'd like to think i did a decent job in trying to help out...hell it turned out one of the best led VGs in CoV Sadly i had to split from the group but I'd still drop whatever team I may be on atm just to help you guys out Just to toss some names out:

Dark Sidius

that Bots guy was alot of help too



Lil Scrappy

The first person that truely inspired me back in Issue 2, when i was still a wee little nooblet. He took me into redemption and gave me my first (and still mostly missed) home on Justice. He gave me so much advice, and helped me with so many things, i can't ever forget those moments.

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I have made a lot of friends here, but Redemption and Frostigy made for some of the best experience I had in this game. I remember the raids back when it was uncertain if it could be done successfuly, and the missions. It was great.



The only person I actually talked to much before I started attending Hami raids was Stamp. Stamp kinda influenced my APP pick (Because I found it hilarious watching Hellions fly hundreds of yards for so little damage ), and beyond that I didn't know of or talk to any of you maniacs until Team Awesome was formed. So... bugger off and let me sleep!

*goes back to sleep*

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
I'd never use a nuke in a superhero universe. You nuke a city, you kill 1.5 million people minus one. The last guy not only gets superpowers from the explosion, but ones that let him survive a nuke...and wow, is he torqued off
New Judgement suggestions
PPD Mastermind



I have no idea who they were, but I REALLY wish I could remember their names. There were 2 people actually. The first one was some Scrapper who introduced me to the world of Duals and how to slot my powers. I had gone like 16 levels with trainings and had been slotting my stuff with 1 Range, 1 Damage, 1 Accuracy, 1 Endurance Red, because I didn't know you could put more than one of the same type of enhancement in my powers. That was a huge change for me.

The other was this Energy Blaster way back when I was getting into the 30s. I had just teamed with him and a few others to work off some debt and he noticed that I was doing really crappy damage. After the mission he pulled me aside and asked me if I had Single Origins in my powers and I said, "What the heck are Single Origins?" Long story short, the guy pulled me to the Science store in IP and helped me buy some enhancements and WOW did the game ever change for me.

Special Mention goes out to Lil' Scrappy and Wanda and all those other guys from his SG who helped me take out the Kronos and a bunch of other high level stuff that I could never find a team for.

Sadly I don't think I ever played with any of the TA guys way back when since I soloed about 85% of the game with Neutra. I remember seeing your names all the time back when the raids were big and we were doing them for the first time, but that was about it.

Ah the memories.



I forgot to mention..

Fan Fania! Another great friend of mine. Was there with me on my frist Respec TF, when I took my first character to 50, and my first Hammy Raid.

Its just nice to have someone who can be there with you for special events.

Member: Mutant Force Five, Chaos Legion & Team Awesome



Monkey has no people who influenced her in the game....*cries*

Monkey had to learned what NOT to do through many many many many many many many many many many PUGs and reading stuff on the forum.

I'm a "read the instructions" kinda monkey anyway.

Wait...I nearly forgot

There were 3 key people who invited me to their small SG...we did most of our missions together and with them I got to ding 50! Ms Feelgood's signature cowgirl outfit was/is that SG's uniform...So if anyone influenced...well spoiled, me I'd say the members of Paragon Posse did.



Back at City of Heroes release....

My group Hostile's always stuck around together. We were a big group too. 95% of us coming from the game Planetside, as an outfit called Hostile Takeover. They were a real nice group in everygame we played together. Kinda got spoiled as so thats why I hardly joined PuG's... I'd say the 1st month 80% of the SG didnt resubscribe cause all they saw was the experience grind and ruled it off as not being an FPS, but that 1st month I learned so much. See MyTier? first character... look at the powersets =/

Anyway... in my SG, we had 3 empaths, before I finally made BA. hyrdra, Lady Green, and "maybe" some of you might remember a Cpt. Boris. Lady Green sucked, as was constantly told to me by my friend that he slotted out his attacks too much.

But hyrdra showed me what it looked to be a nice empathy build. Hyrdra was the reason I made BA in the first place. Telling me 'Healers will always be needed." <---Kinda true. I noted what he liked, disliked and just overall bad choices....(they had group teleport). Cpt Boris showed me the magic of Fortiude.

Last influence, Stampz. He inspired me to make Cherry Popsicle as well. He showed me what an Ice tanker could do, on just Wet Ice, and Energy Absorption. (When the armors couldnt stack and foes could sleep you through the Wet ice....)
Best arguably overall Tanker in the game. Too bad he never got his tank to 50 though... damn altitis. He's played a dominator, Desa Plin.. maybe see him in Siren's Call sometimes.

.: Member of the Hostile's :. Global: @Blinding Aura
"You never appreciate what you have until it's gone."
Blinding Aura - Emp/Psi Def - 50 Justice
MyTier - AR/Fire Blaster - 50
Cherry Popsicle - Ice/Ice Tank - 50
Chilling Aura - Ice/Cold Corr - 50
Adastra - SS/Inv - 38! Tank Virtue



Two peeps who have become stellar in-game friends: RoseRed and Voltage Storm.



Monkey has no people who influenced her in the game....*cries*

Monkey had to learned what NOT to do through many many many many many many many many many many PUGs and reading stuff on the forum.

I'm a "read the instructions" kinda monkey anyway.

Wait...I nearly forgot

There were 3 key people who invited me to their small SG...we did most of our missions together and with them I got to ding 50! Ms Feelgood's signature cowgirl outfit was/is that SG's uniform...So if anyone influenced...well spoiled, me I'd say the members of Paragon Posse did.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just for you, Monkey:

Evil Monkey!

"I see your words..." ~The most menacing thing a forumite could say



Team Awesome: *slips into flame proof suit* I could care less who does or doesn't like TA. They are, easily, the friendliest and most entertaining people I have EVER met in an MMO, and I've played more of them then I can remember. On the boards, in game, they keep me laughing and will always get a team going for anything. Just good people, all of 'em.

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I've been playing this game for about 9 months now with a break for about a month on account of a hurricane. This is also my frist MMO ever and I got addicted to it when my roommate gave me a free 2 week Memorial Day code.

Kamizite Mararu - My roomate and buddy who took me under his wing and into his SG that I'm still in. Teamed with him for countless hours and still do to this day.

Faia- Like Kami welcomed me into the Faded Saints and helped me learn what it was to be a scapper.

Miri- Another personal friend of mine who is the crack dealer who all of his friends, that is if COH = Crack. Miri has and still does put up with several questions that I ask him and calmed me down for my frist big issue change, ala I5.

Team Awesome- Thank you for taking me in and helping me so much through COV, and I know ya'll when be there when I start leveling my COH main again.



you know, i did the usual when i got here today... search, keyword "borts"... and when i saw my name in a thread "who influenced you the most...?" i was expecting something a little more interesting... you disappoint me lhf!...

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And you're welcome.

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i dont get it...

They call me the Super-Genius of Justice for a reason... but they forgot what it was.
"Awesome... Awesome to the Max..."
Zero Tolerance: Get your towels ready.



you know, i did the usual when i got here today... search, keyword "borts"... and when i saw my name in a thread "who influenced you the most...?" i was expecting something a little more interesting... you disappoint me lhf!...

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And you're welcome.

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i dont get it...

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well i didn't get it ;p

They call me the Super-Genius of Justice for a reason... but they forgot what it was.
"Awesome... Awesome to the Max..."
Zero Tolerance: Get your towels ready.