Who influenced you the most...?




" Rowan:
Just one of the best players I have ever met and she was a girl lol. I remember when I first met her how blown away that she was actually a female and was that good. She had a heart of gold too. I remember when I got TA to 35 and had to delete him so I could start my own account, she was right behind me telling me she would help. Sure enough, I was lvl 7 on TA (version 2) and she followed me around as a defender buffing and healing me as I plowed through mobs of lvl 10's and 11. Never forget her."

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thats when i first met you, TA. on a roof in Steel, with Ro and you heading to Boom on your new acct... she did the same for me in PP when i was on my 1st char in i1. but it was on my friend's acct, so i also had to reroll. i made my Emp/Psy and shadowed hundreds of lowbies, offering advice/tips, because of her. she's still on the friends list of several chars. great person.

unfortunately, i have to climb into the way-back-machine for peeps who have influenced me most... everyone i'd add to a list like this is gone now.

if i were to singleout current peeps... well, i've teamed with so many of you on so many alts, and have learned bits from everyone. but i'm just either not popular enough or i bounce through chars too much for anyone to even know who my compliment is coming from.

but i do notice and remember. so thanks



i guess no one wants to thank me for showing them how to be a total [censored].

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Oh come on Fling...you know that I am the one that helped you to be the kindler, gentler, more compationate and loving soul that you are today.

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Thank the good lord you didn't teach him to spell...

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I said I would not cry...I said I would not cry...



i guess no one wants to thank me for showing them how to be a total [censored].

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Oh come on Fling...you know that I am the one that helped you to be the kindler, gentler, more compationate and loving soul that you are today.

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Thank the good lord you didn't teach him to spell...

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Stop it!

Brother of Markus

The Lord of Fire and Pain

The Legendary Living Hellfire

Fight my brute!



i guess no one wants to thank me for showing them how to be a total [censored].

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Oh come on Fling...you know that I am the one that helped you to be the kindler, gentler, more compationate and loving soul that you are today.

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no, i just got tired of acting like an elite 14 year old

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you taught lucas alot about the game little secret but it was people like st. nick and irish healer that taught him how to play the game. also bionic flea helped lucas some back then and hella bad (most of the people in NS have been friends for 2+ years).

The Kronos has a hold n00b!



also bionic flea helped lucas some back then and hella bad (most of the people in NS have been friends for 2+ years).

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First time I played with lucas was when Bionic Flea introduced Lara Bolt as his other woman. Thalls Girl and I were jealous when we heard it and beat up Flea.



yep and really lara was lucas second character after a stone/ss tank (with a robot body... sheesh what was he thinking) and didnt meet flea til the mid 20s on lara, so lucas had been playing a month before making lara.

The Kronos has a hold n00b!



you taught lucas alot about the game little secret

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like there is still a whole in everyzone to get under the map, except the hive? or how to get from 1 to 50 in under 20 hours? ((or this secret?))



all three and you taught lucas not to take the game to seriously. Otherwise he would told you about your [censored] along time ago when you would unsk him in the middle of a herd.


The Kronos has a hold n00b!



i only unsked you because you were too close, if you were BSG id TP you to the herd then unsk...




First time I played with lucas was when Bionic Flea introduced Lara Bolt as his other woman. Thalls Girl and I were jealous when we heard it and beat up Flea.

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i guess no one wants to thank me for showing them how to be a total [censored].

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Oh come on Fling...you know that I am the one that helped you to be the kindler, gentler, more compationate and loving soul that you are today.

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Thank the good lord you didn't teach him to spell...

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Stop it!

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**jumps in the way of the needle and quickly administers the drug to himself... then slumps in the nearest chair to watch some old skool Blues Clues**

[/ QUOTE ]ROFLMAO!!! I can just imagine how the Blue's Clues theme song must sound when you're doped up like that!!!! "Weeeaaarrrrrrrr lllllooooooookkkkeeeeeeeennnnn fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrr bloooooooooooooooooooooozzzzzzzzzzzzz clllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooozzzzzzzzzzzzzzz z, wwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarr rrrrrrrrr llllllllllllloooooooooookkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen ffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr bbbbbbblllllloooooooooooooooooooooozzzzzzzzzzzzz cccclllllllllllllllooooooooooooozzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.."




I'd thank you for taking the needle for me... except.. I wanted that damnit.



*Rolls out the hemoblood*

...forgetting something, yardle?

They call me the Super-Genius of Justice for a reason... but they forgot what it was.
"Awesome... Awesome to the Max..."
Zero Tolerance: Get your towels ready.



" Rowan:
Just one of the best players I have ever met and she was a girl lol. I remember when I first met her how blown away that she was actually a female and was that good. She had a heart of gold too. I remember when I got TA to 35 and had to delete him so I could start my own account, she was right behind me telling me she would help. Sure enough, I was lvl 7 on TA (version 2) and she followed me around as a defender buffing and healing me as I plowed through mobs of lvl 10's and 11. Never forget her."

[/ QUOTE ]

thats when i first met you, TA. on a roof in Steel, with Ro and you heading to Boom on your new acct... she did the same for me in PP when i was on my 1st char in i1. but it was on my friend's acct, so i also had to reroll. i made my Emp/Psy and shadowed hundreds of lowbies, offering advice/tips, because of her. she's still on the friends list of several chars. great person.

unfortunately, i have to climb into the way-back-machine for peeps who have influenced me most... everyone i'd add to a list like this is gone now.

if i were to singleout current peeps... well, i've teamed with so many of you on so many alts, and have learned bits from everyone. but i'm just either not popular enough or i bounce through chars too much for anyone to even know who my compliment is coming from.

but i do notice and remember. so thanks

[/ QUOTE ]

What toon were ya playing?

gimme a name!

They call me the Super-Genius of Justice for a reason... but they forgot what it was.
"Awesome... Awesome to the Max..."
Zero Tolerance: Get your towels ready.



Hmmm , im trying to think back and lets see , I think I actually learned the most about the game when I started playing right after launch from a guy named Drol Egruks , his main toon was Lord Skurge. He never got upset and was totally patient as I learned. Not enough like him around nowadays.

UFC Undisputed PS3 Camp Ground Zero



TA: What toon were ya playing?

gimme a name!

[/ QUOTE ]

i'd have to guess i was on Phrozt Byte that day. but the char she might remember was Phire Kraquer (the one i had to reroll) ...and the Emp she inspired was Kyser The Demon.

...ring any bells? if not, it's cool. i seem to remember stuff that no1 else ever does, cause i'm weird like that.

on a side note, i gave this thread some more thought... SuperKeely and Nerf v(pick any) prolly inspired me to roll The Jinsoku Subeta. both are very quick and calculating with a sense of knowing exactly where each baddie is during a fight. they broke the "scapper-lock" mold, and play part agro/part protector of all things squishie.



Jack Daniels : Thx for always being there

Basil Hayden: Thx for being there when Jack was absent

James (Jim) Beam: Thx for being there when I was broke.

Wild Turkey 101: Thx for being there when I felt like hallucinating

Jagermeister: You can go straight to hell buddy!! Taught me how to faceplant in RL....

Jose Cuervo: Catch a ride with Jager you jerk!!



Jack Daniels : Thx for always being there

Basil Hayden: Thx for being there when Jack was absent

James (Jim) Beam: Thx for being there when I was broke.

Wild Turkey 101: Thx for being there when I felt like hallucinating

Jagermeister: You can go straight to hell buddy!! Taught me how to faceplant in RL....

Jose Cuervo: Catch a ride with Jager you jerk!!

[/ QUOTE ]


*high fives trem*



Out of all the great people here on Justice, I'd have to say my biggest influence was Kadmon. As a fellow scrapper, I looked to him as a role model. His character and attitude on the forums is just so cool!

Also, that story in his sig rocks!



Jack Daniels : Thx for always being there

Basil Hayden: Thx for being there when Jack was absent

James (Jim) Beam: Thx for being there when I was broke.

Wild Turkey 101: Thx for being there when I felt like hallucinating

Jagermeister: You can go straight to hell buddy!! Taught me how to faceplant in RL....

Jose Cuervo: Catch a ride with Jager you jerk!!

[/ QUOTE ]

LMAO, your to much!

I would have to say my biggest influence in this game is in fact the man himself, Trem. We teamed up over 2 years ago, joined an SG and then moved on to form our SG and have been together ever since. The only tank I know that can teach a blaster how to be a blaster. If not for him, not sure Flamed would have made it to 50. Will always thank him for that. Awesome player no matter what AT he is playing but one gosh damn super tank. Herds like no tank ever has. When I decided to roll a tank he was right there with me all the way teaching me the ropes. Taught me how to be the leader that I am. And most of all, for being the friend and becoming part of my family for the last 2 years.

Gaius Iolius- What to say about Gai, here is a man that has absolutely no problem with putting his own needs aside to jump in there and help others when most of the time it means putting off his own leveling to exemp down to do so. Didn't think twice about jumping in and lending a hand when he got those suprise tells "hey we need a tank, could you help us out". Was always there. Whenever he is near you you can rest assured he is looking at your badges. Should there be badges that are missing, he is going to haul your [censored] around and make sure you get them. Won't see any of his SG mates missing much needed badges that will provide those much needed accolades. He actually taught me the importance of those things that are such a pain in the [censored] getting as I hate hunting mobs.

DethWing - For showing me how to make Flamed more combat ready when it comes to PVP.

Shardikk - Came into the SG as a young scrapper, and grew into a awesome SG Leader. Taught me how to be a little bit more patient with some.



CaptainBlade (aka Eep Eep) - Definitely my best friend on CoH. Known since our days together in Redemption SG. He's taught me a lot about all aspects of the game. IMHO, Eep is the best emp in the game. I trust him more then any other person on CoH. We've probably teamed together for nearly 1500 hours.

Leibniz - Another great one from my days with Redemption. Super leader who has done so much for Hami raids and overall geniune, nice guy.

Tanker Toy - Also one of my best friends in the game. He's rarely on these days but TT taught me a lot about CoH. From tanking to getting out of difficult missions, the past 2+ years have been a fun ride.

M2A1 Abrams - Grumpy as hell but also very helpful. He's helped me countless times with the Zoo Keeper badge (back when it was 10,000 monkeys), BP and Illusionists. Those are some of the most annoying badges in the game but he's helped me with all 3 on 5 toons.

Doll - Great sense of humor. She's shown me that there is always laughter regardless of the situation.

Waffle - A true friend and loyal teammate.

Plasma - Extremely caring person who loves to help others in this game.

Kalita - Have known her forever. Despite her many deaths in our missions, she still jumps into mobs without fear!

Lucas - Has proven to me time and time again that you can be a [censor] and still be a capable teammate :P

Flea - A true leader and competitive individual. Whether it's a mish or pvp, he excels in all.

Big Sista Girl - Also another caring and fun person to team with. She can liven any team and always willing to help others. She's like my little sister on CoH.

Posi and Fling - Got me interested in PVP and gave me finer points on various ATs. Both helped me out a lot.

Many others over the past few years. Sorry if I forgot to mention ya.

@Ra Ra



Waffle - A great breakfast food.

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had to beat lucas to it...




Big Sista Girl - Also another caring and fun person to team with. She can liven any team and always willing to help others. She's like my little sister on CoH.

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When you coming back Ra? Miss you lots~