Who influenced you the most...?




Shade reactivated too?

and to think all the progress ive made to restoring my humanity may be lost, yeah right like theyre coming back....



im trying the whole 'mans best friend' thing now



Beef Cake, Sapph, and everyone else who runs Vidiotmaps: Taught me basically everything that has to do with badges and stuff.

Sao and Onslaught: Helped me get into the awesomest SG eva The Golden Knights!

Lucas: Invited me to the 2 best SGs/VGs ive had Nightmare Squad and Golden Knights.

Giggles and Creep: Made me hate stalkers!

Thor's Assassain: Taught me I can't draw for me life.

Feral Kat: Helped me chose my main hero (Dr.Clawed).



Lucas: Invited me to the 2 best SGs/VGs ive had Nightmare Squad and Golden Knights.

[/ QUOTE ]

its good to have ya.

The Kronos has a hold n00b!



Lucas: Invited me to an unmarked van with promises of candy.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fixed that for you Jawa.
Now show me on the doll where he touched you!

*Holds up doll*



Lucas: Invited me to an unmarked van with promises of candy.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fixed that for you Jawa.
Now show me on the doll where he touched you!

*Holds up doll*

[/ QUOTE ]


So wrong!! But somehow so believable at the same time!



Thor's Assassin: Taught me I can't draw for me life.

[/ QUOTE ]

Soo not true! I think ya really have talent!



Hmm. Most and best influences so far, for me, would be Seyfert Storm and Mystery Man from Dawn of Peace. They were always kind, patient, and helpful, to me and everyone they ran across.
Thanks boys!! **HUG!!!**



This is talent? LOL

[/ QUOTE ]

all I see is a white screen so yeah you gots skillz!

(still at work)

[/ QUOTE ]

lmao ok ok I conceed but I have seen your better stuff though!



Many of these are no longer playing, but they all had a lot to do with my growth in the game.

Col. Steele / Miriya / Lt. Steele and many other alts - Art, my best friend from Colorado. We worked together, gamed together, saw movies together, and had so much in common. He was the one that first saw a mention of City of Heroes in a gaming mag, long before it was released, and knowing my love of comics, he told me about it. We hopped on the old boards, and had a blast, although he was even more of a lurker than I was. I got my Beta invite before he did and drove him crazy taunting him about it. When he finally got in the game, I got my first taste of teaming by duoing with him and sk'ing him a lot. You need to get back in the game soon.

Fryce - Another good friend from Colorado that I also worked with. Steele and I got him in the game, and he made some rather ... unusual ... power and slotting choices. He stayed in debt so much and died so quickly his favorite phrase was that he died when a Girl Scout threw a box of cookies at him. Fryce gave way to Fryce II, although I can't remember if he officially added the II or just re-rolled his level 20 Fire/Ice Blaster. This was before Respecs were added. Marty, you are pretty much the brother I never had. You also need to get back in the game.

Slayride1 from the Beta forums. I never got to play with him, and never knew the names of his toons, but I learned quite a bit from him about how to be detailed in reporting bugs or anything else to the devs. Always gave good advice, or told people straight off that they needed to stop smokin' crack.

600 Dollar Man and Spoon. These two guys cracked me up. Lt. Steele and I had a blast teaming with them, and wound up playing with them often. We eventually got invited to their SG as we'd been playing with so many of them. These two were also techs, so we had that in common as well, and never got impatient with each other when we were running missions and someone said "BRB, Phone", knowing that it could be up to 30 minutes before the call was over.

Texas Heat - The leader of that SG, and the first tank I teamed with regularly. Yeah, you stole the name I wanted, but pfffft to you.

Xanatos, Poison, Geist and so many of the early Beta testers, for giving so much helpful information on the Beta boards. They were always very forgiving of my many mistakes, and taught me a few things to expect about my first, and only, MMO.

Maus and pouncy - Much like Sable, these two always kept me laughing. Although I think I had Maus on my friends list as just Maus. It was through them that I first teamed with Sable Shadow, running the Synapse task force over and over.

Cybored and Shrapnel - I teamed with these guys one day shortly after my first SG disintegrated from people leaving. They had several people that had left for the other games as well, and after running a few missions together, they took me into their SG and gave me a home. They helped me learn that a fire blaster was useless against Infernal (when he was still fire-proof) and basically only good for tossing a smoke grenade, laying a few trip mines, and tossing some caltrops out. Oh, and ferrying inspirations to the tank. :-)

Miss Informed - For being so thoughtful in your posts, and never bashing on me for being a D.O.M.

DeepBlue, PlatinumArsenal, Major Decoy, Doctor Why, Pippy and all the other members of The Core, my current SG. Thanks for taking me in.

Team Awesome - You guys and gals have always made me laugh on the forums, long before I was invited to join you in the game. And you make me laugh there. Well, sometimes you make me wanna puke, but I just close the TA window when that happens. Even though I've left, you folks are still tops in my book.

Quatermain, Abraxxus, Powers of Kings, and Maribelle. The leaders of my first several Hami Raids. Thanks for making it so easy for newcomers. It helped that I'd read Tic Toc's Guide to Hamidon Raids on Justice and for that I thank Tic Toc. I especially like that next to last bulleted item in the guide. It may become my new sig.

Many others that I can't remember the names of.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Hum... Influenced? I INFLUENCE THEM, DAMNIT!

Buuuut.. MissInformed, I'll always remember standing on a dumpster.. somewhere.. and she hopped up beside me, and did that whole.. rotate side to side a little when you are staring at someone.. and then exclaimed "I love your name!". I was touched.

Mmm, The folks that used to be in my SG, Protectors of Paragon, you were all awesome.. if any of you still play

Red-Ranger and Pink-Ranger. Those two and their crazy themed duos. Love ya guys, and they put me in the channel of Awesomeness. Mmm. There ya go, for those of you TA members that ever wondered where the heck I came from.. there you go. Blame those rangers.

Team Awesome of course. You are all awesome, but you know that. Hell, the channel reaffirms it everyday.

Rayvyn lady. Cuppa, Talia, however you like it. You entertain, you teach, you comfort. My #1 lady.

Oh.. and Interitus and Nice Lady, my first slaves.

And there are many more, whom I have influenced greatly. An agent of change, I is.

Oh, and the LaserJesus, for.. hum.. Who knows? Gave me purpose. Heh. heh. heh.. *leer*

Ooooh Yes... Missy! I almost cried when I didn't see my name in your post! You were going to use it as a battle cry for ... my sake! Waaaaaah. Don't worry.. I'll live through it...... TALIA! MY BLANKY!!!



Ah, Yardleblarp. I DO love his name. I came across him very early on and just thought that was outrageously funny. Very Douglas Adams. Anyway, I thought his name was so great, I added him to my friends list. I didn't speak to him again for something like a year and then I saw him talking in TA chat and we hung out on a roof somewhere with Amrien. I told him that his name was still on my friends list because, even though I had never teamed with him or even spoken to him after that first encounter, I just couldn't bear the thought of deleteing such a cool name. And it is my villain's battlecry.

It's still on my list, too.




Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



We love you too, Web.

"His Imperial Majesty's Minister of Restraints and Leather" -LHF

Two naughty acronym teams / Ascension / Convenient / Artic and the Chillz / Fap / Other teams I can't remember (sorry.. mind is goin')



There has been some time since I last posted in this thread, so I'm going to do it again.

Smoke: Of course. He's a dedicated leader and always willing to drop whatever he's doing to help someone. He goes out of his way to find information and wants to be involved in everything, eventhough it's not possible. He makes builds for OTHER peoples characters in his spare time, just because they ask. He always has a plan.

Talia: We became friends somewhere along the way and I adore her. She's another person who will team with whomever, whenever. She knows a lot and we've had many, many AT, tactics, combination conversations and she always has something intelligent to say.

Bonita: She's a member of my SG and not someone found on these forums. But she is a sweet, sweet person who does her
best to make everyone happy, even if it isn't what she wants to do, because it's the nice thing to do. She's ALWAY positive no matter what and she often makes me smile. She's also an inspirational person because she, like me, is a mother of three who is very involved with her family. She makes time for everyone and I don't know how.

There are two other members of my SG that suprised me. The first is Spine Tree. He's a bit of a lone wolf and sometimes annoying, but his personal values, for someone his age, put me in awe. The second is Aximili. He is hard working under appreciated. They are both really good guys, steady in their goals, and an example of the rare brand of youth who's vision is more important than their status.

And finally, my entire SG, The Crimson Sun. You guys keep me here. I'd have taken a break or left long ago but you guys make we want to stay. I love you guys! Really. Sometimes you get a group of people that just work. And this is one of those groups. The leadership of this group is nothing compared to it's members.



i guess no one wants to thank me for showing them how to be a total [censored].



i guess no one wants to thank me for showing them how to be a total [censored].

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh come on Fling...you know that I am the one that helped you to be the kindler, gentler, more compationate and loving soul that you are today.



i guess no one wants to thank me for showing them how to be a total [censored].

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh come on Fling...you know that I am the one that helped you to be the kindler, gentler, more compationate and loving soul that you are today.

[/ QUOTE ]

"His Imperial Majesty's Minister of Restraints and Leather" -LHF

Two naughty acronym teams / Ascension / Convenient / Artic and the Chillz / Fap / Other teams I can't remember (sorry.. mind is goin')



i guess no one wants to thank me for showing them how to be a total [censored].

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh come on Fling...you know that I am the one that helped you to be the kindler, gentler, more compationate and loving soul that you are today.

[/ QUOTE ]

no, i just got tired of acting like an elite 14 year old




[/ QUOTE ]

*Wraps Yardle up*

There there...



You got him Tal! Hold him still while I give him this Thorzine shot!




**jumps in the way of the needle and quickly administers the drug to himself... then slumps in the nearest chair to watch some old skool Blues Clues**

Member: Mutant Force Five, Chaos Legion & Team Awesome