Who influenced you the most...?




Dammit, Ive procrastinated on this too long, bc there's alot to think of on this one. Where to start.....

Attila....my ex-Noo Yorka bud who I took an instant liking to and drilled me on "not being such a paranoid freaking NYer!"

Sable Shadow......showed me that being "nice" does pay off and a few tricks in the Sewer trial back then that proved quite impressive.

Lost prophesy and Diz.....got me back into the mix after my break from CoH, and got me up to speed on the arena. As many disagreements I might've had with them throughout the game, I could never be upset with my lil bros.

Hito....taught me that age doesnt determine maturetty. The oldest 18 yrs old I know. Also showed me how you can kill 20 Krakens in 120 mins.

Wasuber....reminded me that is just a game, and has pit many things in perspective when my Sicilian temper got the best of me.

Scrappy.....inspired me to think "big" and not give up hope against near impossible. Organizing some of the 1st Hami raids was brave and bold.

Believe it or not Posi.....stepped up my arena game due the the horrid beatings he gave me early in pvp.

Peritus.....I think proved to all of us Defenders arent gimped and sportmanship still does exist.

Mike killa.....proved no matter how much crap he gets from haters that he can still have a good sense of humor about it. Also proven to be a fresh breath of air to us old ppl.

Mystofire......reminds me to put more fun into my game.

And Qubit.........proved to me that being new has no bearing on grasp of a game, nor fundimental wisdom. He's light years ahead of some ppl who being playing since CoH went live.

There a ton more ppl I'd like to add but I usually like to keep my post short and sweet. And I need sleep......



What's this?!?!?! Stampy is Desa Plin? I love Stampy, but I hate Desa Plin. I feel a migraine coming on.

There are so many folks whose names I have forgotten that were kind enough to show a noob the ropes in his first MMO. I salute all the unknown heroes.

To those I remember:

Lightningsaix - For being my first online friend. We teamed every night for almost a year. Just us two or in bigger groups.

Thalls Girl - For giving me the confidence (and the buffs) to step up and be a leader and for inviting me to her SG - Dream Team.

Lucas - For introducing me to PvP, the forums, and lots of top notch Justice folks.

Tic Toc - For teaching me the ways of the aggro tank. Ya gotta love Tic. He is brilliant, patient, and artistically talented. On second thought, I hate him. He has too many good qualities.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



What's this?!?!?! Stampy is Desa Plin? I love Stampy, but I hate Desa Plin. I feel a migraine coming on.

[/ QUOTE ]

Stampz == Desa Plin, old tanker that started the 'Ice Tanks need some love' thread way back when, in the Tanker forums.

.: Member of the Hostile's :. Global: @Blinding Aura
"You never appreciate what you have until it's gone."
Blinding Aura - Emp/Psi Def - 50 Justice
MyTier - AR/Fire Blaster - 50
Cherry Popsicle - Ice/Ice Tank - 50
Chilling Aura - Ice/Cold Corr - 50
Adastra - SS/Inv - 38! Tank Virtue



Now that I think about it, there were a couple of people who influenced me beyond Stamp.

Aprifex - He taught me what NOT to do when playing a Defender. That is, it's a good idea not to gather all the aggro on yourself, then die horribly. He was called Justice's Debtfender for a good reason (that being that he amassed over 14 million debt during the end of CoH beta Rikti Invasion , and he died more often than any other Kin/Elec I've ever met.)

Blood Claw (I think that was his name. He was in Juvenile Justice) - I learned from him never to actually trust the advice of other players. Because I listened to him, I didn't end up taking Integration until level 30. He told me that I was better off taking Slash than Integration, and that being my first character, I believed him. Allow me to assure you, 16 until 30 were very painful levels for me that first time.

Team Awesome as a whole - They've shown me that, no matter what the topic, the conversation can and will quickly degrade into something having to do with lots of innuendo and a side order of unwelcome and impossible to shake mental images. I've been scrubbing my brain with soap, water, battery acid, and one of those steel wool thingies for the past... errr... however many months its been since it was formed, back in the days of the Global Chat Beta

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
I'd never use a nuke in a superhero universe. You nuke a city, you kill 1.5 million people minus one. The last guy not only gets superpowers from the explosion, but ones that let him survive a nuke...and wow, is he torqued off
New Judgement suggestions
PPD Mastermind



I'm surprise that Lucas haven't post on this topic, but I guess I'll pop the cherry for him.

Lucas - taught me that PvP is not just about winning... the boy take loosing/ getting aszwhooping as an honor/art and also how to become an 40yrs old virgin.

Bionic Flea - again he the first pal I meet through CoH, ole boy taught me the way to play every single ATs like a tanker.

Also, give a shout out to TG, DD, LG, Joe Normal, his buddy Pyro, and many others.



On Line - Adopted me when i was around level 15 into Oxygen SG. Provided me with a nice shelter and lots of really good teams.

Empress Ra - Taught me that there are such things as good emps, as well as inspired me later on to make one.

Nova Glory - Told me about Hamidon, and teamed with me for my first raid. Thanks Nova, BSG was 45 for almost 2 months and never once left the hive, you rock.

Amrien Talfrey - He told me to keep my nemesis staff mission when i had gotten it. And sure enough i ran about 150 missions, especially right before Hami raids. All you high levels rocked, i gave you some uber temp power and you paid for my SOs, thanks!

Lost Prophecy - A real friend, and always so much fun. Taught me how the PA dropping worked and how to properly use group fly when i led PA teams. God i miss watching you drop 75 feet and die Lost.

Star Eater - This tanker was so kickass!! He helped me with any ingame questions i had or anything i was confused about.

Tic-Toc - Helped me with all my ED questions when i was lost and confused. After a good 300 million times of saying Hos are only 33%, i think i finally got my build down.

ILLRAD/Black_Scourge - I met you in Justice Hamidon asking if anyone wanted to trade HOs. And we met at the FF entrance near talos. We traded and chatted for a few, and you talked me into hooking up with you guys sometime. I joined your SG and it was active and fun. We were preparing for the release of CoV and thinking of a VG name. I played beta with ya'll and had lots of fun and trippy moments on teamspeak with all the new content. When CoV went live we had an awesome SG. It was active like crazy. We had kickass PvPers. We PvE'd constantly, grinding for hours nonstop. No one slept. It was a blast. Ya'll made me feel welcome and at home.

W A S U B E R - I don't remember how i met you. I remember having you on global forever, and you never logged on, so the day i took you off, you came back from your CoH break. We ran Shards, and laughed and had so much fun. I call you family Nooch. Your the nicest most laid back person ever. And your always wanting to do something to keep from getting bored. You are the reason i love this game so much. You and Hito. All the laughs on teamspeak. Its so hard to leave that.

HiTo - Hito...Hito...Hito...Your determined and energetic. You always want to do something. Sitting around is boring. You enjoy PvP as well as PvE. So i know when im with you no matter what we're doing, someone is going to die. You've always been there to just talk and be a good friend. You told me not to give up when i wanted to badly ((on taskforces and stuff, dont wanna sound suicidal)). You have made me cry on teamspeak from laughing so hard. All of those recordings i got of late night PvP, and just going crazy. You rock Hito.

SynapseOverload - You truly man, have changed me. Everytime i think about spamming a global channel i always remember "THIS IS A MONSTER CHANNEL PLEASE KEEP IT TO MONSTERS ONLY" I always used to think you were an [censored] for it, but i appreciate it now. My chitchat has lowered alot on the badge channel since.

Atomic Panther - You were there for me when i wasnt really in an SG. So you made your own. I joined, it was small at first...but it got big, AND REALLY ACTIVE. We had so much fun and have done at least 20 TFs together. Thanks Panther

Thor's Assassin - You got me in LoJ, it was fun, and lots of jokes. You talked to me about serious ingame stuff, and out of game stuff, and i still owe you a cheeseburger biotch!!

iCeY - Icey!! You were the coolest person at the hami raids. When we had phase shift we used to go kick it under hami. You made raiding so much fun, then we'd unphase, and i'd rez you once you died, then you'd rez me quick, then we'd both try and run...got about 5 feet and dropped. We had the nice long walks from FF back to the hive. You helped me get my first 40 villain in CoV, i duoed with you and when i wasnt with you i was with Hito. Those warburg missions were so much fun. Thanks

Aww Skeet Skeet/Sizzle Chick - My all time fave person ingame. I love you with everything in me. Ive spent MONTHS after months with you. We had so much fun. We used to Tp foe enemies inside icon in FF where no one used that one, and have parties with the crey. We used to have daily urban dictionaries words of the day. Yes i love you tithead. And i beleive i was whorenugget. When i leave this game, i know your the person i will never forget. I loved ya joey. I wish you told me you had cancer. I got on teamspeak one night and no one was talking, then they told me....you had passed. I couldnt help crying. I was in complete shock and heartbreak. You were my best friend. We had so much fun. I'll never forget our trio. Me you and Nova. I know you always wanted me happy and i respect you for that. Maybe thats why you never told me. But you are the one person...That inspired me the most Joey. I love ya

Nova Ultima/Rising Dawn - Nova, you were there at all the hami raids when i didnt want to group fly. You were there to pull monsters away on your other account while you kept the PA team buffed and flying. We used to TP Lost Prophecy out of the sky. You were there for me most. When joey died. Your my hero. Thank you.



This thread was about to die and I just couldn't let it. There's some great folks mentioned in here. How about adding a few more.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



In no particular order:

Paragon Supreme and Akrasia: First SG invite from 2 people that made the game so much fun for me, even though I'd been playing about a year when we met.

Mjolnir: Laser, buddy, I'm not sure what I learned from you but it sure was fun finding out.

Smoke Signal and ElectraFlame: My New & Improved SG Leaders. What can I say that you guys don't already know about these 2 ? The finest pair I ever met in all the games I've played. Funny, Smart, Wise and rock solid. Just wish I could beat Smoke at PvP...just once.

Royal Guard: Man, could this guy tank or what ? We used to run the Sewer trial back in the day, well farm for the Krakens, and RG would help us get all of them in under 9 mins. One hell of a guy. I miss you Royal.

Electronaut: Every Hero has a sidekick. Buddy - come back.

DrZeus: We've never teamed. But I learnt that no matter how mental you are, a funny post is never far away.

The Crimson Sun: I love you guys.

Tragic Muse & Wild Isis: Met these guys a few days ago. Great great fun, the game seems almost incidental to the fun.

and my new bestest friend on the forum
Kadmon: I miss my throat, and my skin.




*Scratches head* Hmmmmm........ Well I'd have to say.

Justice Goliath
I'm not sure where he went but he was one of the first people I actually talked too for longer than a group on CoH. We met during a fantastic Positron TF(which was my first TF and gave me an absolute horribly skewed idea about how smoothely TFs go) and duo'd a lot after(From 12 - 40 when I wasn't with Floats). He also introduced me to DoiDD & Justice Radio.
He also showed me why Invulnerability Tankers were unstoppable monsters back in the day of Issue 3 ^.^(I think it was Issue 3 anyways... might have been 2).

Floats Runubi
That pretty much sums him up, he was the first hardcore min/max exper I ever met. He kinda randomly invited me along with a FF/Psi friend of his for a hunting round in PP and from then on we all teamed up. He single handly made me one of the best Empathy Defenders on Justice due to me having to keep up with him through zones that were +6 to me and try to keep him alive while he herded up half the zone with his Spines/Regen.
Then we repeated this process with his Fire/Rad. Fun times...Fun times. He also introduced me to the Darkside of Chaos who in turn introduced me to TeamSpeak and why it's bad for women to hop into TS in a room full of boys .
Also he helped me learn how to plan out builds, figure out how to pick sets that complimented each other and was probally the key factor in me still playing this game to this day.

Jack Zodiac & Team Awesome
Though I met him probally a year and some odd months after I started I have to say he's defenately influenced me. Whether in a good way or bad I'm not quite sure. Through him I met Team Awesome and learned the fundamental truth about the game is to have fun. He also taught me great techniques in dealing with people that are getting on my nerves in-game

Taught me how to PvP...the hard way & how to have fun while doing it. Usually if I have an idea of a PvP build I'll run it by Lucas first to see if it's doable.

Flea & El Six
Though they probally didn't realize it but by watching those two interact with their VGs I learned how to be a better VG leader for the Black Rose.



I don't know about influence... but definitely memorable...

Miss Informed: I used to hang out in Galaxy and look for fun, silly names to point out and make fun of with a friend. Miss Informed has the distinction of being one of only three people that defended themselves very well. She's also the only one of the three still playing.

Jack Zodiac: For dragging me along on several things and getting me to team more.

Unknown Mod: Whoever added me to Team Awesome and left me there for over a year. Once I came back for CoV, everyone in that channel makes it infinitely more entertaining to be online.

Sadly, most of the folks I remember from the early days are no longer around.




Unknown Mod: Whoever added me to Team Awesome and left me there for over a year.

[/ QUOTE ]

I added you, ya fool. And you know how TA is. We were all too lazy to go around deleting people who don't show up.



Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



Prowess v1.0 - One of the best Targeters I have ever known.

hmm, oh yeah and

My Wife - For letting me play when I want and allowing me to reactivate my account when we got back on our feet



Colonial Shield

First guy to give me free inf followed by teleporting me to all the exploration badge points in atlas. Later on when I was in my higher lvls he invited me to his sg Defenders of the Constitution where I still reside today.



Monkey has no people who influenced her in the game....*cries*

Monkey had to learned what NOT to do through many many many many many many many many many many PUGs and reading stuff on the forum.

I'm a "read the instructions" kinda monkey anyway.

Wait...I nearly forgot

There were 3 key people who invited me to their small SG...we did most of our missions together and with them I got to ding 50! Ms Feelgood's signature cowgirl outfit was/is that SG's uniform...So if anyone influenced...well spoiled, me I'd say the members of Paragon Posse did.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just for you, Monkey:

Evil Monkey!

[/ QUOTE ]

Ooooo I just saw this...thanks O Mighty Mage of the Cheeto!




Unknown Mod: Whoever added me to Team Awesome and left me there for over a year.

[/ QUOTE ]

I added you, ya fool. And you know how TA is. We were all too lazy to go around deleting people who don't show up.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was never sure if it was you or Jack. You get a double listing then I guess.



this is such a great thread.

without a doubt, the biggest influence was a stalker named jameson-X0 something.

i had just gotten COH (my first MMO) and started to lvl my first toon. i decided to enter BB after reaching lvl 20-25 having never been a part of pvp like this ever.

i really had no interest in pvp as i assumed it was very difficult and cut throat (and i was right).

well, wouldn't you know it. there was this stalker who had beaten me and frankly, could kill me at will on a regular basis. worse of all, he mocked and taunted me as well.

well, after that, and hearing about all the pain and grief stalkers were doing, i decided to do something about it. i wanted to be the stalker griefer on Justice.

well, interestingly enough, i met up with jamey recently. had a short but good converse, than proceeded to chase him throughout the zone. boy that guy can run, but at least he was the one doing the running [with all due respect of course ]

another big influence was angry cheerleader whom i had met, and fought in BB as well.

oh yes, big props to my first sg leader, kab!



well, after that, and hearing about all the pain and grief stalkers were doing, i decided to do something about it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Which was...

Formerly "Back Alley Brawler"



i'll let you know when i find out!



This just BIGGEST influence right? Not BEST influence. If it's just biggest influence, then it's probably the poster above me. He's doing a fine job of turning me into a [censored].



Yea....but Hearus says it's not that impressive since ED.

Damn Devs....



Yea....but Hearus says it's not that impressive since ED.

Damn Devs....

[/ QUOTE ]

it has more recharge and acc, the wife keeps saying lucas needs to slot interrupt reduc, .

The Kronos has a hold n00b!






It wasn't in-game though. It was right here on the boards. Gotta say it was the inimitable Pilcrow and his ilk. With their helpful and informative ways.

You never get a second chance to make a first impression. His was a good and lasting one.

I'm only laughing on the outside
My smile is just skin deep
If you could see inside, I'm really crying
You might join me for a weep

My Roster