Who influenced you the most...?




First post after an Ogre post.



Bob from accounting.

BigRedOne - I do all my own stunts!!!
Honor Guard of the Big Red Ball

To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost.
- Gustave Flaubert



Quatermain, he's a great guy. He always knows who I am when I'm on one of my alts, even before my friends know I'm on an alt (I suspect Quat is really a dev in disguise, probably BaB). He's one of the most consistant players I've seen, which suprises me most some times.

Also, I've got to give credit to everyone who's ever played a Police Drone. It's a shame we're defunct these days, I miss people like R4, XH, T9, PT, and the like.



I suppose I'll throw my hand in, though I think really only one (and occasionally two) of the people on this list read the forums...

Megumi Yamato is first on my list for no other reason than being the person who got me into the game. ((well, and the people who initially gave me the CoH collector's box for free)). I logged into Justice knowing that he would be there, though, at the time he was quite busy w/ work and wasn't really on when I was. I still love the fact that we play on the same server, and it's yet another great connection that we have. He's given me some great insight on my character creation, and some goals to try and reach. I think just running around w/ Meg an Karo on occasion is one of my fav things to do in-game.

Salud/Mr. Mack/Annealer is the first one to truly take me under their wing. With Karo (my first toon ever) at lvl 18, I had *no clue* about enhances... and was just kinda randomly slotting what I was getting dropped, and not even selling off what was extra. He asked me why my dmg numbers were so low, and then asked if I had my DOs slotted yet. "Dos? What are those?" Handing me a lump of Influ, he very calmly described what I needed to do with enhances. An invite into the Clan of the Mad Catters, and over a year and 1/2 later, Salud is still one of my best in-game friends, and one I got to go visit last fall.

Trinitee is the leader of the Catters, and someone else who has been a great influence on me in the past year and 1/2. And that's not just because she randomly happens to live 15 miles from me! The three of us (Mr. Mack, Trin, Karo) made it to 50 right around the same time, and it was awesome to have such a great friend through all of it. If I need someone to go talk to, I know I can always just drive down to her house an chat. (it doesn't hurt that her kids adore me too!)

Ueki Tylor is my fiancee. If I don't mention him I'll probably get beaten. But I dragged *him* into the game.

Miss Kitty Hellfire and all her other names. Was actually the first person to send me a tell. hehe. Still on my global 21 months later, and coalitioned to the Catters, my second toon belonged to the Asguard SG she runs. She saw me running around Atlas like a loon, sent me a tell, and after I ran off, sent me another! lol I paused after she gave chase, and got me started w/ 10k influ. I had never seen such a fortune!

Meg's Friends who have also put me on their global, I'm also grateful to. (Artemis, Arwen, Mekk, Lornac) You've all been so nice to me, and it's always a pleasure to team with all of you.

I know I've probably forgotten a couple of people, but that's the main gist of it.


Proud Member of Clan of the Mad Catters, badge-hunter in training, lover of cuteness, and yet another scrapper who believes she's a tank half the time..... ^_^;;;



MissInformed -I have always enjoyed Missy's takes on things. I have on a couple of occasions left due to work. But everytime I come back Missy is always the first to welcome me.

BigRedOne - I do all my own stunts!!!
Honor Guard of the Big Red Ball

To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost.
- Gustave Flaubert



Wow, this really is one necro'd thread! Very awesome!

Let's see....my influences..........

Well, bein' as I'm not a native to Justice, many of my influences were from Freedom, as few as they are. So, here's what I've got:

Sniperfoxx and the crew of Excessive Force - This was my first supergroup. I can't even begin to recount the many instances of crazy shenanigans, hijinx, and skulduggery that we had engaged in...inviting lowbies to the team in AP, then TP'ing 'em up into the sky and watching them fall into a mob of lvl 1s...Running the 4th Shadow Shard TF from 9 Pm to 4 AM (god that sucked )...BS'ing on TeamSpeak (the game totally changes when everyone's on voice!). Sadly, the SG is long since defunct and it's members have moved on to other SGs. I see Nixxx in the Justice for All global channel every now and again. This was definitely the group that solidified my love for CoH

Guardians of Freedom - I joined this SG soon after leaving EF. Sadly, they too are defunct and I can't remember any of the Leaders I used to be so active with this group that I was one of the co-leaders. But then I left the game for over a year and got married. When I returned, they were mostly all gone. A few of them are still around, I believe, on Freedom. But I'm on Justice now, so it's a different world, so to speak :P

TopDoc and the original /rad superteam - If one ever has the opportunity to be exposed to a superteam, especially a /rad superteam, take it! I guarantee you'll solidify your status as a CoH addict! These guys redefined the term overkill! And when you look up this word in the dictionary, you'll see pictures of every /rad superteam that ever was! These guys were definitely an influence.

TribalArtist and the Fire/Rad Superteam - Again, same reasons as above for joining a superteam. So much fun that it's almost an everlasting joygasm! serious! I still look back on that group with fond memories. Going from 1 to 50 in less than a month...Running the TimeForce II trial (STF task force) in 30 minutes. I'd definitely do another fire/rad superteam if the conditions were perfect. And it would have to be on another server that I don't have a fire/rad troll on

Finally, my current SG, Legends of Justice. Just a bunch of lots-of-nonsense folks all hangin' out havin' a great time. No rules, no strict SG requirements. Just lots of good times and "thats what she said" (inside joke) This was the first group that I joined up with after my transfer to Justice, and I have to say that I'm glad I joined 'em. It's been nothing but fun, frolicking, and frivolity! I'm glad to be with this group of ruffians and not so ruffians



Given the resurgence of this thread, I feel like I've influenced someone



Given the resurgence of this thread, I feel like I've influenced someone

[/ QUOTE ]


"Plausibility is nothing compared to nerdrage." --PumBumbler



Ha! Well played!



I see what you did there Ba'alat...



i wonder if i have ever influenced someone here



i wonder if i have ever influenced someone here

[/ QUOTE ]

You influenced me to pass out Teddy Bears.



Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



At first, I was like *PEW, PEW*, then I was all *THOWMP*



I just saw this thread....... and I have to admit it's pretty kewl.

No Britney didn't inspire me........ actually I dispise the woman. But I am sure I have inspired thousands of people......... to either play different games or at least gignore me and play on other servers.........

<drum roll, symbol noise>






Man, I forgot how totally awesome this thread was...



Who influenced you the most?

L@@k into my eyes...give me all your moneys!



But, what if I don't wanna?

"His Imperial Majesty's Minister of Restraints and Leather" -LHF

Two naughty acronym teams / Ascension / Convenient / Artic and the Chillz / Fap / Other teams I can't remember (sorry.. mind is goin')



You will learn to obey. you will learn to like it.™

[/ QUOTE ]

.: Member of the Hostile's :. Global: @Blinding Aura
"You never appreciate what you have until it's gone."
Blinding Aura - Emp/Psi Def - 50 Justice
MyTier - AR/Fire Blaster - 50
Cherry Popsicle - Ice/Ice Tank - 50
Chilling Aura - Ice/Cold Corr - 50
Adastra - SS/Inv - 38! Tank Virtue



Who influenced you the most?

L@@k into my eyes...give me all your moneys!

[/ QUOTE ]

*puts a dollar in Kat's garter belt*

sure thing... keep dancing...



Do I even need to say who influenced me the most when I started?

Well, this is TopDoc we're talking about. TopDoc would respec to gain 3 points of damage per day. - Arcanaville



Do I even need to say who influenced me the most when I started?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm sure it's apparent to everyone...

it was me, right? Eh?


"Plausibility is nothing compared to nerdrage." --PumBumbler