Who influenced you the most...?




And when did you get back, Missy!



And when did you get back, Missy!

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"His Imperial Majesty's Minister of Restraints and Leather" -LHF

Two naughty acronym teams / Ascension / Convenient / Artic and the Chillz / Fap / Other teams I can't remember (sorry.. mind is goin')



She was at MNA this week but SOMEONE didn't show up to say hello to her so she picked on me the whole time..........



She was at MNA this week but SOMEONE didn't show up to say hello to her so she picked on me the whole time..........

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Stop influencing my MOM perv!



She was at MNA this week but SOMEONE didn't show up to say hello to her so she picked on me the whole time..........

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Stop influencing my MOM perv!

[/ QUOTE ]

Hah! When I get done with her she'll pwn you like a redheaded stepchild! On her defender!

...............I was actually referring to BSG tho



Sexy Satin, Weapon R, Ripshock...basically the Midget Mayhem and Misfitz Inc. crew (both SGs that prolly no one ever heard of). These are the guys that helped me get started when I was a wee hero.



i havent met many people from the Justice server personally, so this list is small.

XL5: the craziest player ive ever met, fire/energy blaster during i4, he charged everything and kept me on my toes as a grav/emp troller. Showed me how to keep everyone alive if i was the only troller/def/buffer on team. Showed me that i loved controllering, locking down enimies and buffing allies to keep the battle, keep people alive and enimies helpless. (never been a fan of doin damage, prolly why i cant stick with a blaster past lvl 6, but i got a scrapper to 50, im not a complete lost cause )

Matt Mavio: RL friend of mine for a long time, got me into the game and got me into his sg when i started, the same sg im still in, now im leadership, and ive seen alot of friend go, and new ones show up.

Nanoflex, Amaraa, RockMason, Soothing Touch, Protector, and the rest of my SG's original leaders, who would let me tag along when XL5 left due to ED, learned the joys of SO in the mid 30s, what a difference.

and the rest i learned from pugging and reading forum posts on char builds and concepts, its been a good, long ride.



Sexy Satin, Weapon R, Ripshock...basically the Midget Mayhem and Misfitz Inc. crew (both SGs that prolly no one ever heard of). These are the guys that helped me get started when I was a wee hero.

[/ QUOTE ]
Damn frog.. that's some serious necro posting. WTG!

"His Imperial Majesty's Minister of Restraints and Leather" -LHF

Two naughty acronym teams / Ascension / Convenient / Artic and the Chillz / Fap / Other teams I can't remember (sorry.. mind is goin')



Buahaha...people will come to pheer my mad necro skillz



Steel Justice.

Also, everyone in PvP zones.

But mostly Steel Justice.



BSG - Just happened to be in Founders Fall and willing to help a stranger just from a simple broadcast. Asked me how often I played and was willing to team with me from then on.

Little Tallon - Just happend to invite to a PUG team then for about the next 30 levels taught me the dos and don'ts of the game. Even was willing to give pointers on a AT she did not even play and made me a better player.

Crabcake - Proved to me that even being sk'd to a high level mish that they were able to hold the aggro. Always willing to make jokes and make the game fun regardless of what was going on in game.

Wicked Fire - Met on a TF and just enjoyed each others company from then on. She no longer plays but I still talk to her about once a week.

Shavawnica - Just made the game FUN!!!!

Alexia Starym - Really gets into her toons. Would try everything at least once.

Sub - was always willing to lend a ear no matter what the problem was.

Hades - Everytime I teamed with him, we would just stand there and laugh at how fast he would max out his debt. The perfect debt magnet.

Old Ironsides - Just had nothing but fun with him, would be the first to offer help, still is, Thanks a ton old man.

Furious Panther 50 ScrapperKatana/Regen (Justice)

deathglow 48 Mastermind ninja/storm (Guardian)



A controller named Fallout Flame, I don't think he plays too much any more, basically taught me how to play back when I was new to the game, probably the only reason I survived rolling a Blaster as my first toon. Also my Justice League team was great about putting up with me being clueless and taught me a lot.



When I joined CoH
Pixie Cat
Red Pyre
most of them play rarely or at all now.

Who I met along the way leveling my first character and teamed a lot and had the most fun with on my tanker Zappalina post level 20. Celadonis, Revelation One, Steeleblade, and Phase 2, Shadowdragon Type 2, .Darc, Vialot, Raven Rock WHS Cat and Myrna

Le Guilletine & Omega-001 have answered so many questions for me and they're just really good guys.

Flamed Warrior, Trem and Count Vampyro <-great people

Q asked if i wanted to be on aggro team for Hami and I was so happy it's one of the things I wanted to try in CoH but I didn't want to be pushy about asking. POK and all the Lovely PA droppers on the PA team for the past hami raids great people.
All the silly broadcaster's in Hami raids. Thank you all so much because you taught me a lot and were patient with all the questions I had.

Nive who's become one of my best buddies in the game and taught me a lot about having a really awesome attitude in PvP either kicking butt or having butt kicked. He's also just awesome because he always has a great attitude that's full of fun. He really strives to make sure his friends are having the best time. Nive's Mistress(she always tells it like it is), Vyze(the perv), Lil Mac and Nate Dawg who are all part of the DROW team and are so fun.

Velara she keeps me laughing and educates me on everything about blasters,nerfing and badges during the longest TF's

Megami the one chick who I really enjoy her personality teaming and/or just chatting about non related CoX stuff.

it's not just one person that's influenced the game for me, it's a bunch. Justice server has just been really great for me there's a ton of patient knowledgeable people on it.

This is a bug, nothing more. Please put away the tin-foil hats, there's nothing sinister going on here.-Protea




Kudos to Frog for his mad necro skillz...this is definately a fantastic thread to bring back from the dead. Those that have influenced me the most in this game include (but are not limited to!)...

Teh Boyfriend - He's been on CO* the longest out of all of the members of my RL circle of friends and laid the foundation for my knowledge of all things CO*. When I finally decided to join up, he made a brand-spankin' new character, Isolator Helper, to help me get through Outbreak and get my first badge (he got deleted shortly after Ember finished up Outbreak, poor guy!). He teamed up with me all the time when I first started out to teach me basic game mechanics and tactics. He's also given me a unique perspective by being able to see what it's like to be a veteran without being a vet...such as sharing "in" jokes (such as UniqueDragon, "Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls," etc.) well before I was a CO* member, showing me what it's like to be a part of an old-school Hami raid before Hami got changed or explaining things from a vet perspective (such as why there are a lot of people who have to work so hard at getting the Isolator badge in RV). I really think that all this helped me become a not-so-n00bish newbie. He also had a huge influence on the majority of my RL circle of friends joining CO*, which leads me to...

My RL Circle of Friends (DBA my SG/VG) - I had tried to resist the lure of getting drawn into yet another video game when a good chunk of my RL circle of friends decided to join CO*. It got to a point that many of our conversations were so centered around CO* that I couldn't resist the lure any longer. It's because of these guys that I'm a member...jerks!

Kaiser Soze - Mr. Soze had a huge influence in helping me work through my shyness in-game. He provided me with my first positive experience with a large team (that didn't consist of my RL frineds). He's always been super friendly and has always made me feel more than welcome when he's invited me to tag along with the Pande crowd.

MissInformed - Missy has such a witty, intelligent, no-nonsense posting style. She doesn't hold back when it comes to compliments or encouraging a positive forum community, but she's also not afraid to call someone on their crap if they're being a punk. She's always warm and outgoing (to old and new members alike) and is always willing to lend a helping hand when she is able. I have to admit that she's had a huge influence on the way I post here on the boards.

Justice Forumites - What can I say other than you guys are awesome! The Justice forum is filled with so many increadibly nice people who aren't afraid to have a good time. And you guys have given me a place to let my hair down and show my true crazy side! This forum is such a positive community, which makes it difficult *not* to post. I blame you guys for becoming such a hyperactive poster!



The Confessor...

Oh wow, man. Theres a name I haven't heard in a while.

"Through Avarice evil smiles; through insanity it sings"
Forum Troll Rule #1: Anyone who disagrees with my point of view is either a fanboy or an idiot.
I'm a proud carebear.



Sexy Satin, Weapon R, Ripshock...basically the Midget Mayhem and Misfitz Inc. crew (both SGs that prolly no one ever heard of). These are the guys that helped me get started when I was a wee hero.

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Damn frog.. that's some serious necro posting. WTG!

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I miss them...so this one is for SS and Ele...

And Dammit, people...let threads die...pickings are slime after the purge



Sexy Satin, Weapon R, Ripshock...basically the Midget Mayhem and Misfitz Inc. crew (both SGs that prolly no one ever heard of). These are the guys that helped me get started when I was a wee hero.

[/ QUOTE ]
Damn frog.. that's some serious necro posting. WTG!

[/ QUOTE ]

I miss them...so this one is for SS and Ele...

And Dammit, people...let threads die...pickings are slime after the purge

[/ QUOTE ]

You Can't Do That On The Forums!

Member: Mutant Force Five, Chaos Legion & Team Awesome






Teh Boyfriend - He's been on CO* the longest out of all of the members of my RL circle of friends and laid the foundation for my knowledge of all things CO*. When I finally decided to join up, he made a brand-spankin' new character, Isolator Helper, to help me get through Outbreak and get my first badge (he got deleted shortly after Ember finished up Outbreak, poor guy!). He teamed up with me all the time when I first started out to teach me basic game mechanics and tactics. He's also given me a unique perspective by being able to see what it's like to be a veteran without being a vet...such as sharing "in" jokes (such as UniqueDragon, "Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls," etc.) well before I was a CO* member, showing me what it's like to be a part of an old-school Hami raid before Hami got changed or explaining things from a vet perspective (such as why there are a lot of people who have to work so hard at getting the Isolator badge in RV). I really think that all this helped me become a not-so-n00bish newbie. He also had a huge influence on the majority of my RL circle of friends joining CO*, which leads me to...

[/ QUOTE ]

You know when you replace CO* with COX, that whole paragraph just becomes Forum Gold.




Wait...Tal just responded to a thread I rezzed without getting angry with me...




I suck at influencing people

.: Member of the Hostile's :. Global: @Blinding Aura
"You never appreciate what you have until it's gone."
Blinding Aura - Emp/Psi Def - 50 Justice
MyTier - AR/Fire Blaster - 50
Cherry Popsicle - Ice/Ice Tank - 50
Chilling Aura - Ice/Cold Corr - 50
Adastra - SS/Inv - 38! Tank Virtue



I suck at influencing people

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Oh, Pffft. I can't tell you how many times you made me smile simply by saying hello to me, just out of the blue, in whatever zone I happened to be in. I didn't attend a lot of Hami raids, but nearly every single time I did, I'd be hanging around feeling confused or, more often, bored, and suddenly I'd see "Hi Miss!" in local and I'd feel better.

So, yes, you influenced me, and often when I'm in a zone and run across someone I don't know very well other than from the forums or a global channel or whatever, I say hello. Just because I remember how it made me feel when you said hello to me.



Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



I suck at influencing people

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, Pffft. I can't tell you how many times you made me smile simply by saying hello to me, just out of the blue, in whatever zone I happened to be in. I didn't attend a lot of Hami raids, but nearly every single time I did, I'd be hanging around feeling confused or, more often, bored, and suddenly I'd see "Hi Miss!" in local and I'd feel better.

So, yes, you influenced me, and often when I'm in a zone and run across someone I don't know very well other than from the forums or a global channel or whatever, I say hello. Just because I remember how it made me feel when you said hello to me.

[/ QUOTE ]




Imma sidekick!

I'm all about being influenced. Most of it seems to be from you forum guys...

Ya, that'll do me a lot o good.

"Super Hyper Mecha Plucky Power Armor GO!" -Plucky Sidekick: 50 Inv/EM Tank

"Do not confuse my disguise with your own evolutionary missteps." -Malevol-Ant: 50 EM/Nin Stalker



Frog influenced me to do this. Brainwaves, man!

Zak the Space Varmit AR/Energy Blaster
Apocryphus Energy/Energy Blaster
Swordwraith Broadsword/DA Scrapper
Brother Bullet AR/Dev Blaster
Sinistrahd DB/WP Brute
Solar Despot En/En Brute