69 -
I had similar symptoms and it was bad memory (or more specifically the memory socket on my motherboard, i haven't finished fully testing what configurations work without crashing).
If I have 2 sticks of memory in, it crashes. Only CoH and other games (that reach into more memory). I can spend all day just horsing around on the internet and nothing will crash. It also only crashed to desktop and reported corrupt piggs on occasion.
I'm not saying you have the same problem, but it's something to consider since there is an overlap in symptoms. If you find that you also crash when running other games that use more memory, that would be a pretty good indication.
Then if you're using 2 sticks of RAM, just take the 2nd one out, see how that treats you.
It's an easy enough thing to experiment with to rule it out. -
Quote:I like this.I like to joke with my friend that successfully running the trials don't require 16-24 people, but instead require varying numbers of basically competent players. Lambda requires 1 competent person, Keyes requires 1-2, the Underground requires 3-5, and the BAF doesn't require any.
This is the general form on how "we" decide how well any SF or whatever will run. -
I love how any game that has a stylized art style is "WoW in <location>" or "WoW with <thing>". *intense sarcasm*
If anything, it looks like the art style they went with influenced by recent American (cg) animation that has been influenced by Japanese animation (where the majority of that influence landed on the bunny girl).
WoW didn't invent stylized art in a video game, but that's not different from anything else present in WoW. I remember reading on these forums once, how someone accused CoH of stealing con-colors from WoW. You know, the same con-colors that have been used in CoH since beta; you know, before WoW was a thing. -
I have a Peacebringer and Warshade. My peacebringer is by far my favorite character, always has been since I created it. Only reason I didn't play it from 2005 to 2010 was because he was stuck in some dumb shiny happy place.
Now both are fully Incarnatized (to the current limits).
I only play them full human form. And only on moderate to large teams.
The warshade is funny because you can do silly things like blow up corpses. But I always pick the peacebringer first because the amount of damage it does is absurd. No one has ever complained about the knockback because it's not like they have to chase after targets that are already defeated.
When I saw the changes on the patch notes I giggled a bit to myself, because my most overpowered character is now going to be even more insane. Especially with the extended build up and reduced recharge to photon seekers. Also, I remember when I read the solar flare description when I first created the character, I had pictured it coming from the hands. When I saw the recycled footstomp animation, I was disappointed. So this is a cool change, too. But I don't fly when I fight, so who cares about that new detail.
I'm a little disappointed in the change to Light Form that doesn't allow you to move freely during attack "animations". But that was always sort of like a bug (especially when incandecent strike landed after you were already far away). I can't really complain about that change.
So after reading this thread, I can only wonder one thing. What the hell is everyone else doing so wrong?
Does everyone just assume that Warshades have a permanent 2 or 3 pets out with out a hitch? Sure, in a perfect world. But how about when you're doing an incarnate trial and there's loads of AoE damage all over the place. And what about AV fights? the pets expire, then what, where are you getting the new ones from? And the lack of targets for eclipse, healing, mire... How do all your "formulas" take care of that? -
They have been the exact opposite of "haven't been clear on this yet"... I don't believe being more clear is in any way possible.
how's this work now? first post after a redname that was reply/quoting my own post...?
derp. -
This is why every time someone send me the "is it a MoLambda?" tell, i reply "not until the bugs are fixed it isn't".
You potentially encountered 1 bug: you earned well-stocked, but didn't receive the badge. (unless someone gathered one of the additional equipment drops outside in the courtyard, that's not allowed on a badge run).
As for getting the badge for acid only, or the badge for grenade only, you didn't earn those. The devs were pretty clear about the requirements for those, and that the current badge text is misleading.
The antiacid and looter badges are considered to be the more difficult ones, because you have to sweep out all 10 without any time bonus for dual sabotages. -
Quote:I'm more interested in that Arachnos Highball glass!Ummm, is that a wolf head on the costume creator screen? Where did that come from?
Did all that snow shovelling effectively lobotimize you, bobi?
So is anyone out there worried they'll have trouble reliably finding teams for the red side strike targets?
I feel obligated to remind everyone that ZT is still the same as it ever was. I can see how being a 3 year old post on the VG thread might make thinking otherwise be a valid thought.
Basically, we work like this: as soon as people start collecting on teamspeak, we start rambling about SFs and get one going in short order.
If something about 7 people collect on TS, we start yelling at eachother about an RSF... 40 minutes later, I'm trying to kill that last longbow with self-destruct, nk runs up and ruins my fun, and then there's a lot of yelling and swearing about centrioles.
So.. yeah.. join us... we're going to be red-side weekly strike target machines.
(Also, the minute I see 16 people on TS, a CoP is happening. Wouldn't that be nice? To do CoPs on a whim, without hours of planning, days of scheduling and all that nonsense... That's what I want.)
tl;dr version:
go to http://zerotolerance.guildportal.com - apply - get ready to be on teamspeak3. -
Less than 50% chance I can be on time.
I'm more than likely in.
Like 90% certain I can be on time. I can update appropriately that morning, around 10am. -
Borts Borts Borts.
I'll do as needed, but consider me as a brute until it becomes a critical issue.
(Wondering if you titled the thread about crystals as a mix-up with the L35-40 Crystal Keeper SF, opposed to the L25-30 Leviathan SF.) -
Oh wait... I'm actually around on a Saturday for once!
I'm totally in on this ****.
And I'll be 39 and purple. -
I'm refusing to greet you because you are mean to fat kids!
Stamp lied. The closest they get is 29/32.
But they were on sale for like $20... so whatever.