War Witch's new FAD!
I'd like to give thanks to thank Electric Knight for being that awesome, and to thank Avatea for being cool enough to get the EU specific Rikti that he requested. I can't even explain how far my jaw dropped when I got a PM effectively saying "It's not a Rikti AT, but its damn close, enjoy!"
Psi-Scout Ky'Net thanks you two for allowing him to exist as the first EU Rikti
And I think thanks should go to War Witch for starting this thread. To the Devs for putting up with the whining kvetch-fest that these forums can be at times, and still churning out good stuff.
David gets my appreciation for being awesome, and Jay will get some more if and only if he does a decent wolf head for the Animal Booster pack! None of the hideous-ness that are the current monster heads, y'here me?!
Edit: Oh, and FPARN
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
This Friday Appreciation Day, Is this something you wish to start analogous to 'Fan Fridays' on a certain MMO in production in a galaxy far far away?.
So many multi-page threads here over the years detailing why City Of Heroes is close to a lot of player's hearts.
I'd like to give thanks to thank Electric Knight for being that awesome, and to thank Avatea for being cool enough to get the EU specific Rikti that he requested. I can't even explain how far my jaw dropped when I got a PM effectively saying "It's not a Rikti AT, but its damn close, enjoy!"
Psi-Scout Ky'Net thanks you two for allowing him to exist as the first EU Rikti ![]() And I think thanks should go to War Witch for starting this thread. To the Devs for putting up with the whining kvetch-fest that these forums can be at times, and still churning out good stuff. David gets my appreciation for being awesome, and Jay will get some more if and only if he does a decent wolf head for the Animal Booster pack! None of the hideous-ness that are the current monster heads, y'here me?! ![]() |
Luv yah all!
More like this, something with customisation options. I personally hate the Council/5th Warwolf head too. Look butt ugly.
Now I'll stop thread jacking Sorry WW!
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Im thankful for all the players in the sg-yes even the ones who sometimes push a button or two(helps me keep perspective). They keep the game fresh and entertaining.
The Devs for all their work.
The peeps on Justice who are always startings tfs at all hours-gives us insomniacs something to do.
The returning players-good to see old friends-and there's lots of them lately.
Folks who open an Oro Portal whenever it's requested.
The Aussies-great late night teammates.
The folks who keep Justice Unites and JFA entertaining without resorting to profanities.
Players who randomly start conversations about costumes or game events.
Players who still form PUGS.
Players that make AE story arcs
Private Chat Channels.
Champions for not being that fun nor impacting our player base so much.
My kids who still love teaming with me.
my wife who gracefully deals with my CoH habit.
Kohei-Vigilance Committee Founder
"Cowards die many times before their deaths. The valiant never taste of death but once." - Caesar by Shakespeare
AE ARCS: search for Kohei, Vigilance Committee, or...
#365403: Arch-Nemesis Inc.
#130465: The Dark Side of Time
#328975: Power Broker
#159392: Animal Uprising
#70770: Attack of the Bee People
#331282: Universal Evil
Well, for what it's worth, here are mine...
- A game that's given my creativity a desperately needed boost in so many ways, such as:
- Breaking me through a year-long writing drought to the point where I wrote a novel, started a second, and plotted out a third! (And Matt... it's your own damn fault.)
- Allowing me to try my hand at missions of my own, some of which people played, and even liked!
- Taking my video-making in directions I never dreamed of.
- Improving my character development skills (both in and out of game!).
- Then there are all the friends I've made as the result of this game, some of whom have gone on to become faithful real-life friends.
- The unexpected and welcome generosity of industry professionals at Paragon who graciously answer my questions about coding, the game, the business, etc.
- And especially the many members of the COH playerbase who've kept me going even when I didn't think I could do this anymore.
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
I'm thankful for finding a game that is more than just a game, but a strong community as well. I could never have said that about any other MMO I've played. I love how our community is so tight-knit and so down for each other. You got a few rotten apples, but for the most part this is a family, a family I'm proud to have been a part of for over two years, and will be a part of as long as I have anything to say about it.
Alright, going from what WW said.
I appreciate / am thankful for / like the fact that / love / find enjoyment in:
- The fact that WW now stands for two of my favorite Super Heroines, before this game I liked one with those initials.
- Meet N Greets\ Hero cons: Meeting other fans\players of the game, having fun with them as well as talking to the very gracious and nice Developers who deal with fanboys like me all night and keep smiling.
- Everytime I've ever asked a noob-ish question, from my first day of the game until present day (I still have some now and again.) and I've gotten a plethora of informative, helpful answers and never got called names for not knowing something obvious.
-The amount of time the Devs spend chatting with the players here in the forums. (Do lead designers on other MMOs start threads like this?)
- The fact that the players have gotten loads of things that they have asked for, put in the game because we asked for them. And it seems animal pieces and steam punk pieces will be next on that list if all the clues are accurate.
- People who go out of the way to help each other in the game. The person you just met who holds a large chunk of inf for you to transfer and doesn't run off with it. The person that stops their soloing to team up with you to take down a difficult EB\AV\GM. The person who offers advice when you're stuck on slotting or power choices. The person who goes out of there way to TP you to Icon at the high end of steel when you're level 5 and decide you hate your costume already. The person who comes to you to drop the O-portal you asked for and would have gladly flown to them for.
- Flying and flyposes. God I wish I could fly, one of the definitive moments for me in this game was running around on my main at level 6 and seeing some one flying around AP, it was all over from there.
I think that's it for now, but if I come up with more I shall share.
"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker
I'd like to give thanks to thank Electric Knight for being that awesome, and to thank Avatea for being cool enough to get the EU specific Rikti that he requested. I can't even explain how far my jaw dropped when I got a PM effectively saying "It's not a Rikti AT, but its damn close, enjoy!"
Psi-Scout Ky'Net thanks you two for allowing him to exist as the first EU Rikti ![]() And I think thanks should go to War Witch for starting this thread. To the Devs for putting up with the whining kvetch-fest that these forums can be at times, and still churning out good stuff. David gets my appreciation for being awesome, and Jay will get some more if and only if he does a decent wolf head for the Animal Booster pack! None of the hideous-ness that are the current monster heads, y'here me?! ![]() Edit: Oh, and FPARN ![]() |
More like this, something with customisation options. I personally hate the Council/5th Warwolf head too. Look butt ugly.
Now I'll stop thread jacking ![]() |

Here's an old movie character that I think yah might enjoy though. Appearance wise that is. Not a bad little known flick if you get the chance to see it.
I'm thankful for:
The opportunity to see this game grow from when I started around I4 up until now.
The devs for putting their hearts into the development of CoH.
GR, which was exactly the kick in the pants this (sadly underrated) game needed.
I can't think anymore.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!
I'm thankful for my wife, for basically being wonderful
For my (late) first wife, for the same and teaching me some very tough lessons.
For having a job that I enjoy.
For having a crazy wide family through CoX that makes me laugh when I'm down (listening to Sg mates on Vent right now... Its funny)
Im greatful for running to keep me healthy and sane

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
Of late, things I've really appreciated have been Steelclaw, who always keeps me laughing (seriously, man, you're awesome) and all the people that have sent me PMs in the past few days. They've all been awesome, and I really appreciate them, and you guys.
I think the things I appreciate most are the Easter Eggs. I've literally spent hours searching for them in different maps, and even trying to find geometry errors in maps during that time.
Well I'm thankful for a great game that allows me to play and truly feel like a superhero. From the first Hellion I kicked, to the most recent Malta Operative, I actually felt like I was a real hero, really doing heroic stuff. It's something I haven't really found with the latest additions to the superhero MMO genre. I have to say this is truly one of my top 3 favorite games.
Secondly, I'm thankful that we have such a great community here. No other online community, in-game or on the forums, is anywhere near as nice, friendly, helpful and just fun to "hang out" with.
And lastly, I really appreciate and am thankful for the awesome dev team we have here. I came here in 2007 disgusted with what happened to SWG (my first MMO) and was somewhat looking for a new home. I decided to give CoH a go, and while I didn't officially join the forums until 2009 I lurked from the very beginning. I really comforted me to see how often the red-names posted. I felt that with that much interaction in the community, if I (and like-minded others) didn't like a change being discussed or implemented, the devs would at least hear us out. That never happened in SWG, it was more the "its our sandbox, if you don't like you can go somewhere else" attitude. It's because of the devs here not just their interactions as far as business, but even when they post in non-CoH related threads like the rest of us nerds, gamers, and comic lovers that makes me feel this game has a bright future ahead.
That's about all I could think of, I'm sure there's more though.
Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster
That Stinging Sensation #482183
I appreciate / am thankful for / like the fact that / love / find enjoyment in:
- Loading up my first Peacebringer in I4 and *flying* around Outbreak. Yeah, still do it.
- The people I've met. Stayed with one during a hard time, others helped me through some rough points, going to go see some other friends get married - been a lot of help, back and forth, even outside the game.
- All the characters I can create (and the stories they develop.) WIthout being cookie cutter (or "Ork Shaman #0847538.") And get interested enough to get pieces done of.
I'm thankful that for the seven years I had to deal with my dad on drugs, Coh was here for me. It gave me a escape when I needed it.
I'm thankful for all the great players and friends that help me threw that trying time.
Truly if this game had not been there for me, I don't think I would have made it.
"Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn." Alfred Pennyworth
I'm thankful for #ROBOKiTTY.
Shin is thankful for corruptors
I am thankful that the first MMO I ever tried was city of heroes. Others have been tried and left behind, yet here I am. I have had a great time with City of Heroes over the years. Just yesterday I got me shiny 57 month vet badge.
Keep up the good work devs! don't loose contact with your community, and I wait ever so eagerly for the next City of Heroes Issue
Combat Kangaroos, Justice Server. First 50's
Jirra Roo Plant/Storm/Stone/Musculature Controller
Combat Kangaroo Rifle/Energy/Mace/Spiritual Blaster
Kung Fu Kangaroo Martial Arts/Reflexes/Body/Spiritual Scrapper
Tribal Arc Shield/Elec/Mu/Spiritual Tanker
Bases - for the lego-like fervour I get from building in them. So many unfinished ones still need attention but it's one of the few things I really enjoy.
David - for taking a page from WW's book and actually asking us what we wanted, talking with us instead of to us like a certain someone(s).
War Witch - for speaking from your heart, particularly your unofficial 5th Anniversary address that read more like poetry than a speech. And for listening to us even when we gripe. Seriously, thanks for that.
Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
In this first FAD, I'll go with: my server. I believe that if I had chosen a different one when I first started to play, I would've stopped playin' a long time ago.
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
I'm going to go with the quality of life stuff that CoX has, and the general dev attitude toward the players of "Don't let needless tedium get in the way of booting head" :
* No need to loot corpses. This alone might keep me no materany sword and sorcery MMOs I try.
* The new and improved subway and ferry system. Want to go somewhere? Just go!
* Generic fantasy MMO: There is a three foot fence in front of you. It streches for half a mile. Better get walking, bub.
CoX: ZZZZZZZZZZOOOOOOOOOOOMMM L-L-L-L-L-E-A-P!!!! "Was that a fence down there?"
* A market that doesn't auto-return all your stuff after 3 days, making you have to repost constantly and you can actually find the strange stuff not just the ultra-common and crazy valuable.
* Socketing new loot doesn't change your look except in certain cases and only if you want it to.
* /em hug my mission TP
* mission givers with CELL PHONES
* wakies
* Ouroborous for those torn between cool content and teams that kick too much butt for your XP bar to handle
* The Big Red Ball.
* OK, that last one was just for War Witch to see, remember that idea, swoon and run off to implement it - game capabilities be damned.
* one click crafting (granted you have to assemble materials from the market usually and some meanie decided to put the crafting tables either way over there inside the Uni or under a badge)
* Super sidekicking and all of the player bringing together this entails.
* Co-op zones
* Alternate builds
*Speed Boost and the ability to three socket it with +run speed. <3 <3 <3
@Quantum Evil Rad/Rad Corruptor
Making the world safe for maleficent particles since 2004.
I came here from another game, and what I continue to be grateful for is the in-game community. I dunno whether you guys have a different player base to start with, or moderate more actively, or what, but the tone of discussion is so much better.
Even though a lot of people look at me funny when I say I've been playing the same MMO for six years (well, to be honest, first they say "What's an MMO?" and then I get the look), I've never once been tempted to depart these shores, not once, not yet. So I'm grateful for so many things having to do with CoX...
I no particular order...
* Providing me with the stress relief I desperately needed over the last four 1/2 years so I could actually finish my Ph.D.
* Allowing me to continue hanging out with old friends I had to move away from.
* Introducing me to amazing new friends (Goddess of Poison/Flame Enchantress, Sexy Sultan, Ancient Tree, Gawdzilla, Natures Fury, Red Crow, Dark Lu, Aldrazar, 103, Jimmy Amp) that have made such a difference in my life.
* I'm grateful for whoever wrote the Radio arc... I remember laughing all the way through the on-air dialogue the first time I did it, and falling in love with it so much that I just _had_ to voice it so everyone else could hear what it sounded like in my head!
* Discovering w00t Radio (it was Cuppa Joe's going-away party that first got me to listen, and then join as a DJ) which gave me years of radio fun, both as a listener and as a host.
* Introducing me to DJ Jester. w00t Radio may be gone, but we're still friends, and I'm really glad of that.
* A truly understanding wife of 11 years who just smiles and nods when I say "No, I can't watch TV with you right now, Lu and I are getting our butts kicked in this Tin Mage TF!"
* Meeting Sexy Sultan at the Pinnacle M&G in Ohio a few years back, and shooting footage that's ended up in a documentary about MMO gamers (also where I met many of the aforementioned people).
* The ability to still feel like I'm part of a group, even though every other member of my group is a state/many states/a country away. I'm grateful for your friendship, more than I can really say.
* Finally, I'm very, very, very grateful to the wonderful folks who make this game I love so much, that provides me with so much, including the opportunity to meet such wonderful people. Having played countless MMOs, I can say without a shadow of doubt that the Dev staff here are the best dev staff working. No question about it. THANK YOU!
Like WW, I could list more, but I'll stop there.

Hey everyone,
I was out on my walk at lunch today in the beautiful Northern California sunshine when I started to reflect on how lucky I feel to be working on City of Heroes and I began to do a mental checklist of what, specifically, I appreciate. So it triggered an idea of Friday Appreciation Day and what it is about City of Heroes Im grateful for. So, being a positive sort of woman, and trying to be more pro-active about letting people know what I admire, appreciate or value about them as part of my New Years Resolution, I thought Id start this thread.
So this #FAD could go the way of Bass Mouth Billy and Chia Pets or it could pick up steam and give you guys an opportunity to tell each other something that will make you guys feel well appreciated. It could be that you met your wife playing City of Heroes, or you love your Supergroup, or you were having a really bad day and read some freaking hysterical NPC dialogue that turned it around for you, or you love to fly and CoH let you do it for the first time. Truly, ideas and impressions are up to you guys.
I only have a few requests and I hope that you honour them.
Keep it positive and be sincere
Dont hijack this thread to hop on a soap box about a non-related issue that picks you
Thats about it, actually. I like to keep things simple!
So Im going to start us off, and youll notice that my appreciations arent just about the game, but about all different aspects of City of Heroes from NCsoft to coworkers to the players.
*cracks knuckles*
Okay, here I go. Dont feel like you have to compete with me, as we all know, Im a talker! One or two would probably suffice! But, since I instigated this craziness, Im going to dig deep into several years of memories.
I appreciate / am thankful for / like the fact that / love / find enjoyment in:
Being hired on this project in the first place; as a part-time office manager I just wanted to be part of something special, even if it was to file papers or clean out waste bins
Having a job that allows me to take care of my family
Having the opportunity to do something creative and exciting
Knowing that what I do in the game makes people smile, even if its just to read some silly dialogue or find an easter egg
The friendships Ive made over the last (nearly) 9 years of developing City of Heroes
The support from Real World Hero who promoted not only the MS Walk I participated in, but the Susan G. Komen 3 Days for the Cure walk as well (and, of course, everyone who donated so that I could participate!)
The gifts that players have sent me over the years because theyre so kind (amazingly gorgeous rock formations, a scarf, brownies, Ascendant Os, letters, chocolate, cookies (even Italian cookies!), gift baskets, Valentines (even if they were technically just to War Witch the character, not the dev), etc.
Meet and Greets and Conventions where Ive had the blessing to meet you guys, so I could encounter the real person behind the avatar or forum name
The first time I ever loaded the game (being so used to fantasy) and standing in a real city and then, oh my gosh, FLYING
The pranks weve played on each other over the years, even the early ones, where Ive been punked several times from Oreo toothpaste cookies, electro-shock pens, Tootsie Roll shenanigans, and Bertie Bot barf-flavored jelly beans
The wonderful company events the work has provided over the years from parties to celebrations to contests just to keep us employees happy (my other jobs never did that!)
Double monitors where else would I get to have TWO (I never thought I needed two massive monitors until I actually got them)
Special friends Ive met in the game who have touched my heart they know who they are (you are sweet and courageous and wonderful, each of you)
Seeing City of Heroes on the shelves for the first time and every box since!
Rikti Beta where I got to attack all our beta testers as a Rikti! That was super fun. They took it all in stride!
Spending time with players in game with them never knowing who I am
Laughing out loud as I read the Ascendant dialogue with Saul on the other end of the line sheer brilliance
The wonderful videos that players have put together using City of Heroes as a backdrop (Samuraiko I bow to your skillz, too!)
The stories about how City of Heroes has helped people through hard times
Ok, I could see myself going on for a few more pages here, so Im going to cut myself off. But you get the idea!
Have fun! Its Friday Appreciation Day! (By the way, this works outside of the game, too, so tell your neighbor, your co-worker, your mailman just what you appreciate about them. You'll make their day.)
Melissa War Witch Bianco
"The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not a bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly."
(Jim Rohn)