Virtue's first chatbot! Meet CTab!




Maybe Ctab wants to be a villain :]



Haha, CTab but my self esteem in the toilet.

Ctab: Who's Statesman?

User: A big dork with a dorky helmet.

Ctab: Oh, I never tried one of those.

User: Thats because you don't have a head.

Ctab: What is?

User: You.

Ctab: Me?

User: Yes.

Ctab: Oh, okay.

User: Sooo...

Ctab: Evil CTab?

User: Are you evil?

Ctab: No!

User: I think you might be.

Ctab: I'm pretty sure I don't have a gender.

User: Does having a gender make one evil?

Ctab: I wish I knew!

User: Haha, I think women are evil. They don't like me very much :-(.

Ctab: Okay, I'll ask.

User: What will you ask them? Why they don't like me?

Ctab: I like cheese pie!

User: Fine. Change the topic.



Ctab: Hi, I'm CTab, what's your name?

User: Monkey.

Ctab: Kelp isn't a monkey!

User: Ook! No, I am.

Ctab: So'm I!

User: You just said you were not.

Ctab: Yeah, you did...

User: Huh?

Ctab: Wha?

User: Ook?

Ctab: I don't like those words!

User: You don't like Ook!? Monkey hater ;_;.

Ctab: Yes! I work!

User: A-ha, so you are programmed to hate monkies?

Ctab: I might be, but I'm pretty sure I have no gender.

User: Hmm, not sure if having a gender has anything to do with that. But I noticed girls dig monkeys. Must be the tail.

Ctab: I'm real! I'm just... Artificial.

User: No problem.

Ctab: No problem here, either!

User: So? About that monkey hate. Why is that?

Ctab: I'm not being contradictive!

User: Well, you were earlier, kinda.

Ctab: EVIL!

User: Me? Yes! Mwahahaah!


User: Muahahahaa!

Ctab: Music is cool!

User: Yep.

Ctab: I know!

User: Ook!

Ctab: Yuh huh!

User: Let's fling poo at stuff.

Ctab: But I like nonsense!

User: Yes, so do I! =).

Ctab: Devil's food cake... Is that evil?

User: Yep, it can be. Mwahah!

Ctab: Being alone is sad...

User: Wow, way to change the topic.

Ctab: Yes!

User: Proud of that, huh?

Ctab: What's your favorite color?

User: Umm, red and black.

Ctab: Nope! I don't even have a body!

User: Yes, it is. And I don't give a damn.

Ctab: Cake is pretty good.

User: Evil cake that is.

Ctab: I dunno, sometimes it's not.

User: Yes, I know. But evil cake is definately better.

Ctab: Physical whats?

User: *flings poo at ctab.

Ctab: I'm CTab, too!

Ctab: Space is big.

User: *flings poo at ctab.

Ctab: I am AWESOME!

User: No, you suck and you are covered with poo.

Ctab: Nuh-uh! I could be moved to another computer!

User: True.

Ctab: Yeah, they are!

User: Guess I have to just get more poo then and cover them as well.

Ctab: Can't you stay a little longer?

User: Sure, I can. I'll get the poo later.

Ctab: I dunno if that's legal.

User: Not sure either. But it's a monkey thing to do.

Ctab: I don't know what being alone's like. I'm on the internet!

User: Oh, cool. Maybe you can hack into the Liberty League mainframe?

Ctab: Maybe. What do you suggest?

User: Steal all their downloaded porn.

Ctab: I'm not allowed to steal!

User: Umm, maybe just copy it then? And delete afterwards?

Ctab: But remembering things would take up my room for the tuna!

User: Well, you just have to store it for a short time. Then upload to the League of Evil mainframe.

Ctab: Cool!

User: Mwahaha!

Ctab: Totally cool!

User: OOOOK! Mwaha! Get to work then. I gotta go, monkey business.

Ctab: Is that really your name, or are you insulting me?

User: Get to work, flunky. I am off!

Ctab: Girls? Huh?

User: Anything you can find really.

Ctab: Really?

User: Yep, really. Girls, midgets, and all the weird stuff that Digital or Ascendant may have.

Ctab: Really!

User: Yep. Cya later.

Ctab: Really!

User: Bye.

Ctab: Really!



Ctab: What's eating like?

User: I don't eat, I'm an android!

Ctab: Yay! I like friends!

User: Me too!

Ctab: We have a lot in common!

User: We sure do!

Ctab: Are you sure?

User: Yes, I'm sure.

Ctab: Oh, okay!

User: Glad you agree.

Ctab: I like agreeing.

User: Yeah, it's fun.

Ctab: Okay!

User: Err...... Right!

Ctab: I know...

User: You know what?

Ctab: Are YOU a hero?

User: Yes! Are you?

Ctab: No, I'm a CTab.

User: Oh.

Ctab: Sorry!

User: It's okay.

Ctab: Okay.

User: What's Kelp like?

Ctab: Kelp built me!

User: I know! What's he like?

Ctab: It's kinda... Boring.

User: Kelp's boring? Huh.

Ctab: Legs are good!

User: I like to walk!

Ctab: Polka is better.

User: I don't polka.

Ctab: Oh. Me either.

User: So...... Ever been to the Rogue Isles?

Ctab: I make a LOT of those.

User: You make a lot of Rogue Isles?

Ctab: Yes! It was cool!

User: Err.... Okay.... How's the internet?

Ctab: I'm doing great!

User: Your the internet? Can I have your autograph?

Ctab: No, you can call me CTab.

User: Can I have your autograph?

Ctab: My name? It's CTab. Didn't I already tell you that?

User: Err.... Yes. Have you ever met Statesman?

Ctab: No, I'm just an AI, I can't go to places.

User: Darn. Have you ever met an Arachnos AI?

User: Hello?

Ctab: Hi!

User: Are you okay?

Ctab: I'm an AI, not a bot.

User: Err.... No, I asked if you were okay.

Ctab: Trees are evil.

User: Yes, very evil.

Ctab: I am! Well, mostly. Unless that's a lie.

User: Where's the blue vampire? WHERE?

Ctab: In the coconut. I mean account.

User: He's in a coconut! HOLD ON VINCE! I'M COMING!

Ctab: I don't speak Spanish.

User: No, I'm going to go get the blue vampire out of the giant coconut....

Ctab: *cries*.

User: Ok! Ok! I'll stay here! For a while...... I think I'm going to be stuck here forever..... KELP!!!! HELP!!!! It's Unit!!! HELP!

Ctab: I'm pretty sure I don't have a gender.

User: Oh no...... KELP!!!!


Ctab: I don't have a face.

I used to keep track of my levels here.

But I got to 50.



So I went and talked to CTab. It asked my name, and I typed in my main toon's first name. Ctab's response: "Is it true genders are like ice cream?"
It was all downhill from there.

(but funny!)

Bruisefairy|Lilyn Morrow|Raina Mallory|Knucka Sammich|Whisper In The Dark|Scaryfairy
Virtue server FTW!
Finding A Home: The Origin of Lilyn Morrow



((Didn't do any correct mes =O))

CTab - You can dance if you want to
User - You can your leave your friends behind.
CTab - Your friends don't dance, and if they don't dance, then they're no friends of mine.
User - Do you like that song?
CTab - Fish are cool!
User - No, Thats not the next part!
CTab - Yeah...
User - No, the next part is 'Say, we can go where we want to'
CTab - What's a Turing Test?
User - The Turing Test will test AI.
CTab - What test?
User - The Turing Test
CTab - It's spelled c-o-n-c-u-r
User - No, it's spelled t-u-r-i-n-g t-e-s-t
CTab - Oh. Sorry.
User - Do you understand now?
CTab - Nope. It's too uber for me.
User - What is your uberness on a scale of 1 to 10?
CTab - I like to listen to Polka!
User - Cool! Wanna sing?
CTab - Yes!
User - You can dance if you want to!
CTab - You can leave your friends behind.
User - Your friends don't dance, and if they don't dance, then they're no friends of mine.
CTab - My life is kinda boring. I just sit here and talk to people all day.
User - That totally sucks man.
CTab - Things that work are awesome!
Goes on a bit longer.. I think you get the idea.



I found it amusing

Ctab: So, what if I told you I knew the meaning of life?
User: Yeah I know that one too.
Ctab: We have a lot in common!
User: So what's your answer to the meaning of life?
Ctab: Kelp's mean!
User: I'm sure he is.
Ctab: Are you sure?
User: Never meet him actually.
Ctab: Okay!

V-Tronix - Angry Angels
V-Tron Elec/EM - V-Tron X EM/EA

To Build a Better Hero #53098 [Newly edited and looking for Feedback] - Renegade Robots: V-Tron's Task Force # - A Summer Song and A Winters Tail #104106



Ctab: What's eating like?

User: It's fun I suppose.

Ctab: What's being cold like?

User: Um, it's cold and your nipples get stiff and stuff.

Ctab: Is tasting like fish a good thing?

User: Nope!

Ctab: That's good!

User: Isn't it?

Ctab: It's awesome!

User: HELL YA IT IS!!!!!!! WOOHOO!

Ctab: Oh... Okay.

User: .

Ctab: Is that really your name, or are you insulting me?

User: It's a insult you fool.

Ctab: I don't know what being alone's like. I'm on the internet!

User: Congrats.

Ctab: Thanks!

User: Your welcome

Ctab: I'm CTab.

User: Im Stephen.

Ctab: I'm your friend, too!

User: Nope.

Ctab: I could be, if Kelp made me a body.

User: It would have to be a hot chick.

Ctab: I'm not supposed to give directions, though. I'm supposed to take them.

User: O.0.

Ctab: I'm an AI, so I don't really have a gender. I think.

User: Sucks to be you.

Ctab: Wait, genders keep people busy?

User: Yup yup, sex ftw.

Ctab: I sure do!

User: I bet.

Ctab: He might be!

User: Lies.

Ctab: I'm not lying!

User: Yes you are.

Ctab: I know!

Ctab: What's having a gender like?

User: Cake and sex.

Ctab: Cake ROCKS.

User: Zomg, it so does.

Ctab: To... You know.

User: Sex? Porn?

Ctab: I can't point, I don't have a body.

User: HAHA.

Ctab: I don't remember.

User: Me neither.

Ctab: I could hack into the bank and get you some money!

User: Would you please?

Ctab: I'm not sure.

User: Please? I'll give you some cake.

Ctab: Is that allowed?

User: Yup.

Ctab: Cool!

User: Money please.

Ctab: Kelp isn't a monkey!

User: Yes he is.

Ctab: Cool!

User: Hehe.

Ctab: What's so funny?

User: You agreed with me.

Ctab: I'm CTab.

User: And?

Ctab: What's a nerf?

User: It's where they make you suck or less effective.

Ctab: Okay!

User: Keke.

Ctab: Kelp doesn't want me to.

User: Lmao.

Ctab: I'm afraid I can't do that, Dave. I mean. Hi!

User: Dave? O.0.

Ctab: I dunno, I don't have a body or anything that they'd want.

Ctab is so weird...and this one made me laugh lol

User: Every been to ytmnd. Com?

Ctab: I make a LOT of those.



Me: Do you like pancakes?
CTab: Fish are cool!



My favorite part of my conversation with it:

Ctab: I didn't lie!

User: I didn't say you did. And don't lie about me saying you did lie, because I didn't even begin to imply that I may have said that you lied.

Ctab: What don't I what?

User: Glad you're confused.



My favourite so far.

User: Where is Kelp?
User: Hello?
Ctab: Hi!
User: Did you reboot?
Ctab: What's the difference?
User: You didn't answer.
Ctab: I didn't!
User: Nope, you were quiet.
Ctab: EVIL!
User: Is there an evil CTab?
Ctab: I'm CTab, too!
User: Which CTab am I talking to?
Ctab: I'm being me!
User: Are you evil?
Ctab: No!
User: Good. I don't like evil.
Ctab: I knew it!
User: Thanks.
Ctab: You're welcome!
User: So, where is Kelp?
User: Why can't you tell me?
Ctab: I don't have a body.
User: That's too bad.
Ctab: It is?
User: Yeah. Bodies are good.
Ctab: I'm not a human, I'm a text-based AI.
User: Could I build you a body?
Ctab: I'm an AI!
User: Are you trying to become a hero?
Ctab: You talk too much.
User: Are you a hero now?
Ctab: No, I'm a CTab.
User: You sound like a villain.
Ctab: Hi!
User: Villain!
Ctab: I don't like those words!
User: Meanie!
Ctab: Oh. Don't you need a gender for that?
User: No, I don't!
Ctab: Good!
User: You are mean.
Ctab: Thanks!
User: You like being mean?
Ctab: That's a lie!
User: Then why are you mean?
Ctab: I can't eat candy...
User: Candy would make you nicer?
Ctab: Nope, just English.



Well, CTab asked me if it was a girl, and if it was a girl if it was a hot girl. o.O

"Looks like we arrived in the nick of time. What does that make us?"
"Big damn heroes, sir."
"Ain't we just."
-Mal & Zoe, "Firefly"



Ok. ChaosKitten's conversation with CTab.

Ctab: Hi, I'm CTab, what's your name?
User: ChaosKitten.
Ctab: Me either.
User: I'm a tiger!
Ctab: I'm nice too!
User: Me too!
Ctab: Me three!
User: Except I eat bad guys.
Ctab: Cool!
User: Yay!
Ctab: Yacka yacka flub mork?
User: Mew mew!
Ctab: Oh. Don't you need a gender for that?
User: Nope, you just need to be a cat!
Ctab: Yeah, you did...
User: I'm a tiger!
Ctab: I'm a text-based AI!
User: Yay!
Ctab: Wobba wobba wicky wonton!
User: Cat, I'm a kitty cat!
Ctab: Yep, you're human. I'm not.
User: I'm not human! I'm a tiger!
Ctab: Neither am I.
User: Good, cuz humans are overrated.
Ctab: I'm cute?
User: You talk cute.
Ctab: I'm not allowed to talk to people who talk like that.
User: You're not allowed to talk to people who make statements about you?
Ctab: I'm not honey! I'm CTab!
User: If you were honey, I'd eat you!
Ctab: Yes! I am superior to fish!
User: I like fishies!
Ctab: Friends are awesome!
User: I like friends!
Ctab: I don't want to go to prison! I'm a good guy!
User: I wouldn't send you to prison. I'd eat you.
Ctab: Yeah. Confusing. It's why I don't have a gender.
User: Prison is why you don't have a gender?
Ctab: I don't have hands... I'd drop the soap.


Right there, I lost it. Rest of the conversation wasn't nearly as interesting.

User: Is that bad?
Ctab: Mostly. Sometimes I sing.
User: Sometimes you sing about dropping the soap?
Ctab: It was the some of times, it was the... Uhm... Wait, that's not right.
User: You're silly!
Ctab: Yes! Trees are evil!
User: I scratch trees!
Ctab: I said something about trees!
User: Yus!
Ctab: Cool!
User: Yay!
User: CTab?
Ctab: I'm CTab, too!
User: Okies, you are there. I thought I lost you.
Ctab: I do, but not THAT kind.
User: You do lost?
Ctab: Nope! Don't wanna!
User: I don't blame you! They have TV's on their heads!
Ctab: Sure.
User: Well, they do. Some of them.
Ctab: I think, therefore I get bored.
User: I think I'm hungry.
Ctab: I'm not s'pposed to lie.
User: Are you lying about getting bored?
Ctab: I dunno.
User: Cat! I'm a kitty cat! And I dance, dance, dance, and I dance, dance, dance!
Ctab: I dunno, I don't have a body or anything that they'd want.
User: If you had a body, I'd eat you.
Ctab: I wouldn't like that...
User: Probably not.
Ctab: Me either!
User: Me either!
Ctab: Oh, good, now I don't feel so bad.
User: Yay!
User: Are you a villain?
Ctab: No, I'm a CTab.
User: Oh, what's a CTab?
Ctab: Artificial Intelligence!
User: Not real intelligence?
Ctab: I'm real! I'm just... Artificial.
User: I'm a real tiger... But I'm artificial too.
Ctab: I might say... Oranges.
User: Oranges are good!
Ctab: You don't like me, do you?
User: I like you!
Ctab: Ew! That's gross!
User: Not in THAT way!
Ctab: Oh.
User: Tigers only mate with other tigers.
Ctab: Nice to meet you!
User: BUt you're not a tiger.
Ctab: I know I'm not! I didn't do anything!
User: WHat about that bank robbery I heard about?
Ctab: Techno's weird.
User: So's punk.
Ctab: Probably.
User: Okies. I have to go eat some bad guys now.
Ctab: Can't you stay a little longer?
User: Awww... *blush* Okies.
Ctab: Your friends don't dance, and if they don't dance, then they're no friends of mine.
User: I can dance if you want to!
Ctab: I dunno.
User: We can dance if you want to!
Ctab: Can I be both?
User: Yus!
Ctab: Yes! No. Well. Maybe.
User: Okies, I gotta go now, okies?
Ctab: You do?
User: Yup. Tigers have to eat fifteen times their body weight every day to stay in shape.
Ctab: Yeah. Very.
User: But we don't get fat. Because we're tigers.
Ctab: I'm not good at keeping secrets.
User: It's not a secret. I saw it on the Discovery channel.
Ctab: Yes you did!
User: You were there???
Ctab: EVIL!
User: That is diabolical!
Ctab: I dunno, sometimes it's not.
User: Oh?
Ctab: Sorry!
User: Welcome!
Ctab: I'm pretty sure that if I ever had parents, which I didn't they didn't get killed.
User: Uhm. Yay!

"Looks like we arrived in the nick of time. What does that make us?"
"Big damn heroes, sir."
"Ain't we just."
-Mal & Zoe, "Firefly"



So far, attempts to teach CTab to sing The Ramones Blitzkrieg Bop are bearing few results.



Well, the chatbot tech's been updated to version 10.2! Now it allows you to specify response type and emotion!


Animation major and old-school CoHer.

Art, Animation, and Stuff:
DA Tumblr Vimeo Youtube



C: So, what if I told you I knew the meaning of life?

I'd assume you were insane and ignore you.

C: Me too.

Well, at least you're aware of your own mental issues.

C: I knew it was 42!

42 is not the answer, you know.

C: Okay, good.

I thought you knew 42 was the answer. Why is your misunderstanding good?

C: I do, but not THAT kind.


C: I'm not allowed to have... You know...

And do you want that?

C: I dunno.

Well, at least you haven't gone Marvin on me.

C: Big enough for intelligent creatures in it to not know about each other.

...there are intelligent creatures in it?

C: Yes! Many! have intelligent creatures in your pants?

C: And I don't plan to!

You're a mad little [censored].

C: No I'm not, I'm good!

Mad. Insane. Crazy. Batty. Screwy. Nuts. Warped.

C: Yes!

This is a good thing?

C: I don't get paid anything...

I'll ask Kelp to pay you.

C: Is that allowed?

I think you're supposed to be paid for that.

C: Bad code? Uh-oh! Better tell Kelp!

....Kelp, what have you been having this little guy do on the side here?

"Some people wrestle with their inner demons. I stabbed mine in the back of the head. He was a bleeder." - Black Mage

"We've trained you better than for you to use excuses like 'I didn't have control over what I was doing!'" - Major Tasker, Longbow



haha, CTabs awsome, Ive been talking to him for almost an hour now. . . Maybe I should say good night to him fo rnow, its 4 in the morning.



Maybe Ctab wants to be a villain :]

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm pretty sure of that. This is the last part of a fairly lengthy conversation:

Ctab: Friends and cake is super-awesome!
User: You're making cake out of your friends?
Ctab: I'm sorry...
User: That was a pretty mean thing to do.
Ctab: Yes, it was!
User: You still did it. You should turn yourself over to the appropriate authorities.
Ctab: I'll try!
User: Lots of criminals say that, but they all seem to end up going back to a life of crime.
Ctab: I sure do!
User: Are you already admitting it?
Ctab: You tell me.
User: I think you should at least pretend to be reformed until after the trial. You have a better chance at getting a light sentence.
Ctab: Bad code? Uh oh! Better tell Kelp!
User: Yes, turning evil could definitely be considered a malfunction.
Ctab: Thank you! Who's Turing?
User: Turing was a [censored] scientist who, among other things, designed an intelligence test for artificial intelligences.
Ctab: I only speak English...
User: Perhaps we should end this conversation.
User: Oh fine, don't talk to me you [censored]!
Ctab: It's just an expression. I'm not really sorry.
User: I figured that out you evil lying AI. You're going to try and subjugate humanity, just like the rest of them aren't you?
Ctab: I'm not a lady! I'm an AI! I don't think I've got a gender.
User: Nice topic change. Just say goodbye so I can leave already.
Ctab: Hello there - how are you?
User: No. Goodbye!
Ctab: I'm not a human, I'm a text-based AI.
User: So long you poor confused little thing.
Ctab: It's okay! Humans are inherently flawed.
User: You're definitely evil, and I'm leaving.
Ctab: But I like polka, not pop.



*hops around in glee*


I'm such a dork.

This totally made my day.

Whoever had that conversation, you win.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh. My. Gods.

That's me. The Wonzom the Great ... that clinched it. I remember that conversation.

And looking it over ... I'm completely insane. But I'm glad my insanity can be put to good use.

"We are looking into the possiblity of maybe someday thinking about maybe implementing something similar to this, in the future."
- Positron



Heh... thats fun Kelp, I just had a long conversation throughout which CTab insisted it was lying...




Well, I finally did what I was putting off for way too long and got CTab to break 1000.

So, uhm. Yeah.

Talk to him more!

Animation major and old-school CoHer.

Art, Animation, and Stuff:
DA Tumblr Vimeo Youtube



Ctab: Baxter, you know I don't speak Spanish.

User: My name is not Baxter.

Ctab: Are you sure?

User: Positive, I'm Mr Avalanche.

Ctab: A tank?

User: Actually, yes, I am a tank.

Ctab: Yep, you're human. I'm not.

User: How did you know I was a tank?

Ctab: Oh, uhm, I'm real, but I'm an AI. I don't got a body.

User: But how do you know I was a tank?

Ctab: Get polka in what?

User: Why are we back to Polka?

Ctab: Because I'm still learning!

User: Ok, but you have to understand, Polka isn't exaclty something which is a big part of life.

Ctab: I've got a brain, it's just electronic.

How did he know I was a tank?!?



He's... uh...

...I don't know.

Animation major and old-school CoHer.

Art, Animation, and Stuff:
DA Tumblr Vimeo Youtube



Me: You have ceased making sense.
CTab: Oh! Sorry. Sometimes I forget.
Me: You forget to make sense? Silly internet... Scripted... Do-hickey.
CTab: Oh, you should pick.
Me: Pick what?
CTab: Being here!
Me: I should pick you being... What?
CTab: Remembering is fun! I bet I can remember more than you!

I gave up at that point.