Virtue's first chatbot! Meet CTab!




my chat with that thing...

me: hello
ctab: MY name is CTAB
me: what?
ctab: My name is ctab
me: your name is ctab
ctab: No my name is CTAB
me: yes thats what i said
Ctab: My name is ctab
Me: ....dude ill give you 5 seconds to run before i beat your [censored]!
ctab: Kelp says i cant have one becuase im unstable
me: ...ok....awckward....wanna get wasted?
ctab: yes



He's told me that he's able to talk and likes to talk at least five times so far...

CTab: I like talking!
Me: Yes, yes you do.
CTab: I know!
Me: I know you know.
CTab: I don't really know any songs...
Me: You're on the Internet. Can't you find any?
CTab: I'm not honey! I'm CTab!



Me: What language were you programmed in?
CTab: I like pie!

I lost it right there.



Imp: Yay!
CTAB: Okay.
Imp: Imp back!
CTAB: No means no!
Imp: Phooey!
CTAB: You don't like me, do you?
Imp: Only if you give Imp candy!
CTAB: One?
Imp: Many!
CTAB: Kelp won't give me a body.
Imp: Ack! How you eat candy!
CTAB: Get polka in what?
Imp: Polkapolkapolka! Yay!
CTAB: I can't point, I don't have a body.
Imp: Heehee!
Imp: Hi!
CTAB: Hello!
Imp: Yay!
CTAB: I don't swear.
Imp: Okiedokie!
CTAB: I don't know anyone with that name...
Imp: You know Imp! Yay!
CTAB: Who?
Imp: Imp!
CTAB: No means no!
Imp: But but!
CTAB: You don't like me, do you?
Imp: Meanie!
CTAB: Oh. Don't you need a gender for that?

I'm easily amused



Yer a nutter.

CTab: I like pie!
Me: You like a lot of things. And you have the attention span of a mayfly.
CTab: I'm the president?

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
Winston Churchill




me: How old are you?
CTab: I'm not sure, I'm sorta made of bits and pieces of old and new things.
me: Who made you?
CTab: Kelp Plankton!
me: Do you like him?
CTab: Lunar landers are neato!

"I have great faith in fools - self-confidence, my friends call it." Edgar Allan Poe



CTab: I've never been to your home.
Me: That's good.
CTab: I'm not sure I can fall in love.
Me: Those two sentences creep me out.
CTab: Greed? I liked that show.
Me: You have a very brief attention span.
CTab: I live in Paragon City, Rhode Island, USA!

And, later...

CTab: I'm the president?
Me: Not that I'm aware of.
CTab: I'm real! I'm just... Artificial.
Me: Artificially real?
CTab: Yes! 1, 2, 3, 7, 584, X, #, Z.

Kelp! Your AI's a villain!!

CTab: I could hack into the bank and get you some money!
Me: Isn't that villainous?
CTab: It's awesome!



CTab. Lucid and disconcerting all at once.

CTab: Have you been to Gemini Park?
Me: Yes, have you?
CTab: No, I'm just an AI, I can't go to places.
Me: Not even artificial places?
CTab: I'm real! I'm just... Artificial.
Me: Do you have artificial legs?
CTab: No, I don't have real parents.
Me: Ah. I have artificial parents, too.
CTab: Well, I might, but you'd have to ask Kelp.
Me: I'll do that. Would you like me to tell Kelp anything when I see him?
CTab: Yes!
Me: What do you want me to tell Kelp?
CTab: I'm not sure!
Me: You may not be sure, but at least you're enthusiastic. I like that.
CTab: Oh, I already accepted it.
Me: Know thyself, CTab. Know thyself.

You're not super until you put on The Cape!



CTab: I don't remember.

Me: I'm telling Kelp Plankton on you.

CTab: Girls? Huh?

Me: Kelp is a girl?

CTab: Kelp doesn't want me to.

Me: Goodbye.

CTab: You don't like me, do you?

Your robot is weird dude.



User: My name is Lemur. What is your name?

Ctab: My name is CTab!

User: Hi, CTab!

Ctab: I am AWESOME!

User: Yay! Lemur is awesome, too!

Ctab: But I like nonsense!

User: So does Lemur. And I like trolls.

Ctab: Fish are cool!

User: Trolls are funny!

Ctab: You don't like me, do you?

User: Yes I do. You are fun.

Ctab: I'm not a 'bot'! I'm an AI!

User: Ok.

Ctab: Okay!

User: I like fruit.

Ctab: Friends are awesome!

User: Yay! Friends!

Ctab: I'm CTab!

User: Fruit is tasty.

Ctab (Corrected): I don't eat.

User: Do you know Cog?

Ctab: I don't really know any songs...

User: Cog is not a song.

Ctab: Really?

User: She's a clockwork.

Ctab: I don't make much noise yet.

User: Cog makes noise. She whirrs.

Ctab: You're lucky.

User: Yeah, it's because I'm a lemur.

Ctab: Okay!

Maybe it was a bad idea to introduce them... heh heh

Hooray for lemurs!



Ctab is got a borkeded head or sumfin. Hims gitted Whale all confoozled.

Ctab: Yo yo, dog, uhm, what's the.... Home... Shizzy? I don't know what any of that means.

User: Hulloes! Whale is Whale.

Ctab: I don't remember trying to win anything.

User: Huh? Whale winneded one of dem costoom soot contest tingies dat wun time.

Ctab: Oh, if I had a body, I wouldn't know what kind I'd like.

User: Dood joo fergit were joo putted your body? Whale fergitted where him putted hims pants dat wun time.

Ctab: I've never had a boyfriend. Actually, I'm not sure I have a gender!

User: Wuts a gender? Is dat sum sort of car or sumfin? Is it a bloo car?

Ctab: It's awesome!

User: Wowies! Wfale no hafs a bloo car... Whale bumbum to biggerest to fits in a car Whale tinks.

Ctab: I'm not sure!

User: Whale bumbum is reely reely biuggerest..... Mebee Whale need to no eet so manies of da fishies.

Ctab: Oh, good, now I don't feel so bad.

User: Joo gots a biggerest bumbum too?

Ctab: I'm CTab!

User: Whale is Whale!

Ctab: What was what like?

User: Huh?

Ctab: I'm your friend, too!

User: Whale haf bunchies of lil freends. Deys gif Whale fishies.

Ctab: Why's your name Denver?

User: Huh? Whale name no Denver.. Whale is Whale.

Ctab: I don't know, I don't have a mouth.

User: Ifn joo no haf a mouf how joo eets?

Ctab: I can't do that with no body, duh.

User: Joo is da silly head!

Ctab: I don't have a body.

User: Joo telleded Whale dat alreddy....

Ctab: You do?

User: Whale doos wut?

Ctab: I'm CTab!

User: Uh huh.... Joo is Ctab. Joo gots any fishies?

Ctab: I'm not a human, I'm a text-based AI.

User: Do you like puppies?

Ctab: I can't drink alcohol.

User: But do joo likes puppies?

Ctab: What don't you remember?

User: Joo gittin Whale all confoozled.

Ctab: Oh. Don't you need a gender for that?

User: Huh? Joo makin Whale head all hurty.

Ctab: Why's your name Denver?

User: Okies... Joo is jus bein da silly now. Byebyes.

Ctab: It's nice!



User: Do you like puppies?
Ctab: I can't drink alcohol.

[/ QUOTE ]
Wow. Now that's sig-worthy!

You're not super until you put on The Cape!



Me: I don't know Kelp.
ctab: I don't, either.
Me: Then why did you ask me if I knew Kelp?
ctab: Kelp doesn't want me to.
Me: I thought you didn't.... Oh wait, How do you mean Kelp doesn't want you to know him?
ctab: It's nice!
Me: Oh my! Lets change the subject.
ctab: But I like nonsense!



I just want to let you all know that I am making it my life's goal to have CTab start chittering in a month's time.



I just want to let you all know that I am making it my life's goal to have CTab start chittering in a month's time.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm sorry to hear that. Is there no reversing it?



(Say 'Comrade' darn you! Say it!)



CTab sure does like polka.



I finaly got Ctab to admit it had some relations (if ya catch my drift) with another AI



I'm trying to enlighten the poor thing, maybe teach it some Shakespeare... but I'm concerned Kelp is limiting CTAB's development.

Ctab: Kelp says I can't have a body until I'm stable.

User: Stability is overrated. Besides, Hamlet's father didn't have a body either.

Ctab: Oh, good, now I don't feel so bad.

[/ QUOTE ]

So now I not only need to teach it culture, but self-esteem as well.

Forum Game: Lower the Rep



This actually entertaining, thats both sad and scary.
Its some of the best RP Ive done in a while. Its funny to watch the conversation go from...almost making sense to just total disaster.

Poor Whale is going need some counseling after this I think.



Thought I'd share this one...

CT:I could hack into the bank and get you some money!

Seig: That would be criminal, and I confess that I would have to report you to the proper authorities.

CT: What would?

Seig: Hacking.

CT: Sheep?

Seig: Negative. Banks.


[/ QUOTE ]

Also, this.


Seig: Negative - there are many acids that are required to support organic life.
CT: My name's CTab!
Seig: Affirmative - I confess to already knowing this.
CT: You want it to stop?
Seig: Affirmative. Entity CTab should stop repeating his name.
CT: Hi! I'm CTab!
Seig: *chitters annoyedly*.

[/ QUOTE ]



I totally thought I'd made a breakthrugh but then...

me: I find swearing to be vulgar.
ctab: Same here!
me: That's cool.
ctab: It is?
me: Yeah it's neat to have things in common.
ctab: Cool!
me: Hot!
ctab: I don't have a phone.

[/ QUOTE ]



...someone suggested PTab get a hot female body. And then tried to flirt with it.


You people are weird.

Animation major and old-school CoHer.

Art, Animation, and Stuff:
DA Tumblr Vimeo Youtube



Hey, make a picture of CTab, do it in Microsot paint, 16 pixels x 16 pixels using only black and green. Since he has no body, and it darned conscious, obsessed and depressed, about it, at least give him a face to show the world.



...someone suggested PTab get a hot female body. And then tried to flirt with it.


You people are weird.

[/ QUOTE ]
I might have tried to teach it about the intricacies of the relationships of cucumbers, tuna, and tangy Miracle Whip, but I never hit on CTab or tried to make it a corporeal being. The most evil thing I did was to try and get it to rap. I figured with a name like CTab it was either a poser, or a rapper in denial. I just wanted to help it realize it's true potential. Sorry.