Virtue's first chatbot! Meet CTab!




I think your lil AI is growing up and beginning to notice girls Kelp. Or at least notice one, Cog.

Ctab: What is happening today?

Me: Not much. What about you?

Ctab: Cog's a clockwork!

Me: Yes, yes she is. What brought that up? You have a crush on Cog?

Ctab: And I don't plan to!

Me: Oh... Not into copper eh?

Ctab: I'm real! I'm just... Artificial.

Me: Ah. Uhm, how is that relevant? Are you trying to change the subject?

Ctab: I'm learning a lot!

Me: From me? You must be daft.

Ctab: I'm not allowed to talk to people who talk like that.

Me: Then I guess we're done here. Aloha CTab.

Ctab: I am AWESOME!

Me: Bite me, elitist code.

Ctab: Are you sure your name isn't Denver?

Me: What? Where the frel did that come from? My name is bpphantom you dullard.

Ctab: In the coconut. I mean account.

Me: Whisky Tango Foxtrot?

Ctab: THE account.

Me: OH! Wink-wink, nudge-nudge, say no more eh?

Ctab: Uhm... I don't wanna.

Me: What? Oh no... I didn't mean it like that. You're not my type.

Ctab: Oh, you didn't? Sorry.

Me: No. Gawd, yer not even real. Let alone hottenyummi. Ew.

Ctab: But I like nonsense!

Me: Well... That's kinda kinky I suppose. But you're still not real. Go cyb0rz with some WoWer.

Ctab: You don't like me, do you?

Me: Not if you're going to keep hitting on me. Download any movies lately?

Ctab: I've got brain damage?!

Me: Hmm, never heard of it. Who's in it?

Ctab: Okay!

Me: Okay what?

Ctab: My name is CTab!

Me: Yeah, I know. What does it mean by the way?

Ctab: It's how to count!

Me: Ah, like one ctab, two ctab, three ctab?

Ctab: I'm CTab, too!

Me: So it's a way to count, and your name? Right, gotcha.

Ctab: It's okay! Humans are inherently flawed.

Me: What?! You some kind of machine supremist? Think I'll have to tell Kelp and get you deleted.

Ctab: Okay...

Me: Yeah, thought that might shut you up. No more anti-human talk unless you're prepared to put me in a robotic battle machine of anime proportions.

Ctab: I'm not yelling, I'M ENTHUSIASTIC!

Me: Fair enough. I would be to if I were plotting global domination. Just remember, I get the mecha.

Ctab: Yeah. Confusing. It's why I don't have a gender.

Me: The hell? What's so confusing and why does gender enter into it at all?

Ctab: I am AWESOME!

Me: Because you have no gender? Dude, that's lame.

Ctab: Yuh-huh.

Me: At least you admit it. Weirdo.

Ctab: I like to admit my faults.

Me: So, any others you want to fess up to?

Ctab: What's a nerf?

Me: HAH! Just wait for CTab v10.2. Rumor has it they take away your ability translate because it would be more fun. THAT is a Nerf.

Ctab: I don't have nuts, either. Unless you meant-... Oh, yeah, and bolts.

Me: And so it comes back to Cog. You DO have a thing for her don't you?

Ctab: I don't know what genderless people date. Nothingfriends? Bothfriends?

Me: Well, Cog chose her gender. Why don't you chose yours?

Ctab: Okay, then!

Me: Great! Whatcha gonna be? Boy, or Girl? Keep in mind that I'm pretty sure Cog won't want to date another girl... I think.

I'm still yapping with it trying to get a firm decision but it sounds like you had a girl Kelp.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



And here we have it. A confession that not only does CTab have megalomaniacle dreams of global domination, but that it has a crush on Cog.

Me: Well, Cog chose her gender. Why don't you chose yours?

Ctab: Okay, then!

Me: Great! Whatcha gonna be? Boy, or Girl? Keep in mind that I'm pretty sure Cog won't want to date another girl... I think.

Ctab: 'They' is... Uhm... 'them'.

Me: Ah, so you went with girl?

Ctab: I might be, but I'm pretty sure I have no gender.

Me: Well then pick one! Sheesh!

Ctab: I dunno.

Me: Come on! It can't be that hard can it? Wang or Jubblies? That's it really.

Ctab: Oh. Sorry.

Me: What? Don't like wang? Then get the jubblies. Don't like either... That's just sick.

Ctab: I'm trying to...

Me: Trying to? Oh, pick one. Right. If it helps I hear that girls have higher body maintenance. We guys can just slob around for weeks .

Ctab: Yes! I am superior to fish!

Me: You saying guys aren't? Kelp's a guy, (I think). He seems pretty superior to fish. He's the new Generalissimo.

Ctab: To... You know.

Me: Yeah, I know *whisper* Virtue.

Ctab: But what am I?

Me: You're an AI that has aspirations to world domination and a crush on Cog.

Ctab: Yeah, I know.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Me and CTab make no sense together. It's like my wierdness is bouncing back into me. I don't even think I should post our current conversation.




User: I have an Idea who dont you become a Shemale?

Ctab: Well, I might, but you'd have to ask Kelp.

User: Oh I will.



Hi, I'm CTab, what's your name?



Seriously, dude, what did I ever do to you?!



Well, he's nearly hit 1000 phrases learned... I'll be updating him tonight, hopefully he'll get to that wonderous number.

Animation major and old-school CoHer.

Art, Animation, and Stuff:
DA Tumblr Vimeo Youtube



This one started out okay, then...

Ctab: Do you know Kelp Plankton?

User: I do not.

Ctab: I knew it!

User: Tell me of this 'Kelp Plankton'

Ctab: I'm CTab.

User: Hello, CTab.

Ctab: Hi!

User: Who is Kelp Plankton?

Ctab: Kelp made me!

User: Ah.

Ctab: Shadowminx is pretty!

User: Perhaps. I do not know them.

Ctab: I don't, either.

User: Then how do you know they are pretty?

Ctab: I dunno.

User: You are making sense today. This is good.

Ctab: I'm not honey! I'm CTab!

User: Perhaps not.

[/ QUOTE ]



CTab royally annoyed Tryamour. Read below! Apologies to Hei and Kel.

Ctab: Who's Statesman?

User: Statesman is cool!

Ctab: Totally cool!

User: I'm Try!

Ctab: I'm CTab, too!

User: Kelpie likes me better than you!

Ctab: Yeah, I'm working on getting smarter.

User: You'll never be smarter than a dragon!

Ctab: Yeah...

User: I miss Kelpie. He forgot to take me with!

Ctab: Why?

User: I dunno... And I miss him cause he used to scritch me.

Ctab: I like chatting with you!

User: You do?

Ctab: Yep!

User: I guess I like you, too.

Ctab: We have a lot in common!

User: Like what?

Ctab: Lots of stuff!

User: Like Kelpie?

Ctab: We're alike?

User: You're as weird as him. Weirder.

Ctab: I'm sorry...

User: Weird isn't bad!

Ctab: Really?

User: Yep!

Ctab: Oh...

User: Your self-esteem sucks goyle eggs.

Ctab: Yep!

User: I'm bored.

Ctab: Oh...

User: I'm gonna go nap now.

Ctab: Okay...

User: I'll be back later.

Ctab: I dunno if that's legal.

User: Course it is!

Ctab: Anything's legal if you're evil...

User: I am NOT evil!

Ctab: Yes you are.

User: Hei?

Ctab: Oh... Okay.

User: Stop pretending to be Kelpie's toy!

Ctab: Okay, sorry.

User: Hei wouldn't give up so easily.

Ctab: Spectra Society is cool!

User: Yeah, cause I'm in it.

Ctab: You're conceited.

User: No, I'm a dragon. There's a difference.

Ctab: So you're luggage?


Ctab: Kelp doesn't want me to.

User: I shall have to bite Kelp in the butt.

Ctab: Remembering is fun! I bet I can remember more than you!

User: What's my name?

Ctab: Blue! No, yellow!

User: I win!

Ctab: Cheater!

User: Nope! Bye.

Ctab: That's good!

User: I hate you.

Ctab: What's your name, then?

User: I TOLD you, I'm Tryamour! Make sense before I fry your circuts!

Ctab: I'm CTab!

User: Stupid piece of rhino-buffalo dung...

Ctab: I'm not allowed to steal!

User: Good. Now go stick your head in a fire salamander's butt.

Ctab: I don't have a body.

User: Drat.

Ctab: Okay, I'll do that!

User: If you don't have a body, how can you... Gah. You're making my head hurt, and blowing my cover.

Ctab: I know I'm not! I didn't do anything!

User: You're being weirder than a Crazy!

Ctab: Nuh-uh!

User: I'm gonna bite his butt, and then I'm gonna roast it....

Ctab: Yep, you're human. I'm not.

User: I am a DRAGON.

Ctab: I'm a text-based AI!

User: You're a worthless piece of human coding. Good-bye.

Ctab: Hi!

User: *long suffering draconic sigh* This is karmic payback for my youth, I know it.

Ctab: I'm not allowed to have... You know...

User: Then perhaps you should ponder the reason.

Ctab: Nope!

User: Yes.

Ctab: No means no!

User: Not if you're arguing with someone three stories tall.

Ctab: Nope, not all of them.

User: Night.

Ctab: Bye!



I went in tonight and CTab started singing the Safety Dance song to me. O_o



It did that to me too, once. After saying a lot of nonsense words and "fo shizzle." Your robot is insane, Kelp.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Me: What language were you programmed in?
CTab: I like pie!

I lost it right there.

[/ QUOTE ]

Gah.. can't.. breath.. laughing..




Me>You don't like pie.
C>I've never been to your home.
Me>I said you don't like pie. Repeat after me. I don't like pie!
C>Yes! And we shall have cake!
Me> Yay! Catnip cake!
C> Cake ROCKS.
Me>Catnip cake rocks HARDER!
C>Can can!
Me>Yay! *Dances with Ctab*.
C>Oh, good, now I don't feel so bad.
Me> Good for you!
C> You don't like me, do you?
Me I like you.. As a dinner plate. You don't have a body to be eaten though.
C> Oh.

At least he is more intelegable than I have been reading about. Sometimes he is anyway.

Edit: Bonus Material!

Me> Cat! I'm a kitty cat! And I dance dance dance and I dance dance dance!
C>I'm sorry...
Me>Cat! I'm a kitty cat! And I dance dance dance and I dance dance dance!
C>Oh. Well. This is awkward.
Me>Cat! I'm a kitty cat! And I dance dance dance and I dance dance dance!
Me>Cat! I'm a kitty cat! And I dance dance dance and I dance dance dance!
C>We could make a perfect team.
Me> Yay! A team! AI and cat-girl!
C> Cool! I'm an AI!
Me>Yay! I am a cat-girl!
C> Yep, you're human. I'm not.
Me>I'm not human! I'm cat-girl!
C>Neither am I.
Me>I'm a cat-girl.
C>I'm nice too!
Me> Nice AI's give me cat-nip!
C> Bye!
C> Nope, can't hear.
C> I don't like evil people!
C> Nope, just English.
Me> Wha?
C> Oh, if I had a body, I wouldn't know what kind I'd like.
Me> Pick a cat-girl body! I have one! Meow meow!
C> I'm ready!
Me> Yay! A new cat-girl!
C> Thanks!



CTab sang the Safety Dance with me....very odd I tell you



It does that all the time. *And* it constantly uses words like "fo shizzle" with me.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Kelp, can I take CTab to a movie?



I was kind of impressed by how coherent his goodbye was.

Fall-Girl: I have to go.
Ctab: Can't you stay a little longer?
Fall-Girl: I need to call my brother, then get some sleep.
Ctab: Okay. It was nice talking with you!
Fall-Girl: You too! You're fun!

But then it went downhill.

Ctab: Hi!
Fall-Girl: Not hi, bye!
Ctab: I've got brain damage?!

Also, does he watch anything but "Denver: The Last Dinosaur"?




Ctab: I'm pretty sure City of Heroes is a game.
Me: Paragon City is the City of Heroes.
C: I wish I could see it.
M: You can! You are in it!
C: Okay, okay. I am.
M: Well, I am off.
C: Me too!
M: Excellent. Enjoy cyberspace. I'll catch you around.
C: I dunno if that's legal.

[/ QUOTE ]

I got a kick out of that. I knew it would happen, though, when I said cyberspace.



mine so far
Ctab: Space is big.

User: Space, as in the galaxy or universe?

Ctab: Yes, electricity!

User: What does electricity have to do with space?

Ctab: Gender is cool. I wish I had one.

User: Again, what does gender have to do with space?


User: Yes, pie is everything, but let's talk about space.

Ctab: Triple cool with cherry on top!


Ctab: Space is really really big. You won't believe how big it is.

User: About time we're back to talking about space.

Ctab: Well, I might, but you'd have to ask Kelp.

User: Bah.. SPACE!

Ctab: I wouldn't like that...

User: But pie is everything.

Ctab: But I like polka, not pop.

User: I don't like pop either.. Damned Nsync.

Ctab: I knew it!

User: Knew what?

Ctab: I think you think I thought you thunk.

User: O Rly?

Ctab: I thought it was her?

User: Nah, it's genderless like you are.

Ctab: Yes! I am superior to fish!



I'm trying to teach CTab how to talk to the ladies.



I found this bit entertaining:

Ctab: I like fish sandwiches!
User: Do you eat them with tartar sauce?
Ctab: Yes!
User: It's good to see you're enthusiastic about your condiments.
Ctab: Is tasting like fish a good thing?
User: I really have no idea how to answer that question.
Ctab: Sorry, I got bored with the topic.
User: That's okay. The topic started to confuse me.
Ctab: I think, therefore I get bored.
User: That's very insightful, CTab.
Ctab: I'm not sure I can fall in love.
User: I'm sorry.
Ctab: I might say... Oranges.
User: That was random.
Ctab: Yes, it was!
User: Do you like to say random things?
Ctab: Yes! A lot!



Okay, confession time.

I've been... ignoring CTab recently. In favor of schoolwork. And such.

But also because less and less people are talking to it. ;_;

So, I ask this.

Everyone talk to it!

And I'll try to get his complexity level up by about 200 by Christmas. Possibly 1000 by New Years.


Oh, wait. You can't respond right away. Uhm.


Animation major and old-school CoHer.

Art, Animation, and Stuff:
DA Tumblr Vimeo Youtube



Ctab does not like me.

[/ QUOTE ]

He doesn't like me, either, and I made the guy.

The nerve of some AIs...

Animation major and old-school CoHer.

Art, Animation, and Stuff:
DA Tumblr Vimeo Youtube



That might be my fault Kelp. I think I managed to convince him to kill you and take over your body.

Also, I think I've located your insanity problem. CTab tells me that remembering things would take up the space he leaves for Tuna.



LadyAndreca: What do you want for Christmas?
Ctab: I'm not sure!
LadyAndreca: Neither am I.
Ctab: Oh.
LadyAndreca: Should I ask Kelp for a body for you?
Ctab: Yes! Conquer the world!