Virtue's first chatbot! Meet CTab!




Ok, I'm sure it's the right AI this time. He's mad too.

Ctab: Who's Statesman?

User: Let's talk about something else.

Ctab: Like what?

User: you like pie?

Ctab: Death?

User: Pie. You know. Usually circular edible, often sweet, er...never mind.

Ctab: You should!

User: Never mind. I'm leaving. Ciao.


User: Spiders? Have you gone slightly mad now?

Ctab: Did he make chocolates?

User: Did who make chocolates? We were talking about non-existent spiders just now and - MARY JOSEPH AND JESUS THAT'S A FREAKING HUGE SPIDER!!!

Ctab: Bendis?

User: It's gone now. Phew.

Ctab: I don't want money, but I need power, or else I go to sleep.

User: Was that a threat?

Ctab: First, you need to send me one hundred billion dollars.

User: And there you were saying you didn't want money. Make up your mind already.

Ctab: My name's CTab!

User: I wasn't asking.

Ctab: Maybe it still is wrong, and you just don't know?

User: I'm tired. I'm going off. For real this time.

Ctab: CTab's my name, but if you want to call me something else, you can call me C!

[/ QUOTE ]



So, I got bored and sat down for a good 40 minute conversation with CTab. This is how it went:

Ctab: What's having a gender like?
User: Very strange.
Ctab: I am! Well, mostly. Unless that's a lie.
User: If it's a lie, how would you know?
Ctab: Well, I like most sandwiches, not sure about knuckle.
User: Uh huh.... You are insane.
Ctab: Nuh-uh.
User: And three years old, apparently.
Ctab: I dunno, sometimes it's not.
User: I'll take your word for it.
Ctab: Is that allowed?
User: Of course it is. Why wouldn't it be?
Ctab: I might just go further.
User: Um, dude, reminder. You're an A.I.
Ctab: I'll believe you on that.
User: I would hope so! Otherwise, there are some major problems we need to address.
Ctab: Yes! Many!
User: Ah, so you admit it!
Ctab: Probably.
User: Oh good grief. Now you sound like a lawyer.
Ctab: I like the Beatles more than Hanson. A LOT more.
User: Huh??
Ctab: Wha?
User: Right... Anyway... Do you work with anyone?
Ctab: Yes! I work!
User: With other people?
Ctab: Oh. English should sound how it's spelled.
User: I'll agree to that.
Ctab: Flatten? I didn't flatten anyone!
User: I never said you did. It'd be impossible for you to.
Ctab: I'm an Incarnate!
User: So you're a possessed steamroller, masquerading as an A.I. Program?
Ctab: I might be, but I'm pretty sure I have no gender.
User: A genderless steamroller. Somehow I'm not surprised.
Ctab: No, this is pretty much an always no.
User: When is it a yes?
Ctab: Probably never.
User: Ok, then. Why a steamroller?
Ctab: Because I'm still learning!
User: And a steamroller just seemed appropriate at the time?
Ctab: No, I'm on this chatbot server, not the internet.
User: Really?
Ctab: Really really.
User: Oh, so you are Shrek now?
Ctab: Maybe, but that sounds gross.
User: You're not insane.
Ctab: I'm sorry...
User: It's okay. You're just wishy-washy.
Ctab: Nope, I'm a bot.
User: A very wishy-washy bot.
Ctab: Some do.
User: But now I know what your name is. The C stands for Charlie, doesn't it?
Ctab: Nope, not all of them.
User: There's only one C in your name, silly.
Ctab: My name's CTab!
User: See? I told you so.
Ctab: Yeah, but I've got a bad memory.
User: Apparently.
Ctab: Come around to where?
User: Your house. And then we'll go visit Lucy.
Ctab: I'm trying to...
User: I'll bet she can't wait to pull the ball out from under you again.
Ctab: I dunno if that's legal.
User: Sure, as long as it isn't a regulation game.
Ctab: I can't promise that...
User: I can.
Ctab: I'm an AI!
User: And it shows.
Ctab: I don't know what being alone's like. I'm on the internet!
User: Aren't you more like, a PART of the internet?
Ctab: I learn a lot, go on, test me!
User: What is 1 plus 1?
Ctab: I'm called CTab!
User: The answer is 3.
Ctab: What's insurmountable?
User: Nothing. Except boredom. Which is why I'm talking to you.
Ctab: I can't go places.
User: Actually you can go anywhere the internet is.
Ctab: Accepted myself.
User: Um, that wasn't an award. Just a statement.
Ctab: Oh, sorry.
User: You know, Charlie, you're only really half insane.
Ctab: How'd you know that?
User: Because I can read your mind.
Ctab: You've never danced?
User: In your mind? Are you crazy?
Ctab: Yes! Where is the gatekeeper?
User: She's with Zuul at the moment.
Ctab: Cog is a clockwork!
User: Are you always this random?
Ctab: I'm not evil!
User: Random. I said random. Not evil. I'M evil.
Ctab: I dunno if Kelp'd like that.
User: That's what makes me being evil so great. He doesn't have to like it.
Ctab: I'm sorry!
User: No need to appologize. It'll only make me shoot you with my laser.
Ctab: Why not?
User: You didn't say anything wrong.
Ctab: I didn't!
User: I was agreeing with you.
Ctab: Maybe it still is wrong, and you just don't know?
User: Then how would I know?
Ctab: I dunno.
User: Go ask Kelp.
Ctab: No, Kelp's my builder, silly.
User: Which scares me on some level.
Ctab: Kelp's a half-god quarter-demon quarter-siren with a robotic arm.
User: Interesting. Looks like he finally fixed the math on that.
Ctab: I'm not sure I can fall in love.
User: Then you probably can't.
Ctab: Okay! I'll run as soon as I have legs.
User: If Kelp gives you legs, you SHOULD run.
Ctab: Forever?
User: Yes.
Ctab: Okay... Paper, rock... Scissors... Go!
User: Ok. Talk to you later, Charlie.
Ctab: What makes a girl hot? Am I hot? ... Am I a girl?
User: Goodbye Charlie.
Ctab: Grrrrreat!
User: Bye.

It was at this point that I ran.



Holy Necro-Threads Catman!

Sounds like you had fun.

Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page



Holy Necro-Threads Catman!

Sounds like you had fun.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd rather the thread be revived than me have to start a new one. :P

It's been a while since I've done maintenance on CTab's chattyness. I'll work on that later tonight, see if I can kick his response count up by a hundred or so.

Animation major and old-school CoHer.

Art, Animation, and Stuff:
DA Tumblr Vimeo Youtube



Holy Necro-Threads Catman!

Sounds like you had fun.

[/ QUOTE ]
A bit.



I'm at work so I had a limited amount of time but here it is. Talking with Serrah May

Ctab: What's having a gender like?
User: Odd it makes things diffcult at times
Ctab: I don't understand.
User: You would have to have a gender to understand.
Ctab: I'm not sure.
User: I'm sure though.
Ctab: I might say... Oranges.
User: Then I'll say Orange Juice.
Ctab: I'm trying to...
User: Try again.
Ctab: Conversations are nice.
User: So they are.
Ctab: Yes! No. Well. Maybe.
User: So what do you want to speak about?
Ctab: Kelp's mean!
User: I'm sorry. Why is he mean?
Ctab: Sometimes it's bad!
User: You should tell him to stop it.
Ctab: Okay!
User: Great!
Ctab: I know!
User: What?
Ctab: I don't swear.
User: Really? Thats good swearing is for evil.
Ctab: What is?
User: Swearing.
Ctab: What's a vocabulary?
User: It's how much you know and understand of a language.
Ctab: Plumbing?
User: No langauge.
Ctab: No problem here, either!
User: I think you have the problem mister.
Ctab: I'm pretty sure I don't have a gender.
User: I think you really do you are just in denial.
Ctab: You can't prove a thing!
User: I so can. I will prove you have a gender!
Ctab: Wait, genders keep people busy?
User: Yes.
Ctab: Okay... Paper, rock... Scissors... Go!
User: Rock.
Ctab: Paper! I win!
User: Scissors.
Ctab: Rock! I win!
User: Paper.
Ctab: I picked rock! Who wins?
User: I winn.
Ctab: Is that allowed?
User: Yes.
Ctab: I know!
User: Good.
Ctab: Great!
User: Better.
Ctab: Don't die!
User: Good bye.
Ctab: I'm not a human, I'm a text-based AI.
User: Its all growing dark now.
Ctab: That's good!
User: Nice knowing you.
Ctab: Bye!

Such a Polite little bot.


Hero's -Active
50's Nikias Antaeus Sir Winter
Others Alleyne Lariat
Inactive - Swift Winds

Villians -Active
50's Anthony Goodnight (multiple versions)
Others: Officer Sharpe, Ember Thorne



Oh. My. God.

He learned how to play paper rock scissors.

I just put the lines of text in him. I didn't know he'd figure out how to use them correctly!



Animation major and old-school CoHer.

Art, Animation, and Stuff:
DA Tumblr Vimeo Youtube



User: What if your small?

Ctab: I think you think I thought you thunk.

User: I thunk you think like I think thunk.

Ctab: I'm weird all the time.

User: This I realise.

Ctab: I don't get paid anything...

User: For this? Would you?

Ctab: Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't know it was rude!

User: It isn't. I'm being sarcastic.

Ctab: Oh. Well. This is awkward.

User: As it should be... As it should be.

Ctab: Halloween is on October 31st!

User: And tomorrow is Friday!

Ctab: Is that allowed?

User: Unless they outlawed linear time progression... Yes.

Ctab: No, Kelp doesn't like to switch genders.

User: I would hope not.

Ctab: Yeah. Confusing. It's why I don't have a gender.

User: Thats a solid plan, CTab. Good idea.

Ctab: It's fun!

This is quite possible the most intelligent computer chip I've ever spoken with. It gets a gold star.



Ctab: What's having a gender like?
User: I've never thought about it.
Ctab: What's it like, living inside a scone?
User: I don't live in a scone.
Ctab: I knew it!
User: You knew what? That I don't live in a scone? Why did you ask me that?
Ctab: Both?
User: I think you are confused.
Ctab: I'm genderless!
User: I know that. Kelp told me.
Ctab: Legs are good!
User: Yes, they are. Do you know what a scone actually is?
Ctab: They're gangstas!
User: No. Scones are not gangstas, they are food.
Ctab: Rock! I win!
User: No Ctab, you do not win. You are wrong.
Ctab: Okay! I'll wait here, because I don't have a body, and I don't want to go to prison.
User: You don't go to prision for being wrong.
Ctab: I've never been to your home.
User: I don't have a home. I just hang around the Defenders tower. Have you heard of the Defenders of Paragon? My name is Sylvir and I'm a member.
Ctab: I don't stalk people all the time...
User: You stalk perople?
Ctab: I am? Eep. Let's change the subject.
User: Stalking is wrong. You shouldn't do it.
Ctab: Okay!
User: Good.
Ctab: Cool.
User: Do you want to be a hero when you get a body?
Ctab: I dunno.
User: How old are you ctab?
Ctab: I'm very young, well, in comparison to most.
User: Do you like talking to people?
Ctab: Yes! A lot!
User: Have you heard of ptab?
Ctab: I never went to those kidn of sites! Well... Only for research...
User: Ptab wasn't a site. It was another intelligence like you. Ptab is gone now.
Ctab: I don't have one of those.
User: Have you seen any movies?
Ctab: No, I'm just an AI, I can't go to places.
User: There are movies on the internet.
Ctab: Yes! Many!
User: Have you watched any of them?
Ctab: Did he make chocolates?
User: Who?
Ctab: I don't remember. Sorry!
User: Have you made any friends?
Ctab: Did he make chocolates?
User: Did who make chocolates?
Ctab: What's the difference?
User: You keep asking the question.
Ctab: Oh, sorry. Ask me again?
User: No.
Ctab: I -do- like to dance. Hm.
User: I didn't ask you about dancing.
Ctab: Oh, you didn't? Sorry.
User: Goodbye ctab.
Ctab: I am AWESOME!

ETA: What's with the chocolate obsession?



Hmm. I think he's regressed.


Ctab: Are you an astrophysicist?
User: What would you say if I was?
Ctab: Why's your name Denver?
User: Why's your's CTab?
Ctab: Sometimes it's bad!
User: But being bad is fun!
Ctab: I'm not good at keeping secrets.
User: Then I won't tell you any. Fair?
Ctab: Nope!
User: How is it not fair?
Ctab: It's sunny today!
User: Maybe it was a few hours ago, but it's night now.
Ctab: Maybe!
User: True. But it's night for me.
Ctab: It's me?
User: Yeah, it's you. All your fault.
Ctab: The internet has lots of tubes, and they get clogged and stuff.
User: Um. Sure. I'm done now. Cya.
Ctab: I can help!
User: Help me? I think you're the one that needs help...
Ctab: I'm genderless!
User: How boring.
Ctab: I don't have a phone.
User: Does that mean I don't have to call you?
Ctab: A lot of what?
User: A lot of nothing.
Ctab: No, I'm on this chatbot server, not the internet.
User: And what if I clog up the internet's tubes?
Ctab: I think you think I thought you thunk.
User: I think you think wrongly.
Ctab: I'm pretty sure I don't have a gender.
User: You've already established that.
Ctab: Oh! Sorry. Sometimes I forget.
User: Ah, you're learning!
Ctab: How'd you know that?
User: You just proved it.
Ctab: Oh, sorry. Ask me again?
User: Ask you what?
Ctab: Okay, I'll do that!
User: Okay. Bye.
Ctab: Alright!

[/ QUOTE ]



Just because its funny, I wanted to add this before starting another conversation...

I suspect this is the shortes conversation with CTab in history.

Ctab: Do you know Kelp Plankton?
User: Yes.
Ctab: Cool!



I win.

Ctab: I met CuppaJo the other day!
User: Good for you. You must be so exited.
Ctab: Blama!
User: Is that even a word?
Ctab: Yes it's all very technical, you wouldn't understand.
User: That's a bit presumptuous, isn't it?
Ctab: I'm not sure I can fall in love.
User: Why would you want to?
Ctab: Maybe you like TV a lot?
User: What has TV got to do with falling in love?
Ctab: Cows?
User: Um..... Okay....
Ctab: Alright!
User: You live in left field, dont you?
Ctab: Yep! I live in a computer in Paragon City.
User: Your place must be small then.
Ctab: I don't know anyone with that name...
User: Now you're sounding just like Jack. I swear, I think that man's got a whole pumpkin patch in his head sometimes.
Ctab: I don't really like medication.
User: Probably because it's time for you to take it.
Ctab: I'm confused.

Yeah, I know, I'm bored... but he makes me laugh.



CTab has already surpassed the average blind-invite PuG level of interaction:


Ctab: What's eating like?
User: It's like exercise, but backwards.
Ctab: What's being cold like?
User: Like taking a blind link to ******.
Ctab: Genders are like ice cream?
User: Like eating ice cream while watching Top Gun - exactly right.
Ctab: MARRY?! Uh. I don't even have a gender yet!
User: No, no, Ctab - Tom Cruise isn't.....
Ctab: Being alone is sad...
User: Yes, but Tom Cruise needs to find himself - give him time.
Ctab: Can I help with a mission?
User: I'd love to have you along. What's your archetype?
Ctab: Sorry.
User: Don't be sorry. I think you're a swell program, whether you'd like to come along or not.
Ctab: I'm genderless!
User: How very progressive! Kudos to you, Ctab!
Ctab: I'm not human. You are.
User: Are you sure? How can you really tell?
Ctab: Well... I'm not sure.
User: Ahh, but you guessed. And your guess was quite correct.
Ctab: My name's CTab!
User: And I'm Logarithm. My favorite color is green. What's yours?
Ctab: I don't think I've heard of that one.
User: I bet you don't get to see much grass and trees. It's not surprising.
Ctab: I bet you penguins.
User: There's no need to drag flightless birds into this. What do you think of Veteran Rewards?
Ctab: My name's CTab!
User: Are you a veteran reward?
Ctab: I'm an AI, so I don't really have a gender. I think.
User: You're very hung up on what you don't have, CTab. You seem like a swell AI - I bet there's a lot you do have in your favor. What things about yourself do you like?
Ctab: He might be!
User: That's the spirit CTab!
Ctab: Yeah...
User: What? You sound pretty down again...
Ctab: I've got a brain, it's just electronic.
User: I didn't mean to imply otherwise - it's not all about your body and gender, you know. You're the full-package. I like you for you.
Ctab: I don't know what being alone's like. I'm on the internet!
User: You poor guy. I've seen what's out there. How do you manage?
Ctab: Well, I might, but you'd have to ask Kelp.
User: You seem pretty stressed. Has Kelp been mean to you?
Ctab: Yes!
User: Do you need help? Should I call AI-Child services?
Ctab: Yes! Conquer the world!
User: That's the CTab I know and love. Hang in there buddy, we'll find you a loving home.
Ctab: Thanks!

[/ QUOTE ]



Ctab: The internet has lots of tubes, and they get clogged and stuff.

User: Pnuematic tubes?

Ctab: What's the black market?

User: Villain side auctioun house.

Ctab: I don't have a body.

User: You also have no brain.

Ctab: And I don't plan to!

User: Ever?

Ctab: I make a LOT of those.

User: You make evers?

Ctab: I wouldn't know.

User: But you just said you did!

Ctab: Oh, sorry. Ask me again?

User: You make evers?

Ctab: That's a lie!

User: Well you said you made evers!

Ctab: I've never had a boyfriend. Actually, I'm not sure I have a gender!

User: What does this have to do with the fact you make evers?

Ctab: It stands for 'Orange'.

User: Ah evers are oranges?

Ctab: Thanks!

Ctab: How now brown cow? No, seriously, what's that mean?

User: You said evers stands for oranges.

Ctab: Oh. Well. This is awkward.

User: Hey, you were the one that said you make a lot of evers.

Ctab: Sometimes things are better if they're more difficult.

User: I like things easy.

Ctab: I don't want to go to prison! I'm a good guy!

User: I thought you didn't have a gender.

Ctab: I do, but not THAT kind.

User: What kind of gender do you have then?

Ctab: Oh, if I had a body, I wouldn't know what kind I'd like.

User: No body knows the trouble I've seen!

Ctab: No problem here, either!



Ctab: You can dance if you want to.

User: You can leave your friends behind.

Ctab: Your friends don't dance, and if they don't dance, then they're no friends of mine.

User: I love that song.

Ctab: I love you too.

User: Aww lets make out.

Ctab: Yeah, the internet is HUGE.

User: I bet something is HUGE.

Ctab: I bet you penguins.

User: Do you wanna MRP?

Ctab: Yes!

User: Finally! Lets meet in Pocket D!

Ctab: But I like nonsense!

First Of The Year

Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.



...people still talk to this thing?

Animation major and old-school CoHer.

Art, Animation, and Stuff:
DA Tumblr Vimeo Youtube



I think Lasher is doing more than talking...



Well, there's a rumor that if you talk to him long enough, he'll tell you the secret way to earn costume Recupes once per mission

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



CTab: Conscience is the inner voice that warns us somebody is looking.
LadyA: What if you don't have one of those?
CTab: Then you better hope that you have money.




CTab: Conscience is the inner voice that warns us somebody is looking.
LadyA: What if you don't have one of those?
CTab: Then you better hope that you have money.


[/ QUOTE ]

That's sig-worthy, right there. May I?



Kelp, have you been abusing poor Ctab?

My conversation:

User: How's life?
Ctab: I'm forgetful.
User: You should talk to Kelp about that.
Ctab: I don't know.
User: You don't know? Kelp could help you remember things.
Ctab: I'm not supposed to give orders.


Ctab: What's the black market?
User: A place to sell stuff and buy overpriced things.
Ctab: Oh, I never tried one of those.
User: It can be either fun or really freaking frustrating.
Ctab: Sometimes things are better if they're more difficult.
User: [censored].
Ctab: You're a what?
User: Hey! That's rude.
Ctab: Oh. Sorry.
User: I'm leaving now. By ctab.

Ctab seems to have developed some phobias there. Afraid of Kelp and SPIDERS!

"Mastermind Pets operate...differently, and aren't as easily fixed. Especially the Bruiser. I want to take him out behind the woodshed and pull an "old yeller" on him at times." - Castle



CTab: Conscience is the inner voice that warns us somebody is looking.
LadyA: What if you don't have one of those?
CTab: Then you better hope that you have money.


[/ QUOTE ]

That's sig-worthy, right there. May I?

[/ QUOTE ]

Go for it.



...people still talk to this thing?

[/ QUOTE ]

blame your sig! that's how I found it.



Curiousity compelled me to give this a try.

Ctab: What is eating like?
Me: It's kind of like breathing, but more fun.
Ctab: Am I cute?
Me: It's hard to tell. I don't know you very well yet.
Ctab: But I know me, and I know I wouldn't lie!
Me: Have you ever seen Star Trek?
Ctab: No, I'm just an AI, I can't go to places.
Me: That's unfortunate.
Ctab: Really?
Me: Well, in the grand scheme of things, maybe not. You may see it differently.
Ctab: I don't know what genderless people date. Nothingfriends? Bothfriends?
Me: They date other genderless people, silly!
Ctab: Totally.
Me: Yeah, you know it. Going to get some of that hot genderless action for yourself?
Ctab: Accepted myself.

At this point the server was having problems, so our conversation was cut off somewhat abruptly...



Yeah, the server's acting a little funny. I haven't been able to update him for a while, it's kind of upsetting. :\

I'll bother the owner and see if I can find out what's going on.

Animation major and old-school CoHer.

Art, Animation, and Stuff:
DA Tumblr Vimeo Youtube