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  1. The only way to solve this is THUNDERDOME!
  2. [ QUOTE ]

    What's Valium?


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    For you, it would be like having a nice yummy oyster on your tummy to crack open.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
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    Maybe people wouldn't attack them so much if they'd take some communications classes and do a MUCH better job talking to us about fixing major bugs like the crashing that's been effecting far too many of us since I8 was released TWO MONTHS ago? ...[snip]... they devs and moderators seem to be tone deaf to important issues effecting the game.

    [/ QUOTE ]Have you LOOKED in the Community/Dev Digest lately? There's been more posts by Castle, Positron, Statesman, Visigoth, et al, in the last two months than there was in the FIVE MONTHS before that! I mean, honestly. I think you're deliberately wearing blinders here.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There was a time when you couldn't enter a thread on this forum without tripping over a red name.

    The dev communication was unbelievable. Until some of them were no longer willing to put up with the hostility of some posters here in this forum.

    I miss Geko's posts.

    ** Leaves out a plate of cookies as Geko bait **
  4. A: Judas got banned? When?

    B: I'm definitely pre ED but it hasn't really bothered me. I don't spend my time worrying about little things like squeezing every last percentage point out of enhancements. To be quite honest, the only change ED brought that I actually noticed was I not longer had perma-hasten and I did a "slots only" respec to spread them out from things that no longer benefited from 6 slotting like stamina and health.

    I still have fun, and really, isn't that the entire point of all this?
  5. [ QUOTE ]
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    You know, to be honest, that wasn't that long ago and I haven't seen anything about it. So how about a little bit of politness or is that to hard for the 8 year olds that seem to hang out here sometimes.

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    They aren't being impolite. They're being sarcastic. And typical. And probably bored.

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    I call BS. No one is sarcastic on these boards. Ever.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    (O.o )
    (> < ) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh no ... Not Bunny again. Are you not aware of the Bunny sig wars that went on here?
  7. That's it.

    I'm officially miffed that the UK gets all the cool pictures/info/everything first.

    If this continues I may shift directly to perturbed.
  8. [ QUOTE ]

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    You're going to get a Poink! in the eye very soon....
  9. Call me crazy, but in looking through all the entries, several look NOTHING like the characters they are supposed to be. They only thing thay have in common is some shared colors.
  10. Gladius_NA

    Digital Inking

    [ QUOTE ]
    I got an Intuos3 6x8. I'm already in love...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Mines just a 4x6. I really need to use it more.
  11. Gladius_NA

    Digital Inking

    BTW Retropolitan, which tablet did you get?
  12. Gladius_NA

    Digital Inking

    Great googly moogly! It's raining tablets around here...
  13. [ QUOTE ]
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    I'm considering becoming one. It might generate more traffic to my website.

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    I really need to win the lottery so I can afford to commission some work from you.

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    That reminds me. I need to talk to Doug about a commish. Oh, and I need to win the lottery.

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    For a few years now I've had this image in my head of Gladius smashing through a door, shoulder first, surprising a room full of criminals. After seeing quite a few artists around here, Doug is on the short list of people I feel could do justice to the image.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm considering becoming one. It might generate more traffic to my website.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I really need to win the lottery so I can afford to commission some work from you.
  15. I've not updated in a while. I really should do something about that. Mostly fractal art.



    Buy something! Make that DA Print account worthwhile. Please?
  16. I've got a Wacom Intuos 3 that I hardly ever use. Maybe if I could actually draw worth a damn I'd find more uses for it.
  17. Ctab: What's having a gender like?
    User: I've never thought about it.
    Ctab: What's it like, living inside a scone?
    User: I don't live in a scone.
    Ctab: I knew it!
    User: You knew what? That I don't live in a scone? Why did you ask me that?
    Ctab: Both?
    User: I think you are confused.
    Ctab: I'm genderless!
    User: I know that. Kelp told me.
    Ctab: Legs are good!
    User: Yes, they are. Do you know what a scone actually is?
    Ctab: They're gangstas!
    User: No. Scones are not gangstas, they are food.
    Ctab: Rock! I win!
    User: No Ctab, you do not win. You are wrong.
    Ctab: Okay! I'll wait here, because I don't have a body, and I don't want to go to prison.
    User: You don't go to prision for being wrong.
    Ctab: I've never been to your home.
    User: I don't have a home. I just hang around the Defenders tower. Have you heard of the Defenders of Paragon? My name is Sylvir and I'm a member.
    Ctab: I don't stalk people all the time...
    User: You stalk perople?
    Ctab: I am? Eep. Let's change the subject.
    User: Stalking is wrong. You shouldn't do it.
    Ctab: Okay!
    User: Good.
    Ctab: Cool.
    User: Do you want to be a hero when you get a body?
    Ctab: I dunno.
    User: How old are you ctab?
    Ctab: I'm very young, well, in comparison to most.
    User: Do you like talking to people?
    Ctab: Yes! A lot!
    User: Have you heard of ptab?
    Ctab: I never went to those kidn of sites! Well... Only for research...
    User: Ptab wasn't a site. It was another intelligence like you. Ptab is gone now.
    Ctab: I don't have one of those.
    User: Have you seen any movies?
    Ctab: No, I'm just an AI, I can't go to places.
    User: There are movies on the internet.
    Ctab: Yes! Many!
    User: Have you watched any of them?
    Ctab: Did he make chocolates?
    User: Who?
    Ctab: I don't remember. Sorry!
    User: Have you made any friends?
    Ctab: Did he make chocolates?
    User: Did who make chocolates?
    Ctab: What's the difference?
    User: You keep asking the question.
    Ctab: Oh, sorry. Ask me again?
    User: No.
    Ctab: I -do- like to dance. Hm.
    User: I didn't ask you about dancing.
    Ctab: Oh, you didn't? Sorry.
    User: Goodbye ctab.
    Ctab: I am AWESOME!

    ETA: What's with the chocolate obsession?
  18. There is no Statesman, there is only Zuul.
  19. I wish I could watch youtube videos. I miss out on so much

    Work has it blocked and my slow connection at home makes it painfull.
  20. Oh! I forgot Multiple Girl. How could I forget Multiple Girl. Does anyone know how many Multiple Girls there actually were?

    I say a bunch of us get together and bring Multiple Girl back.

    (Multiple Girl was a group of identical characters that all had the same name. They switched capital "I" and lowercase "L" around on each one but it looked the same because of the font used.)
  21. [ QUOTE ]
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    you are all n00bs

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    Oh RLY?

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    YA RLY!


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    But I've been around longer than Xan, so he's a n00b to me.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    you are all n00bs

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    Hush you. Don't make me pull out incriminating screenshots.