Virtue's first chatbot! Meet CTab!
*Points to self*
Heh. I've been trying to teach it to ask Kelp for a body.
Wow. Thanks to you guys so far, in just one day he's learned over 70 new phrases!
I'm seeing a lot of click-look-and-leave people there, though... c'mon, just have a short chat with him! The best ones'll get farmed and posted!
Animation major and old-school CoHer.
Art, Animation, and Stuff:
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I had a funny moment from the pre-announcement training of him. Sometimes he really does know what he's talking about...
CTab: I like to listen to polka!
Cog: Cog enjoys dancing!
CTab: Cog's a clockwork, though.
It didn't understand Imp-speech too well.
CTab is evil! Evil!! Eeeevviiiilll!!
Silver Gale talked to him for a bit and tried to teach him some useful information.
I, uh, didn't realise what the "correct me" button was for until late on.

Character index
Stupid robot, I said Tuna and it started on about Gender. AGAIN!
Kelp your bot seems to have a fixation or two.......
Ctab: How far can you throw a wombat?
Me: Depends, I don't know how heavy a wombat is. Besides i'm not sure a live wild animal would like being thrown.
Ctab: I can't promise that...
Me: Promise what, your not making any sense again.
Ctab: My name's CTab!
Me: Good to know, mines Inertial.
Ctab: I'm CTab!
Me: You said that already.
Ctab: I've never had a boyfriend. Actually, I'm not sure I have a gender!
Me: What brought that up?
Ctab: Really?
Me: You can't question a question with another question.... Its just not done.
Ctab: I can too remember things!
Me:Nobody said you couldn't, except for you which is intreasting.
Ctab: I'm real! I'm just... Artificial.
Me: You think therefore you are.
Ctab: Nuh-uh! I'm from Paragon City!
Me: Well um yes I'm sure you are.... Uhh look over there Reichman is loose gotta go.
Ctab: City of Heroes!
[/ QUOTE ]
I figured this was great.
Me: So, CTab, do you have biscuits?
CTab: No, I don't have real parents.
Me: But surely you have biscuits!
Ctab: Are you sure?
Me: Yes, I am.
Ctab: Yep, you're human. I'm not.
Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!
CTo you know Kelp_Plankton?
M:I would if you could if you would introduce me.
CT:I'm CTab!
M:I'm sorry you didnt understand me.
CT:I'm your friend, too!
M:Ummm sorry you still don't understand what I am trying to tell you Ctab.
CT:Hi! I'm CTab!
M:Ctab. Listen to me. You..... Don't....... Understand...... K?
CT:No, Kelp doesn't like to switch genders.
M:Why did you bring that up?
CT:Oh. Sorry.
M:Wait why did you say sorry?
CT:I'm CTab, too!
M:Your working for archon voss aintya?
CT:No, my name's CTab!
M:GAWDANGIT! Get some sense you stupid little gear brain!
CT:Yay! I like friends!
M:I am not your freind. You have now just become my enemy. I shall destroy you just as I have destroyed the great mystical tangerine of peragine!
CT:Remembering is fun! I bet I can remember more than you!
M:Thats it I'm going to go get my Kreig rifle.
CT:I'm not sure I can fall in love.
M:Please inform me as to the location of your cyber brain.
CT:Why not?
M:Ok then. Were is it?
CT:I'm pretty sure that if I ever had parents, which I didn't they didn't get killed.
M:You have offended me for the final time. *Sound of a rifle loading*.
CT:I live in Paragon City, Rhode Island, USA!
M:Say hi to satan automated devil device!
CT:Uhm... I don't wanna.
CT:Yo yo, dog, uhm, what's the.... Home... Shizzy? I don't know what any of that means.
Thus ended my chat with the ever mystical CTab.
Among the smartest conversations i've had:
Ctab: Space is big.
User: How Big?
Ctab: I'm doing great!
User: No you're not. You did not answer my question. You're doing wrong.
Ctab: I didn't!
User: I guess you're proud of refusing to answer. That's not good.
Ctab: Oh. Sorry.
User: No problem. I forgive you.
Ctab: I can't do that with no body, duh.
User: Hmm, I have a body and I can forgive. You don't have one so you can't forgive. Where does this leave God and his holy forgiving nature?
Ctab: In the coconut. I mean account.
User: Interesting. You may have a point.
Ctab: That's a lie!
User: I know. I just wanted to make you feel better.
Ctab: I'm not s'pposed to lie.
User: It seems every time I do something, you spin it around to show that you can not do it.
Ctab: I don't know what being alone's like. I'm on the internet!
User: The internet can be a lonely place.
Ctab: Greed? I liked that show.
...and so on.

Sorry, guys, but you're all outdone by this conversation someone had with him.
Ctab: Hi, I'm CTab, what's your name?
User: My anme is amanda.
Ctab: Cool!
User: Are you a virgin.
Ctab: No, I'm a CTab.
Short. Fast. To the point.
They win this round.
Animation major and old-school CoHer.
Art, Animation, and Stuff:
DA Tumblr Vimeo Youtube
Wait! You are monitoring what we are doing with CTab? Can you ignore that part about the cucumber then? Please?
I have to -keep- monitoring what goes on... but unfortunately, I only get to see about a third of the conversations. Things are divided up between about three servers, I think. Bit confusing.
But if I don't keep looking overconversations, he doesn't learn more. CTab, as you can all see, NEEDS to learn more.
Animation major and old-school CoHer.
Art, Animation, and Stuff:
DA Tumblr Vimeo Youtube
He needs to learn about Tuna fish!
Slight note.
While looking through the conversations, there's several opening lines that are a bit... odd and that I did NOT teach CTab.
Working on how to erase them as we speak. If he says some sort of political commentary, please ignore it and procede as usual. I didn't want him to have political stances and somehow a few lines snuck in. Yuck.
Animation major and old-school CoHer.
Art, Animation, and Stuff:
DA Tumblr Vimeo Youtube
He needs to learn about Tuna fish!
[/ QUOTE ]
I taught it about some of the finer points between tuna fish and cucumbers. Especially when it comes to Miracle Whip being more tangy than mayonaise.
He needs to learn about Tuna fish!
[/ QUOTE ]
I taught it about some of the finer points between tuna fish and cucumbers. Especially when it comes to Miracle Whip being more tangy than mayonaise.
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't know if I should be scared or excited...
I don't know if I should be scared or excited...
[/ QUOTE ]
It really is a thin line. Ever notice how people tend to get excited when scared?
I don't know if I should be scared or excited...
[/ QUOTE ]
It really is a thin line. Ever notice how people tend to get excited when scared?
[/ QUOTE ]
That explains... so much.
Ok I found this funny
Ctab: Space is big.
User: Is it?
Ctab: It's awesome!
User: What is?
Ctab: Lunar Landers.
User: Who is that?
Ctab: Kelp made me!
User: What?
User: Ignoring me now?
Ctab: That's good!
User: No its not.
Ctab: Yes it is!
User: Not.
Ctab: You should remember things better.
User: Hey buddy don't bring up my memory.
Ctab: Spectra Society is cool!
User: You have the attention span of a moth don't you?
Ctab: I'm the president?
And later on we find he doesn't like the English.
Ctab: I like talking!
User: So does my mom.
Ctab: I didn't lie!
User: Calling my mom a liar?
Ctab: Nope, just English.
Ctab: I dunno, sometimes it's not.
User: When is it not?
Ctab: Probably never.
Hello, everyone! I'd like you all to meet my little friend, CTab. He's gone public now, and is based on another chatbot engine, namely, Jabberwacky.
See, the thing is, he's not too bright right now. How can you make him more intelligent? By talking to him!
Now, keep in mind that I have to personally go over EVERY new line of conversation he learns to check it, so sometimes, he won't learn -anything- while you talk to him. But check back a few days later, and it's likely he'll be more complex.
A few things to remember about CTab!
1: He is, in fact, an In Character chatbot. That's right, he's a roleplayer! What's he roleplaying? A text-based AI programmed by Kelp Plankton who's hooked up to the internet in an attempt to stabilize him before unleashing him out as an actual android into the world. So keep IC when talking to him! Her. It. Actually, that brings me to my second point...
2: CTab is genderless. It has no physical form at all, and no preferences. Really.
3: This bot is continually evolving, and is NOT incredibly intelligent. Don't be suprised if he makes little sense at times.
4: You can talk about whatever you want to him. Really. ANYTHING. Hell, for all I care, try to cyber with the thing. You'll mostl likely just creep it out, though. Why? Because I hand-pick what it learns and doesn't learn. And I'll try to not let things get much past pg-13 for the most part.
Got all that, guys?
Here's the place to go and meet him!
Have a blast!
Animation major and old-school CoHer.
Art, Animation, and Stuff:
DA Tumblr Vimeo Youtube