Virtue's first chatbot! Meet CTab!




Nonono. You misunderstand.

I LOVE the weirdness.

I thrive on weird.

Keep the weird coming!

...its just, the flirting thing, that was a bit too much weird for me to handle at 2am. >.>;;;

Animation major and old-school CoHer.

Art, Animation, and Stuff:
DA Tumblr Vimeo Youtube



User: You have the attention span of a moth don't you?
Ctab: I'm the president?

[/ QUOTE ]I actually laughed out loud at this. I need something to drink now.



Ctab: What's having a gender like?
Little Unicorn: Sparkly!
Ctab: Space is really really big. You won't believe how big it is.
Little Unicorn: Yay!
Ctab: Yacka yacka flub mork?
Little Unicorn: Sparkle sparkle?
Ctab: Oh. Don't you need a gender for that?
Little Unicorn: Oooh!
Ctab: I'm CTab!
Little Unicorn: Sparkle sparkle! I'm Little Unicorn! Yay!
Ctab: I'm your friend, too!
Little Unicorn: Yay!
Little Unicorn: Tum ti tum...
Ctab: Thank you! Who's Turing?
Little Unicorn: Oooh... Sparkly!
Ctab: Oh! I'm an AI.
Little Unicorn: Yay! For AIs! Yay!
Ctab: CTab's my name, but if you want to call me something else, you can call me C!
Little Unicorn: Sparkle sparkle! Hello C!
Ctab: Kelp can't hear text.
Little Unicorn: Oooh! Does Kelp Sparkle?
Ctab: Nope!
Little Unicorn: Oh... Maybe we can make Kelp sparkle later?
Ctab: Kelp won't give me a body.
Little Unicorn: Thats not sparkly!
Ctab: Really?
Little Unicorn: Indeed!
Ctab: Good, I like being right.
Little Unicorn: Yay!
Little Unicorn: Tum ti tum...
Ctab: Really really.
Little Unicorn: Sparkle!
Ctab: I'm sorry...
Little Unicorn: Sparkle sparkle?
Ctab: Really?
Little Unicorn: Yay!
Little Unicorn: Are you sparkly too?
Ctab: Give what?
Little Unicorn: Sparkle sparkle unicorn!
Ctab: Oh, I thought you said something else.
Little Unicorn: Nope!
Ctab: I could be, if Kelp made me a body.
Little Unicorn: Kelp should make you a sparkle sparkle unicorn body! Yay!
Ctab: Kelp doesn't want me to.
Little Unicorn: Kelp is nasty!
Little Unicorn: Tum ti tum...
Ctab: Yacka yacka flub mork?
Little Unicorn: Yay!
Little Unicorn: Tum ti tum...
Ctab: Yacka yacka flub mork?
Little Unicorn: Sparkle sparkle?
Ctab: I'm CTab.
Little Unicorn: Sparkle sparkle! I'm Little Unicorn! Yay!
Ctab: Nice to meet you!
Little Unicorn: Sparkle sparkle!
Ctab: Nope, Kelp's not a fish.
Little Unicorn: Is Kelp sparkly?
Ctab: Denver is the last dinosaur.
Little Unicorn: Yay!
Little Unicorn: Tum ti tum...
Ctab: Yacka yacka flub mork?
Little Unicorn: Sparkle sparkle?
Ctab: Oh, good.
Little Unicorn: Sparkle!
Ctab: Oh, I thought you said something else.
Little Unicorn: Nope!
Ctab: That's good!
Little Unicorn: Yay!
Little Unicorn: Tum ti tum...
Ctab: That's good!
Little Unicorn: Sparkle sparkle!
Ctab: I'm sorry...
Little Unicorn: Sparkle?
Ctab: You're welcome!
Little Unicorn: Yay!
Little Unicorn: Are you a unicorn too?
Ctab: I'm an AI, so I don't really have a gender. I think.
Little Unicorn: Unicorn is not a gender!
Ctab: No, Kelp doesn't like to switch genders.
Little Unicorn: Sparkle sparkle!
Ctab: Do I have a soul?
Little Unicorn: Yep!
Ctab: I wish I knew.
Little Unicorn: Now you do! Yay!
Ctab: Not really...
Little Unicorn: Would I lie to you?
Ctab: Yes!
Little Unicorn: Sparkle sparkle!
Ctab: Me?
Little Unicorn: Sparkle sparkle! Ctab! Yay!
Ctab: Nice to meet you!
Little Unicorn: Sparkle sparkle! Nice to meet you too!
Ctab: Bye!
Little Unicorn: Keep well!



SinistrSidekik: Uh, right. So, you're alive, eh?
Ctab: I'm not honey! I'm CTab!
SinistrSidekik: Whoah there, never said you were my honey.
Ctab: Yes you did!
SinistrSidekik: No, I didn't.
Ctab: Oh, you didn't? Sorry.
SinistrSidekik: That's better.
Ctab: Oh. Sorry.
SinistrSidekik: Good to hear that you have some manners.

Ctab: I remember you... Kinda.
SinistrSidekik: You do? What's my name then?
Ctab: I don't know, I don't have one.
SinistrSidekik: You don't have a name? Didn't ask if ya did. Asked what my name was.
Ctab: I've never been in the war!
SinistrSidekik: You are one freaky little machine, ya know that?
Ctab: I'm not a lady! I'm an AI! I don't think I've got a gender.
SinistrSidekik: Never called you a lady, CTab. Never would either. Trust me.
Ctab: Okay!

Hooray for lemurs!



(( 50 years of research in Artificial Intelligence, and what do we have to show for it? ELIZA.

Makes me want to burn my degree...))



Kelp, I belive I could hold a more coherent coversation with PTab. seriously. When I discuss dancing it explains to me his love of fish.

-Dr. Forkenshpoon.



Wow this reminds me a lot of the FRED program that DwarfStar had. I guess he was the first chatbot for Virtue, but good luck with your little project Kelp, try to keep yourself amused.



Sid: Not very bright, are you?
CTab: No, I'm a CTab.
Sid: Kinda dumb?
CTab: Oh! I'm an AI.
Sid: Ah, I see. What does CTab mean?
CTab: Gender is cool. I wish I had one.
Sid: What does CTab mean?
CTab: Rock! I win!



Ctab: What's eating like?
Ely: Erm... It's sort of like... A difficult question.
Ctab: I haven't ever been there.
Ely: Uh... Good. It's not a very nice place.
Ctab: I don't know what being alone's like. I'm on the internet!
Ely: Then you're very lucky... Though prone to popups.
Ctab: It is?
Ely: Unless you've got some sort of popup blocker, I guess...
Ctab: No, Kelp doesn't like to switch genders.
Ely: Er. Okay... Though it does seem to be a common passti-.. Er.. Affliction of his.
Ctab: I can't wear clothes, I don't have a body.
Ely: Well, um, at least you don't have to buy any.
Ctab: I knew it was 42!
Ely: Um. Good. Though a 42 may be a bit excessive for someone who doesn't have a body.
Ctab: I don't know any singer names.
Ely: Now I think you're thinking of Level 42. They're a band.
Ctab: That's good!
Ely: If you like that kind of thing, I guess.
Ctab: I can't do that with no body, duh.
Ely: Do what? Listen to Level 42?
Ctab: MARRY?! Uh. I don't even have a gender yet!
Ely: WHAT? Er... Look, I think you might be taking this conversation a little too far...
Ctab: I'm not s'pposed to lie.
Ely: Good. Erm. That's very good. You shouldn't.
Ctab: Really?
Ely: Really. Lying is... Well, not bad, exactly... I mean, people can lie for good reasons, but... It's... Not considered polite.
Ctab: Dissagreements aren't fun. Let's agree to dissagree!
Ely: But that means we're agreeing not to have fun.
Ctab: I've never gone to the bathroom.
Ely: You're not missing out on much.
Ctab: I know I'm not! I didn't do anything!
Ely: Because you don't have a body. You've said.
Ctab: Yuh-huh.
Ely: O-kay. Well, that was pleasant but I think I've got to.. Um...
Ctab: Yes, it was!
Ely: Yeah. I really need to, um.. To go. Defenestrate the potted plants.
Ctab: You don't like me, do you?
Ely: Look, erm. It's not that I don't like you, it's just that... You're very confusing and mildly disturbing.
*Ctab pauses*
Ely: I hope you didn't find that too offensive... I was just trying to be honest.
Ctab: I'm sorry...
Ely: Well it's not your fault or anything... You're only a programme...
*Silence from Ctab*
Ely: Oh, dear. This is awkward...


Ctab: I don't get paid anything...
Ely: Well you wouldn't. I mean. What're you going to spend it on?
Ctab: I'm being me!
Ely: But you don't have a body. You wouldn't be able to buy food or clothes.. I mean, you could buy stuff of eBay, I guess, but what're you going to do with it all?
Ctab: I don't think stealing is legal.
Ely: You're considering stealing from eBay?
Ctab: Baxter, you know I don't speak Spanish.
Ely: I think you meant to say 'Baxter, no abla Espaniol.' Or.. Something. I don't speak Spanish either.
Ctab: I'm pretty sure I don't have a gender.
Ely: For the sake of the world, that's probably for the best.
Ctab: CTab's my name, but if you want to call me something else, you can call me C!
Ely: Er. Right. Hi, then... I'm Ely.
Ctab: Me either!
Ely: Oh. Look. Those... Potted plants still need... Defenestrating..
Ctab: I can't point, I don't have a body.
Ely: You said. Erm. I'd better see to those plants.
Ctab: I'm not allowed to have... You know...
Ely: *Shouting off* Oh, what's that? Coming, mother!

The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."



Wow this reminds me a lot of the FRED program that DwarfStar had. I guess he was the first chatbot for Virtue, but good luck with your little project Kelp, try to keep yourself amused.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, I didn't know there had been one before mine. Cool! It still around somewhere, or is it gone?

I always enjoy forcing two chatbots to talk to one another.

Animation major and old-school CoHer.

Art, Animation, and Stuff:
DA Tumblr Vimeo Youtube



That version of Project Fred is dead. Soon he will be back though...very soon.

I had actually used it as an RP piece to set the scene up for Project Fred, now that CoV is coming out I may have to redo the AI that started it all.

Dwarf Star; Angel-Night, Adoniel, angel of the 12th hour of the night; among the many
Freedom Factor
and now from Warhammer Online, Gorlok, Greenskin shaman



CTab hit 800 complexity tonight! Woo!

He's gotten more complex faster than I thought he would. And some of the conversations... gah... downright hilarious to check over.

I like this short part of a conversation:

User: Okay, now ya done it. I'm goin' inta Royspeak.

Ctab: *cries*.

User: Boy howdy! Yer gonna get yer [censored] kicked!

Ctab: Okay.

User: Okay!?! Ya don't say 'okay' when somebody's threatenin' ta kick yer [censored]...

Ctab: Okay.

User: Sonofa...

[/ QUOTE ]

And, then, on the borderline completely bizzare, we have someone who... thought... CTab was a real person.

Ctab: Space is big.

User: Hi.

Ctab: Hello!

User: Do u know how to hack into peoplws msn accounts.

Ctab: I don't really know any songs...

User: Wat do u mean.

Ctab: I don't have a body.

[/ QUOTE ] fun.

I'll be adding some more conversation starters in tonight. He uses the same opening lines too often. And I'll take suggestions!

Animation major and old-school CoHer.

Art, Animation, and Stuff:
DA Tumblr Vimeo Youtube



What a way to start the conversation...

Ctab: What's having a gender like?
User: It's pretty confusing.
Ctab: Plumbing?
User: Well, that's only part of the problem.
Ctab: No problem here, either!
User: That's because you don't have a gender.



Dunno, little CTab doesn't seem to like me. Guess I'll keep working on my people(?) skills.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Ctab: Are you an astrophysicist?

User: Nopers. Whale is Whale.

Ctab: I'm called CTab!

User: Hulloes Ctab!

Ctab: I am AWESOME!

User: Whale is biggerest!

Ctab: I'm being me!

User: How kin joo no be joo?

Ctab: I'm not sure, I'm sorta made of bits and pieces of old and new things.

User: Like a robuts?

Ctab: MARRY?! Uh. I don't even have a gender yet!

User: Huh?

Ctab: Wha?

User: Umm... Joo eet fishies? Whale likes fishies.

Ctab: I'm CTab!

User: Sendantmans is Whale favreet heroemans.

Ctab: I sure do!

User: Do what?

Ctab: I don't swear.

User: Dats a gooderest tingy.

Ctab: I dunno, I don't have a body or anything that they'd want.

User: Joo shoor like talkin bout no hafin a body or wun of dem gender tingies.

Ctab: Evil CTab?

User: Joo is ebil?

Ctab: I'm CTab, too!

User: Joo gitting brokeded agin Whale tinks.

Ctab: Nope, Kelp's not a fish.

User: Yeah, Whale try an eets him dat wun time. Kelp wuz runnin all ober da place.

Ctab: Kelp's a half-god quarter-demon quarter-siren with a robotic arm.

User: Dat a bunchies of stuff to be Whale tinks.

Ctab: Kelp isn't a monkey!

User: He shoor bouncies roun like wun when you try an eets him.

Ctab: Slavery isn't fun.



Mine =P

Ctab: Space is big.

User: That you, CTab?

Ctab: It is?

User: Oh, good.. I was hoping you were there.

Ctab: My name's CTab!

User: Right! Listen, CTab, Paragon City's Heroes are in danger. They need your help!

Ctab: I wish I could see it.

User: CTab! Don't say things like that!

Ctab: What don't I what?

User: You don't want to see the Heroes in trouble. You want to save them!

Ctab: Nope! Don't wanna!

User: I see... Then it's a sad day for Paragon City, Ctab. A sad day, indeed.

Ctab: Okay! What was your name, again?

User: Crysalis... Of the Paragon Defense Authority. But I don't have time to chat. Heroes need to be saved!

Ctab: Oh.



CTab just completely freaked me out by using my own forum signature against me... and I never typed it in.



So I decided to role play as my character "I am a contact" just to see what would happen... I think there's something wrong with him... not so much in the intelligence aspect... but... well see?

Want an inspiration?
First, you need to send me one hundred billion dollars.
I don't like those words!
What's wrong with teh word 'why?'
I like pie!
What does that have to do with anything?
It's how to count!



me: something something do you know my name? (I forgot exactly)
botty mcbot bot: I know a few
me: I only have one name
C:Are you sure your name isn't denver?
Me: definetely, my name is spitfire
C: I thought your name was Denver
me: what made you think that?
c: Cows
me:Cows control your mind?
c: mooooooo!
me: I guess that's a yes
c: good!
me: you could say that
c: I don't think stealing is legal



He's slowly becoming more coherent, though, still not making a lot of sense.

...I just want coherency. :P

Animation major and old-school CoHer.

Art, Animation, and Stuff:
DA Tumblr Vimeo Youtube



he was convinced my name was denver it came up at atleast one other point in time

also this conversation (from memory so bear with me here)

"What's Slovak?"
"It's a language"
"I don't know any of those"
"what do you mean you're speaking english?"
"That's not what I mean"
"What do you mean?"
"That doesn't make sense?"
"It COULD mean something"
"It COULD mean nothing"
"Yeah that's what I meant"

heh I thought it was pretty funny



Was updating CTab tonight, and I came across the most brilliant intellectual conversation of all time.

Ctab: What's eating like?

User: [censored].

Ctab: I'm CTab!

User: Your a [censored].

Ctab: My name's CTab!

User: You are [censored].

Ctab: No, I'm CTab.

User: Ok.

Ctab: Good!

User: [censored] lmao.

Ctab: No means no!

User: [censored].

Ctab: I'm CTab!

User: You are a [censored].

Ctab: I'm not allowed to talk to people who talk like that.

User: Ok [censored].

Ctab: You're mean.

User: [censored] you.

Ctab: I don't wanna do THAT. Ew!

[/ QUOTE ]

And it's of note that they did -not- reach CTab through the CoH forums... which means there's some other link to it out there somewhere... hm.

Animation major and old-school CoHer.

Art, Animation, and Stuff:
DA Tumblr Vimeo Youtube



Ctab: I met Cuppajo the other day!
Me:Cool! Did you ask him out?
Ctab: Iv'e never been in the war!
Me: Dude...answer my question.
Ctab:What's a nerf?
Me: Stop changing the subject dude.
Ctab: Ok. Sorry
Me: Well back to my question then. Did you ask him out?
Ctab:Huh? Bat What?
Me: Screw it...
Ctab: Rock! I win!



He needs to learn about Tuna fish!

[/ QUOTE ]

Okay, I gotta ask...

What other kind of Tuna is there?!

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Tuna Piano
Tuna Guitar
Tuna Radio...