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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bayani View Post
    Hey, I commissioned that guy awhile ago too.
    Yep...I saw your commission, and done stoled him from you.
  2. Awesome! I just got my latest commission -- my Mind/Psi Dominator Smarty-Pants by Ryan Odagawa. How psyched am I? No pun intended.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
    The other possible big difference is in your low level control powers. While the holds are effectively identical, ice may have a ST or AoE immob, while mind may have a confuse. The immobilizes cost a lot of end for relatively poor damage, but you may be tempted into using them to fill out a poor attack chain. Confuse, on the other hand, is likely to *increase* endurance efficiency through causing enemies to damage each other.
    Excellent points -- it's probably these two factors. One, I'm using Chillblain frequently, often as a "damage power". And two, I hadn't thought about the damage contribution from confuse. That settles it for me -- thanks!
  4. Sorry to revive a dying thread, but I've been noticing this a lot, as I've been simultaneously leveling up an Ice/Ice and a Mind/Psi, and even at the early levels (pre-AA) the ice/ice has serious endurance woes compared to Mind/Psi.

    They have essentially the same attacks: Single Target Minor Ranged, Single Target Medium Melee, Single Target Medium Ranged

    And Ice/Ice is huffing and puffing, while Mind/Psi powers on. Maybe it's just my perception, or it could be a discrepancy in the primaries -- which would really suck, as early levels as Mind are MUCH easier than as Ice. Does anyone know of a source for hard numbers on the adjusted dom primaries and secondaries?

  5. I used to be very against the CO naming policy, but I've kind of come around to it for the following reasons:

    1.) Sure, there will be multiple copies of really common or desirable names, but that actually makes it less likely that an uncommon name will be taken. All of the dunderheads will just go with the most common option, so even mildly creative or off-the-beaten-path names will be unique.

    2.) If someone did pick your mildly creative name, but never plays that character, or quits the game, you can still get it. That's kind of cool. I have several characters that I've wanted to play for ages, but couldn't get the name for.

    3.) Time overlap. At the end of the day, the chances of you and your doppleganger being logged in at the same time and running into each other are probably pretty slim. Again, assuming you made some effort to grab a creative name.

    Sure, it still burns that someone could see my character, think it was cool, and then clone him or her and out-level me, but I'll live with it. I think the good outweighs the bad -- and, honestly, anyone who would do that and could actually be happy playing a copy of someone else's good idea deserves pity more than anger.

    My main concern at this point is that I hope the game is good -- CoH set a pretty high bar. And I am a little sad that it's one big server -- having an RP server to call home always felt very comfortable in CoH.

    My two cents.
  6. SusieBot

    Dear Devs...

    Originally Posted by HK008 View Post
    Merc brawl is annoying. Graveknights using ranged attacks almost always is also rather frustrating. My Genin also seem to prefer using the single throwing star over all their melee attacks. So ranged run in, and melee don't. Yeah, still some issues with pet AI.
    My fondest wish, for the longest time, has been a mastermind command that switches pets between "Keep at Range" and "Get into melee" behaviors. That would be awesome. Imagine it...a world where "Go to this location and shoot" is not shorthand for "go to this location and shoot...until you get bored; then run into melee range and get squashed into a sticky spot on the floor".
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vyriss View Post
    So, against a Super Reflexes character, Dominate would essentially pierce right through any amount of Positional defense (Ranged, Melee, AoE), since it doesn't check against that.
    That's what made no sense to me, but I've never tried it. for a SR scrapper.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vyriss View Post
    As far as I know, all of Mind Control's powers are non-positional, instead registering as "Psionic". Telekinesis is a toggle, so has no "attack type" assigned to it.
    I must be mis-understanding what "positional" means, because that makes no sense to me. What does positional/non-positional mean?
  9. I don't believe that any of the Mind powers, aside from Telekinesis, are non-positional. I'd wager that they are ranged or AoE attacks.

    Your experience may be in the difference between Positional defense (SR Scrappers) and Damage Type defense (Ice or Invuln Tankers). Mind is strong against Damage Type defenses, as relatively few power sets contain Psionic defense. However, against positional defense, your ranged attacks are as crappy as everyone else's. Would that explain what you are seeing?
  10. SusieBot


    Solo parent this weekend, so not to much playtime. Fortunately, I had no goals, so I was not disappointed.

    Smarty-Pants: 21-26
    Humpty Dumpty: 15-19 (All this 2XXP)
    Komrade Cold: 19-21
    Guerrilla Gorilla: 38-39 (Big whoop)
  11. I'm excited to try CO and see what it has to offer. I definitely won't be canceling my CoH account, but I think it will be great to try a game with new costumes, new travel powers, and new enemies. I'm stoked!

    I don't understand the animosity toward CO and Jack Emmert. As a fan of superhero games, having another one on the market is a blast. And while I don't always agree with Statesman's design decisions, I admire his willingness to make bold choices, and he's now spearheaded two superhero MMOs -- so for that alone, I owe him my firstborn. Take care of her, States!
  12. Is this a dominator with perma-domination? My impression from scant reading on the I15 changes was that they were intended to smooth out the curve for early-to-mid level Dominators (Dominators without perma-dom). I assume that Perma-Doms remain unchanged (or, judging by the message boards, are even worse off).
  13. Good points, but I think the internet rage on this one has passed. If you check out his blog, it has gone from heavy activity, to him just posting chat logs from RV and no one commenting.

    Part of this is short internet attention span, and part of it is that he's just kind of a [censored].
  14. I have been simultaneously leveling an Ice/Ice and a Mind/Psi, and I have found Ice to be more end intensive for essentially the same build (single target hold, single target immob/sleep, three single target attacks, and Confuse/Ice Slick). For example, my mind/psi ends a domination run with end to burn, while my ice/ice runs out before domination is done.

    But I've played this game for a long time, so I'm aware that these things tend to even out in the end. I don't see a great reason for the early level discrepancy (especially given the usefulness of sleep versus the near-uselessness of immob), but I have the good sense to tough it out.

    Addendum: Edited to say that I am very pleased with the dom changes. So far, the new doms have been next-level fun to play, and have really rekindled my enthusiasm for the game (and CoV, which I have never really been into before).
  15. SusieBot


    Holy cow...that's gorgeous.
  16. SusieBot

    Sci-Fi -vs- SyFy

    They were dead to me when they canceled MST3K.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Dear Twixt.

    Come to Virtue. We'd love to play with you.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Criminy, don't even joke about that.

    That is one of the most bizarre "academic" papers I have ever read. I'm an engineer, so I guess I'm just accustomed to a bit more rigor in papers -- you know, data to support your conclusions, detail of experimental methods, control groups, stuff like that. Judging by this paper, "social science" is a gross abuse of the word "science".

    I would like to propose a follow-on paper, "Fire Is Hot". It reads a little something like this:
    [ QUOTE ]
    Fire is hot. One time, I touched a candle and it burned me. Candles are made of fire, for reals. Therefore, fire is hot, and will one day rise up to kill us all.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But seriously, his conclusions are outrageously grandiose, given his "data". Social rules counter-act game rules? That would be a no. A rule would be a requirement or hard constraint -- that is, you are required to kill villains in RV. In actuality, you are not required to do much of anything in RV, but you are capable of killing villains. Which would, on the face of it, make social rules in CoH much like social rules in real life -- and, thus, make his conclusions complete junk.

    Of course, he could be using a different definition of "rule" than I am -- I wouldn't know, since his half-[censored] slop of a paper didn't define any of its terms. Except for "toon" -- thanks for that one, Doc.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Dr. Forkenshpoon.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Agreed...Forkenshpoon did crazy that put crazy to shame.

    And, of course, I'll be an Ascendant fan until they turn the servers off. Props also to Xanatos et al for the Emperor Xanatos evil duplicates business. Evil duplicates are awesome.
  19. Additionally: the Wiki stores a history of the page. So if you wipe its contents and the original creator of the page wants that content later (say, for Reichlady, the re-created version of the original character), they can just go back to the history and fetch their stuff.
  20. This might be pushing the bounds of being too super-heroey and not piratey enough, but this character's look, name, and story are definitely pirate-inspired.

    I give you... the Seafarer.
  21. HOLY...SMOKES.

    As an early Christmahannukwanzika present to myself, I commissioned a rendition of my current fave character, Mermaiden, by my favorite artist, Marcio Takara.

    I just received... THIS.

    I am speechless. I am without speech!
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Truly awesome piece. He looks a little like Monsieur Mallah

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not the first time I've heard that. It was completely unintentional -- I don't know if the creators of Monsieur Mallah went throught he same thought process I did (Gorilla + Che Guevara), but the end results was freakishly similar.

    Usually, I'll abandon a character when that happens (I once inadvertently created the Midnighter), but I like GG too much to let him go.
  23. Already done!

    I'm using it for GG's profile pic, now. I'll upload the full thing once I get the hi-res version from Rocinate.

    As an aside: Anybody that likes to commission really unique art, I can't recommend Rocinate enough. Incredibly talented, wickedly fast. Available at DeviantArt.
  24. Howdy, folks!

    I am now the proud owner of Rocinate photo-manip for my main villain, Guerrilla Gorilla. I thought it was an impossible task -- I emphasized that he was a gorilla, and not just a hairy dude -- but Rocinate pulled it off, to great effect.

    Check it out!