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  1. Wow this reminds me a lot of the FRED program that DwarfStar had. I guess he was the first chatbot for Virtue, but good luck with your little project Kelp, try to keep yourself amused.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    "Never get involved in a land war in Asia..."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The second though not as well known is "Never bet a Sicilian when death is on the line!! HA HA HA HA urp?......
  3. Who did you come up for Sly, or Boscoe?
  4. Boscoe

    Tigris lady know too. It cause Fox guy royalty.
  5. IC

    Me hope da Deth lady dont find out bout this Prince Rainbow Fox get da slappies
  6. Icegun shook his head clear. The oxeygen blast from Fox helped, rolling over on his back he saw the new participant get knocked down by the clockwork. Whipping his assualt rifle up he set of the shot. THOOOP Icegun realized that he still had the weapon set on grenade launcher. The grenade hit the automaton in the head and knocked it off but did not go far enough to activate it. The clockwork continued to swing widly as the head landed on the pavement with the grenade imbedded in its head. Icegun switched the rifle back to semi auto and started to put rounds in the chest of the clockwork knocking away from the newcomer. Moving forward as he fired he switched to shotgun as the clockwork got to the edge. "Heads Up " Icegun yelled as he blasted the clockwork off the roof. Turning around he looked for his next target.
  7. The sound of gunfire shocked Icegun, immediatley ducking, he pulled out his assualt rifle. Listening for more sounds of gunfire, he crawled over the top of the roof. Seeing the clockworks, Icegun aimed down the scope of the rifle and started to methodically aim and shoot at the clockworks. Moving forward, firing round after round, Icegun did not see the Cannon Knight come up from his backside. Flipping his selector switch to grenade launcher, Icegun was suddenly knocked on his face from the force of the Cannon Knights blow.
  8. Icegun skidded to a stop at the level just below the roof on the fire escape. Not knowing what he was walking into, Icegun slipped into stealth mode. It would take a little more time to search but the added defense was always a bonus. Peeking over the edge of the roof, he surveyed the situation. Not seeing anyone, he started the slow careful approach to the sniper spot. He decided to keep his cold aura around him just to slow down anyone just in case.
  9. Icegun was freezing up as Sly mentioned he could cool his own drink. "Of course my friend, I knew that, I was just making a comment. But like the fellow says, what did just happen here, also am I the only one who say the chap in the sniper posistion across the way? Maybe I should go check out his perch. One never knows if it is an enemy or freind watching them." Icegun handed Sly Fox the bags holding the rest of the food and took of at superspeed towards the rooftop he had mentioned.
  10. Icegun always the gentleman offered the Ice maiden some of the food that he had brought. "So, what happened here? I notice there are a lot of reporters and Sly is staying away." Icegun was getting ready to start drinking his soda when he saw an individual on the rooftop leaving from his roost. Decideing they were in no danger he went back to his soda. "Crap, they didn't put any ice in mine."
  11. Icegun came screaming to a halt a good 100 yards away from where the crowd had gathered. Putting the food down, he checked the adress. This was the place that Contact had told him but there was no sign of Fox. Reporters were all over the scence, taking photos and shouting out questions. Scanning the crowd, Icegun recognized a few reporters, but they were too far away to recognize him. Icegun put his scope back down and decided to see if he could find Fox. After all he didnt want this food to get cold. El Super Mexicano had the best mexican food in town but it was always best hot.
  12. I meet a controller who wont throw a punch. He had this thug locked in a stone prison and wouldnt punch him. Told me he dosent punch.
  13. Okay I am shocked and amazed at the qoute on The Front Page newspaper. It mentions Sly Fox.

    I never thought I would see the words Sly Fox and providing security in same sentance.
  14. Who was stupid enough to let him borrow their van? The Sly Fox dosen't even have a liscense from what I hear.
  15. Icegun shuddered at the mention of pizza. "Everytime I order pizza, a couple of wiseguys show up and want to explain how I need protection. The also screw up my order too. Lets try the new mexican place El Super Mexicano. I could go for a carne asada burrito." Icegun stopped once they got outside and looked at Sly. "By the way, I found your wallet. It was at the magic store in Talos Island" Icegun handed the wallet to The Sly Fox. "You should probably keep a better eye on your stuff."
  16. Icegun grinned under his helmet. He knew that The Sly Fox said he had a way with the ladies, at least that is all he seemed to talk about when they had teamed up. "Well Sly, shall we head out? I have taken enough of Mr. Contacts time. I still want to hit somewhere for lunch though. Do you know any good restruants in Kings Row?"
  17. Icegun held up his hands defensively, "What a minute gentleman, you thought my problem was with Sly? Nothing could be further from the truth. I have had nothing but good dealings with him since our first meeting. I do admit we did have a problem then, but we have since gotten past that. In fact, he has helped me on occasion. Whether he knew it or not. I just asked if he was here because I had planned on taking him to lunch. Actually I am suprised he is here right now. After talking to him the other day, he made it seem like he was always out handling the clients. I believe his exact words were "They couldn't handle half the work without me" but of course all of us need a minute or two to rest and recover from our battles." Icegun looked towards Contact, "Actually my problem is with a ceartin fellow that is called Jack. He lives in my neighboorhod and well I hate to mention this, but he keeps breaking my windows when he runs bye my home. I don't think he does it intentionally, the rocks in the road are propelled from the wake of his superspeed into my house and they have a bad habit of shattering my window. I have left him notes in his mailbox, but it looks like no one has checked it in days. I was wondering if you could mention it to him and see if he can hold down his speed while in the neighboorhood. I would hate for him to accidently hit a car or god forbid a child. The results would be disasterous."
  18. Icegun handed Contact on of his business cards. "Greetings Contact. Let me introduce myself, I am known as Icegun. I am president and owner of CEO protection services. Nice to meet a fellow businessman. I have come by to congratulate you on your business sucsess and to also inquire about one of your employees." Icegun's tone was formal during this statement. "I was wondering about an associate of yours named The Sly Fox. I have heard many things about him and have aslo had an encounter with him."
  19. Icegun strode confidentally into the offices. Looking around, he was impressed by the setup of security and professionalism. The average person would not recognize a lot of the systems in place. He approached the reception desk and said"Excuse me miss, I am Icegun and was told that I could see a Mr. Contact. Could you please let him know I am here." Out of the corner of his eye, Icegun thought he saw a familiar looking costume but it suddenly ducked into another room. "I could have sworn that looked like the Sly Fox? Oh well my eyes might be playing tricks on me." he thought. Icegun then went and sat in one of the chairs waiting for his appointment.
  20. Icegun Lvl 26 assualt/cold blaster

    "Cocky" by Kid Rock

    It aint braggin Mother F***er if you back it up
  21. The guards outside the door were still trying to get over the commontion that had been there morning so far. Suddenly a blur stopped in front of the door. A red and blue camoflaged, armored figure was standing there. Looking at the guards, he spoke.

    Icegun: "I am Icegun. I am seeking either Contact, or the one know as Sly Fox. Am I in the right place?"

    The guards looked at one another. Finally one spoke up. "Well I dont know this Sly Fox you speak of, but Contact is here. What business do you have with him?"

    Icegun: "I have come seeking employment. I also must warn Contact of some, how shall I put this, habits of one in his employ. Do I need an appointment to speak to him?"

    The guards looked at one another. This was one of the easiest heroes they have had to work with in awhile. "Let me check for you Icegun." said Steve as he called it in.