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  1. Its sparkly, even without a unicorn! Yay!
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    *picks up a proton pill and puts it in her magic pockets*

    Mmm... Proton pill ice-cream...

    [/ QUOTE ]


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Little Unicorn will make ice-cream out of almost anything that is vaguely food like. ^_^
  3. *picks up a proton pill and puts it in her magic pockets*

    Mmm... Proton pill ice-cream...
  4. There is always a sparkle sparkle unicorn to draw if all else fails. Yay!

    Character images...

    And lots of Little Unicorn info here...

    Oh yes, I just remembered to mention, I no longer have sparkle sparkles on my eyes as of my last trip to icon. They made it too hard for me to see when I visited the ice-cream shop. But feel free to add them to your art if you wish.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Just a heads up in response to those of you at work who may be seeing broken images, they're actually Flash movies that probably aren't viewable on the comp you're using. Some areas of this new site require the use of the Flash 6 or above Plug In to view. Get Flash info here:

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sadly some places of work won't let you install new software such as the flash player on the PCs.
    Its always a good idea to provide a flash free route through your site for those who have not got the player.
  6. You can do some rather scary stuff just with the body sliders, as can be seen with WarpoGirl. ^_^
  7. Just sent a reply with lots of pictures. ^_^
  8. The thought has come to mind that maybe I should have gone for a duo picture with both Crystal Owl and Little Unicorn.
    I wonder if that would have worked out?
  9. *patiently waits in the queue*

    After Crystal Owl I must get together the money for a Little Unicorn picture too.
  10. At the moment people are resourting to kicking about rocks and shell casings. We really need the BRB to save these poor people from their BRBless life before they stub a toe on a rock or acidently kick a live explosive tiped round and ruin a perfectly good career in hero work.
  11. Still no BRB?
    NCSoft must be losing their edge. ^_^

    I still think this is a sparkly idea! Yay!
  12. This has to be the best and most sparkly suggestion I have ever read here! Yay!
  13. This all sounds fine to me. ^_^
  14. Thinking of the Statesman thing, it reminds me a lot of the situation with Ultima Online and Lord British.

    With Ultima Online the lead developer was a guy called Richard Garriott. He had been known as Lord British for years and appeared as the Lord British character in many Ultima games before Ultima Online. But when he left for various reasons EA who now owns Ultima Online had to remove the Lord British character from the game world as that character was still owned by Richard Garriott.
  15. I guess the logical next question is.
    If you commission an artist to make a picture of your CoH character and they charge you a fee for doing the work is this legal?

    If its not then I can see some potential issues with a number of great artists out their who produce MMO character art.
  16. This is awsome work.
    Hopefully Crystal Owl will look this good now I have decided to stump up the money to commission some art. ^_^
  17. Ctab: What's having a gender like?
    Little Unicorn: Sparkly!
    Ctab: Space is really really big. You won't believe how big it is.
    Little Unicorn: Yay!
    Ctab: Yacka yacka flub mork?
    Little Unicorn: Sparkle sparkle?
    Ctab: Oh. Don't you need a gender for that?
    Little Unicorn: Oooh!
    Ctab: I'm CTab!
    Little Unicorn: Sparkle sparkle! I'm Little Unicorn! Yay!
    Ctab: I'm your friend, too!
    Little Unicorn: Yay!
    Little Unicorn: Tum ti tum...
    Ctab: Thank you! Who's Turing?
    Little Unicorn: Oooh... Sparkly!
    Ctab: Oh! I'm an AI.
    Little Unicorn: Yay! For AIs! Yay!
    Ctab: CTab's my name, but if you want to call me something else, you can call me C!
    Little Unicorn: Sparkle sparkle! Hello C!
    Ctab: Kelp can't hear text.
    Little Unicorn: Oooh! Does Kelp Sparkle?
    Ctab: Nope!
    Little Unicorn: Oh... Maybe we can make Kelp sparkle later?
    Ctab: Kelp won't give me a body.
    Little Unicorn: Thats not sparkly!
    Ctab: Really?
    Little Unicorn: Indeed!
    Ctab: Good, I like being right.
    Little Unicorn: Yay!
    Little Unicorn: Tum ti tum...
    Ctab: Really really.
    Little Unicorn: Sparkle!
    Ctab: I'm sorry...
    Little Unicorn: Sparkle sparkle?
    Ctab: Really?
    Little Unicorn: Yay!
    Little Unicorn: Are you sparkly too?
    Ctab: Give what?
    Little Unicorn: Sparkle sparkle unicorn!
    Ctab: Oh, I thought you said something else.
    Little Unicorn: Nope!
    Ctab: I could be, if Kelp made me a body.
    Little Unicorn: Kelp should make you a sparkle sparkle unicorn body! Yay!
    Ctab: Kelp doesn't want me to.
    Little Unicorn: Kelp is nasty!
    Little Unicorn: Tum ti tum...
    Ctab: Yacka yacka flub mork?
    Little Unicorn: Yay!
    Little Unicorn: Tum ti tum...
    Ctab: Yacka yacka flub mork?
    Little Unicorn: Sparkle sparkle?
    Ctab: I'm CTab.
    Little Unicorn: Sparkle sparkle! I'm Little Unicorn! Yay!
    Ctab: Nice to meet you!
    Little Unicorn: Sparkle sparkle!
    Ctab: Nope, Kelp's not a fish.
    Little Unicorn: Is Kelp sparkly?
    Ctab: Denver is the last dinosaur.
    Little Unicorn: Yay!
    Little Unicorn: Tum ti tum...
    Ctab: Yacka yacka flub mork?
    Little Unicorn: Sparkle sparkle?
    Ctab: Oh, good.
    Little Unicorn: Sparkle!
    Ctab: Oh, I thought you said something else.
    Little Unicorn: Nope!
    Ctab: That's good!
    Little Unicorn: Yay!
    Little Unicorn: Tum ti tum...
    Ctab: That's good!
    Little Unicorn: Sparkle sparkle!
    Ctab: I'm sorry...
    Little Unicorn: Sparkle?
    Ctab: You're welcome!
    Little Unicorn: Yay!
    Little Unicorn: Are you a unicorn too?
    Ctab: I'm an AI, so I don't really have a gender. I think.
    Little Unicorn: Unicorn is not a gender!
    Ctab: No, Kelp doesn't like to switch genders.
    Little Unicorn: Sparkle sparkle!
    Ctab: Do I have a soul?
    Little Unicorn: Yep!
    Ctab: I wish I knew.
    Little Unicorn: Now you do! Yay!
    Ctab: Not really...
    Little Unicorn: Would I lie to you?
    Ctab: Yes!
    Little Unicorn: Sparkle sparkle!
    Ctab: Me?
    Little Unicorn: Sparkle sparkle! Ctab! Yay!
    Ctab: Nice to meet you!
    Little Unicorn: Sparkle sparkle! Nice to meet you too!
    Ctab: Bye!
    Little Unicorn: Keep well!
  18. Sparkle sparkle Your Avatar is dancing! Yay!
    Party! Party! Party!
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    If you want to decide that they are really Gods that you believe in, then that's up to you, but nobody else has to change what they do to accomodate your preferences.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thats fine, but it cuts both ways.
    I'll look forward to the evil Jesus, Mohamed and Buddha monsters in a future publish.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    What I'm saying is that it's no urban legend. Whether it's true or not, it doesn't demonize Neo-Druids in any way. Certain Pagan religions praciticed human sacrifice before the Roman Empire rose, but those reformed religious practices today don't suffer from the idea that they still do it. The poster was talking about being a Druid like they were persecuted every chance someone had to stick it to 'em, which simply couldn't be true considering the majority of people today don't have the vaguest idea what a druid is.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hmm, that is not quite how I put it, but to say there is no problem at all is going too far the other way.
    I wonder, have you read Witch Hunts by Kerr Cuhulain?
    This book details a number of 'urban myths' and the output of various 'occult experts' that are not exactly Pagan friendly.
    It is only a few years since the 'satanic panic' where TV and newspapers spread the idea that we were all child abusers. People lost their jobs, had letter bombs sent to their homes and in at least one case their shop set on fire because they were Pagan.
    So to sugest there is no problem at all is wrong.
    As to CoH, I just feel that they are continuing the misinformation culture that demonises us and the Gods we work with.
    In the end I feel that someone needs to state that what they are preparing to put out in CoH is just fiction and should be taken in that context, we are not the villans.
  21. Yet still, it is the path that I and in the UK some 10,000 others follow.
    I could debate what you say, and in another place I would, but that is not appropriate here.
  22. I don't really do 'getting back at people' so no need to worry there.

    I just want it on the record that we Druids are not the monsters that the urban myths make us out to be.

    Its proberbly not a good idea to post links here, but there is alot of good information on the web about what we are really like that is quite easy to google.
  23. I still find myself having misgivings about the way the Gods I work with, as a real world Druid, are being represented in I5.

    I'm stating it here for the record though that real world Druids do not run around killing people, we follow a peaceful spiritual path, respect life and seek to live in balance with nature.

    Representations in this fictional game are just that, fiction.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    on another topic but still in this general topic of I5... saw this on another board and I couldn't agree more.

    I'm a bit miffed from a cultural perspective. The Tuatha deDannan were the Faerie Folk of Ireland, not big shaggy monsters. It gets a bit tiresome seeing the religious beliefs of my ancestors ground up and spit out in a totally outrageous form. No one depicts the Roman Gods or Norse Gods or even Egyptian Gods as shaggy monsters, but hey, who cares about the Irish!? We can do whatever we want to their Gods, right?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I also agree with this view.