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It's a Bethesda game. Ever since Daggerfall I wait until the first patch comes out before I buy a Bethesda game... and even then, tread carefully.
Yeah, I think that's the toughest part about the GoT series. I remember the broad strokes, but as each new book is released I find myself re-reading the entire series prior to the newest, just so I can catch as many details and references that I can. At this point, I'm almost tempted to skip buying and reading book 6 until book 7 comes out.
To the OP, I'll ditto what everyone has said. Read them all. -
The prize for not dying in battle? You get to die slowly! ...Hooray?
I watched it on Netflix streaming a year or so ago. I'm not a huge anime fan, but it kept my interest and was, overall, something I enjoyed. Like a lot of anime, I felt it kind of fell apart at the end. But, that said, it was certainly worth my time for the rental.
I was a TPB-only reader for quite a while, until tablets/Comixology started making it easy to get (and re-read) individual issues. I don't buy the issues at full-price, but when they hit the $0.99 or $1.99 mark then buying six individual issues makes them even cheaper than buying a TPB. And I can typically get caught up faster than if I waited for a compilation to be printed. Plus, I was running out of shelf space.
I was actually completely wiped and missed my first GenCon CoH M&G. This year, I have a game that potentially goes to 11pm. So, if there's plans for drinks after, then I'm there. ... and I might be able to make the party prior given that both my Saturday games feature the same system and GM. That's all that I meant.
If last year had an afterparty, I missed both the actual and that. This year, if Shecky keeps the party going for me, I'll join. -
I'll be at GenCon this year. ...And might even make the M&G this time--or at least the M&G after-party. There is an after-party, right?
I thought the enjoyment of Captain America came primarily from the WW2 setting, rather than the character himself. I overlooked the "Plus I like his traditional/patriotic style." bit. Maybe better to hold off on The Boys for a bit, then.
And I won't even suggest The Pro! -
Quote:I'll second the vote for Planetary.I would suggest getting the TPBs of Planetary. Probably my favorite comic down in the last 15 years. Great stories, and John Cassady's art simply cannot be beat.
Also, if you want a gritty/gory skewed look at superheros, check out The Boys by Garth Ennis. -
Also, I keep waiting and waiting for Galaxy High to be available streaming.
Without that show there would have been no Stormer!
In both the books and the TV show, one gets the impression that the Wall isn't there to keep out humans--that's just an added bonus for those that don't have boats and can't swim. I guess it does well against Snarks and Grumpkin.
Has he played Torchlight yet? That's a great dungeon romp in a similar vein to Diablo.
Quote:A search for "Diet Delivery" and a few different cities revealed that The Fresh Diet is pretty wide-spread in the US.Yeah you should be able to find the service if you are near an average sized city. I know we have several where I am. I've even known a few people who did this for a living. It's just another type of personal chef.
I picked up a copy. I've got a few books ahead of it that I want to read (I'm on a big "science of music" kick right now), but I'll make sure to submit a review once I read it. Best of luck to you!
Might the Big Bad Wolf be Ruby's Grandmother?
Quote:So what you're saying is, you feel like reaching 50 has been cheapened by the fact that doing so no longer unlocks Kheldians. Now there's nothing special about being level 50. NOTHING AT ALL.
Or a Doctor Who and Inspector Spacetime crossover. It's about time.
Seriously, though, I think that Innovator's got a good idea for not having to worry too much about continuity. I also wouldn't mind a return of Paul McGann with a stand-alone 8th Doctor movie. Ignoring the "Expanded Universe" of books and audio dramas (which conflict with each other, anyway), it'd be pretty easy to have a stand-alone 8th Doctor movie that still works with canon. -
Quote:See, that's exactly how we end up in these situations.Your assumption is that having sex leaves me without weapons close at hand. Let me assure you its false.
No one included marbles in their arsenal? Zombies shamble, they must trip easily, right?