Devs response to the WLers?




next time, make the wl spawn more in founders falls, that way the cowardly lvl 30-50s hanging out in atlas are there because they cant get to thier contacts, not because they are trying to find an easy xp-loit.



To those who are saying Statesman missed two events, the Rularuu invasion and the Shadow Shard invasion:

He said "Halloween event". Isn't that when the Rularuu invaded, from the Shadow Shard?



Now that the WL is finally gone, I look back and think-

"What do the Devs think about all the issues it caused?"

I havent seen a post by the Devs discussing its impact or admitting its failure.

So what do they have to say about it?

[/ QUOTE ]

What was stated, quoted above. What I read, "Wah wah WL wah wah wah." I haven't even bothered to read any of the other posts in the hopes that they all are telling the OP to stop snivling about the WL for crying out loud! Time to move on Rad.



He said "Halloween event". Isn't that when the Rularuu invaded, from the Shadow Shard?

[/ QUOTE ] No, the "Halloween event" was the, er, event at Halloween. You know, with the trick and treating and giant pumpkin thing.

@JohnP - Victory



The Winter Lord Event was flat out the best event they have run so far. Perfect? No. Best? Yes.

The debt anyone gets from a bad team gets my sympathy for the FIRST death. Anything after is all on the player. Leave. Start a new team. Do a different mission. After is just a game.





Why not just be glad that you get to help a bunch of people test out new powers they think are cool? Debt's not that big a deal.

[/ QUOTE ]

In a perfect world, id agree that yes I can help people with new cool powers.

Except most noobs are over-confident and think they know better.

Example: WLed N0ob runs into a mob and tps us all in- after aggroing 10 groups along the way. We tell him not to do that. this is followed by lots of cursing and a quit.

[/ QUOTE ]

He quit? Wow. That's a marked improvement over the teens and the twenties before the winter lords, when they would stick around and attempt to drive my controller insane.

Besides, I can just imagine this conversation:

Player 1: Hello. I say dear boy, that was not a tactically sound maneuver.

Player 2: That teleport was highly unexpected. Perhaps some aggro control would be in the best interests of the rest of the team, what say?

Player 3: Quite! Let us endeavor to mitigate significant damage and character expiration in the future, shall we?

TeleportNut: &^&*& *(*(&& and *&(&( with *(&*(@#^ $& (*# #(*& #*( by *(#&*&@*&*$( #((*#& #)(&&(() #*&(#& #*(&#( and *(#&& #(*&#(*& #&()#& yours. /quit

Yep, I see this all the time.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Now that the WL is finally gone, I look back and think-

"What do the Devs think about all the issues it caused?"

I havent seen a post by the Devs discussing its impact or admitting its failure.

So what do they have to say about it?

[/ QUOTE ]

What was stated, quoted above. What I read, "Wah wah WL wah wah wah." I haven't even bothered to read any of the other posts in the hopes that they all are telling the OP to stop snivling about the WL for crying out loud! Time to move on Rad.

[/ QUOTE ]

What was said: quoted. What I heard: dog barking.

Here's what you missed: OP wanted Dev response, got flamed, dealt with the flames gracefully. Dev responded. OP thanked him. Reading is power.



To those who are saying Statesman missed two events, the Rularuu invasion and the Shadow Shard invasion:

He said "Halloween event". Isn't that when the Rularuu invaded, from the Shadow Shard?

[/ QUOTE ]

er. no. The Rularuu and the Shadow Shard invasion are the same things. Tha halloween event was the halloween event. In any case I want the minute back I spent writing this post.



It was only our third event (if memory serves) we're still learning.

Rikti invasion was nice...Halloween worked well...and the Winter Lords had some good stuff.

We noted our errors and will rectify them next time.

[/ QUOTE ]

Next time, I suggest an event that benefits the lower levels without power leveling them. Something that the higher levels would find an interesting novelty, perhaps because in involved elements of the game they hadn't seen in a long time. Maybe add an element of search and exploration instead of camping spawn points.

Say, a search and destroy mission involving one of the lower mobs groups would be nice...

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Now that the WL is finally gone, I look back and think-

"What do the Devs think about all the issues it caused?"

I havent seen a post by the Devs discussing its impact or admitting its failure.

So what do they have to say about it?

[/ QUOTE ]

What was stated, quoted above. What I read, "Wah wah WL wah wah wah." I haven't even bothered to read any of the other posts in the hopes that they all are telling the OP to stop snivling about the WL for crying out loud! Time to move on Rad.

[/ QUOTE ]

What was said: quoted. What I heard: dog barking.

Here's what you missed: OP wanted Dev response, got flamed, dealt with the flames gracefully. Dev responded. OP thanked him. Reading is power.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmmm, I wonder if the flaming happened because of the other 500 whine about WL posts on the forum? I would also, like to thank you for stepping into name calling. I sure learned my lesson from you. I notice that you avatar is an empty skull.....not surprising really.



I can't believe this nonsense continues. All this really is about is anger from players who started before the wl being mad because some had an easier road than they did. I already dislike grouping because most players are alot more experienced in coh than I am and most have no patience for anyone that doesn't know what they know. And the strange thing is most of the time when groups I have been in have got in trouble was because the "vets" were too impatient and over-extended the group trying to show off their skill. If you want the game to die then keep coming up with things to complain about that are insulting to a large percentage of paying customers and eventually you will be sitting and lamenting about how no one logs on anymore.




Hmmm, I wonder if the flaming happened because of the other 500 whine about WL posts on the forum? I would also, like to thank you for stepping into name calling. I sure learned my lesson from you. I notice that you avatar is an empty skull.....not surprising really.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, ok, I apologize. Bad afternoon, edgy, sorry...
But you have to admit, if you'd read the whole thread, and particularly Statesman's answer, you wouldn't have hit the OP quite so hard. This wasn't nearly as whiny or pointless as most of the other 500.




Hmmm, I wonder if the flaming happened because of the other 500 whine about WL posts on the forum? I would also, like to thank you for stepping into name calling. I sure learned my lesson from you. I notice that you avatar is an empty skull.....not surprising really.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, ok, I apologize. Bad afternoon, edgy, sorry...
But you have to admit, if you'd read the whole thread, and particularly Statesman's answer, you wouldn't have hit the OP quite so hard. This wasn't nearly as whiny or pointless as most of the other 500.

[/ QUOTE ]

I am prepared to "post" and make up. I appologize for biting, please, don't hit me with a rolled up newspaper!



It was only our third event (if memory serves) we're still learning.

Rikti invasion was nice...Halloween worked well...and the Winter Lords had some good stuff.

We noted our errors and will rectify them next time.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just had to say I appreciated the WL event a lot. I'm a pretty casual gamer and a team with some solid planning could get characters up to the 20s in a day which allowed me to build, test and delete several guys.

Unheroic? Well... teams of heroes organizing to battle the menace sounds heroic to me.

PLing? Let's see... I died several times... looks like risk, so there should be reward. It's not like anyone was getting to 50 fighting WLs.

Left a lot of crappy level 20 players out there? Yup. They joined the ranks of all the other crappy 20 level players.

As a guy who's only able to play an hour or two a day the event increased my funfactor 10 fold because I got to try a lot of new things. Can't say I'd like it to be around forever but I think you did a swell job for a special event.



Now that the WL is finally gone, I look back and think-

"What do the Devs think about all the issues it caused?"

I havent seen a post by the Devs discussing its impact or admitting its failure.

So what do they have to say about it?

[/ QUOTE ]

The only "issue" the event caused was a few more newbs running around playing their heros less effectively than they might had they "paid their dues" so to speak. If fact, I would say that it wasn't just the presence of WLs that was the problem, it was the post Christmas bump in new players combined with the WLs. I know plenty of experienced players that used the WLs on a new hero or two to climb a few levels faster than they might normally and they play VERY effectively. I think that the real "problem" was that there were more newbs around because they got CoH as a Chrsitmas gift that arrived to find the WLs and powered leveled up pretty quick. That said, I've played in plenty of pick up groups in the last few weeks and they still seem to suck with the same frequency as before The WLs didn't hurt anyone other than the people who weren't very well versed in the game and PLd beyond their level of experience. Seriously, I don't understand why so many people think this was such a travesty. It was disruptive to people seeking teams for about two weeks. WHOOPEE.




what the? why do they need to respond? it was a temporary event, people had fun, people took advantage. so what. move on already.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not my point.

It was fun, didnt say it wasnt. But id did sweep in a wave of noobs who are now at my level and helping me get XP Debt.

And the Devs havent said a word.


[/ QUOTE ]

Are you looking for a personal apology from the devs for putting on an event that a lot of people enjoyed? Maybe you need to be more disciminating about the teams you join.




what the? why do they need to respond? it was a temporary event, people had fun, people took advantage. so what. move on already.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not my point.

It was fun, didnt say it wasnt. But id did sweep in a wave of noobs who are now at my level and helping me get XP Debt.

And the Devs havent said a word.


[/ QUOTE ]

Are you looking for a personal apology from the devs for putting on an event that a lot of people enjoyed? Maybe you need to be more disciminating about the teams you join.


[/ QUOTE ]

Absoultly not- I wanted to hear from them- i did and im good now.

But this was not a "its all about me" thing- this has impacted ALOT of players- guess your not one of them.

And if you shifting the blame to my personal capabilities in joining a team, maybe you can be the one to make the question sheet i should be giving each team member before i start (question example: What is your favorite type of power in CoH and why? minimum 3 pages or quit)



PLEASE oh PLEASE, Statesman, please tell us that giant Bunniculas will roam the zones for Easter!

[/ QUOTE ]

"Bunnies aren't just cute like everybody supposes
They got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses
And what's with all the carrots
What do they need such good eyesight for anyway
Bunnies, bunnies
It must be bunnies "
-- Anya "I've Got a Theory" BtVS

If ya don't get it, you probably don't want to get it.

[/ QUOTE ]

...or maybe midgets.



I feel like I'm at the end of "Wayne's World" where they are all getting along talking about what they have learned...

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



And if you shifting the blame to my personal capabilities in joining a team, maybe you can be the one to make the question sheet i should be giving each team member before i start (question example: What is your favorite type of power in CoH and why? minimum 3 pages or quit)

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, why look! It's argumentum ad absurdam... how apt for this thread.

Personally I feel you're shifting the blame for your poor teaming habits on an event which, while flawed, was far from the debacle you describe it as. But there you go, a matter of perception perhaps....

...Or is it? I mean, come on, when ten minutes pass and the team leader hasn't said a word (and you know it's not because he's AFK) I think that's a pretty fair indication there's a problem right there, no questionaire required.

On the larger issue, I'm gonna say somehing funny: What precisely is the worst thing that can happen to you in a bad team (griefing aside) even one that happens to be filled with the WL n00bs you seem to feel are so prominent now?

You will (OMG!!) collect Debt? Dear lord, it's not the worst thing in the world! Save me from the debt!

Yeah, so there ya go, States responded, acknowledged that they made errors (whihc I don't think any of us here felt that errors weren't made, but disagreed on the severity), and (I'm happy to say) will continue to host events like this...

...which carries the implication that they will also be flawed events, by the way...

[deep breath]

Ok, I'm ready for the next round of whining when Easter hits.



There actually has been a benefit to the WLing, in the eyes of my level 27 Rad/Rad. (I haven't done pickups with my other characters, I usually just play with my SG and friends.)

When I join a pickup team with obvious WLers, no one says "R U HEALER?" And no one tells me to "juss heal, no blast" or tells me not to debuff because they "can't c mobs" or anything else innane like that.

Why? They probably have no idea that I'm a Defender, or that I heal, or that I'm in any way different from a Blaster.

As I watch them use Flurry (a favorite among Blasters and Controllers in the 20s nowadays, and no, not Scraptrollers) and bounce around with their three movement powers, and as I watch them celebrate killing blues and whites with no deaths ("we rock!"), I'm just kind of happy that they're ignorant and not in my hair about how to play my toon, since they still are struggling with theirs.

I'm worried, though, as I carefully watch the health bar of the multiple Scrappers and Tanks who haven't taken (or don't run) their defenses, that they're just going to get incredibly frustrated in the near future.

I usually stick around for a few missions (on heavy babysitting mode, intead of "BLAST KILL KILL YAAARGH" mode as I usually prefer), do a bit of patter about my powers and theirs, and then move on.

Nice, nice folks, all of them. I don't deal with nearly the active pickup group snottiness/bossiness I did before the WLing. But, you know, yikes. I foresee frustration ahead.



what the? why do they need to respond? it was a temporary event, people had fun, people took advantage. so what. move on already.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not my point.

It was fun, didnt say it wasnt. But id did sweep in a wave of noobs who are now at my level and helping me get XP Debt.

And the Devs havent said a word.


[/ QUOTE ]

Maybe their Overall Plan was in fact to put you into Debt?

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, I'm convinced my Mind Controller's contacts have been programmed to keep me in permadebt, so it is indeed possible @.@



what the? why do they need to respond? it was a temporary event, people had fun, people took advantage. so what. move on already.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not my point.

It was fun, didnt say it wasnt. But id did sweep in a wave of noobs who are now at my level and helping me get XP Debt.

And the Devs havent said a word.


[/ QUOTE ]

Are you looking for a personal apology from the devs for putting on an event that a lot of people enjoyed? Maybe you need to be more disciminating about the teams you join.

[/ QUOTE ]

Absoultly not- I wanted to hear from them- i did and im good now.

[/ QUOTE ]


How about this:


I havent seen a post by the Devs discussing its impact or admitting its failure.

[/ QUOTE ]

You wanted an admission of failure not just to hear from them. (which you didn't get)

and this:


An apology would be nice yes.

[/ QUOTE ] you DID want an apology.

So make up your mind already. Admit it. You wanted the devs to admit failure and to apologize to an event based upon how 'you' felt it should be.

You still haven't gotten that.

I still smell a whiner around here somewhere.

Sorry, but I have a very low tolerance for whiners. Especially whiners who contradict themselves and keep changing their stories.



what the? why do they need to respond? it was a temporary event, people had fun, people took advantage. so what. move on already.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not my point.

It was fun, didnt say it wasnt. But id did sweep in a wave of noobs who are now at my level and helping me get XP Debt.

And the Devs havent said a word.


[/ QUOTE ]

Are you looking for a personal apology from the devs for putting on an event that a lot of people enjoyed? Maybe you need to be more disciminating about the teams you join.

[/ QUOTE ]

Absoultly not- I wanted to hear from them- i did and im good now.

[/ QUOTE ]


How about this:


I havent seen a post by the Devs discussing its impact or admitting its failure.

[/ QUOTE ]

You wanted an admission of failure not just to hear from them. (which you didn't get)

and this:


An apology would be nice yes.

[/ QUOTE ] you DID want an apology.

So make up your mind already. Admit it. You wanted the devs to admit failure and to apologize to an event based upon how 'you' felt it should be.

You still haven't gotten that.

I still smell a whiner around here somewhere.

Sorry, but I have a very low tolerance for whiners. Especially whiners who contradict themselves and keep changing their stories.

[/ QUOTE ]

THats just a question of how you saw the WL event- being that im STILL dealing with WLed n00bs, I see it as a failure. My opinion man. Of couse its how I saw it. Im not speaking for the other heros that had issues with this. Its my personal deal here.

If you dont like seeing other peoples "whinning" (or as most people call- OPINIONS) then you shoulnt be on the boards man.



Rikti invasion was nice...Halloween worked well...and the Winter Lords had some good stuff.

[/ QUOTE ] The poor Ruularuu, forgotten already their invasion was so pointless...and the 5th/Council battles, obviously not important enough to be considered an event.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, the 5th/Council thing was too short, really. I had experienced it on Test, but didn't even notice it had gone to the Live servers until I was specifically asked to join a team working the street war.

The less said about the Rularuu the better. I sure didn't enjoy getting all that debt -- logging in to find I'd been killed while still loading sucked. And they were so hard players just stopped fighting them after the first couple of days.

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