Devs response to the WLers?





An apology would be nice yes.

If youd know what the mid-lev characters are dealing with when they invite tanks who think that the controller should take the aggro, youd understand too.

They will learn yes. But it shoulnt be at mine or other hard working heros' expense.

[/ QUOTE ]

Are those your actual "mains" you've listed in your signature?

[/ QUOTE ]

Deleted my lev 50s after my brother took them over.

So technically they are my "mains" but I have 2 50s on Infinity and a 43 on Virute.





Noobs arent noobs by the time they get to lev 25. People at 25 know their build and how they want to grow. Thats just common sense.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wrong. I am still learning at 27. Been playing since week 2. Get over yourself.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.




Noobs arent noobs by the time they get to lev 25. People at 25 know their build and how they want to grow. Thats just common sense.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wrong. I am still learning at 27. Been playing since week 2. Get over yourself.

[/ QUOTE ]

Learning yes. But im sure you know what your powers do, how to use them, which level groups you can handle, your purpose in a group (damage, buffs...)

WLers dont know any of this.



You know what doesn't make sense? You claim you had multiple level 50s, and yet a few days ago you post a gem like this:


So i got a respec and cant decide on something-

I originally got Clear Mind which, although helpfull at times, isnt very necessary. I can also give up Gloom, being that im going more for an Emp Defender. Id much rather get Stamina which I hear is awesome.
However, to get stamina, id have to get 2 other powers in the Fitness power pool- but besides Stamina, it seems like a wasted Power Pool and id hate to waste 2 powers just to get stamina.

So my question- Is it worth it to get Stamina?

[/ QUOTE ]

You know what I think? Since the WL event, I've seen more people trying to feign coolness by bashing the "n00bs" than actual WL newbies. It's amazing.




An apology would be nice yes.

If youd know what the mid-lev characters are dealing with when they invite tanks who think that the controller should take the aggro, youd understand too.

They will learn yes. But it shoulnt be at mine or other hard working heros' expense.

[/ QUOTE ]

Are those your actual "mains" you've listed in your signature?

[/ QUOTE ]

Deleted my lev 50s after my brother took them over.

So technically they are my "mains" but I have 2 50s on Infinity and a 43 on Virute.


[/ QUOTE ]

If all someone had was a handful in the 20s what do they know about playing the game? Think about it. According to the boards the game changes in the 30s. Since I have only made a few into the mid-upper 20s I have no understanding of Terra Volta, wolf herding and a whole lot of other content above it. And if I don't get on teams with people who know how to play from having been there, the only way to learn involves many trips to the hospital. Not all of us are born uber players. Took me a year to get my ranger to 25 and druid to 21 in EQ and am at 8+ months for my blaster to be 27 and tank 21.

My blaster was schooled at 23 in a pickup group. I was doing what I had always done soloing. The leader could kick me or teach me. He chose teach. I still have lots to learn.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



You know what doesn't make sense? You claim you had multiple level 50s, and yet a few days ago you post a gem like this:


So i got a respec and cant decide on something-

I originally got Clear Mind which, although helpfull at times, isnt very necessary. I can also give up Gloom, being that im going more for an Emp Defender. Id much rather get Stamina which I hear is awesome.
However, to get stamina, id have to get 2 other powers in the Fitness power pool- but besides Stamina, it seems like a wasted Power Pool and id hate to waste 2 powers just to get stamina.

So my question- Is it worth it to get Stamina?

[/ QUOTE ]

You know what I think? Since the WL event, I've seen more people trying to feign coolness by bashing the "n00bs" than actual WL newbies. It's amazing.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wait so because ive gotten to 50, ive taken EVERY power possible? THere are aton. My 2 lev 50s are scrappers. Not once did I go into the Fitness power pool or any Defender powers eather.

You want to talk scrapper powers i can go on all day...



Alright this is getting rediculous- people are now attacking my own credebility to try and disprove me.

I have been around since beta. My current characters are listed below. My 50s are gone- they have "moved on". Thats it.

My problem is there is a wave of WLed n00bs creating alot of aggravation in the game for SOME (NOT ALL) heros. I am one of those people who feel that way.

again- im not bragging. Im not an amazing player. But these guys are killing themselves, and their fellow heros as well just because they used a Winter Event (one that gave WAY too much XP) to get there.

YES this might not affect you in which case there is nothing here that you need to discuss.

My only problem is that the Devs have not said a word about this. Nothing. My question is why, being that it seems that the whole WL event screwed alot of things up.

Not attacking anyone. Just stating my opinion.




You're certainly a BS scrapper, I'll give ya that!



You're certainly a BS scrapper, I'll give ya that!

[/ QUOTE ]

And you seem to flaunt your ignorance quite well for a guy who hasnt been around for a month!



To the OPs defense, he has not committed the one action that marks a lamer, so he is not a lamer.

No complaints that we are all a bunch of fanboys kissing the devs hinds.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Also, no "You all keep drinking the kool aid" comment, which is nice.



Why not just be glad that you get to help a bunch of people test out new powers they think are cool? Debt's not that big a deal.

[/ QUOTE ]

In a perfect world, id agree that yes I can help people with new cool powers.

Except most noobs are over-confident and think they know better.

Example: WLed N0ob runs into a mob and tps us all in- after aggroing 10 groups along the way. We tell him not to do that. this is followed by lots of cursing and a quit.

[/ QUOTE ]

So you're the n00b in this scenario?

Experienced players always turn on "prompt for team teleport" when they don't know the folks they're teamed with.

Given that this is the thing you choose to use as an example of newbie behavior, I'd suggest you look to your own house first.



To the OPs defense, he has not committed the one action that marks a lamer, so he is not a lamer.

No complaints that we are all a bunch of fanboys kissing the devs hinds.

[/ QUOTE ]

Haha thanks

I am actually quite fond of the Devs (fell in love with Aura once i got my Beta invite) and never had any real problems with them before. (once got upselt with the number of "stuck" baddies that were stuck in walls in my missions) but besides that, I really respec them.

This situation though, whether it be intentional or not, created a whole mess of things for alot of people. Thats all im saying.



You're certainly a BS scrapper, I'll give ya that!

[/ QUOTE ]

And you seem to flaunt your ignorance quite well for a guy who hasnt been around for a month!

[/ QUOTE ]

That could just be for his global chat handle though...

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Why not just be glad that you get to help a bunch of people test out new powers they think are cool? Debt's not that big a deal.

[/ QUOTE ]

In a perfect world, id agree that yes I can help people with new cool powers.

Except most noobs are over-confident and think they know better.

Example: WLed N0ob runs into a mob and tps us all in- after aggroing 10 groups along the way. We tell him not to do that. this is followed by lots of cursing and a quit.

[/ QUOTE ]

So you're the n00b in this scenario?

Experienced players always turn on "prompt for team teleport" when they don't know the folks they're teamed with.

Given that this is the thing you choose to use as an example of newbie behavior, I'd suggest you look to your own house first.

[/ QUOTE ] im in a level...tping has to be done fast to avoid getting i turn it off expecting my teammate to be competant. That assumtion was my bad ill admit that.

Besides that the TP prompt is usually on.

Again, that fact though is completly irrelivant to the situation at hand. Please stick to the problems, not create new ones.



Why not just be glad that you get to help a bunch of people test out new powers they think are cool? Debt's not that big a deal.

[/ QUOTE ]

In a perfect world, id agree that yes I can help people with new cool powers.

Except most noobs are over-confident and think they know better.

Example: WLed N0ob runs into a mob and tps us all in- after aggroing 10 groups along the way. We tell him not to do that. this is followed by lots of cursing and a quit.

[/ QUOTE ]

So you're the n00b in this scenario?

Experienced players always turn on "prompt for team teleport" when they don't know the folks they're teamed with.

Given that this is the thing you choose to use as an example of newbie behavior, I'd suggest you look to your own house first.

[/ QUOTE ] im in a level...tping has to be done fast to avoid getting i turn it off expecting my teammate to be competant. That assumtion was my bad ill admit that.

Besides that the TP prompt is usually on.

Again, that fact though is completly irrelivant to the situation at hand. Please stick to the problems, not create new ones.

[/ QUOTE ]

You said you're constantly being killed by n00bish incompetence, and yet you continue teaming with people who you don't know.

Then, you say you expect your teammates - who you don't know - to be competent, despite the entire premise of your post being that the n00bs are *everywhere* and ruining things for you enough to justify wanting an apology from the devs.

Hm... either you're too dumb to actually be consistent, or everyone else - and I mean *EVERYONE* else - who's responded is just unable to grasp the situation, and you are alone in a universe full of idiots.

Yeah, that must be it. It's everyone else's fault, and everyone but you is being irrelevant and stupid.

Tell me - if we don't know what we're talking about, why is it we who are enjoying the game and you who is complaining about it? (Don't bother responding - I know your answer: "Kwit bean errelevent")



WLers dont know any of this.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ah but they will.

Most WLers weren't even new players. We had 2 weeks of the WL hunting, but we've been playing this game for 10 months. That's maybe 5% of the total time the game has been live. So there is possibly a 5% chance brand new players were doing WL's, leaving more and more chances for people with more experience to do the same thing. Ther's another 5% chance people who started within 2 weeks of the game took the opportunity to do the WL hunting.

How many of those DEFINITELY powerlevelled all the way to lvl 20 or more? Certainly not 100%. Maybe half? Less?



Now that the WL is finally gone, I look back and think-

"What do the Devs think about all the issues it caused?"

I havent seen a post by the Devs discussing its impact or admitting its failure.

So what do they have to say about it?

[/ QUOTE ]

here here... I want to know what the devs are gonna do about the fact that I was able to breeze through the most boring levels of the game with my Khel and level from the end of the Khel specific story arc at the begining to the point where I could right away start enjoying all the lovely new content in Striga Isle in the course of a week!! Curse you for making me X down for my negotiator badge!!!

um... wait... oh you're serious? um....nevermind.



Why not just be glad that you get to help a bunch of people test out new powers they think are cool? Debt's not that big a deal.

[/ QUOTE ]

In a perfect world, id agree that yes I can help people with new cool powers.

Except most noobs are over-confident and think they know better.

Example: WLed N0ob runs into a mob and tps us all in- after aggroing 10 groups along the way. We tell him not to do that. this is followed by lots of cursing and a quit.

[/ QUOTE ]

So you're the n00b in this scenario?

Experienced players always turn on "prompt for team teleport" when they don't know the folks they're teamed with.

Given that this is the thing you choose to use as an example of newbie behavior, I'd suggest you look to your own house first.

[/ QUOTE ] im in a level...tping has to be done fast to avoid getting i turn it off expecting my teammate to be competant. That assumtion was my bad ill admit that.

Besides that the TP prompt is usually on.

Again, that fact though is completly irrelivant to the situation at hand. Please stick to the problems, not create new ones.

[/ QUOTE ]

You said you're constantly being killed by n00bish incompetence, and yet you continue teaming with people who you don't know.

Then, you say you expect your teammates - who you don't know - to be competent, despite the entire premise of your post being that the n00bs are *everywhere* and ruining things for you enough to justify wanting an apology from the devs.

Hm... either you're too dumb to actually be consistent, or everyone else - and I mean *EVERYONE* else - who's responded is just unable to grasp the situation, and you are alone in a universe full of idiots.

Yeah, that must be it. It's everyone else's fault, and everyone but you is being irrelevant and stupid.

Tell me - if we don't know what we're talking about, why is it we who are enjoying the game and you who is complaining about it? (Don't bother responding - I know your answer: "Kwit bean errelevent")

[/ QUOTE ]

Im a healer atm. Of course I team. My SG is pretty small so usually I have to go with some strangers.

This has never been an issue. Sure ive been killed a few times by mistakes, but again, theres been a sharp increase in this- im constantly fighting for my life with people who are supposed to be there to protect me.

Sure I can solo but I dont imagine being able to do so with just one attack power.

Id also agree with you if this were just me...but its clearly someone said, there have been tons of threads on this issue...byt hey, guess you would know better

Im enjoying the game...dont know where you came up with that one...but that doesnt mean I cant express my concerns about this. Isnt that what the boards are for?



Sounds like you are complaining/griefing just to have something to say.




How many of those DEFINITELY powerlevelled all the way to lvl 20 or more? Certainly not 100%. Maybe half? Less?

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't forget, as has been explained in many anti-PL threads before, even an experienced CoH player needs scores of hours in a new AT to learn the subtleties of their new powers.

Once you succumb to PLing - especially in a manner explicitly designed as such by the devs in the WL - you will forever be behind the learning curve and may as well delete the character.

The problem is that PLing destroys brain cells, so people who engage in it, or even observe it without defending their remaining brain cells with large doses of moral outrage (which research has proven is not harmful, no matter how addictive it is) are too confused and retarded to understand the dangers of this pernicious practice.

We are even too messed up to be properly grateful to the people who are here to protect us and the game from PLing.

My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.



You're still missing the point.

You're wanting the devs to admit to something based upon your assumptions not facts.

Look at it this way...

I'm assuming you're posting here just to whine and get attention (I may be right or wrong). Therefore, I want you to admit that your whining just to get attention.

Same logic. Sounds ridiculous doesn't it? That's the same logic you are using with wanting the devs to admit failure based upon your assumptions.

Now that the WL is finally gone, I look back and think-

"What do the Devs think about all the issues it caused?"

I havent seen a post by the Devs discussing its impact or admitting its failure.

So what do they have to say about it?

[/ QUOTE ]

There's nothing to discuss. Do a search and you'll see it's been discussed to death.

Don't know what you mean by "admitting its failure" unless you're just wanting to put words in their mouths. I don't really see what failed. Some liked it and some didn't. So what.

[/ QUOTE ]

Im not doubting that some people didnt like it. Im sure the n00bs LOVED it.

But im going to assume here that the Devs intentions were NOT to allow new players to lev up 20 levels in 2 days.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's what's so ridiculous about your post. You're assuming what the devs wanted to do. Yet you're wanting them to admit failure based upon your assumption of how things were supposed to be.

I think the best course of action would be to drop the issue and just play the game.

[/ QUOTE ]

Again this is an illogical argument-

if I said something like "im assuming that the Devs didnt want us to even ATTACK them in the first place" then yes, i should be yelled at.

But i said that im assuming that they did not expect people to basically use this event as a way to skip 20 levels.

Thats not a farfetched assumption.

[/ QUOTE ]



Have you ever had the Teleport other power? It is a power that can be interrupted very easily. I find it highly doubtful that this "hypothetical" situation you describe could ever happen. I sincerely doubt you got any debt at all from this situation you gave us. No "noob" would have the defense necessary to stand in a group of mobs and teleport an entire team to him.

[/ QUOTE ]

*looks around, wonders if it's worth getting in the middle of this flame war...tentatively steps forward*

Actually, Recall Friend doesn't necessarily teleport your target directly to you. You can click on any member of your team and teleport them to anywhere else in your range. Say you're standing at the end of a hallway, and you see a bunch of mobs standing at the other end. If you've got enough range enhancers in your power (don't know why you would, but you could), you can teleport the hapless Controller who was hiding back at the mission entrance smack into the middle of the pack. Granted, the range on Recall Friend for pulling crap like this is fairly limited, but that's how it works. You activate the power, you clicky where you want your target to arrive, and BLAMMO!

*quickly ducks back out of the firefight, runs and hides*



Howdy, been away from the game and forums for a while and have been trying to catch up on both. ( I started in closed beta)

Heard alot of this WL exploit thing on the boards allready discussed. But I get two things from this post.

1. What do the Devs think of the outcome of this event, was it a failure or success? and Was it intended to have the effects that it did? ie: powerleveling

2. because of the possibility of leveling faster there are now new heroes (n00bs) that do not have a clue as to how to play this game and causing a lot of mistakes.

What I am thinking is.

1. You may never know what they are really thinking of the outcome of this event, good or bad. Try not to let it get the better of you.

2. hhmm.. playing with the new guys' is gonna happen, I try to not have more than 1 or 2 to a group hehe, but it's really hard not to have at least one on a team.

3. If you never had gotten debt from someone elses mistakes/ignorance would you be posting this?