Devs response to the WLers?




Now that the WL is finally gone, I look back and think-

"What do the Devs think about all the issues it caused?"

I havent seen a post by the Devs discussing its impact or admitting its failure.

So what do they have to say about it?



what the? why do they need to respond? it was a temporary event, people had fun, people took advantage. so what. was your life ruined by the increased leveling rate of people for a few days? move on already!



what the? why do they need to respond? it was a temporary event, people had fun, people took advantage. so what. move on already.

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Not my point.

It was fun, didnt say it wasnt. But id did sweep in a wave of noobs who are now at my level and helping me get XP Debt.

And the Devs havent said a word.




do you want a hand written apology? maybe a bouqet of flowers? the new people will learn, just as you did. if they lack experience, tell them what to do, give them tips.



what the? why do they need to respond? it was a temporary event, people had fun, people took advantage. so what. move on already.

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Not my point.

It was fun, didnt say it wasnt. But id did sweep in a wave of noobs who are now at my level and helping me get XP Debt.

And the Devs havent said a word.


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Maybe their Overall Plan was in fact to put you into Debt?

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question



do you want a hand written apology? maybe a bouqet of flowers? the new people will learn, just as you did. if they lack experience, tell them what to do, give them tips.

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An apology would be nice yes.

If youd know what the mid-lev characters are dealing with when they invite tanks who think that the controller should take the aggro, youd understand too.

They will learn yes. But it shoulnt be at mine or other hard working heros' expense.



Why not just be glad that you get to help a bunch of people test out new powers they think are cool? Debt's not that big a deal.



do you want a hand written apology? maybe a bouqet of flowers? the new people will learn, just as you did. if they lack experience, tell them what to do, give them tips.

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An apology would be nice yes.

If youd know what the mid-lev characters are dealing with when they invite tanks who think that the controller should take the aggro, youd understand too.

They will learn yes. But it shoulnt be at mine or other hard working heros' expense.

[/ QUOTE ]

infact i do know what it feels like, as i've taken 2 controllers from level 1-39. you know what i do? i impart my knowledge of game mechanics on the unknowing tanker: "tanker go aggro"

if you dont want to help people learn, then solo.



Why not just be glad that you get to help a bunch of people test out new powers they think are cool? Debt's not that big a deal.

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In a perfect world, id agree that yes I can help people with new cool powers.

Except most noobs are over-confident and think they know better.

Example: WLed N0ob runs into a mob and tps us all in- after aggroing 10 groups along the way. We tell him not to do that. this is followed by lots of cursing and a quit.



Now that the WL is finally gone, I look back and think-

"What do the Devs think about all the issues it caused?"

I havent seen a post by the Devs discussing its impact or admitting its failure.

So what do they have to say about it?

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't see any issues that aren't in people's heads. Honestly... its the whole 'worrying about what other people do' thing that makes the game less enjoyable for some.



Why not just be glad that you get to help a bunch of people test out new powers they think are cool? Debt's not that big a deal.

[/ QUOTE ]

In a perfect world, id agree that yes I can help people with new cool powers.

Except most noobs are over-confident and think they know better.

Example: WLed N0ob runs into a mob and tps us all in- after aggroing 10 groups along the way. We tell him not to do that. this is followed by lots of cursing and a quit.

[/ QUOTE ]

what makes you think you arent a noob your self? if someone does something stupid in a group, inform them, if they leave then they leave. move on already.



If the Devs had a secret plan, I think I know what it was.

It was to give those with higher level characters something to spend their influence on after they'd leveled their alts.

- Ashley
[Rocker Girl (Earth/Earth Dom); Sweet Venom (Plant/Time Ctrl)]



Man, they can't make ANYONE happy, can they?



Why not just be glad that you get to help a bunch of people test out new powers they think are cool? Debt's not that big a deal.

[/ QUOTE ]

In a perfect world, id agree that yes I can help people with new cool powers.

Except most noobs are over-confident and think they know better.

Example: WLed N0ob runs into a mob and tps us all in- after aggroing 10 groups along the way. We tell him not to do that. this is followed by lots of cursing and a quit.

[/ QUOTE ]

what makes you think you arent a noob your self? if someone does something stupid in a group, inform them, if they leave then they leave. move on already.

[/ QUOTE ] not a noob cause ive been playing since beta. Thats how I know.



one why did you accept the Teleport?
Two you really should have seen his behavior within a few minutes and realized. that is when you either impart your knowledge or you move on. Nothing more nothing less.




It was fun, didnt say it wasnt. But id did sweep in a wave of noobs who are now at my level and helping me get XP Debt.

And the Devs havent said a word.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't think the Devs need to respond on your teaming habits. This points to what every hero should know: Be careful who you team with! I've seen heroes that don't know what to do, and they were here before the Winter Lords. Debt is not mandatory and usually avoidable. Flee the bad teams and you'll escape the debt they bring!

global: @SuperSean

Undersecretary of Awesome



one why did you accept the Teleport?
Two you really should have seen his behavior within a few minutes and realized. that is when you either impart your knowledge or you move on. Nothing more nothing less.

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I accepted because he infomed us we were gathering in a safe spot (during TV TF thought we could skip indoor mish to get the Colonel)

Two- he was pretty quiet, no way of knowing ( I dont check badges that often)



Man, they can't make ANYONE happy, can they?

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I don't know, I'm pretty happy.



Yes, because before the Winter Lords we lived in a paradise where every player was a well-behaved expert.

That being said, I'd love to get the devs-eye view on the Winter event, what went as they expected, what surprised them, etc. Not as any kind of apology or explanation, certainly not because I think it was a failure, just because I think it would be very interesting to get their opinions.



Now that the WL is finally gone, I look back and think-

"What do the Devs think about all the issues it caused?"

I havent seen a post by the Devs discussing its impact or admitting its failure.

So what do they have to say about it?

[/ QUOTE ]

There's nothing to discuss. Do a search and you'll see it's been discussed to death.

Don't know what you mean by "admitting its failure" unless you're just wanting to put words in their mouths. I don't really see what failed. Some liked it and some didn't. So what.



Now that the WL is finally gone, I look back and think-

"What do the Devs think about all the issues it caused?"

I havent seen a post by the Devs discussing its impact or admitting its failure.

So what do they have to say about it?

[/ QUOTE ]

There's nothing to discuss. Do a search and you'll see it's been discussed to death.

Don't know what you mean by "admitting its failure" unless you're just wanting to put words in their mouths. I don't really see what failed. Some liked it and some didn't. So what.

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Im not doubting that some people didnt like it. Im sure the n00bs LOVED it.

But im going to assume here that the Devs intentions were NOT to allow new players to lev up 20 levels in 2 days.




That being said, I'd love to get the devs-eye view on the Winter event, what went as they expected, what surprised them, etc. Not as any kind of apology or explanation, certainly not because I think it was a failure, just because I think it would be very interesting to get their opinions.

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I'll second this motion. It would be cool to know IMHO, but thats because I love "behind the scenes" kind of deals anyway.

global: @SuperSean

Undersecretary of Awesome



More than the noobs loved it. I loved it because I'm an alt-aholic and get tired of having to wait until I get my travel power. So I leveled a few up to 14 on the WL.



Yes, because before the Winter Lords we lived in a paradise where every player was a well-behaved expert.

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Zam! Nailed it!



As an event, I give it a D minus.
It was ok, kinda fun to have dev-sanctioned power leveling for my alts, but otherwise, pretty lame imo.
I do like having giant foes to fight though, thats fun.