Devs response to the WLers?




Again Ami, if you were smart enough to check the other boards, ive already explained that i went scrapper and did not TOUCH the Fitness pool.

Im voicing my opinion here. Whoever said that im looking for attention is stupid- arent toe boards made for this? This is my chance to talk to the devs.

Now lets SAY that i am a noob who has not a clue what hes talking can go on all u guys want about how stupid and dumb i am.

Does that take away from the fact that the WLers are still makuing the game a real pain for alot of people?

No im sorry but its still an issue and i am curious about what the devs about. Attacking my personal credibility just shows your own incapability to have a DISCUSSION and turn it into an argument.

Im not attacking the DEvs. I really apretiate everything theyve done for the game. But I still have a say, just like every one else has.



What's CM? (Not afraid to look dumb to learn something.)

[/ QUOTE ]

Clear mind maybe? I can't think of anything else...



Man, they can't make ANYONE happy, can they?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm quite happy - that's at least one out of the multitudes.

But if you read enough forums (other forums have just as many people who live to complain), you start to get the impression that some people aren't happy unless they're complaining.



Again Ami, if you were smart enough to check the other boards, ive already explained that i went scrapper and did not TOUCH the Fitness pool.

Im voicing my opinion here. Whoever said that im looking for attention is stupid- arent toe boards made for this? This is my chance to talk to the devs.

Now lets SAY that i am a noob who has not a clue what hes talking can go on all u guys want about how stupid and dumb i am.

Does that take away from the fact that the WLers are still makuing the game a real pain for alot of people?

No im sorry but its still an issue and i am curious about what the devs about. Attacking my personal credibility just shows your own incapability to have a DISCUSSION and turn it into an argument.

Im not attacking the DEvs. I really apretiate everything theyve done for the game. But I still have a say, just like every one else has.

[/ QUOTE ]

We got a new member in our SG the other day. He's been playing about a month. He told me today that he PL'd with WLs with another character, then realized that he had missed a bunch of stuff, so now he has made a new character, is up to 12 and is learning as he goes along.

I have been answering more than my pre-WL share of questions when I fly through the different Triumph zone, but personally have not run into anyone who has been consistently ignorant.

Things that I've learned by playing the game for a long time:

Pickup teams can be real disasters unless you run them because quality control varies

The Fitness pool and Stamina, especially, is absolutely essential for effective Scrapper builds.

The DEVs put the TP-accept toggle in the game for a reason, and should be kept in the "prompt-on" mode.

I was expecting sheer horror in the game from what everyone was saying, and all I'm getting is a few mildly amusing questions. If you were in Beta, you ought to remember when EVERYONE was a nOOb. How the hell did we survive the first few months when no one knew the game?

Mr. Lithuania

Jessica to Nathan in bed: "I'm not really bad, Isaac just drew me that way."



I'd be happy to see another event like the WL, only not so long. A weekend like the Halloween event was just right, long enough for everyone to get a chance to play, but not too long so people didn't learn how to abuse it.



Dude, I'm sure you're a nice guy, but I gotta tell ya, you need to let this go. This is the second post I've seen from you on this topic, and you haven't gotten anywhere except to start a flame war.

There are larger issues in this game than this one, especially considering that it was a temporary event in a video game of all things. If you don't want to play with the WL kiddies, then play a different level toon for a couple weeks and then go back to your 20 something toon.

The devs aren't going to apologize, they aren't going to "mea culpa". If someone hands you a tool and you misuse it, it's not that person's fault. The devs did something cool, the n00bs took advantage of it and now a very specific level range is going to suck for a very short period of time.

Move on.

Brother of Markus

The Lord of Fire and Pain

The Legendary Living Hellfire

Fight my brute!



To Swellguy

CM means clear mind, an empathy buff agianst Mez

To Rad,

Just one question about your Tanker with recall friend.

Why did you think that a Tanker with that power was going to save you if things went south, I mean aren't tankers always in the middle of it?



While using WLs to level up to 20 may have resulted in some gimped characters, at least the individuals who utilized this method didn't spend hours upon hours to get to 20, only to realize they had done themselves a dis-service via their power and slotting selections, and then discover they would have to grind thru the next 4 levels to attempt a respec.

I took my first character up to 12 before re-rolling - I had slotted rest x4 or something like that. People who have extremely gimped characters can always re-roll and lose a little time, armed with more knowledge (especially if they choose to visit the boards to find out what was wrong with their character).

I'm actually wishing I'd created a couple different ATs and leveled quickly - just to get a better sense of other ATs strengths, and power sets. But I was too busy doing my missions and teaming to be distracted by WL hunting.

I don't think the event was a failure in any way. Sure it was harder to find a non-WL team for a while, but that's ok. And if I end up on a team that doesn't know what they are doing, I'll try my best to help, and if I can't I will politely excuse myself. Keep in mind, once you determine you don't like another person's playstyle you never have to team with them again.

To each their own.



Again Ami, if you were smart enough to check the other boards, ive already explained that i went scrapper and did not TOUCH the Fitness pool.

Im voicing my opinion here. Whoever said that im looking for attention is stupid- arent toe boards made for this? This is my chance to talk to the devs.

Now lets SAY that i am a noob who has not a clue what hes talking can go on all u guys want about how stupid and dumb i am.

Does that take away from the fact that the WLers are still makuing the game a real pain for alot of people?

No im sorry but its still an issue and i am curious about what the devs about. Attacking my personal credibility just shows your own incapability to have a DISCUSSION and turn it into an argument.

Im not attacking the DEvs. I really apretiate everything theyve done for the game. But I still have a say, just like every one else has.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes I saw where you said that, what I don't get is why you think being a scrapper automatically means you don't need or haven't thought about trying the Fitness pool?

Most of the Scrappers I know have it and love it, it makes them more indestructable...actually I can't remember a single team I was on post 40 where the players did not have three if not four of the Fitness Pool powers. I tend to watch the status effects on team, just to see what everyone has and to read the info on various powers when there's down time. And I have not been on a team in the last 10 levels where anyone did not have some fitness powers.

and as far as Clear Mind goes Haven't you ever seen it used?

Have you ever been held by a mob? Of course you have since you claim to have reached 50. Didn't it ever occur to you that Clear mind might be handy?

Look, every post you have made in this thread only underscores that you are most likely the problem on these teams... you are demanding apologies for what you percieve as a slight to your gameplay, you are not allowing others to state their opinion without attacking them, you are complaining about every team you have ever been on, you are disputing the usefulness of team friendly powers ( Health and stamina are team friendly as they keep the poor defender from having to babysit you) Clearly you just do not like to team, and do not want to team.

Why on earth would you post this after asking tolerance in another thread for WL PL'ing?

If you were smart enough to remember what you had already posted elsewhere on these borads and that people can go read it...

As far as PL'd n00bs go... they will learn or they won't ...if they don't learn they will stop playing, or not. For now, they are kind of entertaining, and everyone was a n00b once. They will either learn in game or come to the boards and read up on stuff, or they will mess around, get bored cause no one will team with them cause they can't play and quit the game, go to another mmo and do the same thing there.



Personnally, I really liked the WL event.

The downside is that probably some new people leveled probably very fast, without getting to know the game mechanisms. So be it.

However, for me that was trying to level and Alt Defender, it was really good. I mean, I am use to play a Scrapper. My main is close to the end game. So it gives me and probably other people in my situation, the possibility to experience other AT, Post Stamina. I always find the Pre Stamina levels to be very painfull and I don't enjoy them that much (except the Synapse TF that I like, especially since they redesign the Clockwork King hide out).

So the WL helped me leveled some ALTs to some interesting levels, see wich one I like and wich ones I don't. So now I can enjoy some different play styles and also enjoy having reach some more interesting levels.

So, for me, I was a success. I was having fun hunting WL for 3 hours in Boomtown and gaining 2 or 3 levels during that time.

Lynx Nordique: lvl50 Claws/Regen Scrapper, Physique 101: lvl50 Kin/Nrg Defender
Feu Radieux: lvl50 Fire/Rad Controller, Rocheuse: lvl50 Earth/Rad controller, Madame Kyoto: lvl50 Katana/Regen scrapper, Hivernale: lvl50 Ice/Kin Controller, Leve du Jour: lvl50 Earth/Kin controller



Man, they can't make ANYONE happy, can they?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm quite happy - that's at least one out of the multitudes.

But if you read enough forums (other forums have just as many people who live to complain), you start to get the impression that some people aren't happy unless they're complaining.

[/ QUOTE ]

Then they too MUST be happy! All is well.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



While using WLs to level up to 20 may have resulted in some gimped characters, at least the individuals who utilized this method didn't spend hours upon hours to get to 20, only to realize they had done themselves a dis-service via their power and slotting selections, and then discover they would have to grind thru the next 4 levels to attempt a respec.

I took my first character up to 12 before re-rolling - I had slotted rest x4 or something like that. People who have extremely gimped characters can always re-roll and lose a little time, armed with more knowledge (especially if they choose to visit the boards to find out what was wrong with their character).

I'm actually wishing I'd created a couple different ATs and leveled quickly - just to get a better sense of other ATs strengths, and power sets. But I was too busy doing my missions and teaming to be distracted by WL hunting.

I don't think the event was a failure in any way. Sure it was harder to find a non-WL team for a while, but that's ok. And if I end up on a team that doesn't know what they are doing, I'll try my best to help, and if I can't I will politely excuse myself. Keep in mind, once you determine you don't like another person's playstyle you never have to team with them again.

To each their own.

[/ QUOTE ]

I am so glad to read I am not the only one. That free respec saved my 23 blaster from limbo and WL saved him his existing debt. So, that at least was nice of the WLs.

Yes, I took TP, Recall Friend, TP Foe, Hover, Fly, and a few other stupid powers.

He's doing much better now torching Council werewolves (Warwolves, whatever) in Striga now at 27.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



It was only our third event (if memory serves) we're still learning.

Rikti invasion was nice...Halloween worked well...and the Winter Lords had some good stuff.

We noted our errors and will rectify them next time.



It was only our third event (if memory serves) we're still learning.

Rikti invasion was nice...Halloween worked well...and the Winter Lords had some good stuff.

We noted our errors and will rectify them next time.

[/ QUOTE ]

I just love the fact that there will BE a next time!
Thanks States!
Regardless of whether or not it's a good/bad experience, just having that little "extra" is worth it.



Rikti invasion was nice...Halloween worked well...and the Winter Lords had some good stuff.

[/ QUOTE ] The poor Ruularuu, forgotten already their invasion was so pointless...and the 5th/Council battles, obviously not important enough to be considered an event.

@JohnP - Victory



States:[ QUOTE ]
We noted our errors and will rectify them next time.

[/ QUOTE ]
Oh, great, thanks a lot Statesman. Now you've done it. You just had to go and make sure I'd be totally and completely compelled to keep on sending you guys money for the foreseeable future, didn't you?

Man, first you guys make the game so darn addicting all on its own, then you impress the heck out of me with statements like that. It's as if you never want me to be free of this game.

( )



also the Rularuu invasion.



It was only our third event (if memory serves) we're still learning.

Rikti invasion was nice...Halloween worked well...and the Winter Lords had some good stuff.

We noted our errors and will rectify them next time.

[/ QUOTE ]

This IMHO is one of the best selling points of the game. Devs who listen and care. Getting a response for Statesman on this topic is awesome, most games you'll never see this kind of interaction (not that most of you don't know this already).

But my original point still stands, I don't believe there was anything wrong with the event (well except for that one guy who logged in to find himself immobile in the ice ).



It was only our third event (if memory serves) we're still learning.

Rikti invasion was nice...Halloween worked well...and the Winter Lords had some good stuff.

We noted our errors and will rectify them next time.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thank you very much Statesman. Im happy that your looking into it. I already look foward to your next event.

Keep up the great work.



It was only our third event (if memory serves) we're still learning.

Rikti invasion was nice...Halloween worked well...and the Winter Lords had some good stuff.

We noted our errors and will rectify them next time.

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't forget the Shadow Shard invasion. which I don't think was noticed among the other things with issue 2, Capes/respec etc...

Keep the events comming they help keep the game fresh.



It was only our third event (if memory serves) we're still learning.

Rikti invasion was nice...Halloween worked well...and the Winter Lords had some good stuff.

We noted our errors and will rectify them next time.

[/ QUOTE ]

PLEASE oh PLEASE, Statesman, please tell us that giant Bunniculas will roam the zones for Easter!



I would like to add (even though it's probably been mentioned) that not all of the people WLing were noobs. The Winter Lord helped me to get my rad/rad defender off the shelf and to a level where he can actually fight, quite impressively I might add, instead of just standing still hoping the fight doesn't last longer than it takes for his debuffs to drain his end I now have 4 decent level alts that I really enjoy playing, and due to that, my SG membership has easily doubled.

On a side note, most of my new SG mates did some WLing at one point or another, and I would consider them some of the best players I've teamed with to date. So, to say the the winter event was a "failure" is, IMO, utterly incorrect.

That being said, I have encountered a few 20-ish noobs, and while they frustrate me, I always saw the WL as more of a reward for the people with upper level toons who didn't want to grind through the grueling pre-stamina days with some of their alt experiments.

Anyway, just my 2 inf...



How about attack of the giant cupids flying around on Valentines day.



PLEASE oh PLEASE, Statesman, please tell us that giant Bunniculas will roam the zones for Easter!

[/ QUOTE ]

"Bunnies aren't just cute like everybody supposes
They got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses
And what's with all the carrots
What do they need such good eyesight for anyway
Bunnies, bunnies
It must be bunnies "
-- Anya "I've Got a Theory" BtVS

If ya don't get it, you probably don't want to get it.



It was only our third event (if memory serves) we're still learning.

Rikti invasion was nice...Halloween worked well...and the Winter Lords had some good stuff.

We noted our errors and will rectify them next time.

[/ QUOTE ]

I somehow missed the invasion and Halloween I didn't understand the giant pumpkin guys so by Winter I got with it.

I really liked the presents. Especially the one that prevented debt on death. My blaster sends his regards to you and the other developers!

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.