Devs response to the WLers?




These are my thoughts EXACTLY.

As an event it rocked.

Snowballs are way fun.
Ice Skating is very entertaining!

Cupid and the Evil Shamrock are around the corner. Now I actually look forward to all of those Hallmark Holidays.

Will one Tough Mother roam the streets on Mother's Day? Will the steet workers riot on Labor Day? What about the Evil Menace of the Dead Presidents? OOOooooh I can't wait to find out!

Some friends of mine quit CoH to try out EQ II. The rest of us have been telling them about the WL event. Now they are being all whiney because EQ doesn't do that.

The reason we play these games is because they are supposed to be fun! These events may have some issues, but so what? I think there almost NEEDS to be a way to occasionally power level guys so you can try out different character classes. I've been playing since the game went GA, and my highest guy is only 34th. A couple are in their 20s. most of them I get to about 15-20th then decide to try something different.

I've played almost every MMORPG since Island of Kesmai on CompuServ, and this one is more fun than any of them. I get lost of cool powers, I fight bad guys, and wear spandex. How can I go wrong?

"That's not debt, that's Fury Bonus Points!" -Stahlkopf, Brute, Born Sept 1980 - Died Jan 2005, Feb 2005, March 2005, April 2005 twice, May, June, July...heck, you get the idea.



And if you shifting the blame to my personal capabilities in joining a team, maybe you can be the one to make the question sheet i should be giving each team member before i start (question example: What is your favorite type of power in CoH and why? minimum 3 pages or quit)

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Oh, why look! It's argumentum ad absurdam... how apt for this thread.

Personally I feel you're shifting the blame for your poor teaming habits on an event which, while flawed, was far from the debacle you describe it as. But there you go, a matter of perception perhaps....

...Or is it? I mean, come on, when ten minutes pass and the team leader hasn't said a word (and you know it's not because he's AFK) I think that's a pretty fair indication there's a problem right there, no questionaire required.

On the larger issue, I'm gonna say somehing funny: What precisely is the worst thing that can happen to you in a bad team (griefing aside) even one that happens to be filled with the WL n00bs you seem to feel are so prominent now?

You will (OMG!!) collect Debt? Dear lord, it's not the worst thing in the world! Save me from the debt!

Yeah, so there ya go, States responded, acknowledged that they made errors (whihc I don't think any of us here felt that errors weren't made, but disagreed on the severity), and (I'm happy to say) will continue to host events like this...

...which carries the implication that they will also be flawed events, by the way...

[deep breath]

Ok, I'm ready for the next round of whining when Easter hits.

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This hole "The team leader does'nt talk alot" he must be a noob or sucky player is junk.
I have a cousin that plays this game that has terrible gramar and is a slow typer ( ya even worse than me...) He puts together a team and says very little.
During team play if he sees someone that needs some instruction/praise then he gives it, even if they want it or not. But as a hole he is the "silent type" and is a good leader imo.



They do say don't look a gift horse in the mouth. the Devs don't have to give us any "events" they could put thier time into perminate game stuff. But they are cool and creative people. (loved the ICE)

Me and my husband were very careful not to level more than 1 or 2 levels in winter event not because its a bad thing, we just wanted to enjoy game content.

As far as WL newbies go, I don't mind a bit of debt plus when i run into a newbie that TPKs a party. i shrug it off rez everyone ( i like to bright at Least 4 awakens to any pick up mission) then i attampt to (GASP) teach the newbie tactics.

Its accually very nice to have a newbie go into flattery mode when you pull and tactic your way through a secton they just got a tpk with by running in. some people don't learn its true but WL newbies in my experience have usually been grateful for any tips/tricks.

I accually find the people who have been around since beta causeing a tpk significantly more annoying. and i have had just as many vetrans kill me as newbies. (even since WL) At least if a newbie gets the party killed they dont accuse you of being a newb for dieing.

as far as teleport goes its easy to think your safe and get ambushed by a patrol. You may want to accually blame your tank, since ive seen mobs follow a tank half way across a map even when he was ported. and this is if he was doing his job correctly if this was the case the teleporter would not have known till after the party was ported. similar will happen if running from an ambush..

And on the partys side its an easy thing to forget to leave port prompting on till its to late. i was once right near mission( and a badge) and had an awaken was just waiting for mobs to go back to spawn point and suddenly somone ports me to wincott. at this point i yell arg i almost had a badge! so the team leader desides to port me back except he ports me right near a purple set of thorns... and nowhere near badge.
so i ask him what was that going to accomplish? he replys you were in going to die... so i say oh thank you for saving me from wincot.

this guy was a vet he just was not reading the team comments because he was fighting COT trying to get to mission so all he saw was me going ornge-red-orange ect
and he didnt realize id be to close to the nearest COT group cause he was rushing.

My point is even vets make porting mistakes. all you can do is learn how to prevent damage that can be prevented and shrug off the damage that cannot be avoided. not like you lose levels/skills/money like some MMPogs



But as a hole he is the "silent type" and is a good leader imo.

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That statement alone sent me into "grammar police mode" if for no reason other than the connotation you inadvertently supplied.

It's "whole" not "hole"



But as a hole he is the "silent type" and is a good leader imo.

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That statement alone sent me into "grammar police mode" if for no reason other than the connotation you inadvertently supplied.

It's "whole" not "hole"

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er... sorry not sure why I used the wrong spelling. Either I overlooked it or am just lazy. But you get my point.



...and in the end, they lived happily ever efter! Why, you ask? Well, no one knows.
And that's the whole story.
(OR IS IT?!)

P.S. (IT ISN'T!)



All i can say is Winter Lords were fun to some, if not a majority...just not the majority who posts on the boards. I hope the devs realize that those who post on the boards tend to be the 5% most obsessed (myself included) who while are very supportive of the game tend to be over protective, and angry at change many times, unless it helps them in particular. I enjoyed the event, and am glad that COH keeps sending us events even though every time a few nay-sayers try to spoil everyone's fun.



what the? why do they need to respond? it was a temporary event, people had fun, people took advantage. so what. move on already.

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Not my point.

It was fun, didnt say it wasnt. But id did sweep in a wave of noobs who are now at my level and helping me get XP Debt.

And the Devs havent said a word.


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do you want a hand written apology? maybe a bouqet of flowers? the new people will learn, just as you did. if they lack experience, tell them what to do, give them tips.

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Tell them:



Kill Skuls!



No, not really, I fail to see how one can employ tactics without communications. Particularly when you omit the basics, like "Ready?" "Attack" and such. I've been in teams like this, gave 'em a chance a few times, sorry to report they all stunk.

In one instance I had to drop a team because the leader didn't speak English. I felt bad, since it was no fault of his own, but really, if there's no basis for communication, there's no basis for a team. This is why they made that Team Channel thingy, you know?

But I'll take your word for it in this special case of yours of course.



No, not really, I fail to see how one can employ tactics without communications. Particularly when you omit the basics, like "Ready?" "Attack" and such. I've been in teams like this, gave 'em a chance a few times, sorry to report they all stunk.

In one instance I had to drop a team because the leader didn't speak English. I felt bad, since it was no fault of his own, but really, if there's no basis for communication, there's no basis for a team. This is why they made that Team Channel thingy, you know?

But I'll take your word for it in this special case of yours of course.

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Teamed with people from my SG, most of us are such good team players, the only actual coordination we do as a team involves F7. The team chat channel is for making fun of each other, not coordinating tactics, 99% of the time.

And I've been on random teams where people all knew what they were about well enough that lots of endless prattle was not necessary at all. None of this "ok you go here, and then I'll be here, and then when you go there the controller will do this, and then..." Outside of trials, where the experienced ones tell the newbees whats what, those verbose-tactics teams (outside of the teens where lots of new players are still all working such things out) tend on average to have problems actually executing those tactics. In fact, I haven't even been in a non-TF team past the 40s where I saw any of that sort of team tactics discussion. YMMV, of course.

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I can't believe you people are defending WL PLed toons.

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I don't defender powerlevelling most of the time. Most people succumb to it a little here and there - to get to the next level, to get past a frustrating time, or whatever. The WL event was a unique event that won't happen again the way we knew it, and I think overall the fact that it was a fun event outweighs the powerlevelling aspect of it.

Quite frankly it's that powerlevelling part that made it so successful. It was a fun event with a nice payoff. Let's just help the new players who got sucked in on that, and are having problems with the game.

Though it's been 2 weeks, they should have the basics down by this point, anyways. Regardless, they are a tiny minority of players, overall.



The temp power could be the Holy Hand Grenade!

It was only our third event (if memory serves) we're still learning.

Rikti invasion was nice...Halloween worked well...and the Winter Lords had some good stuff.

We noted our errors and will rectify them next time.

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PLEASE oh PLEASE, Statesman, please tell us that giant Bunniculas will roam the zones for Easter!

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States:[ QUOTE ]
We noted our errors and will rectify them next time.

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Oh, great, thanks a lot Statesman. Now you've done it. You just had to go and make sure I'd be totally and completely compelled to keep on sending you guys money for the foreseeable future, didn't you?

Man, first you guys make the game so darn addicting all on its own, then you impress the heck out of me with statements like that. It's as if you never want me to be free of this game.

( )

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You've got me, States!


Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



great post...

Im not very graceful when it comes to posting and Im not quite sure where this post will land but I do want to say something.

The WL was just that and event. It turned into a free for all but what?

I PL"D OFF THE WL! Sue me!...Ive been mucking thru 40+ lvls with my blaster and didnt shed a single tear over putting a couple of lvls on a controller that I had ALREADY been working on. Im an alt-o-holic

I know there are more noobs now and more unknowledgable people now than ever, but isnt the purpose of COH meant to teach and to utilise the knowledge of teammates for better gameplay I mean they do have "Sidekicking"

I highly doubt and Im going to ASSUME on this (flame if you will) that the Devs knew the impact of the WLs as far as xp and so on. I dont know if they knew the scale of it. But they had an idea and knew that lvls 50's would come from PI and so on to help the noobs, SO in fact the "been here since beta" players are just as guilty for advocating the noobs than the noobs themselves.

I love the game...and I loved the event. I maybe this will be taking into consideration for another event. Be thankful there will be another event and that the Devs care enough as a whole to really placate their consumers as much as they do.

Hug Your dev. Teach your Noob. and Kill Skuls
Been here since Alpha with a lvl 85 Blafendertank.



It was only our third event (if memory serves) we're still learning.

Rikti invasion was nice...Halloween worked well...and the Winter Lords had some good stuff.

We noted our errors and will rectify them next time.

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People can cry and complain about how this was a bad experiece but lets face it WE ALL BENEFITTED BY IT!..

I had fun and that is the main reason for playing.

I will say yea some of the level 20-30 newbies are annoying at time because they don't know how to play but heck they will learn.



It was only our third event (if memory serves) we're still learning.

Rikti invasion was nice...Halloween worked well...and the Winter Lords had some good stuff.

We noted our errors and will rectify them next time.

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The Rikti event wasn't nice - it was AWESOME! Would be so cool to fight through that again. Aw you got me all nostalgic: Legions last stand. My level 4 sidekick in Founders Falls, Commander Dhit....

Who was Commander Dhit anyway?



I know it's kind of an old topic, but as far as coaching an inexperienced tanker is concerned, there's not much coaching that's going to make a fire tanker contribute if he has 3 travel powers (no power choices included hasten or leaping pool) group fly, no taunt, blazing aura or burn at level 24. He had stealth of course, but didn't bother using it because he dealt very little damage and had no possible way of pulling aggro until every other team member was dead (which happened a few times).