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  1. For the first question, yes my difficulty was +0 x1, no team. And it happens with every AT also. I was on a stalker this time. The ambush is like 4 or 5 times the proper amount for a solo mission.
  2. There is a major bug with the mission for the Steel Canyon tailor. Every character I attempt this mission with has about 10 or 15 Tsoo spawn for the ambush and I die. Every time I do this, I am not in a team. This isn't supposed to happen. The same mission at the Rogue Isles tailor only spawns 2 button men.
  3. Ok, I agree that the option to add any type of resist may be OP, but I would propose a compromise. What if characters had the option to spend a power selection to gain resistance to their focus element. Basically, a fire/fire blaster could gain resistance to fire damage, but not ice, energy, etc. If a character has a different primary and secondary, maybe half bonus against each element (with exception of powersets which don't have a way to classify damage types, such as invulnerability and regen defense sets). This would not be too unbalanced and would add flavor to concept characters.

    Certain sets like martial arts or dual blades would only be able to apply this to smashing or lethal defense anyway.
  4. Lady_Electric

    Fix Praetoria

    Some people seem to get overly defensive when it comes to optional game mechanics. I never pvp myself, but I'm not opposed to adding an "optional" system of pvp flagging. Notice I said optional? Ok, one more time, it's optional... if you don't want to pvp, don't turn on the flag and add the so-called "jacktards" to your global ignore. Problem solved. I just don't understand why people fight so hard to oppose something that wouldn't even affect them. Plus, I seriously think some people over-exaggerate the prevalence of these types of people. I'd bet you would see very few of them. Maybe once a month. And I've played many mmo's with pvp flagging systems.

    Remember, this is a game about super-heroes and villains. It does seem a bit odd to not give the heroes and villains freedom to battle in the city. Would it make sense if Magneto and the X-Men could only fight in a certain neigborhood? I'm just saying this could be something for people to do if they want to add some variety to their gaming.
  5. My first was Lady Electric, electric/electric blaster, I think on Protector. Sadly, I moved her to Champion, where the name was taken and had to rename her, now she is Lady Electric I. Very old character, probably the first Lady Electric on any server too. She has been 50 for a few years.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SupaFreak View Post
    Independence Port: I agree is too large of a zone to not have some help in the travel department, especially since the addition of the linked trains and ferries.

    As Azure mentioned and I was going to suggest, a series of boats in Independence Port is also a viable option.

    The Smuggler's Boat already exists, and is not too far from the Train. It only links to Talos Island and Striga Isle, so an additional Independence Port (South) and Independence Port (North) Smuggler's Boat would be a welcome addition.

    I think it would be nice if other areas were re-evaluated to ease the "time-to-travel" as well, such as Nerva Archipelago. An additional Black Line here or new Submarine system is about all I can think of that would make sense up North.

    Also, Port Oakes in my opinion could use another look now that the Ferries are linked.

    In closing, yea... I am all for some further re-evaluation in this phase and future upgrades.
    I think it should be at least 4 ferry stops. 1 near the tram station, 1 across from the Brickstown entrance (maybe halfway between Brickstown and Terra Volta), 1 at the far north, 1 at the far south, and maybe a couple more on the west side of the zone.
  7. Lady_Electric

    Fix Praetoria

    Praetoria is fine. Biggest change I would like to see is allowing all characters to travel freely between Paragon and Rogue Isles, regardless of alignment. Sure villains probably won't get a lot of missions in Paragon, but there could be new pvp options available that way. Heroes and Villains battling in the streets would be interesting. Add a pvp flagging system, so players can't be attacked in their home city unless their flag is on.
  8. Lady_Electric

    Revamp Teleport

    That veteran power "Assemble the team" should have been the 4th Teleport power. The first 2 powers could be "Teleport Foe 1,000 feet straight up" and "Summon pizza."

    Also the base End cost for Teleport should be cut in half.
  9. The stealth thing is a rather minor issue compared to the ridiculously loud and annoying, but also visually repulsive hasten!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    Firstly, your goal should be getting and slotting your attacks. Secondary, picking up your armors then slotting them after your attacks are proficient. All the while, balance endurance use and slot reduction where needed most likely before slotting for recharge.

    I forgot to in the first build, but in the 2nd, I left out a slot to put in either health or stamina. But putting too many slots in either so early isn't advised.
    Actually, I think this depends on your playstyle. If you are going to be doing solo missions at low level, you should definitely build up some defense early on. I prefer to just grab 2 DB attacks and mix it up with brawl at low level. Stalker is a bit squishy, so if you play solo, you are pretty vulnerable after your first attack. You definitely want to have both of your low level toggles and maybe throw in a combat jumping or power pool stealth otherwise you'll have a tough time surviving attacks from LTs and bosses.

    Since SR is so reliant on toggles, you should think about slotting up Stamina before level 20 also. I normally put 3 End mods in stamina and 1 End reduction in each toggle early on, then 2 def mods in my SR toggles. After all that, I start building my offense. Of course if you will be playing mostly in teams, then you may not need to worry about defense so much and go all offense.
  11. Apparently someone saw this post and fixed it. I tried starting a character 2 days ago and there was no way to complete the first mission. Waited over an hour for a GM and got no help. I checked again today and it was the same. Now I see clockwork after I made this post! Thanks to whoever fixed it.
  12. The Praetorian tutorial map has been bugged for days, this is ridiculous. The first tutorial mission to Destroy a broken clockwork. Guess what? There's no clockwork! Please restart the server or something. The other servers don't have this problem.
  13. Ok, so the game is becoming more balanced... like when I balanced my checkbook today and realized the cost of my City of Heroes account was overpowered.

    So, using the devs' example I nerfed it and canceled billing, My current billing cycle will end august 28. I will not be renewing as long as the developers continue as they are now. These changes are forcing everyone to play cookie cutters to survive.

    And I mentioned in a previous post the trend of introducing massive game-breaking nerfs, then after the intial onslaught of complaints, giving something back so players feel relieved and grateful. I've seen the pattern far too many times from Cryptic. It's like taking the toy train away from a child, and after he stops crying, give him back the caboose. Perhaps it works for small children, but it seems like an insult for the devs to treat us that way.

    I used to enjoy this game, the devs seemed to have the players' interest at heart. I seriously thought they were doing a great job.Issue 3 was released, it was good in my opinion.... then suddenly the change in direction from the dev team was like driving off a cliff. I can't even believe these were the same developers. Even before issue 4 was released, they started what I call the "Pre-PVP nerfs."

    Changing Quantum flight and other phasing powers was the start and it's been downhill ever since.

    Anyone got any news on when Marvel and DC are gonna have their super hero games out? Until they do, I guess I'll occupy my time with World of Warcraft. My characters are on Argent Dawn server if anyone would like to join me there.

    Funny thing is, I play a warlock in WoW... they were underpowered before. The devs boosted them twice since I started playing. Now if Cyptic was running that game, they would have nerfed every other class to be at the Warlock's level. I'm thankful for that.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    When I thought of sonics I thought of being like the Shocker or Shriek, firing blasts from my hands/arms. This set apparently takes after characters like Black Canary though, so I'm pretty much boned.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sound coming from your hands? Why? Most people would think Banshee or Siryn before any character making sounds with their hands :/

    Personally I would like to see Sonics be more musical sounds rather than yelling/howling. A musical power set for controllers (like a bard) would be a really neat concept also. And then we can get the dance scrapper and the drums tanker... ok maybe not
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    I believe this set is too much like a Controller primary to be appropriate for a Defender, especially in light of the changes made to Dark Miasma's Hold and to AE Control in general. It seems Trick Arrow was unaffected by either of these changes; if that's an oversight, it needs to be corrected. In any event, it seems unfair to give a Defender equal to superior crowd control to Controllers. As it stands, Trick Arrow receives a single target Hold, an AE Slow, a single target Immobilize, an AE Knockdown, and an AE Hold. It seems like a combination of the effects from several Controller sets and does not at all feel like a Defender set to me.

    It is worth noting that Trick Arrow, on a Controller, will improve his control capabilities to the point where he will be more useful than any other Controller currently is. The ability to fire off twice as many single target holds will correct the hole in AE Control that currently exists, and a long duration, fast recharge AE Slow and AE Knockdown will improve that control even further. I don't believe that the other Controller secondaries are comparable, especially since Trick Arrow makes the Controller a better Controller. Groups won't want to take non-TA Controllers unless they can't find a Defender with the primary set they need, as the TA Controller has greater utility.

    Trick Arrow should be subject to the same reductions in effectiveness as Dark Miasma and all Controller primaries, or it should be changed into a unique Controller primary.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I agree with this, it does not belong as a defender primary or a controller secondary. Give it to controllers as a primary and offer a slightly modified version to blasters for a secondary.

    For blasters, change most of the aoe effects to single target and slow down ice arrow a little. Leave oil slick as an aoe for blasters however (the oil slick/flaming arrow combination just sounds like a better concept for blasters than defenders).
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Anyone in the vicinity might also be rendered sterile. That'd be hilarious!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's ok, getting pregnant would mean a few months of no crime fighting anyway Maybe after COV, we'll get Orphanage of Heroes!
  17. [ QUOTE ]

    Well what if it was an AoE lift but they stayed in the air like a floating in the air for a while completely unable to attack but they take no damage from it kind of like ices glacer an aoe hold with no damage from it.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Um... they already have this power, it's called Gravity Distortion Field
  18. I think if they are going to implement this type of change, it should be adjusted so if you target a villain or ally with any power during or just before the combat, you get credit also.

    But personally I think adding more limits to level range of the team would be simpler. So players have to sk or ex closer to the team's level to get exp.
  19. I just wish every powerset could offer a choice of powers to take similar to the kheldian system. So when you get new power choices, you can choose what you want. I think it would be fun to have folding space back, but I wouldn't want gravity to lose its pet either.

    One thing I have a problem with is that Dimension Shift has the potential to be useful, but it's very hard to tell which enemies are phased and which aren't when they are all clustered up in a group. I think adding a little phased icon to the target window for phased enemies might help a lot, or maybe change the color of the targeting reticle if they are phased.
  20. Some people have asked that the knockback for wormhole be removed. Here's my opinion. Game mechanics aside, removing the knockback would destroy the whole theme of the power.

    I mean, you're creating a gravity field and sucking an enemy into it, causing them to fly out the other side. If you remove the knockback, it's not a wormhole, just a group teleport foe, which really would be a stretch trying to make it fit the gravity theme.
  21. What are you talking about Source? I'm not trying to screw mind controllers over. It's about fighting with my tentacles tied behind my back, because "Oh no, killing them in 2 shots might wake them up!"

    And here's how the team scenario should play out: I use 1 aoe attack taking between 1/3 to 1/2 of their health, they wake up; tanker (assuming he knows how to do his job) has this thing some may be unfamiliar with called TAUNT. So after they wake up, they attack tanker, do minimal damage because he has damage resistance and such.

    I use 2nd aoe attack... now at this point, they are either dead or nearly so, my teammmates will probably have most of the survivors taken care of by now. See how this works?

    Of course, at this point in time, I could have just left them sleeping at full health. Hmm... 30 dead mobs; or 5 dead and 25 sleeping in the same length of time....
  22. I have a couple suggestions while we are on the subject of power trays. For one thing, instead of the second tray sliding up as it does, so there are 2 trays taking up screen space when the alt key is held, just have the 2nd tray temporarily replace the first as long as alt is held, and revert to tray 1 when released. Much less clutter that way. Do the same for tray 3 when that feature is added.

    Also, making all windows manually resizable would be very nice, including the power tray.

    And please add ability to target select objects and doors. Someone else suggested it here, but I'm restating. Yes, I'm one of those people who plays the game with keyboard only, no mouse. But I always have to move my hand to the mouse to open doors or click blinkies. Quite inconvenient when you have to do it frequently in a mission. Ideally, make alternatives so a player never has to touch the mouse.
  23. Nah they won't be ganging up on me because, they'll be asleep again... permanently

    And no, it doesn't make me a suicidal player, I judge my tactics based on the team I'm in. If I see the tank doing a good job keeping aggro, I can use the area attacks a lot more, kill faster, get exp faster... see how that works?

    I've been on many teams where the tanker couldn't keep aggro well and on those teams, I hold back on area attacks to keep myself from dying. And of course as a kheldian I have my own solution if the tanker isn't keeping aggro off me. I just go dwarf and I can survive almost anything. And then there's also Quantum Flight or Nebulous Form
  24. Lady_Electric

    Changes to Rage

    I think with 100% END cost, they should just make it a warshade power. /sarcasm