Statesman: Please don't make this mistake




1. Mission difficulty needs addressed - but not by lowering hero's, but by raising the bar on the missions. Allow 2 sliders on the bar where you get to pick A) Size of mob spawns, from 1 to 15ish and B) Level of mobs that spawn, from -1 to +4 (or if they'll give up the purple patch, +8.. hehe in my dreams).

[/ QUOTE ]

Statesman didn't say anything in this post about HOW he was planning to balance the post 20 game. But he did mention in another thread that one of the things they are considering is raising mob hit points ( and XP reward proportionally ). So it appears to me that they plan to change the mobs, not the heroes, in order to address this particular issue.

I don't think anyone is suggesting that nerfing the heroes is a way to make the late-game better. To me, it's pretty clear that it's the villains who are to wimpy.

The original poster of this thread seems to be concerned that the developers are forcing people to play a certain way. I have found this not to be the case. Take Statesman's vision of scrappers as boss-killers, for example. Toward this end, they added criticals and now in Update 2 critical will be more likely to occur against bosses. This was an excellent way to encourage scrappers to go along with the program. But at the same time it does not decrease the viablity of scrappers in general.

This game has always strongly encouraged grouping. Statesman has said that soloing is possible. But the reality is that playing solo is MUCh more difficult and time-consuming than playing in a group. I feel for the soloists out there. I used to be one of you. Every MMORPG I have played in the past, I avoided groups whenever possible. But in CoH, I find I have a lot more fun in a group and when I play solo, I quickly get bored, anyway.

Powers get nerfed occassionally, yes, but that's just a fact of life. I have found that most of the time, they are nerfed very little. People screamed when Hasten was nerfed, but many people still use it and consider it an invaluable power. Burn was nerfed and it's STILL overpowered, if you ask me.



This is somewhat long, but please CoH players, read it and comment.

I thought I'd post here to explain why developers make changes to MMP games. In a nutshell: because they think it'll make the long term enjoyment better.

Human nature often demands immediate gratification. Sometimes, this comes into conflict with the long term enjoyment.

Case in point: much of our zone distribution, spawn placement and mission difficulty is based on a simple supposition. Players should be entertained/challenged by mobs -2 to +2 levels different. A single +2 minion should be REALLY hard - a single -2 minion should be pretty easy. But that's the range that much of the game hangs on. And that works great for levels 1 to 20, in my opinion.

Starting at level 22, when players get S.O. Enhancements, they quickly outstrip their foes. The missions cease to be entertaining, because a +1 mobs are just too easy. Better XP can be found by taking on +4 mobs in zones. Single characters can take on spawns that are intended for many heroes. And there's no place for a maximum sized group to go in order to find a tough and rewarding battle.

In the case of making the higher level game more fun, I want to make the difficulty of the later levels resemble early gameplay. At first, some players will decry "but I can't do what I used to! Ack! I can't solo two +4 bosses anymore?" True - but they'll have fun battling 3 white minions - which is something you can say at level 15, but not at level 35. Long term, the entire game will sparkle once this sort of balance is restored - because so much of the game design hangs upon it.

Anyway, sorry for my rambling. I wanted to give you a glimmer of the developer reasoning.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree with everything you have said here, except for one thing.

As the players gain levels, gain enhancements, gain skill at playing, they will want to feel that they are gaining in power.

I must agree with the others that have said that being an even match for 3 white minions is fine a level 20, but insufficient at level 50.

Even-con Minions, however powerful, should be trivial for the Supermen and Spider-men of the world.

I humbly suggest that the number of minions you are expected to have an 'even fight' with increase to 5 at level 22 (because of the boost in power from SOs) and progress from there:

6 white Minions at level 25, 7 at 30, 8 at 35, etc.

Please also keep in mind the 'expected time to solo'. A Mind Controller should solo those minions slower than a Blaster. But if a Blaster can down those Minions in 30 seconds the Mind Controller should be expected to do the same in 2 minutes or so, not 5 minutes like it is now.

How to do this? I have a suggestion:

Leave minions mostly alone.
It makes us feel very powerful and super-heroey to be able to tackle a lot of minions at once.

Beef up Lieutenants.
I think that your 'standard of what a hero can take' should be based more around Lts. A hero should be able to take on a number of Lts equal to 1/10 his level. Level 50? Congratulations, you have an even fight with 5 Lts!

Beef up Bosses a lot.
Conversely, a Boss Fight should always be a mano-a-mano challenge for a hero.

I have no problem with AoE Blasters nailing a spawnful of minions with a Built Up Alpha Strike (that's their job!), so long as they NEED the rest of the team for healing, protection, and Crowd Control from the massive return volley of fire from the surviving Bosses and Lts (that's our job!).

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



For one thing I'm waiting on the mission bonuses and hoping that they start to tip thing in the right direction. Like the change, but will hold judgement on it until I have a few levels under my belt with the new systems in place.

[/ QUOTE ]

My biggest fear about making the even level mobs more difficult derives from my hero not being all that effective as a solo street hunter. When I run out of missions (which is how I leveled primarily from 34-38), I must hunt (or join ad hoc teams, but I don't always have time to properly commit to a team). I'm currently out of missions and have been hunting for over a week. I don't enjoy it; it's rather tedious and boring (not out of easiness, just repetition).

Even though my missions from 34-38 were a constant stream of white cons delivered in pairs and triplets (rarely a yellow or orange, except arcs with Archvillains), it was a lot better than competing for mobs or streethunting (and I got to read some pretty good stories). The xp bonus in issue 2 really excites me. I play the game for its content, for the stories, and for hanging out with other heroes. When my in-game friends aren't around, I rely on the content to engage me. Missions, for me anyway, are vital to enjoying the game and I dread those times when I run out and have to hunt until I level into more mission availability.

While I may criticize and question the devs future decisions, it's because I love this game and fear losing the love. They've done very well so far, in my opinion, for a game so young. Even though I trust them, that doesn't mean I won't question them. Someone has to play the Devil's advocate (yeah, I know, stand in line).



One quick question Statesman, what about the Defenders and Controllers that ALREADY have a hard time with mobs?
How would these changes affect them?

[/ QUOTE ]

We'll need to give the more "oomph" to keep up!

Oh - and on the XP - if we up mob HP, then we definitely need to up XP rewards! If the battle is more challenging for a player, then he should definitely get more reward.



One quick question Statesman, what about the Defenders and Controllers that ALREADY have a hard time with mobs?
How would these changes affect them?

[/ QUOTE ]

We'll need to give the more "oomph" to keep up!

Oh - and on the XP - if we up mob HP, then we definitely need to up XP rewards! If the battle is more challenging for a player, then he should definitely get more reward.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks, States.

One day we may even trust you guys to do that sort of thing without questioning you. But you probably shouldn't hold your breath, just in case.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I respectfully disagree with this design goal. Making us fight the same number and color of mobs the entire game will really reduce the perception of advancement and make the various areas of the game seem even *more* similar. One very visible and simple way to see progress in the game is to face higher color mobs. By retuning the game away from that simple progression you are removing a effective method of demonstrating an increase in capability.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've seen this argument about half a dozen times so far.

You are basically saying that what makes the game fun for you is beating mobs who con higher than you, which you could not do when you were lower level. But this is an illusion - it's pure perception, it's not really anything. The only real distinction here is that you like fighting mobs who con a different color. But the con color is just the game's estimate of where the mob is relative to you. You are basically arguing that if someone TELLS you that a white-con mob is three levels more powerful than you, it's inherently more fun to fight that mob. This is bunk! After you take on 3 of them at a time about 50 times, you will realize that whoever told you that was lying.

The reason you are able to beat those red and orange mobs when you are a higher level is not because you have become more powerful, it's because you have become more powerful RELATIVE to the mobs of your own level.

Someone else here posted that if you wanna realize how much more powerful you are now than you were three levels ago, go fight the same mobs you kicked your butt three levels ago and see how easy they are. There can be no doublt that as you rise in levels, you are becoming more powerful. But if the mobs of your own level do not become equally more powerful, then the game becomes far too easy.

The reason you enjoy fighting red and purple mobs at higher levels is because they are at least a tiny bit of a challenge. Mobs who are your own level are boring and give little XP. If the mobs at your level were as powerful as the reds are and gave the same XP, you would be fighting those white mobs and it would be just as much fun as fighting the reds. The only difference would be the con color.

So you are basically arguing that mobs you should be fighting at your level should con red instead of white. As I said before, this is pure perception, and really it's downright silly. The whole purposes of the color-con system is that it give you an indication of the mobs you can and should fight at your level. If the only way for you to enjoy the game is to fight reds, then either the con-color system is inherently broken or (as I beleive is the case) the mobs are.



States, I've been with this game since before the pre-order beta and over these past few months, I've noticed a frightening trend.

As the game progresses development-wise, I feel less and less like a super hero. Powers get re-balanced, mobs get CC abilities and an HP increase, while I, in turn, become weaker and weaker.

The main reason I enjoyed playing this game was because it made me feel like a super hero. The game was different than all other MMORPGs on the market because I was not stuck fighting single mobs my own level and was not forced to group. I could take out multiple minions, like comic book super heroes. I could play the game for an hour and feel like I progressed.

This trend that I've mentioned above makes me want to stop playing altogether. I've had enough EQs and AOs and SWGs to last me a lifetime. I do not need another one. This game set itself appart from the other mainstream MMORPGs and it turned out to be a good thing. Hell, it was probably the main reason why people continue to play it.

Now it seems like you're pushing the game towards similar gameplay as these other games I have mentioned. By doing so, not only are you ruining the "super hero" feel of the game, you're also taking away one of the few things that made this game different and fun.

I fear that there will be a lot of cancelations once Issue 2 hits live servers. When people find out that their Smoke Grenade or Fire Imps are virtualy useless or that most mobs have CC now, they will leave. Remember for every poster on this form there are about 10-100 people who never read the forums and do not know about the drastic changes that are coming.

***note: I'm not whining about nerfs, my 2 mains are fire/fire blaster and dark/invul scrapper***

I implore you to reconsider the direction you are pushing this game in. Granted, it is your game and you have the right to change it however you like but by releasing this game to the public and letting people subscribe to it, you have essentially made it our game. Sure you made it but we pay to play it. We are just as big of a part of this game as you are. Without us, the game is nothing more than a piece of code on your hard disk. Just like without you, there would be no game.

We're in this together and failing to realize this is one of the biggest mistakes a developer can make. I'm not asking for you to listen and implement every single whacky idea that we come up with but listening to our feedback is essential for this game's success.



At any given level, why would I ever feel more powerful if I can only ever reasonably fight the same number of foes?

[/ QUOTE ]

Because they're STRONGER foes. They would have wiped you out a few levels earlier. What's so hard to grasp about this?

If you want to fight larger numbers, fight lower level mobs. Now, don't say this isn't heroic, because why does the con color make it less heroic rather than the strength of the mob(s) itself? If a -2 mob after the change is the same difficulty to take down as an even mob is now, how is it less heroic to go after -2 mobs than it is to go after even mobs? Same challenge, right? And isn't the challenge what makes you feel "heroic"?

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



At any given level, why would I ever feel more powerful if I can only ever reasonably fight the same number of foes?

[/ QUOTE ]

Because they're STRONGER foes. They would have wiped you out a few levels earlier. What's so hard to grasp about this?

[/ QUOTE ]

It's not that we don't "grasp" what you're saying, it's that we don't agree, which is fine. You are happy with the exact same play experience after 35 levels, we prefer to grow in relation to the environment



But it's not the exact same play experience after 35 levels. I wasn't fighting Rikti and Crey snipers and Nemesis 35 levels ago. I couldn't regen back from 1/4 health by just standing there a few seconds 35 levels ago. I couldn't walk the streets of Founder's Falls without getting splattered 35 levels ago. I'm fighting more difficult foes than I could have hoped to have even gotten close to 35 levels ago.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



What's so hard to grasp about this?

[/ QUOTE ]

Try it from this angle. Remove levels from it entirely...

Current system:
On day 1 I was able combat and defeat 3 even con mobs. 1 year after release date I am able to combat 10 even con mobs.

Proposed system:
On day 1 I was able combat and defeat 3 even con mobs. 1 year after release date I am still only able to combat 3 even con mobs.

I understand your point too, but just trying to help you understand the other side of the argument.



Sorry to say it, but players don't usually know what they're asking for.

[/ QUOTE ]
Players don't have the "big picture", they don't know what's best for the game in the long run. If you are really unhappy with how the game is going, make some suggestions on how to improve it. Positive suggestions are always your best bet. If that isn't working to your satisfaction, play another game. Nothing speaks louder than cancelled subscriptions.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is very true. I work in tech support for a software company (not one like Cryptic, but accounting and retail software). I hear all the time from users (players) on how they want what they want and they don't understand how anyone could not want what they want.

It's up to my company and our developers to see the big picture and how it affects all other users. We have to project into the future and see what will work best for the majority of users.

I trust Statesman and the other developers to develop a fun, challenging game. If I didn't, they would have my money (and my recommendations to friends). I've loved this game since I first loaded up the beta programs. With the first 'issue' released I loved it even more, playing on the training server is just getting me on a roll. I can't wait until the next 'issue' comes out .. and don't get me started on Statesman's announcment ... Boo-Ya To-Ya Jack!

Quite frankly, they are getting huge numbers of people who love the game. If anyone doesn't like it I'm sure they will be sad to see you go, but they won't miss you that much.

The longevity of this game depends on new content and as far as I'm concerned I think they are delivering. If subscriptions drop dramatically they'll adjust. Count on it.

If you really hate the game... go away. Periodically, check the website to see if the changes you want are implemented. If they are, then come back (Yes, yes create your character anew. Get over it.) and play with us again. If you never see the changes you want, then stay away. That'll show 'em!




Leave minions mostly alone.
It makes us feel very powerful and super-heroey to be able to tackle a lot of minions at once.

Beef up Lieutenants.
I think that your 'standard of what a hero can take' should be based more around Lts. A hero should be able to take on a number of Lts equal to 1/10 his level. Level 50? Congratulations, you have an even fight with 5 Lts!

Beef up Bosses a lot.
Conversely, a Boss Fight should always be a mano-a-mano challenge for a hero.

[/ QUOTE ]

If this were how things were changed, I would be happy.

Dawnslayer on Virtue.



Conceptually, I understand where all of you are coming from, the worries about decreased fun factor and such. However, in execution, this is going to expan your options and fun factor!

Statesman is a BIG proponent of risk vs. reward. If an increase in mod difficulty goes live, then you damn well better bet that xp reward will be increased to compensate. Average leveling through the high end of the game is probably at about the speed intended. The uber-power builds and players can burn through faster than the casual, organic, or story-driven characters and players, but that is the case in any mmorpg.

What all this means, in essence, is your missions will be worthwhile, street sweeping will not be your only option, and the solo vs. group question will be answered because a full group CAN handle large groups of oranges and reds while soloist or people in small teams will be having a grand old time facing down whites and yellows in the streets and missions.

Statesman said it himself. Look at the level of mobs and spawn numbers you face in your average door mission. This is about what you should be fighting at your level in whatever size group you have for the average player. This means that whites are the staple for the soloist, need some boosts to their challenge and reward to make them worth hunting, and missions become even more attractive for the pure xp of it.

Bottom line, no matter what is done I doubt it will make a HUGE difference except in the color of mobs we hunt, and in the usefullness of groups, missions, etc. If a change is not going to hurt you in any way and will offer you many more options for what you can do with your time while still giving accetpable rewards and challenge, how is it a bad thing?



At any given level, why would I ever feel more powerful if I can only ever reasonably fight the same number of foes?

[/ QUOTE ]

Because they're STRONGER foes. They would have wiped you out a few levels earlier. What's so hard to grasp about this?

[/ QUOTE ]

It's not that we don't "grasp" what you're saying, it's that we don't agree, which is fine. You are happy with the exact same play experience after 35 levels, we prefer to grow in relation to the environment

[/ QUOTE ]

Kind of like while they are lvl 35 minions we are in actuality lvl 35 lieutenants / bosses. With more powers and better enhancements we should be able to take on more than the usual.

Phantom Rose: Ill / Kin / Psi
Soleau: Ice / Icy / Ice / Core: Ice / Fire / Pyre / Wind / Eclipse / Flare / Corona
Solo Space



One quick question Statesman, what about the Defenders and Controllers that ALREADY have a hard time with mobs?
How would these changes affect them?

[/ QUOTE ]

We'll need to give the more "oomph" to keep up!

Oh - and on the XP - if we up mob HP, then we definitely need to up XP rewards! If the battle is more challenging for a player, then he should definitely get more reward.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm unconvinced you will do anything but slow down the leveling of better groups. I would want to see more details of this plan...

Regardless, it is way too extreme. The ONE thing in this game which was comic book like in this game was wading through even level minions--once I was in my thirties, of course.

Don't take that away! A "minion" shouldn't be the same problem for a 30th level characer--and certianly not for a 40th level character--as it is for a 1st.

By all means, tone down our ability to solo +4 bosses. But don't remove the very real sense that our powers are increasing.

Otherwise, I will feel as wimpy at 50th as I do at 1st. I just have more powers to feel wimpy with.



But why not let the 3:1 ratio scale up somewhat?

The manual says (yeah i know, it's the manual, so old news - and I'm paraphrasing): "[The number of minions] you can take on solo rises with level."

And I personally thought this made a lot of sense. It's fun too - but mission design is heavily biased to the 2 minion, 1 lt. + 1 minion, 1 lt. + 2 minions, 2, 3, 4 minions. If a hero can fight 15 at once - heck, let him fight 15 at once. It's fun dangit! and "heroic"!

*Heavy* Emphasis is on *fight* not annihilate in 10 seconds, mind you.

Being locked into the 3:1 ratio your entire career doesn't seem very heroic, imho.

Maybe introduce a rank between boss and lieutenant - or one above boss and below archvillain/monster, especially for the higher levels.

IMHO, there's nothing wrong with taking on armies of minions - as the LotR movies proved - cause it's just "epic".

Locking people into the 3:1 ratio destroys the feel of progressing, imho.



sounds great... but if you bump everything up... won't you be back where you started from?



What's so hard to grasp about this?

[/ QUOTE ]

Try it from this angle. Remove levels from it entirely...

Current system:
On day 1 I was able combat and defeat 3 even con mobs. 1 year after release date I am able to combat 10 even con mobs.

Proposed system:
On day 1 I was able combat and defeat 3 even con mobs. 1 year after release date I am still only able to combat 3 even con mobs.

I understand your point too, but just trying to help you understand the other side of the argument.

[/ QUOTE ]

But the mobs you're fighting one year after day 1 are far more powerful than the mobs you were fighting on day 1. Go back and fight the mobs you were fighting on day 1, and you can wade through them like they were nothing. Why? Because YOU ARE MORE POWERFUL. You see, you CAN'T take levels out of the equasion. Taking the levels out makes the equasion totally invalid in referrence to the game. It changes the equasion completely.

I don't get why being able to take down hugely powerful mobs compared to what you were fighting when you started out isn't enough to make you feel more powerful. Why does taking out 10 mobs make you feel more powerful than taking down 3 that are each 4 times as powerful as any single one of the previous 10?

Why doesn't being able to take down 3 mobs with no problem one year after release that any single one of would have floored you in one shot on day 1 make you feel more powerful than you were on day 1?

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



But the mobs you're fighting one year after day 1 are far more powerful than the mobs you were fighting on day 1.

[/ QUOTE ]

Says the level. And level only. Not the sheer number of mobs around the character.

Go back and fight the mobs you were fighting on day 1, and you can wade through them like they were nothing. Why? Because YOU ARE MORE POWERFUL.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah - WAY more powerful. At level 35, level 1 hellions fall over if I sneeze at them. That's not the case with even con mobs, and I don't see what's wrong with being able to take on a greater number of same level mobs - makes the fight more "dynamic" imho.

I don't get why being able to take down hugely powerful mobs compared to what you were fighting when you started out isn't enough to make you feel more powerful. Why does taking out 10 mobs make you feel more powerful than taking down 2 that are each 5 times as powerful as any single one of the previous 10?

[/ QUOTE ]

Cause it's cooler?

Maybe only psychology is at work here - anything that has a number (level) lower than your own is by definition "weaker". Anything with a higher number is by definition "stronger". Doesn't really matter whether it's actually a true "weaker"/"stronger" or not - the perception is what makes the difference.

And you perceive this seemingly different than me....



Brother_Devil, your post is twisted.

Super heroes are heroes becasue the fight against insermountable odds... Spiderman wouldn't be much of a hero if all he could do was beat up street thugs.

So yeah, REAl heros will get their butts handed to them on occation. REAL heroes will fight against foes that are as powerful or MORE powerful than themselves.

If you "feel" like a superhero, then you aren't being one. Superheroes aren't herioc until after the deed is done. Like I said, there's nothing heroic about using super powers to pick on street thugs that aren't any threat to you... Thats called being a super bully.



I'm not a leveling junkie. I don't street sweep or go around in circles fighting the same set of groups because they give me 20% more XP because of the group size. (Well, maybe I do that once a week).

But with two toons at level 36, it will be impossible to level fighting 3 white minions! (period).

I thought going from 36 to 37 would take forever (and I play 4 hours a day everyday) - forcing me to get same level minion-class XP will just force me to play only alts.

Even if you up the reward - this is still a really painful leveling process post 35.

[Edit: Statesman will increase the XP reward for the increased difficulty - yeah! Sorry for this post as this thought has probably been stated on 4 full pages.]



I'm not a leveling junkie. I don't street sweep or go around in circles fighting the same set of groups because they give me 20% more XP because of the group size. (Well, maybe I do that once a week).

But with two toons at level 36, it will be impossible to level fighting 3 white minions! (period).

I thought going from 36 to 37 would take forever (and I play 4 hours a day everyday) - forcing me to get same level minion-class XP will just force me to play only alts or skip to another game (ack - can't believe I said that).

Even if you up the reward - this is still a really painful leveling process post 35.

[/ QUOTE ]

...and you know this for a fact because....? You've tried it? You have advanced knowledge of how it's going to work? Man...I want your connections.

Hint #1: You're completely clueless how it WILL work... You are just so resistant to change, and what, to me, sounds like improvement, that you'll make wild claims without even seeing what it's like...





But the mobs you're fighting one year after day 1 are far more powerful than the mobs you were fighting on day 1.

[/ QUOTE ]

Says the level. And level only. Not the sheer number of mobs around the character.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, says the power of the mob's attacks and durability. The sheer number of mobs has nothing to do with the individual mob's power.

Go back and fight the mobs you were fighting on day 1, and you can wade through them like they were nothing. Why? Because YOU ARE MORE POWERFUL.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah - WAY more powerful. At level 35, level 1 hellions fall over if I sneeze at them. That's not the case with even con mobs, and I don't see what's wrong with being able to take on a greater number of same level mobs - makes the fight more "dynamic" imho.

[/ QUOTE ]

Then go take on mobs that are a couple levels under you. I don't see why you think the mobs have to be even con if you want to take on MORE of them as you level.

I don't get why being able to take down hugely powerful mobs compared to what you were fighting when you started out isn't enough to make you feel more powerful. Why does taking out 10 mobs make you feel more powerful than taking down 2 that are each 5 times as powerful as any single one of the previous 10?

[/ QUOTE ]

Cause it's cooler?

Maybe only psychology is at work here - anything that has a number (level) lower than your own is by definition "weaker". Anything with a higher number is by definition "stronger". Doesn't really matter whether it's actually a true "weaker"/"stronger" or not - the perception is what makes the difference.

[/ QUOTE ]

Then the perception needs to change. If it's stronger, it's stronger. The perception is where the problem is, not in the proposed change.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



In the case of making the higher level game more fun, I want to make the difficulty of the later levels resemble early gameplay. At first, some players will decry "but I can't do what I used to! Ack! I can't solo two +4 bosses anymore?" True - but they'll have fun battling 3 white minions - which is something you can say at level 15, but not at level 35. Long term, the entire game will sparkle once this sort of balance is restored - because so much of the game design hangs upon it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Right now as a solo level 29 tanker in Bricktown I can handle (and am most efficent with) L+2 and L+3 minions and Lts. Bosses at this level are a challange unless I pop enhancements like they were Tic Tacs. As far as +4's at any level are concerned: Forgetaboutit. If I survive, the down time is stupid.

Now here's the kicker: at the pace I'm going, its going to to take me nearly 10 hours to get through this level solo streetsweeping. In my mind, this is already too slow (hence the FOTM blaster now in my stable).

So my question to you is this Statesman: If it takes me this long now, once I'm reduced to leveling of even cons, which give me 1/3 to 1/2 less XP, should I expect soloing will take me 15 hours or more to level?!?!?

Sir, something else MUST change, and that answer really can not have the word "group" in it . . . . .