Statesman: Please don't make this mistake




I've seen a lot of posts from you about how you want us to play the game.

You really, really, want to think carefully about forcing the players to your vision.

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Lets clear something up here. Statesman is not trying to make players play the game how he wants. He's making the game into what HE wants and players have the option to take it or leave it, its been like that since launch. If you read the PCGamer UK interview several months ago you'd realise that Jack Emmett is infact very very unimpressed with the games industry in general.

No innovation, no attempt to break the mould and whats more is that alot of these development teams are making sub-standard games because they aren't enjoying or have a passion for their work. Why don't they have a passion? Because they're not making the games that they themselves want to see.

Passion for your work is what drives you. It means you strive for excellence not because you're paid by the hour but because YOU WANT something polished because YOU want it. Jack is making the game as he wants it to be, he likes risk vs reward. He doesn't like games which let you powerlevel through the content.

Ultimately the game is better because of it, the fact that CoX is in the top 3 best MMOs on the market shows that his way of doing things works. Whats more he's not making any kind of mistake because his vision of the game has no changed for the past 12 months and more. If CoX was going to fail, it would have done so by now.

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Watch the date, Tal_N. Archon pulled some thread necromancy.




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mother [censored] er. I always get sucked in for a post or two before the stench of rotted meat hits my nostrils.




This trend of reviving the oldest thread you can find is dumb.

However, it was nice to see some of Icarus_Factor's old posts. I really miss him. He always knew how to shut stupid people up. We need that around here when new issues come out.



I've been playing this game for a while now, my husband and I very much enjoy the game and checking out the different AT's and powersets. I love the fact that the game is always changing to a certain point. I didn't mind ED much except on my emp defender, which was gimped beyond repair, I love it on my blaster though. The biggest problem I have is this balancing the AT's, one of the biggest draws for me and alot of other people I know is that the characters are diverse and each AT has it's own strengths and weaknesses, I don't want to play a tank that is equal to my defender and so on and so forth. I think most of people who'd want this only build one toon and never play anything else, which is fine. Alot of other people however enjoy building up mulitple toons and we don't want to be all alike, I love switching from the defender to my blaster or my tank and switching what exactly the challange is. I say keep the changes coming, expand the game and States enjoy your vision, but don't make all the AT's equal.

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.
Abraham Lincoln



Damn you, Archon...I made a post about how Icarus is back from not looking at the date...