Statesman: Please don't make this mistake




I held out for awhile, Vegetator. I tried. I really did... but, I'm afraid:
*** You are ignoring this user ***

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Peace out, troll.




I held out for awhile, Vegetator. I tried. I really did... but, I'm afraid:

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I've been ignored by better than you, sonny.



In the case of making the higher level game more fun, I want to make the difficulty of the later levels resemble early gameplay. At first, some players will decry "but I can't do what I used to! Ack! I can't solo two +4 bosses anymore?" True - but they'll have fun battling 3 white minions - which is something you can say at level 15, but not at level 35. Long term, the entire game will sparkle once this sort of balance is restored - because so much of the game design hangs upon it.

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States, that is one of your less Cryptic replies and I applaud you
for it.

But, as long as the XP curve is so exponentially out of whack
battling challenging minions will not offer any reward it will just
make levelling (reward) that much harder/slower..

At least make the XP bar a toggle so that we can hide it and not
have to witness it's lack of progress.

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What I truly see happening, is no different from what happens now.
Powergamers will always powergame.

Like Statesman said, mob XP WILL be increased as long as they get stronger.
What does this mean?

Simple. Tankers will be herding mass groups of Blue/White minions, and depending on the changes to AOEs, Blasters will AOE them to death and/or Scrappers will be able to fit them into their Cone attacks, when herded into such small places.

XP gain? Not too different than it is now.
The only difference is a lot of unknowing players being frustrated because they're so much weaker than they used to be...

If Cryptic can pull this off, more power to them. I know there are powersets that are overpowered, and need to be fixed.



I held out for awhile, Vegetator. I tried. I really did... but, I'm afraid:
*** You are ignoring this user ***

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Peace out, troll.

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Pot, meet the blackest kettle in the thread.



And a L40 minion is NOT the same as a L1 minion. A L40 minion should compare similarly to a L40 hero the same way a L1 hero does to a L1 hero.

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I respectfully disagree with you Sir..

Lvl 40 minions should not be similarly difficult as they were to you at level 1 otherwise this is just EQ in tights.

IMHO minions should only pose a real threat to Heros in significan't numbers. There has to be a feeling of power in COH other than bottom feeding. I don't find fighting mobs -2 levels to me Heroic at all.

Conversley Bosses should be more difficult though.. After all they are Bosses.

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Hey go play the game! At L1 you CAN wipe through several minions without much effort as long as you don't go underestimating them and get stupid sloppy... Like trying to take on 3 without any endurance!

Everything is relative... I posted this someplace else, but it does help make my point.

If you take the O-Ren Ishii fight scene from Kill Bill:

O-Ren Ishii would certainly be an AV,
GoGo Yubari would be a Boss,
Johny Mo would be a Lt,
and the rest of the Crazy 88s would all be minions...

Now, were the minions pushovers?
NO Fing way, they were all blade wield martial artists, any of which would have worked over a lesser hero.

They also would have worked over a hero that wasn't at the very top of their game.

Minions aren't going to be a huge threat to anyone or a group that is paying attention, but right now, minions couldn't kill you if you laid down in front of them and held their swords to your throat and said push. THAT is not how is should be.

L40 minions aren't just thugs with bigger guns, they're thugs with bigger guns, more training, and maybe some James Bond techno gadgets thrown in.

Minion is more a frame of reference than anything else. It really can't be taken too far out of context.

For example, at L1, a thug that gets ahold of a taser might be concidered "special". They get the distinction of being called a LT because no other thug at that level has a taser... But by L10 tasers are common yard trash, so that same special feature isn't as defining as it was at L1... Now, it's the villain that can fly and shoot flames out of his butt that is the big boy on the block.

Well the same applies as you go up in level... By the 40s, all the bad guys are shooting high tech weaponry or using some variety of special power... even the minions are tweaked out with gadgetry that allows them to perform at what most would concider "super human" levels. This doesn't make them bosses or AVs, but it does mean that a L40 minion is probably = to a L38 hero and they fights should scale from there.

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You're completely right.

B was using Katana/Super Reflexes and didnt get touched!

I'm only kidding of course, couldnt resist!



I've seen a lot of posts from you about how you want us to play the game.

You really, really, want to think carefully about forcing the players to your vision.

This game was a wild success with how it played, even if it wasn't precisely what you wanted. I've seen a few games (Anarchy Online for instance) where the players weren't playing it to the developers vision, so "changes" were made that actually made the game less fun (part of the reason I'm here and not there any more).

The path you're currently going down: nerfing everyone or buffing mobs until we're firmly in your "kill 3 whites", travel as a group to the contact/mission is pretty scary. I don't think that game would be as much FUN as the one I got at release.

It might be better to set ego aside, look at how your players WANT to play the game (not at how YOU want them to play it), and build content/design around that.

Well, just my .02, I'd hate to see what happened to AO happen to CoH.


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IMO, I like the Dev's Vision.

The game was ok at launch but I always knew it would be getting better and it has and IMO still is.

You, IMO have some nerve making this post as if you spoke for all or even most. And yes I read it but why do you feel the need to be so cocky? But if that is what you needed to do then fine.

AO was soooo bad form the beginning and was really just as bad right from the beginning, so AO was already down and stood there.

And you saying "It might be better to set ego aside" is really rude and presumptuous.



And you saying "It might be better to set ego aside" is really rude and presumptuous.

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Well, I do not claim to know Statesman, but everyone that has
met him at the cons and listened to him speak says that he has a
dirigible sized ego..

But that's part of how you make "your" vision come to pass, it's
domination through strength of will.

Yes, his vision has been strong, but we have also seen it waver
(don't forget those famous lines about crafters and crafting)
and there are times when one has to set one's ego aside for the
good of the "project".

So, while it might be assuming for a player to say such a thing to
a developer, it is not necessarily without merit.



I've seen a lot of posts from you about how you want us to play the game.

You really, really, want to think carefully about forcing the players to your vision.

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I stopped here in hilarious laughter.

Developers make games in order to realize their vision in the form of a game. That's why they do it. That's the whole [censored] point to the job. If you don't like their vision, then don't play their game.

What's the alternative? Your vision?


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I've noticed that these boards are full of "If You Don't Take My Suggestions/Tips/Warnings Seriously, Then This Game Will Be Ruined" threads...



XP gain? Not too different than it is now.

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I am starting to finally accept that.

Just give me a toggle so I can remove that nightmare XP bar that
keeps drawing my gamer-that-needs-rewards eye to it.



In the case of making the higher level game more fun, I want to make the difficulty of the later levels resemble early gameplay. At first, some players will decry "but I can't do what I used to! Ack! I can't solo two +4 bosses anymore?" True - but they'll have fun battling 3 white minions - which is something you can say at level 15, but not at level 35. Long term, the entire game will sparkle once this sort of balance is restored - because so much of the game design hangs upon it.

[/ QUOTE ]

States, that is one of your less Cryptic replies and I applaud you
for it.

But, as long as the XP curve is so exponentially out of whack
battling challenging minions will not offer any reward it will just
make levelling (reward) that much harder/slower..

At least make the XP bar a toggle so that we can hide it and not
have to witness it's lack of progress.

[/ QUOTE ]

But Vegetator, what are you talking about?

It seems to me XP will be getting better in Issue #2 all around.

Just more of a challenge, and IMO it is looking good.

Also I thought Icarus_Factor made total sense and if the original OP would just of had gotten the hint and admit he was being a little punk in his post, IMO the OP would be better off.

I have admited plenty about the things I say wrong.

What, just because the OP was negative toward the Dev’s or Statesman or CoH or whatever Icarus_Factor was wrong?

You just sound pissed off for no reason all the time, and I feel you do not have much credit.

Most of all what I’m saying is my comment on the Original Post is that since he was being cocky and unrealistic and generally sounded jaded, his post is not holding any merit with me and so unless he decides not to be such a jaded poster next time in his OP I am not going to be able to discuss the topic with him.



It seems to me

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Also I thought

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Opinions duly noted, and filed in the appropriate receptacle.



I don't think that game would be as much FUN as the one I got at release.

It might be better to set ego aside, look at how your players WANT to play the game (not at how YOU want them to play it), and build content/design around that.

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Okay, my laughter died down so I could read on, and then started back up right here!

So, YOU don't think that game would be as much fun as the one YOU got at release, and Statesman should change the way he's doing things because of this?

And then you have the nerve to say "set ego aside." Hahaha. Take your own [censored] advice dude. Plenty of players are perfectly happy to conform to the developers vision and intentions for the game. If we didn't trust them to know how to make a good game, we wouldn't be paying the $15 a month to play it.

What makes you think what YOU want is magically what the "players" want? Every player wants something slightly different. That's why it's imperative that the developers maintain their OWN vision and intent. Otherwise it will end up a soupy mess of "trying to please everyone."

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LOL, I hereby nominate you for fanboy of the month. You've made your feelings known, please dont spam every reply on this thread with your undying devotion to CoH, I'm glad you will play no matter what is done to your hero's.

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This was a reply to Icarus_Facterd. Sorry but he was nominated fanboy of the quarter long ago by almost 60% of the board before the post was most righteously deleted. He is also one of the people to be thanked for the inspiration behind my sig. His blindess is strong, his arguments are weak, and his profile is filled with lies. And he gets very upset with the true definition of his homage.

Sorry I just had to get this off my chest. Thanks I feel better now.



I don't think that game would be as much FUN as the one I got at release.

It might be better to set ego aside, look at how your players WANT to play the game (not at how YOU want them to play it), and build content/design around that.

[/ QUOTE ]

Okay, my laughter died down so I could read on, and then started back up right here!

So, YOU don't think that game would be as much fun as the one YOU got at release, and Statesman should change the way he's doing things because of this?

And then you have the nerve to say "set ego aside." Hahaha. Take your own [censored] advice dude. Plenty of players are perfectly happy to conform to the developers vision and intentions for the game. If we didn't trust them to know how to make a good game, we wouldn't be paying the $15 a month to play it.

What makes you think what YOU want is magically what the "players" want? Every player wants something slightly different. That's why it's imperative that the developers maintain their OWN vision and intent. Otherwise it will end up a soupy mess of "trying to please everyone."

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL, I hereby nominate you for fanboy of the month. You've made your feelings known, please dont spam every reply on this thread with your undying devotion to CoH, I'm glad you will play no matter what is done to your hero's.

[/ QUOTE ]

This was a reply to Icarus_Facterd. Sorry but he was nominated fanboy of the quarter long ago by almost 60% of the board before the post was most righteously deleted. He is also one of the people to be thanked for the inspiration behind my sig. His blindess is strong, his arguments are weak, and his profile is filled with lies. And he gets very upset with the true definition of his homage.

Sorry I just had to get this off my chest. Thanks I feel better now.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't know Icarus_Facterd, but he looks like he pointed out a valid point. Just cuz some of you selfish school boys don't relize that the world doesn't revolve around your mom and dads house isn't anyones fault but your own. The original quote seems to think that a company that spent a few 10s of millions of dollars to create a product should now turn it over to a bunch of people paying $10 a month?

What kind of crap is that!?

Hey, when YOU put your life savings on the line, and put your life on hold for years on end, and invest blood, sweat, and tears in making your vision come to life, THEN you can do whatever the hell you want with it.

This is Cryptics World and they've been gracious enough to allow us to come play in it. No different that Disney World, or Football Stadium, or a Museum, take your pick.

We pay general admission to enjoy their creation for a 1 month period of time. If we like what we see, maybe we'll keep paying that fee next month. If not we go play in someone elses dream creation.

But none of us really has the right to tell them how to run their show. All we have the right and responsibility to do is give them our individual feedback and allow them to use it to grow the product in the direction they want to grow it.

In all honesty, if Cryptic wanted to pìss off every one of their customers to such a degree that each one would quit in a month... that's their puragative. Afterall, it is still THEIR product!

Go try telling an NFL owner that you're ticked cuz he traded your favorite player and see how fast he laughs at your $12 ticket to the game.



Simple, one word.

If they don't create something that doesnt fly with its consumers, then they're doomed to failure.
That's why you see so many fast food commercials, toy commercials, ads, EVERYWHERE.

Companies listen to complaints, and from there, they will adjust the product accordingly.
They also conform to certain trends in the market. I.E, the whole "Low Carb" BS. Just about every top-10 fast food chain has low carb options. And it spans beyond just fast food.

Marketing is the keyword.
If CoH pisses off their market, they have no more income, and no more game.
THAT'S why the listen to their players.



When making a game a developer will soon realize their vision of a game might not always be in line with the will of the players. A good developer will realize that it may be neccessary to sacrifice parts of that vision to keep the game in line with what the players have decided their vision of the game is. Developers who do not follow this path are ultimately going to turn away their own players and damage the game for everyone, developer and gamer alike, with the changes that follow in their attempt to force people to play as they had originaly invisioned so long ago.

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5 stars. There MUST be a blend of Vision v.s. Balance v.s. Fun v.s. MONEY.

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I disagree. A good developer won't be afraid to buck trends, metrics, or marketers. A good developer creates trends, new metrics, and markets.

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I agree these developers are good. They create a superhero game, when the Most Popular games are ... medeival Magic games. LOtR Clones. They take out the Player economy, when Most other mmo's are all about a Player economy.

They take out Time sink epics, when all other mmo's have them. They Put in customizability of creation of toons to a Point where you never see 2 heroes that look e\xactly the same...when other's don't. Trends? metrics? If CoH were about that it would Look and feel like EQ, DAoC, etc.

it breaks New ground. Soon to come, space zones, Underwater zones. At level 50.... Most other games Move to 51, then 55 then 60, then 65... I hear EQ is going to level 70...But what then? 75?, then 80? Here you get to 50, maybe Unlock a New Epic AT, and start again. They create Mobs over 50...good... there should still be Purple things for us to fight at 50.

And Finally, seems many people here are Not familiar with the Granddaddy of all MMO's... Dungeons and Dragons, I mean the paper and pencil game. It was supposed to be a world you lived in, The RPG has become a set of skills and abilities that you now try to Mini/max for maximum xp/hr gain for least endurance used.

games should be balanced so all AT"s are fun...Not just the x/dev blasters, SG users Fire Imp Owners, and PA( I am one) controllers. People are supposed to ROLEPLAY ina ROLEPLAYING game.... No one does, it's all about xp/hr.... Just relax and have a fun time.



Even if experience is increased ALOT for minions, leveling will not be fun just killing pack of three minions after three minions.

Yet another poor choice by the devs.



Everyone knows your full of it

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Hello. I'm the center of the universe. I don't agree with you, so "everyone" must know you're full of it.

This thread was relatively readable until you got here, Val. As for "credibility," who are you and why do you have any?

[/ QUOTE ]

In this instance, I am someone who has done the testing and followed along with how mine and others tests mirror the numbers posted by the Devs concerning the purple patch.

It is impossible for someone to solo mobs that are +6 their level. Bladewraith claimed to be able to do so (in this thread and another). It is impossible. When your powers are 15% effective vs a mobs power that is 150% effective, you can't solo them. That is just a fact of the game since the purple patch. I didn't make it that way, Cryptic did. How do you take someone seriously of give them any credence to what they say when they post a blatant lie?

That is why I have credibility and Bladewraith doesn't. My post is backed up by facts, Bladewraiths isn't. He has been offered the chance to prove himself to be above the game mechanics but instead chooses not to.

The thread is still readable though, god bless huked on fonix!



How short your memory is...

You do not seem to remember how Mr. 152 hours came out
of the closet and how there were immediate nerfs to compensate
for his power levelling. (not referring to the exploit fixes)

Don't remember the purple patch either ??

Or how Equinox beat down blobbidon and there was a sudden
gang of nerfs related to that.

Maybe these will refresh your memory:

[/ QUOTE ]

Uhh, hey, thanks for proving my point Vegetator.

The developers base decisions on what happens in game, not what gets whined about on the forums.


You are absolutely right, there is no indication (other than timing)
that they used anything from the forums to base their decisions

But, there was some suspicious timing involved...

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Because the players got the information at the same time as the developers. So while the developers were evaluating the situation and deciding what to do, the players were kicking and screaming on the forums.

Same logic applies to the SG fix. It dawned on the players as it dawned on the developers. So while one was considering if a fix was in order, the other was complaining. Doesn't mean one caused the other.

[/ QUOTE ]

Post hoc, ergo propter hoc, is a Logical fallacy.

Just because A came before B, does not mean that A caused B.

The devs read these forums, But they also datamine. Maybe all the " Smoke Grenade is broken" got them to look at the issue. But It did Not decide it for them. They investigated, and On this occasion happened to agree.



Ok, I read just about this entire thread while at work so I have a lot to say...

The first thing EVERYONE needs to realize is that the changes being made are for the good of the game - no because that's how the devs want it and not because enough people [censored] and moan about it...

First thing I want to address is the entire notion that people think the devs are stupid enough to make the "white" mobs stronger without giving more XP... Have the devs given us any reason to think they're stupid enough to make things harder without being rewarded for more XP?...

For those that argue that fighting packs of "white" mobs that are only 3 deep isn't going to cut it, that's the reason for hazard zones... When you hunt in a Paragon Protected Zone (PPZ) you're not going to find mobs larger than 4-5 deep most of the time... Very rarely will you find a mob larger than that... If you want to fight large mobs, go into hazard zones... You want to know why it's like this? - The reasons are simple...

1. All of us have had door missions that require us to doors located in area where the mobs are mostly red and pink... Think about when your were around lvl13-15 and you had door missions on the northside of Skyway, where all the lvl18 Lost are and how you basically had to run to the door to escape debt... Now imagine if that mob was 10-12 deep instead of 4-5 deep - you would've NEVER made it to that door...

2. It goes with the FEELING of a metropolis... You don't see 10-12 outlaws just standing around a metropolitan area...

The next thing that I want to address is the harder missions... No matter what anybody says, THIS NEEDS TO BE DONE... I have a lvl25 AR/Dev blaster who is SEVERLY gimped right now... He was one of my first heroes I made when I got CoH... He has Endurance problems, a lot of things aren't slotted correctly, and I took skills that I don't need - with that said I can still solo any mission I get quite easily... And I JUST GOT SG at lvl24 and it only has it's original slot in it - that's it...

Most of the concerned people who say they won't be able to solo missions are the Controllers and some Defenders... What you have to realize is that while ALL ATs can solo, you can't expect an AT that is by definition a support AT to solo anywhere near the rate a Blaster or Scrapper can - it's just not realistic...

Next are the ones who want to "feel more powerful" by defeating mobs that are higher than their own level... I can understand this, but there is also something that you have to understand... This is a comic book MMORPG... Have you ever seen a comic book, where a solo hero can beat a mob of 4-5 minions who are stronger than him?... What makes you think that you should be able to solo a pack of 5 people who FROM THE START are stronger than you... If you want to feel strong and super powered, go to a hazard zone and fight large packs of "white" mobs (this is after the change) solo and let me know what you think...

Next on the list are those who complain about "nerfs"... From what I've seen, the devs haven't nerfed much... They FIXED Smoke Grenade to work how it was supposed to work in the first place - they didn't NERF it... They FIXED the pets that needed it because they were acting more like Scrappers and less like Tankers (the way they were intended) - they didn't NERF them... BOO-HOO, you can't abuse SG anymore and we're supposed to be sorry for those Controllers who were dumb enough to reach lvl32 only to get a skill that was broken and was bound to be fixed eventually...

I tip my hat to the devs who are working to balance the game in the fairest way possible, by not nerfing anything, which is VERY hard to do... People don't realize that they could do what Blizzard does with Warcraft and just beat everything with the nerf bat everytime so whiner complains that "this" is better than "that"...

A prime example are Tankers... Tankers were being outclassed in teams by Scrappers whose build was designed to reach the defense of Tankers, who couldn't reach anywhere near the damage of Scrappers to even it out... The obvious thing to do is set it so Scrappers can't reach the defense of Tankers right? - Yes, that's the OBVIOUS choice, but thankfully our dev team doesn't go with the OBVIOUS choice - they go with the choice that doesn't punish one AT for an oversight in the design... They actually gave a BUFF so that Tankers could do more damage, but not enough damage to rival Scrappers - just enough damage so that a team leader can feel good about choose a Tanker or over a Scrapper... Tanks are happy and Scrappers are happy - this is how it's SUPPOSED TO BE DONE IMO...

The problem is that so many of you only worry about what will effect YOU... You don't care that others play the game and have a right to get their money's worth also... I've seen SOME Scrapper people get mad that Tankers are eventually going to get that damage buff (a small few, about 5%), but they fail to take into account that Scrappers got A LOT OF LOVE in Issue #2 with the criticals and new attack animations, etc... However, they don't care - all they care about is that another AT got some love and Scrappers weren't made better than what they already are/will be...

The only AT I see that needs some real NERFING are Blasters... I feel that their secondaries allow them to dip into aspects of other ATs, thus making them that much more powerful... Contained in Blaster secondaries and skills that can slow and hold - those two things alone IMO should be mainly for Controllers, ESPECIALLY the holds...

But I'm getting off the topic at hand... The game is being looked at with the masses in mind... Most people who the devs are concerned about are those who are higher than lvl20 because that's when the game because easy and boring... Like someone else said, I enjoy the lower levels when going into a mission was exciting, when it was a challenge... Now the greatest challenge I get in a mission is finding that last clue before the timer runs out - big whoopie!...

To Statesman and the rest of the Devs: I'm happy that you don't cater to every whiney person that complains about something... I'm also happy that you ARE willing to admit when mistakes have been made and you decide to make sure they're fixed instead of trying to cover it up and making it worse... Keep doing what you're doing... Don't worry about anybody's vision of the game, not mine, not the OP's and MAYBE not even your own - do what's best for the majority of players... The players that play for what the game was intended to be, a comic book... The ones that like to do the missions and story arcs... The ones that think fun first and leveling up fast a distant last... The ones that don't mind change for the good of the game... The ones that don't worry about whether their build is the "best" or "most effective"... The ones who take Superspeed because it's the best horizontal travel power, but because in their mind that's how they see their character... For those Blasters that don't make Ar/Dev characters because it's "uber", but because the Punisher is their favorite hero... Basically, the ones that enjoy what the game was meant to be: a way for people to live their fantasy of being a superhero...

If there are grammar errors, which I'm sure there are, I apologize...



just enough damage so that a team leader can feel good about choose a Tanker or over a Scrapper... Tanks are happy and Scrappers are happy - this is how it's SUPPOSED TO BE DONE IMO...

[/ QUOTE ]

And thus, an new problem surfaces.
WHY in the world take a Scrapper, when a Tanker can:

A: Survive longer, higher HPs and defenses than Scrapper = less worries for Defenders and other teammates.
B: TANK. They keep the aggro off of the other players easily with the upcoming changes.
C: Have decent damage, not quite as high as Scrappers, supposedly, but it's still decent. Small tradeoff for your team's safety.

Why would anyone want a weak Scrapper with lower damage than a blaster, when they could pick up a Tank, and keep themselves safe?

Criticals? Nah, an occasional chance to do higher damage is nothing compared to a blaster's consistantly higher overall damage.



One quick question Statesman, what about the Defenders and Controllers that ALREADY have a hard time with mobs?
How would these changes affect them?

[/ QUOTE ]

We'll need to give the more "oomph" to keep up!

Oh - and on the XP - if we up mob HP, then we definitely need to up XP rewards! If the battle is more challenging for a player, then he should definitely get more reward.

[/ QUOTE ]

I still don't like this. As many have said, I don't want to feel like a level 15 at 35. Statesmen himself said about tankers, how one complaint they have bothered him, that they don't "Feel" like superheroes. How does that hold water with tankers, but not anyone else? Did Batman call his guildies for help when he caught 3 thugs mugging someone? Did Spiderman run for cover from 2 or 3 common thieves? Don't even get me started with Superman.

Minnions. Why should I, after investing months of time into a charcater, stiull be scared to take on 3 even con minnions?

On a second note, where at 35+, do you find groups of mobs of 3 or less minnions? They all have 6-12 mobs strong, with LT's and Bosses mixed in for good measure. How does the casual gamer get xp soloing <3 minnions when their LT's and Bosses, who he'd NEVER have a chance of taking, will rip him a new one for trying?

And where's the incentive to play month after month, if you're no better at fighting after 35 than you were at 15? Talk about a grind, that doesn't even define it.

I didn't pick my powers up to 35 to kill time. I picked the ones I thought would kick butt and take names. Let me use them please. Let me be a superhero too, Statesman.



Haha. Umm, no. Sorry, dude, I don't bow to the classic forum [censored]'s "I've been here longer so I must be righter," argument. It's funny to see you try to use it, though. I would have expected it from you if anyone.

[/ QUOTE ]

You do not have to "bow to it", twit..

But trying to speak of matters you were not witness to, only
proves that you speak from ignorance.

You weren't around, ergo, you do not know what happened..

End of story.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ummm No one was around during the American Civil War, therefore...History Courses are classes taught By the Ignorant to the More ignorant?

Are you saying that if someone never personally experienced something then they have No right to speak on it?

How about male doctors teaching about ...Childbirth?

Psychiatrists that speak On the Symptoms of Schizophrenia? or should Only Schizophrenic Psychiatrists speak on this?

The Crusades? No one should speak about the Crusades? and the effects of religious intolerance in society?

The slave trade? And it's destruction of families. Any slave trade? No one presently alive was around , therefore since none of us went through it we cannot speak on it?

The American Revolution, and it's proclamation that people should have some say in the decisions of it's governemnt? Ok it's not a perfect system, but still the best mess around. May as well Get rid of all the Lawyers then, they make a Living discussing old Pieces of parchemnt that were written LONG Before they were Born, namely things Like The Magna Carta, and The Constitution. But then again all lawyers are Ignorant and display it when they try to talk about a Piece of paper that was written before they were born.

All Preachers, and Ministers speak on The Holy Bible, a book written before any of them were born. Therefore all preachers and ministers are ignorant? How about Muslims that teach on the Koran? etc...

Military trainers teach our soldiers techniques and strategy, and tactics, based on old battles that took place before they were born, are they ignorant? want to call up The President? tell him to pull back our troops because ALL of them are Ignorant?

Ignoramus, just because something happened to which he was not a personal witness, does not mean he has no right to talk about it. You must be young, or immature. Maybe both?

Then again, I never met you, so cannot speak intelligently On that, all I have are your idiotic pronouncements that if someone has not personally experienced something they cannot speak on it with Authority.

I thought you were ignorant before this seals it. You are entertaining though I'll Give you that.



I thought I'd post here to explain why developers make changes to MMP games. In a nutshell: because they think it'll make the long term enjoyment better.

Human nature often demands immediate gratification. Sometimes, this comes into conflict with the long term enjoyment.

Case in point: much of our zone distribution, spawn placement and mission difficulty is based on a simple supposition. Players should be entertained/challenged by mobs -2 to +2 levels different. A single +2 minion should be REALLY hard - a single -2 minion should be pretty easy. But that's the range that much of the game hangs on. And that works great for levels 1 to 20, in my opinion.

Starting at level 22, when players get S.O. Enhancements, they quickly outstrip their foes. The missions cease to be entertaining, because a +1 mobs are just too easy. Better XP can be found by taking on +4 mobs in zones. Single characters can take on spawns that are intended for many heroes. And there's no place for a maximum sized group to go in order to find a tough and rewarding battle.

In the case of making the higher level game more fun, I want to make the difficulty of the later levels resemble early gameplay. At first, some players will decry "but I can't do what I used to! Ack! I can't solo two +4 bosses anymore?" True - but they'll have fun battling 3 white minions - which is something you can say at level 15, but not at level 35. Long term, the entire game will sparkle once this sort of balance is restored - because so much of the game design hangs upon it.

Anyway, sorry for my rambling. I wanted to give you a glimmer of the developer reasoning.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmm.. I dont know about most of the other players in COH, but I personally enjoy that as I rise in levels im being able to push the bar on the mob groups I can solo. It makes it feel much more epic and heroic, its one of the fatal flaws for myself that I discovered on other MMO's, it was boring for me to still be fighting one foe at a time in DAoC. I'm not suggesting that heroes continually be able to fight and take out 100 mobs at a time, just that there is some scaling such that a high level char is fighting impressive groups..




Sorry, I didn't realize I was speaking with a Cryptic employee who "was around" when the developers were making decisions about the game, I thought I was talking to a blowhard player who thinks he knows what happened because he spent his time trolling the forums and concocting asinine theories about how the developers make their decisions.

[/ QUOTE ]

You have described yourself perfectly..

You and I share the same boat on that count and you can eat
your own words as your ignorance is doubled:

1, you do not work for Cryptic either

2, you didn't witness anything that occurred so your "theories"
regarding what occurred are even more "assinine", and ignorant,
than mine.

Would you like your face wiped on the sidewalk a bit more ?

[/ QUOTE ]

" Let him keep speaking, that men may know him mad"

LOL..OH My god... good one,'re still an idiot.