The Grim Heaper

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Garielle View Post
    As I said note, you ARE aware that they named them "Weekly Strike Targets" (WST) specifically so people would NOT use the abbreviation WTF, right?
    Yeah, and they're "waist coats" not "butt capes"... but that'll never stop anyone.
  2. The Grim Heaper

    bugs or myths

    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    It's called lag (the targeting this is called accidentally changing your target )

    Extra tip: You don't need notepad open, just ctrl+a, ctrl+c (cmd+a, cmd+c on a mac, IIRC)... ctrl+a selects the full contents of the text edit, ctrl+c copies! You can pull off this super sekret ninja technique in a billionth of a second, due to the close proximity of the a and c keys!
    I just like pasting it somewhere in case I override it while logging back in (don't ask me how, but I'm sure I'd find a stupid way.)
  3. The Grim Heaper

    bugs or myths

    Originally Posted by Dare-j78 View Post
    And another BUG I CANT STAND. Typed up a big reply hit submit and Im not logged in anymore. Yay!
    Yeah, forum logout bug has been around for waaay too long . Tip; have notepad open in the background, and copy posts that are particularly long and/or annoying to type again before hitting 'submit'. (Granted, I never seem to learn from my own advice, and get burned by the bug with annoying frequency.)
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
    Been having this problem for a couple days now.

    If I click on the Launcher from my desktop or my start menu I get nothing. It doesn't appear on my Task Manager it's basically as though I never clicked it.

    If I click on the Launcher icon in my Sys-Tray then I get the Launcher to appear in my Taskbar and it also appears on my Task Manager list but it does NOT pop up on my desktop.

    This is getting ridiculous. I haven't played the game in nearly a week between Irene's power outage and this new little Launcher issue.
    Sorry, but I have to confirm; Are you only checking the 'Applications' tab of the task manager, or have you looked through the 'Processes' tab? The process should be listed as NCLauncher.exe.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GPBunny View Post
    Quick questions since NDA is lifted.

    My understanding is that you can start any AT now via Galaxy city. So if I make a SOA and go Blue side will I get the patron power pools at 41 or will I have to go back Red side?

    Or will there be Epic or Hero Patron choices?
    I... don't see why it would work any differently for SoA's compared to any AT that goes blue... If they want the patrons, they need to make a pitstop in the isles and run the arc...

    That said, since APPs went global and even villains can get them, I'm in favor of a heroic version of the patron pools. And since the patrons tend to have a somewhat unique visual flare (water/sharks, the mace, fancy looking dark powers) we'd need some of that for the hero versions (I'm going to come right out and say it - Blue Steel needs to be one of the four, even if it means his set is locked out for those with conflicting weapon sets. Shields for the masses!)
  6. The Grim Heaper


    Originally Posted by thgebull0425 View Post
    I see how it is a problem for meleers and for AoE, but my issue is if someone took the power, then why not use it. Besides, a good team will be able to compensate for spread out opponents and shouldn't really be an issue. If you got, use it I say.

    I have been on the melee side of things, and oh well, chase em, smash em. Agreed though, in some of the maps, it can be a bit of a problem. Shouldn't get rid of it.
    By all means, use it! The consensus of the thread is "use it intelligently".

    Push mobs that stayed at range into the melee fray! Estimate the max radius of the PBAoE KB and push half a spread-out mob into the other half! Use map geometry to your advantage (keeping in mind the sloped walls and stuck critters thing)!

    If the power in question is, say, Nova - jump ahead of the group, Aim, build-up (if available), and nuke that spawn! Dosn't matter if they scatter, because most of the spawn will be dead, what few LT's and bosses survive will be finished off quickly anyway.

    All we ask is that you don't be a head covering fashioned from a donkey. Don't turn on hurricane and jump into the middle of a spawn or someone's location based AoE unless you can guarantee they won't be scattered (usually an AoE immobilize of some kind will give the enemies KB and repel protection/resistance).

    Most teams can deal with a scattered spawn, yes, but it makes AoEs less effective (mobs are no longer tightly packed, fewer targets hit per power activation) and who ever's on aggro control (tanking or mezzing) will have a much harder time keeping the attention off the squishies.

    I took Black Hole on my MM - does that mean I should use it all the time? no - It's an "oh ****" power that I have on hand for when my pants-on-head-stupid zombies aggro a mob or two more than the team can handle. Using it all the time will only serve to annoy team mates by slowing things down to a crawl.
  7. The Grim Heaper

    Wisps aura gone?

    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    I was just going to create a new character and noticed that the wisps aura is gone from the 'auras' section of the character creator (I've only the Cyborg pack auras available now). I've made several characters with the wisps aura, including one from about a week and a half ago (which still can access it at Icon).

    I've restarted the NCSoft Launcher, CoH, and logged into then out of a character (to see if that'd cause the unlock to retrip), but no luck. Any ideas?
    Hmm... might it be tied to the ingame store? As that appears to be down right now for me.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
    Eh, you can already make hundreds and hundreds of different character powerset combos. I dare you to level them all to 50. So there's already more variety than you or I will use.
    And we've got more coming!
  9. The Grim Heaper

    Unicorn horn?

    They're gonna love and tolerate the s*** out-a some bad guys.
  10. The Grim Heaper


    It's mostly Kb (and people who don't understand the difference between that an Kd/Ku). Even KB is fine, and if your something like energy blast or a peacebringer or bots MM, well, there's not much you can do. You ARE going to knock things back.

    Generally, it's most annoying on melee characters who have their tagets knocked around by others and must constantly chase them down... or if someone knocks a whole group out of your AoE. And then there's the issue of ragdoll physics and angled walls (most notably caves of any sort) resulting in critters getting stuck in walls; particularly annoying on "defeat all"s.

    Knockback isn't in and of its self bad, just that the people using it need to pay closer attention to what they are targeting and their relation to it (Knocking an entire group into a corner = happy team. Standing in the middle of a spawn and using a pbaoe to scatter it to the four winds = not so happy team mates.) And it is good mitigation; while they are flopping about on their backs, they aren't attacking.

    Like most things, it's those that can't properly manage the knockback that mar the perception of the mechanic.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by OutaControl View Post
    start looking for IOs.
    There are several healing IOs that give regen + recovery and if they are placed in health they give this all the time. Many other IOs 2x bonuses are like 1%,1.5% & 2% recovery, depends on your powers. you want 3x end-mods in your stamina.
  12. Plus, (unless I missed it) isn't standard operating procedure to release a pre-patch a week or two before a major release that runs when the client closes? To get most of the resources on to peoples machines so the download server isn't as hammered come release-day.

    Granted, not sure how/if the NClaunher handles that sort of thing the same way the old patcher did, but I haven't noticed any such pre-downloading of i21 resources...
  13. Recently Ive had leadership (and other group-) buffs dissapear at random from the status bar after zoning. Thankfully the buffs often continue to show on the mastermind's pet statuses, which is all that matters, really... at least until two bugs occur at the same time and the pets decide they prefer to stay at the ferry.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    Ok another question, what is with teaming now? It auto sidekicks and auto exemplars everyone to the level of the leader? Is there a way to turn this off?

    Its just fairly annoying if I want to lead a task force because it puts everyone on my level so if I am not at the max of the TF it puts everyone at a disadvantage. Do exemplars still not get exp?
    It was changed a while back so that you can get XP while exemplared. that said, most people do like to run any given tackforce at the maximum level available for it (because powers taken up to 5 levels above your exemplared level stay active. If you ex down to 20, you can keep using your lvl22 and 24 power picks). One clear advantage of the Super-Sidekick feature is that you no longer have to have a high level character on the team for each low-level one, occasionally screwing over one of the low levels if their partner DC's.

    And just because you don't have the star does not mean you can't 'lead' the taskforce. The person with the star is just the one who has to run to/call the contact. Unless you want to read the text - in which case, the best advice I can give you is to keep a browser open to the taskforce's wiki page in the background (or on a second monitor if one is available). Most TFs have all the text copied to the wiki.
  15. What I've been doing lately is a duo with my alt account - it's a bot/ff I'm necro/dark... The ff buffs help keep the zombies alive when they go pants-on-head stupid, and all I have to do is set everyone on aggressive and walk into the next spawn. (if I want to speed things up, I just tarpatch and fearsome stare)

    Running at +0/x5 is relaxing.. I could probably deal with x8 groups easily, but depending on the enemy type and map... things sometimes get a bit hairy as it stands. Almost impossible to keep all 12-13 pets from aggroing an extra group or two in some rooms, and a spawn worth of extra longbow nullifiers/wardens at the wrong time can be deadly.
  16. I'm going to go with luck - My scrapper 'needed' to buy all 4 VRs through Emps and upgrading (at the old prices). My blaster got the 4 he needed from the reward window before he was done unlocking lore/destiny (and was stuck for the longest time due to a lack of rares, eventually I got a couple extra VRs and downgraded them).
  17. Also a common one recently with a few permutations is WST - the weekly strike target; a taskforce/strikeforce that will grant extra rewards at the end the first time it is run on a character that week.

    Much of the community rejects the 'official' nomenclature, and calls it the "Weekly Task Force" for the amusing acronym...

    "ITF; room for 2 more!"
    "WTF is ITF?"
    "yes, it is."
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Laughing_Man View Post
    Thanks Kitsune.

    Does that therefore mean that the hp/sec rate quoted in-game is therefore technically misleading?

    If you're looking at (for example) 7 seconds between health ticks you're going to get 0 HP/sec for 6 seconds then a chunk on the seventh? Basically the stats average out your regen on a per-second basis.

    Kinda misleading, but I think it's easier for most people to understand
    X hp/s
    Rather than
    #% max hp / Y seconds
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fantastic_Foe View Post
    Good question.

    In zone events like Rikti invasions and Zombie attacks, the enemies are coded to not have levels, the to hit calculations and damage dealt are figured as if they were even level to whomever is damaging them, or who they are damaging, etc.
    Right - although lower level characters will have a tougher time due to their enhancement values not being as good, and having over-all less tools available (poorer attack chain, less able to defend against what the mobs can do)...

    Also, I belive most invasion mobs have a hidden level of about 30. It mostly governs what they drop when defeated.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
    This game is 7 years old with 7 years of additions. There's several ways to level up as a hero and almost never run into Clockwork. Especially if someone is new to the game and doesn't know about or skips TFs until later (or just doesn't like them). Let's riff and see what I can come up with:

    1) A villain can easily level up without running into more than a handful of Clockwork. Someone who side switches won't see them post 20.

    2) Similarly a Praetorian is dumped in Talos and levels from there.

    3) Perhaps more relevant, a Hero who goes to the Hollows, then to Faultline, then to Striga, then to Croatoa, would have encountered next to no Clockwork.

    4) Someone who knows of the End Drain like MB said, and doesn't like it, can consciously avoid contacts, or scanners that involve Clockwork, and still level up in major Hero City zones.

    5) Someone who solos primarily will almost never see clockwork bosses, and even if they sought them out in scanner missions, there would be at most 1 per mission that counted for the badge, on base settings.

    So at the end of the day, I think what's ridiculous is not that someone doesn't have the badge, but that you think it's hard to get to 50 without getting it.

    Not to mention, that your reponse is pretty classless for the normal helpful nature in this section of the forum.
    6) a character that made it above 20 before issue 2, and despite having killed more clockwork than he could shake a stick at during that period, did not get the badge because it was not something that was tracked while he was leveling up.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
    But in the specific case of the same TF, on the same character, within 20 horus, you can't get two Alpha components?
    Correct. That would be a 'once per day' reward on the 20 hour timer.
  22. Well, there WAS a period after GR launch where all active accounts were given acess to GR for a couple weeks... Although you were already locked out of characters that were praetorian or used the GR powersets (until you purchased GR).
  23. The Grim Heaper

    Cheap but...

    Pretty much any brute or scrapper will be both deadly and survivable (and are usually fairly cheap in terms of enhancing)...

    Some armor sets mature a bit later than others, and may not get some key powers until the late 20s. Some rely on clicky powers to shore up their defenses/heal, and are considerably less "set it and forget it" than others (Fire & electric come to mind).

    Any primary will work just fine, and some can even boost your survivability (Dark debuffs enemy tohit, BS and katana have a move that grants you +def. A number of sets have some knockdown or disorient).

    That said, what are your existing 50s? Perhaps your inability to 'get the hand of them' stems from some build/slotting issues that could be resolved.

    edit: 2 more things;
    Rollin through my account, I gutted my toons for all the Inf they all had and combined it all to a...DU DU DA 118m...So, obviously, IOing is out of the question.
    Expensive set IO's? Yeah, not going to happen on that budget. BUT! you could probably slot Common IOs, and franken-slot some of the cheaper uncommons (remember, when franken-slotting, set bonuses are not your focus, greater enhancement values through fewer slots using dual/tripple aspect IOs is).

    Try going for lvl 45 common IOs (with everyone running the incarnate trials, you can get the upper level bracket salvage for a song, and lvl 45s cost half as much as 50s to craft).
    {...} solo Cim wall when I get extremely bored (been happening more and more because of the extreme boringness of lowlevels and not finding groups redside Freedom)
    Scroll down to the forums for individual servers, and in the section for Freedom, look up the current active Global chat Channels for Freedom. Depending on the time of day you play, there's probably a few groups that wouldn't mind an extra hand.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Robotech_Master View Post
    There's a chance of getting a shard whenever you fight even-con or better mobs (I think it's even-con or better, it might be blue or better)
    Pretty sure it is even con or better.... BUT! due to the way that level shifts apply, if you are 50+1, lvl 50 minions can still drop shards, despite being blue to you.
  25. There is one unlockable; the Patented Potent Pistol from the steampunk pack. The two steampunk weapons need to be added to the Weapon Customization page.

    EDIT: beaten to the punch.