Regeneration Question
Lets start off on the side:
The server ticks every ~0.132 seconds, see ParagonWiki's article on ArcanaTime. But, this is largely academic wrt regeneration. It's small enough that it generally doesn't matter if you're not min/maxing, and most people only ever consider it impacts activation times (when in reality it should impact many other things- but not enough to really care, the server might also jiggle the numbers around to account for the ticks as well).
Increasing the amount of regen you have would not increase the amount of time between "ticks", quite the opposite! Higher regen = faster tick rate (just watch a Scrapper pop Instant Healing!).
I'm not sure the formula exactly, but it generally works like this:
Result = Base / (1+Buffs)
Not sure what 'base' would be in this case, but 'buffs' would be the combined value of all the +regen buffs you have (don't forget to include Health!).
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Thanks Kitsune.
Does that therefore mean that the hp/sec rate quoted in-game is therefore technically misleading?
If you're looking at (for example) 7 seconds between health ticks you're going to get 0 HP/sec for 6 seconds then a chunk on the seventh? Basically the stats average out your regen on a per-second basis.

Thanks Kitsune.
Does that therefore mean that the hp/sec rate quoted in-game is therefore technically misleading? If you're looking at (for example) 7 seconds between health ticks you're going to get 0 HP/sec for 6 seconds then a chunk on the seventh? Basically the stats average out your regen on a per-second basis. -H |
X hp/s
Rather than
#% max hp / Y seconds
"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"
For a long time everyone worked off the "regen percentage": you get 100% back in 240 seconds with no bonus regen, another 40% with unslotted Health, another 980% with slotted Adrenaline Burst, etc.
This math throws people off: ask 10 guys in Atlas Park if a 30% Regenerative Tissue unique is "good for my character", get 10 different answers.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Lets start off on the side:
The server ticks every ~0.132 seconds, see ParagonWiki's article on ArcanaTime. But, this is largely academic wrt regeneration. |
Regeneration probably happens on a faster clock, and in fact we know there are processes that can occur faster than the 0.125 second clock. When Castle oopsied Indominable Will and turned it into an accidental ultra-fast heal, I measured the healing ticks as coming about 8.5 times per second, or about one every 0.115 seconds. That's how fast the game engine can apply an effect when its told "do this continuously." Its also possible regeneration ticks can occur even faster than that, because certain DoT effects occur in as little as 0.1 seconds on average - but the game sometimes does some odd averaging of the rate when things get that fast, so that might be approaching the fastest the game engine can perform a process.
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So, if, as the OP said (also shown on Paragon Wiki) the base regen gives 5% every 12 seconds for players, then a character with, say, 300% regen (per Mids) would have his regen clock tick 3X faster, or every 4 seconds?
+Regen decreases time between ticks of regen. +HP increases the size of each tick.

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.
Thanks for all the replies. It's helped!
So if I were to publish a guide on this (to show what I've learned), how does this look?
Regeneration for the Common (Wo)man
This is not so much a guide as a help feature for those who don't understand regeneration.
For some reason, I understand Recharge. I understand Endurance recovery. But I could never get my head around Regeneration. Stamina, for example, is a good benchmark. Pre-innate Fitness, you knew how much of a difference Stamina made when you took it at 20. But I never really "felt" the difference Health made.
Mainly I think that's because "tough" toons are tough. You expect them to be able to withstand damage. Squishy toons are squishy. When they pull a group of mobs, that health bar can go down (mitigation aside) quite fast. Apart from on a /Regen toon, the speed your health comes back is only noticeable when you self-heal, or when you rest.
When you're building a toon, those regeneration bonuses look quite hefty. But how much of a difference do they actually make?
Thanks here to those that replied to my Regen questions thread here and also to Plasmic's Regeneration Guide which set me off down this road.
For the tl;dr crowd, download my spreadsheet and play.
For the rest of you...
Regeneration works by healing a portion of your health every x seconds. At its base level (numbers from City of Data) it's 25% of your health every minute. In-game this results in 5% of your Health every 12 seconds.
And this is where it gets confusing. The "real numbers" quote hp/sec regeneration rates, but all this does is give you an idea of your regen rate, because what actually happens, is that (at base) you get NO health back for eleven seconds, then a huge tick of health on the 12th second.
Example - With no regen bonuses, and a single 50 Healing IO in Health (assuming a level 50 scrapper) your HP/sec rate is about 8.6. What actually happens is you get a tick every 7.8 seconds which heals 67HP - That same character with 165% regen bonus and a 13% HP bonus from sets/slotted health has a hp/sec rate of 16.7. In reality they get a tick every 4.5 seconds for 75.6HP |
Increasing your Regeneration will reduce the time between ticks. Increasing your HP will increase the amount of health you get back with each tick. |
I built a spreadsheet.
It works in conjunction with Mids and you can play with it in several ways.
To Use it...
Change the AT in cell B4 to whatever your AT is. This will populate your base HP, capped HP and regen caps into the sheet.
You can then fill out columns f & k with your various bonuses - be they set bonuses from IO sets, or powers that increase HP.
If you want to do it quickly, just take the summaries from Mids and plop them in.
-You can change the "Number of" to 0 to remove them from the calculations. This quickly allows you to see the real effect of removing/adding something
-The "Before" numbers assume a single 50 Healing IO in Health and nothing more, so don't forget to add Health back in.
-You can also just add percentages to the column to watch the regen rates change if you had a goal (for example) of 1 tick every second. You then know how much regen you need to build for in order to get that rate.
B16/17 and B22/23 then show you the output in terms of how often you get a regen tick, and how much HP is healed with each tick. I've also included what the game should say is your HP/sec rates for comparison. The spreadsheet also takes into account you hitting HP or Regen caps.
If you chart this, it's not particularly scintillating, and is very basic maths, but you can see how the need for more regeneration is exponential to the time between ticks. This chart is irrespective of AT, as it only affects the time between ticks rather than the the amount you heal (which will differ depending on AT)
And zoomed in a bit...
Hopefully this will help understanding of Regeneration!
Lastly, I apologise for the .xls format of the spreadsheet to those without Excel. I did try converting it to Google Docs but it broke my cell validation list. If someone else wants to convert it - feel free! The calculations aren't that hard.
Download link to spreadsheet here

I have a question on regen...
In game, your regen rate is quoted in hp/sec.
In a guide I can't locate right now, it stated that you get 5% of your health back every "tick" - where a "tick" is x seconds depending on your regen.
How does it work? Every second, you get X hit points? Or is it every x seconds you get 5% of your hp back?
Reason I ask is that I'm trying to figure out the "real" benefit to +Regen in IO builds. My regen is currently set to tick off every 4.1 seconds. If I drop 30% worth of regen bonusses (i.e. 3 x 2-slotted LOTG) it drops the tick to 4.65 seconds.
Now if the server clock runs (for example) in 1 second increments, there is no real difference. In fact, the granularity of that clock can make quite a difference to your slotting choices when you actually discover what those breakpoints are. In the above example, there would be no difference between 4.1 seconds and 4.99, which would equate to a waste of roughly 45% worth of regen "bonus".
Of course, if your hp are awarded on a hp/sec basis, that's a completely different matter. I'm fairly sure it doesn't work this way though.
Many thanks for any answers to this!