Most relaxing build
Mind control. I can put everyone to sleep.
... or is that not what you meant?
I enjoy Illusion Control. Well what I actually REALLY enjoy is Deceive. Sure it affects your XP rate a bit but making Embalmed Cadavers and Abominations blow up their own comrades; have Sky Raider Force Field Generators protect you; have a Troll punch out their barrel of explosives; and it gets funnier EVERY TIME I SEE IT [/Beetlejuice].
Slot it with recharge, range and confuse duration and you can get affect lieutenants. I've coupled it with Kinetics so I can milk a critter for healing (Deceive and then use Transfusion). I remember towing around a low level Vahz during the Dr. Vahz mission to use as a healing mule.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
Illusion is defintely pretty good for killing slowly but reliably. I haven't really compared it much with mind; they both have confusion effects, but I haven't really compared them.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
my most relaxing toon is my perma mind dom, going through entire mishs using confuse and mass confuse is just very enjoyable to me (albeit it is low reward because im rarely killing anything)

Okay, we've seen most-fun, we've seen fastest, we've seen best farming, heck, we've even seen "most colorable powers and auras". (I asked, and Captain Chroma is now a dark/dark tanker.)
What's relaxing? Say you're going to solo. What do you play if you want a mellow, relaxing, evening of punching dudes in the face, shooting them, or whatever, without spending a lot of time watching your insp tray or mashing buttons? |
Note: your secondary will vary relax ratio, but for soloing, there's nothing better (to my mind) than mm's. And I say that with my main as an ice/ice blaster. Nothing relaxing about her, though, she's hands on and tactical thinking all the way (also quite fun, of course).
I do have a bots/traps. Relaxing at x1, but also sort of pointless. Though amusing. If I go up to x8 or so, it is no longer boring, but it's sort of alternating boring and way too exciting.
If you can stand it, a Granite Tank can be a Zen experience. With Ice Melee for the true hardcore Zen masters.
Also, anything with a damage aura and good defense. Just walk in and watch things die, while you go and enjoy your nice cup of tea, check out that webpage on rock gardens, practice yoga, etc.
TW/Elec Optimization
I'm not sure how to describe the way in which the bots/traps is... "boring" rather than "relaxing". I think it's just that there's nothing at all to do, or what to do suddenly starts mattering a lot. What I like about tankers is that in general, there's stuff to do, but one weak secondary attack is about as good as another.
What I've been doing lately is a duo with my alt account - it's a bot/ff I'm necro/dark... The ff buffs help keep the zombies alive when they go pants-on-head stupid, and all I have to do is set everyone on aggressive and walk into the next spawn. (if I want to speed things up, I just tarpatch and fearsome stare)
Running at +0/x5 is relaxing.. I could probably deal with x8 groups easily, but depending on the enemy type and map... things sometimes get a bit hairy as it stands. Almost impossible to keep all 12-13 pets from aggroing an extra group or two in some rooms, and a spawn worth of extra longbow nullifiers/wardens at the wrong time can be deadly.
"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"
I enjoy Illusion Control. Well what I actually REALLY enjoy is Deceive. Sure it affects your XP rate a bit but making Embalmed Cadavers and Abominations blow up their own comrades; have Sky Raider Force Field Generators protect you; have a Troll punch out their barrel of explosives; and it gets funnier EVERY TIME I SEE IT [/Beetlejuice].
- Watching spawns die when Nictus Crystals explode on the ITF
- Watching War Walkers call Orbital Strikes on their own people.
- Watching everything summoned by a <Carnie Master Illusionist, MM type npc, Demon summoning portal> proceed to attack said portal/boss/master.
- Watch any NPC being the last one standing just stand there and take whatever you give them (my friend with a Mind dom loves to do this to Ghost Widow on the STF).
- Lock down a ton of NPCs that are nearly Hold Immune, but Confuse vulnerable (Screw you Fortunata Mistresses).
- Get healed by any healing NPC
I've always had a not so secret goal to confuse a rezzer just as something else kills me and get rezzed by them, but I'm told that can't happen. Ah well.
Sure it affects your XP rate |
However, you kill things quicker, you stay safer, you have less downtime, and thus you get through missions faster and get more done in less combat time. Thus, your xp rate is improved by Confusion.
I realize your statement was a throw away comment and you didn't mean to make confusion look bad. But this "Confuse nerfs your xp" is an old meme and I tend to try and crush it whenever I see it.
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
If you use confuse a lot, you get less XP per kill, but more XP per minute, so it's overall pretty useful.
I am looking longingly at ill/time. I know ill/rad is awesome, and I even like /rad sometimes, but ill/rad is just not clicking for me somehow.
If I want something really relaxing, I take my claws/elec scrapper into a particular AE mission. It's a farm map, with huge ambush waves of stompy robots, and I sit in the middle of them and Followup/Spin and nom insps as they rain down. I find it very calming. For a while, dealing with the tickets was a pain, but now I just leave the character ticket capped and don't worry about them.
Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.
You want relaxing...Ill give you relaxing.
One of my main is a Mind/Psi (Perma Dom) who is suffering from a sleep disorder where she is 98% of the time asleep.
Her sleep powers are purpled out and on a mega recharge. When things are not sleeping...or held, confused or what ever else she wants to do to them...I use the AFK emote and RP like Im passed out.
You wont get more relaxing than that.
Hands down my sm/wp brute. Even before he was IO'd if I only had 20 minutes to play and just wanted to have a fun time smashing things I could take a Council paper mission, set it to x8, and just wade through worry and stress free as the enemies fell before me.
I still do that. If I haven't played the game in about a week he is the first character I log in, and Archon Leery is the first guy he spikes into the ground with Seismic Smash for mission completion.
Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."
You want relaxing...Ill give you relaxing.
One of my main is a Mind/Psi (Perma Dom) who is suffering from a sleep disorder where she is 98% of the time asleep. Her sleep powers are purpled out and on a mega recharge. When things are not sleeping...or held, confused or what ever else she wants to do to them...I use the AFK emote and RP like Im passed out. You wont get more relaxing than that. |
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
If you use confuse a lot, you get less XP per kill, but more XP per minute, so it's overall pretty useful.
I am looking longingly at ill/time. I know ill/rad is awesome, and I even like /rad sometimes, but ill/rad is just not clicking for me somehow. |
I already have a name reserved for my Ill/Time controller.
Deceive, if used actively and smartly, will not result in any kind of significant reduction in XP earned. (The term "lose XP" is wrong because you never earned it.) However, if you want to Deceive things and then sit back and watch . . . you WILL earn less XP, mostly because you are sitting around and watching the foes kill each other.
LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
Babysitting Domination (and Hasten, if I've chosen to take it) makes Dominators one of the least relaxing ATs to play for me.
Oddly, the most relaxed feeling I've been getting these days has been from my Stalker. Walk up, hit, kill, placate and run. Wait... walk up, hit, kill... it's kind of zen.
The game ends at 50.

Do not ever give Mind Control a pet.

My characters are not "toons".

Global chat @Lxndr My servers: Defiant, Liberty, Pinnacle, Virtue

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control
Okay, we've seen most-fun, we've seen fastest, we've seen best farming, heck, we've even seen "most colorable powers and auras". (I asked, and Captain Chroma is now a dark/dark tanker.)
What's relaxing? Say you're going to solo. What do you play if you want a mellow, relaxing, evening of punching dudes in the face, shooting them, or whatever, without spending a lot of time watching your insp tray or mashing buttons?