Praetoria, Ouroboros, Random Questions, Side Switching...




Been playing a new character while I wait for Issue 21 and had some questions:

1) Does Praetoria have any hidden contacts? (Like in COV that can be unlocked)

2) Exactly how many contacts are there in Praetoria that a character can get? NOTE: Not the total amount but assuming you don't out level a contact how many can you experience?

3) I have notice that on some of the contacts (Loyalist) it says about reporting back to Calvin Scott if you are a Resistance, do Resistance members get the exact same contacts as Loyalists? Or do they get any different story arcs?

4) With the branching system, do the choices lead to different contacts or can you experience them all in one play through?

5) Does Ouroboros allow you go to back and do the other arcs in Praetoria? Or can you do your own arcs again?

6) How does Ouroboros work in regards to side switching? Once you side switch does it unlock all the arcs for the other side?

7) Lore about Praetoria... I may have leveled too fast but it seems like I only got pieces of the Praetoria storyline. (Not asking for spoilers) I encountered Maelstorm just once and haven't seen the Demon Summoning girl. Did I miss arcs or are their stories more fleshed out?



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
5) Does Ouroboros allow you go to back and do the other arcs in Praetoria? Or can you do your own arcs again?
Not at this time

6) How does Ouroboros work in regards to side switching? Once you side switch does it unlock all the arcs for the other side?
Wiki page with list of villain arcs available through Ouro.

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1. No.
2. Approximately 40. Some of the contacts are only there to introduce you to other contacts though. (e.g. Provost Marchand and Calvin Scott don't give a lot of their own missions, they supplement other contacts' missions and introduce you to new contacts)
3. All characters can do all contacts, regardless of alignment. Alignment can change what a character can do within a story arc (tattle-telling, etc.)
4. You can do them all if you're careful. Some contacts can be removed from the game based on character decisions.
5. No. Praetoria is not available in Ouro.
6. There are two Ouros: One is available to Heroes and Vigilantes and one is available to Villains and Rogues. When you side switch, you get access to the other side's version automagically.
7. Maelstrom and Desdemona actually show up more in Tip missions than Praetoria. Otherwise, there is a ton of Praetorian storyline in the missions in Praetoria.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



1. no

2. each alignment has 2 series' of contacts you can run to follow an arc (usually about 2 contacts per lvl range)

3. resistance has its own contacts, but they can also do "undercover" mishs so you run the loyalist mishs but you report back to calvin scott which furthers the resistance portion of the arc

4. for praetorians its unlikely to get every contact on your own unless you turn off xp for awhile and would involve constantly switching between loyalist and resistance to get all of the arcs

5. no, not yet

6. yes if your in the proper lvl range, there are technically 2 version of ouroboros, a hero ouroboros and a villain ouroboros, when you change alignments you change which ouroboros you go to (and hence you change which mishs are available to you)

7. i would think that you may have missed some arcs, i dont remember if desdemona shows up at all in praetorian mishs, i know maelstrom does because of his teleporter thing



Desdemona really doesn't have much if anything to do with Praeotria.

Maelstrom does, but that's because he gets sent there prior to "your" start in praeotira, and ends up switching side to Cole.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
2. Approximately 40. Some of the contacts are only there to introduce you to other contacts though. (e.g. Provost Marchand and Calvin Scott don't give a lot of their own missions, they supplement other contacts' missions and introduce you to new contacts)
Calvin Scott is a regular contact, as well as an "introducer" like Marchand.




Ok another question, what is with teaming now? It auto sidekicks and auto exemplars everyone to the level of the leader? Is there a way to turn this off?

Its just fairly annoying if I want to lead a task force because it puts everyone on my level so if I am not at the max of the TF it puts everyone at a disadvantage. Do exemplars still not get exp?



A good guide for Praetoria is Zombie_Man's Plots of the Four Tracks Guide.
It's one of the few threads saved from the coming GR forum purge. It will help a lot.

As to your questions about the current state of Sidekicking, I'll refer you to the Wiki on that.

Thank you for the time...

@Travlr (Main) / @Tymers Realm (Test)

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Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Ok another question, what is with teaming now? It auto sidekicks and auto exemplars everyone to the level of the leader? Is there a way to turn this off?

Its just fairly annoying if I want to lead a task force because it puts everyone on my level so if I am not at the max of the TF it puts everyone at a disadvantage. Do exemplars still not get exp?
Auto SK/Exemp is unalterable. You pop the star to the person of the level you want but they will get set down if the max of the TF if the starred person is higher.

Exemplars can get XP if they have that setting turned on in options (and they aren't level 50). It is get xp versus double influence, no exp.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Ok another question, what is with teaming now? It auto sidekicks and auto exemplars everyone to the level of the leader? Is there a way to turn this off?

Its just fairly annoying if I want to lead a task force because it puts everyone on my level so if I am not at the max of the TF it puts everyone at a disadvantage. Do exemplars still not get exp?
It was changed a while back so that you can get XP while exemplared. that said, most people do like to run any given tackforce at the maximum level available for it (because powers taken up to 5 levels above your exemplared level stay active. If you ex down to 20, you can keep using your lvl22 and 24 power picks). One clear advantage of the Super-Sidekick feature is that you no longer have to have a high level character on the team for each low-level one, occasionally screwing over one of the low levels if their partner DC's.

And just because you don't have the star does not mean you can't 'lead' the taskforce. The person with the star is just the one who has to run to/call the contact. Unless you want to read the text - in which case, the best advice I can give you is to keep a browser open to the taskforce's wiki page in the background (or on a second monitor if one is available). Most TFs have all the text copied to the wiki.

"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Ok another question, what is with teaming now? It auto sidekicks and auto exemplars everyone to the level of the leader?
It auto sidekicks/exemplar to the level of the leader by default, if no mission is set. Once a mission is selected, the auto sidekick/exemplar will change to match the level of the mission.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Originally Posted by SerialBeggar View Post
It auto sidekicks/exemplar to the level of the leader by default, if no mission is set. Once a mission is selected, the auto sidekick/exemplar will change to match the level of the mission holder.
Fixed for accuracy. If the mission is grey to the mission holder, it will likely be grey to everyone on the team as well. It is possible for the sidekicks to get the occasional blue-con though if the mission holder is at the right level compared with the mission.

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Originally Posted by SerialBeggar View Post
It auto sidekicks/exemplar to the level of the leader by default, if no mission is set. Once a mission is selected, the auto sidekick/exemplar will change to match the level of the mission.
Minor point: sidekicks actually are set to one level below the level of the mission holder.



Originally Posted by Red_Raccoon View Post
Minor point: sidekicks actually are set to one level below the level of the mission holder.
Unless the team is a TF, and the leader is above the max level for the TF. Then everyone is adjusted down to the leader's level, or up to the leader's level-1, and then everyone is adjusted down to the max for the TF.

So if the TF caps at 40, and the leader is 41 or higher, everyone will fight at 40.




Ok yet another question:

In the LFG finder, what do the color of the names dictate? I see there are yellow, purple, and orange names. What do these mean?

Also will the finder show ALL people regardless of alignment?



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Ok yet another question:

In the LFG finder, what do the color of the names dictate? I see there are yellow, purple, and orange names. What do these mean?

Also will the finder show ALL people regardless of alignment?
will only show all alignments if you are in a co op zone

heres the info from the wiki:
Search Results
Hitting the "Search" button will display a list of all visible characters that match the currently specified criteria. Each result returned by the search will indicate the character's team preference, security or threat level, archetype, origin, name, current location, and search comment. With issue 18, names are colour-coded to indicate status:

Jade green: Same team as you

Red: They have 'not looking for group' set

Yellow: They can't be invited to team with you because they're on a mission map or in an arena match

Orange: They're the opposite faction to you and not on a mixed team, so you have to go to their map to team with them

Violet: They're the leader of a team with less than 8 people on it

Pale blue: They're not on a team and you can invite them

Green/grey: They're on a team but not the leader, so you can't invite them and they can't invite you



I know that this may seem like tootling my own horn, since I admin for it, but the ParagonWiki can answer most of your questions here. or (some workplaces block one but allow the other!)

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
7) Lore about Praetoria... I may have leveled too fast but it seems like I only got pieces of the Praetoria storyline. (Not asking for spoilers) I encountered Maelstorm just once and haven't seen the Demon Summoning girl. Did I miss arcs or are their stories more fleshed out?
Desdemona (the demon summoning girl) does not appear in any praetorian related content to the best of my knowledge. She and Maelstrom were the poster kids for Going Rogue, but neither is a native of Praetoria. Maelstrom shows up fairly often there though. Getting the full picture of what's going on really takes all the major arcs.
