bugs or myths
I can't say I've ever noticed any of those issues.
Only thing that sounds remotely applicable to me would be the insp lag, but that only happens during intense raids for me.
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
targeting never heard of, the inspirations i have noticed seems to have like a 1 sec delay on applying their effect as ive monitored my attributes and popped insp. the last thing is usually caused by server lag, if you are alone then idk

With the targeting is it possible you accidentally hit whatever button you've bound to target_next (tab by default) or target_closest? I've done that myself a time or two; also I occasionally line up a cone, the target dies as I hit the attack and I lock onto a loner behind me and let fly with the cone.
Inspirations don't take effect instantly; greens heal you but you can take damage faster than the heal gives it back, purples boost your def but an enemy who's queued an attack as you pop it gets to make his attack roll before the insp takes effect and so forth.
Power recharge lag is usually caused by server side lag; Rikti Invasions, Mothership Raids and the third mission of the ITF are classic cases of this. Any time there's lots of players and/or enemies in a relatively close area with lots of power effects going off you're likely to get server lag.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes
In reverse order (because that's how I thought of answers to them):
Re: your recharge problem - I think what you are saying is that you use a power, and the power shrinks to minimum size and just stays that size? Thus never recharging, and being unusable? I have encounted that one a couple times myself. Thankfully it was during a hospital run, and not in mid combat, and the issue resolved on zoning back into the mission. I would say it's a bug, but I don't know why it would be happening.
Re: inspiration lag - do you mean it takes a moment to 'eat' the inspiration after you click it, or that it takes a moment to apply the effect after it is eaten? If the first, Inspirations are basically one shot powers, and as such cannot take effect while another power is animating. They queue up the same way you can queue an attack power. If you select a second attack while it's queued, you'll cancel the queue on the Inspiration. If your problem is the second, then I don't know why that would happen either unless server lag is involved (and hope I wasn't too condescending sounding in the first case explanation - I have no idea how long you've been playing).
Re: targeting - .....I got nuttin.
Champion 50s (blueside): Marc Bridge, Nicole Bridge, Fred Blaze, Colleen Storms, Sun's Chariot, Moon's Huntress, Point of Pride
Guardian 50s (redside): Connie Mand
AE arc: Spirit Plane Invasion, #29282, @Honbrid
The recharge/inspiration issue, thats the server at the moment. Seems like this since the latests 'hotfix', today there will be another major upgrade, hopefully they fix this.
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
With the targeting is it possible you accidentally hit whatever button you've bound to target_next (tab by default) or target_closest? I've done that myself a time or two; also I occasionally line up a cone, the target dies as I hit the attack and I lock onto a loner behind me and let fly with the cone.
Theres a few things I swear are bugs, but maybe its just me. Has anyone noticed before:
Targetting: Im targeting the boss, pull off one of my super duper moves, and all of a sudden the target is on a minion or something (no the same boss isnt dead) Inspiration lag: Seems like forever for a inspiration to be used, enough time to die Power recharge: Sometimes with no rec debuffs (I monitor recharge) my powers are frozen, not recharging at all, with the exception of maybe one or two Are there any others I might be missing? Is it just in my head? The last one I havent noticed in a few day it might have been fixed? |
Inspiration: Make sure you don't have powers queued up to fire off. Inspirations can not be used during a power's animation and a queued up power will take priority over inspiration use. (This one sometimes gets me killed.)
Power Recharge: I got nuthin' for ya on that one.
On targets: There's at least one boss in a villain tip mission (I don't remember the name of the mission or the boss) that has a placate power making them impossible to target temporarily. There may be others.
If your target placated you then you'd instantly swap targets to the nearest enemy and be unable to go back to your original target for a few seconds... he'd show up as an invalid target.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
I think those experiences could all be explained, here's my take on them:
Targetting: My experience has been that if you try to do something like place Rain of Fire, you might get "too excited" and target a location and click the left mouse button to place it. That can cause you to lose focus on your target and either result in no target or whatever is in front of your mouse cursor. This can happen with teleport as well, for example. Doesn't sound like what you describe, but I've had it happen. Other common things would be to press the Tab accidentally (if you have it set to target). Do you click powers with a mouse or activate them with the numpad or keyboard?
[Im targeting the boss, pull off one of my super duper moves, and all of a sudden the target is on a minion or something (no the same boss isnt dead)]
Inspiration lag: This is usually because you have something queued, if you're in heavy power spam mode, or trying to toggle on a couple leaderships right before dying, or just in a really long animation, you can click inspirations or press F keys til you're blue in the face and nothing happens. It can be a feedback cycle. You activate, immediately press F1 nothing happens so you hit another power, press F1, nothing happens, etc. The first time you were animating, the second time you queued. If you attack then F1, the inspiration will be queued. Be patient enough and it will trigger, then attack again.
[Seems like forever for a inspiration to be used, enough time to die]
Power recharge: This is a bug, but in my experience the power is really still recharging (check your Combat chat), just not animating like it does. Sometimes a zone load or recharge affecting power will make it appear normal again. I've had powers stuck in circling activation mode long after used as well as powers that are tiny and look like recharging but are actually ready for use and I can activate them. So, I think it's a bug, but not a game breaker. I recall seeing this particularly on old school Hami raids, mothership raids, etc. Not sure how common it still is.
[Sometimes with no rec debuffs (I monitor recharge) my powers are frozen, not recharging at all, with the exception of maybe one or two]
Ive gotten the insp lag and the powers seemingly not recharging. I'd love the bosses-suddenly-turning-into-minions bug though.
Neither bugs or myths imo, I think most of us has experience all three at one time or another, unless the lag is real bad, hopefully, not all three at the same time.
The targetting one is rarer than the other two though, in my experience the DE bosses (Spirits of Death, Pain etc.) are the worst for this, as Mega says it all depends on what you are fighting.
There is always a lot to be thankful for, if you take the time to look. For example, I'm sitting here thinking how nice it is that wrinkles don't hurt. ~Author Unknown
I think Paragon Protectors can placate also.
<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]
And another BUG I CANT STAND. Typed up a big reply hit submit and Im not logged in anymore. Yay!
Re: your recharge problem - I think what you are saying is that you use a power, and the power shrinks to minimum size and just stays that size? Thus never recharging, and being unusable? I have encounted that one a couple times myself. Thankfully it was during a hospital run, and not in mid combat, and the issue resolved on zoning back into the mission. I would say it's a bug, but I don't know why it would be happening. |
As for targeting, I do use Tab or Alt and once I do have a target targetted, I use the number keys to spam my powers. I could chalk it up to me accidentally hitting tab and changing the target, but I dont know why all of a sudden I suffer from fat fingers. Happened on different toons too so its not a key setup problem.
Inspirations was most like a power queue problem, and not be able to eat 12 at once

And another BUG I CANT STAND. Typed up a big reply hit submit and Im not logged in anymore. Yay!

"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"
It's called lag (the targeting this is called accidentally changing your target
Yeah, forum logout bug has been around for waaay too long
![]() |
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
It's called lag
![]() ![]() Extra tip: You don't need notepad open, just ctrl+a, ctrl+c (cmd+a, cmd+c on a mac, IIRC)... ctrl+a selects the full contents of the text edit, ctrl+c copies! You can pull off this super sekret ninja technique in a billionth of a second, due to the close proximity of the a and c keys! |
"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"
Theres a few things I swear are bugs, but maybe its just me. Has anyone noticed before:
Targetting: Im targeting the boss, pull off one of my super duper moves, and all of a sudden the target is on a minion or something (no the same boss isnt dead)
Inspiration lag: Seems like forever for a inspiration to be used, enough time to die
Power recharge: Sometimes with no rec debuffs (I monitor recharge) my powers are frozen, not recharging at all, with the exception of maybe one or two
Are there any others I might be missing? Is it just in my head? The last one I havent noticed in a few day it might have been fixed?