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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
    I'm still waiting on an Elec Mastery for Controllers.
  2. Supernumiphone

    SG is calling!

    I always presume that it is a generic excuse, but I'm sure some small percentage of the time it is actually true.

    The best response I've seen so far was on a trial league recently. "That's weird that guy calls his mom 'my SG'."
  3. The new Propel isn't great DPA, it just isn't abysmal anymore. As to which assault set would actually benefit from including it in attack chains, I don't know. Maybe Thorns? Maybe none.
  4. I think a hammer animation could be done that would fit withing the existing time for Seismic Smash. I kind of doubt I'd use it, but I'm all for more options. I love the existing animation. It's not that impressive when it's used for other powers but with the sound and the extra GFX, it's damn cool. If a hammer animation could be done that would retain that super smashy feel, I think that'd be just swell.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    Also, why should Doms ever have a set Controllers don't get for Primary?
    How about if I flip that around for you?

    Also, why should Controllers ever have a set Doms don't get for Primary?
  6. Yeah Fearsome Stare, Tar Patch, apply damage.
  7. I've seen it happen many times. I'm not sure what causes it though. One person on a league I was in seemed to think it was a combination of hitting him with a Pac 'nade as soon as he spawns, and stacking immobs on him. I don't know, but some leagues seemed to be able to do it consistently, so presumably it should be possible to reproduce consistently if you can figure out how.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
    Recluse's orders in the strike force are specifically for you to kidnap, not kill, Ms. Liberty.
    In the cut scene at the beginning of the final mission of the LRSF, Statesman is talking about her in the past tense. If she is only injured and likely to recover that seems a little strange. Like something out of Monty Python.

    Statesman: "Noooo! Ms. Liberty stood only for justice!"
    Ms. Liberty: "I'm not dead yet."
    Statesman: "Her life is slipping away!"
    Ms. Liberty: "I'm feeling much better."
  9. I've wanted the kitty/panda available for male models for some time as well.

    Also cigars for womens please.
  10. Supernumiphone

    Life on Exalted?

    It depends on what you're looking for. There's less population than some of the more popular servers, so there are less TFs running, harder to get on iTrials, etc. than you may be used to depending on what your main server is.
  11. Supernumiphone


    To put it more simply, what it seems to me it does to the mob AI is the same thing that fear powers do, like Fearsome Stare for example. If you have experience with fear powers you know that although the mobs do get to attack occasionally, most of the time they just stand there cowering. So it lowers their rate of fire.

    Caltrops does the same thing, except instead of standing and cowering, the mobs are running very slowly. They occasionally stop and take a shot at you, then go back to running.
  12. Supernumiphone


    On my /Nin I mostly use Caltrops when things get too ugly. If I'm taking damage too fast, or my defense is debuffed, I throw down Caltrops and almost without fail that brings the level of incoming damage down to a level that I can manage. There's no doubt that the power provides great mitigation.

    I also like that it has so many other potential uses, like the examples others have given. It's a somewhat situational power, but there are a wide range of situations where it can be useful in one way or another. It allows for more creative problem solving than the standard "apply damage." One of these days I need to put together a build with a fully procced 'trops just so I can see what that's like.
  13. I'd say on SOs Invuln can feel like you're either, well, invulnerable, or like you have no defenses at all. The very high smashing/lethal resistances mean that against enemies that do that type of damage, you can just stand and LOL at them. On the other hand, against enemies that do pure elemental damage you can find yourself relying on Dull Pain and inspirations a lot. The defense helps, but if you're not layering power pool defenses and IOs on top you will get unlucky streaks fairly often, and your resistances against elemental damage is quite low.

    I think the primary reason for Invuln's popularity is that you can put together a build that is softcapped against at least S/L/E/N (and F/C if you really want) with one foe in range. That kind of defense backed by even meager resistances gives you pretty strong survivability. When you're going up against S/L dealing foes and you're softcapped to their damage and have very high resistance to their damage, well not many sets can get that kind of mitigation. Stoners get it in Granite, but with a high (to me anyway) cost.
  14. For future reference you might want to notice that on the creation screen the ones you already have are highlighted somewhat relative to the ones you do not. Depending on how you look at it, you may see it instead as all the ones you don't have being somewhat greyed out, and the ones you do being normal. Once you know what to look for you can avoid that same mistake in the future.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    My Bots/Traps Mastermind can't fight an elite boss without said elite boss taking off running about four times for seemingly no reason.
    That's the traps, not the MM. Specifically Acid Mortar. It seems to cause enemies to flee, and when they flee they don't mess about. They flee and flee, then flee some more. Then they finally come back, take another shot from the Acid Mortar, and do it all over again. It's one of the things that keeps me from rolling another trapper.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DJ_pl0x View Post
    I have plenty of time between now and 50 to gain 70 hero/villain merits with my brute to buy both procs.
    I don't know how you go about leveling, but in case it's useful I usually have between 20 and 25 alignment merits by the time I hit 50. I mostly solo up to level 35. I do story arcs mostly until I get tips. Once I've done my five tips for that character, I log out. So in many ways I'd guess I have a fairly high amerit/xp earning ratio.

    That does change once I hit 35 as I start joining ITFs when I can, so my leveling speeds up. I still run my 5 tips at the end of whatever TF I run.

    Running an SSA once a week will bump that up some of course. Even so, unless you really slow down your leveling and make it all about earning amerits, I doubt you'll have more than enough to buy one of the procs by the time you hit 50. So you might want to prioritize. Pick the one that's most important or valuable to the build and set the other as a long-term goal.

    Edit: doh I just saw that you are going to be earning the amerits with a different character. That doesn't actually change much though. Alignment merit earning is largely time gated. Unless you really take your time getting to 50 you won't have the amerits. You could speed it up a bit by using two characters to earn enough for one proc each, but I'd say you still will be unlikely to have the procs when you ding 50 unless you level quite slowly.
  17. Supernumiphone

    Question on EM

    EM does decent damage for what it is. It's not in the bottom tier of sets, so if you want to play it, do so.
  18. I've never been a big time badger but I did have one toon that I was slowly working on badges with. The iTrial badges have finally killed badging for me completely, for mostly the reasons others have already given.

    The trial badges often require activities that run counter to completing the trial. Because of this the badgers tend to do badge runs when the trials first come out and if you miss that initial wave, you're probably never getting those badges. No one else wants to perform the badge requirements. They just want to get their emp/salvage and move on.

    Then there is the fact that one person can, intentionally or through ignorance, kill a badge run for 23 other people. The best part is that in some cases you can't even tell who did it, which means you can't try again because you can't exclude the griefer.

    So yeah I'm done. I'll still help others with badges occasionally but even for me badge run iTrials are usually a waste of time. Best of luck to those of you who are sticking with it.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
    imo they did a terribad job on StJ's sounds.
    Yeah this is why I haven't rolled a StJ toon yet. Every time I team with one and hear those sounds it kills any enthusiasm I've built up since the last time I teamed with one.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
    There's no LOGICAL reason to play Sonic over Thermal right now, period. Only concepts and roleplayers will play Sonic Resonance, in a world where Thermal Radiation exists.
    I play Sonic Resonance because I want mez protection and debuffs, and it's the only set that offers both. I do so with full awareness that I'm giving up performance to get those things. Seems logical enough to me.
  21. Aside from the purple patch, AVs also heavily resist -tohit. So -tohit becomes less and less valuable compared to +defense when you face higher level foes and/or AVs. AVs will pretty much just laugh at your tohit debuffs.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
    While Lethal will usually end up doing less damage than other types, it's wrong to say too bad so sad for people that have already picked the powerset, especially since a lot of people have made their character and leveled it up several years ago when the game was very different and it didn't matter as much as it does now.
    Have that many new mobs been added with high lethal resistances? I remember noticing them even with my first Stalker back in I6 (clawls). Council robots were a real *****. People have been complaining about it for as long as I can remember. I don't see it as a new phenomenon.

    Anyway the devs have resisted making any concessions to powersets that deal highly resisted damage types up until now. I don't expect that to change.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StrykerX View Post
    (Oil Slick suggests "killed by damage type X" is a valid trigger, but that doesn't mean "killed by one of these specific powers" is)
    The Oil Slick lights when the target is defeated, regardless of the type of damage that defeated it. It happens to be immune to all types of damage except fire and energy though, so in practice you need one of those two types to do it. It doesn't trigger based on the damage type though, just on defeat. In theory if you had access to unresistable damage you could light it with that.